i'm really only human

Chapter 287 Yongqi

Chapter 287 Yongqi
Break limit +100

Feedback about Jia Tou Shun's demise instantly flooded into his mind.

There is no clearing and settlement like other copies.

Having had an experience before, Xia Chuan was not too surprised and quickly gathered his thoughts.

Without immediately canceling the transformation, Xia Chuan shifted his gaze, stepped forward and bent down to pick up the special communicator that Ga Toushun had dropped.

Consortium X in this world came really on time.

"and many more!"

Terui Ryu limped and followed Xia Chuan, his eyes serious and nervous.

"Can you give that thing to our police? There is someone behind Ga Tou Shun..."

"I still have use for this thing."

Natsukawa turned his head and looked at Terui Ryuu who was sweating coldly.

"Ryuu Terui, in order to avenge his family, he was trained by Sonosaki Fumin to become a police rider and a user of accelerated memory. Now he is driven by hatred and has become Extreme W...

"Hatred can make you stronger in a short period of time, but it cannot make you strong forever. You also felt it after the death of Isaka, the direct enemy who killed your family? No matter how hard you try, you are going downhill. Even if you become the ultimate W, it is just It’s slowing down this trend.”

Terui Ryu's pupils narrowed.

The death of the meteorological dopant Isaka did not eliminate his hatred, but made him lose his direction and could only further explore the museum and Consortium X.

But Xia Chuan was right, hatred could no longer provide him with strength.

It even almost became the nourishment of utopia just now.

"What should I do?" Terui Ryu asked in a deep voice.

"This is your own business."

Xia Chuan glanced at the factory pipes.

Sonosaki Saeko's body still remained in place, while Sonosaki Wakana took advantage of the chaos and left the scene.

It seems to be back underground in the factory again.

"No!" Philip reacted in shock, "The memory of the clay doll is still down there. If it falls into the hands of Sister Wakana again..."

"Haha, it's too late, someone comes!"

Wearing silver pajamas, Sonosaki Wakana walked out of the darkness of the passage, smiled, took out the golden memory in her hand, and pressed it directly to activate.

Although he still looked weak and there was no blood on his face, his eyes were filled with a crazy light.

After regaining the power of the clay doll, the feeling of weakness disappeared.

"It's all thanks to you that I can be saved. I'll spare your lives this time, but..."

Sonosaki Wakana's eyes turned to Natsukawa W's figure, her smile suddenly turned cold, and she retreated into the space channel in the distorted green light.

"Kannaga Shinji, I will settle my father's hatred with you sooner or later!"


Narumi Detective Agency.

Natsukawa returned to consciousness and sat up, smiling, not taking Sonosaki Wakana's threat to heart.

The clay doll's extreme form is indeed powerful, but it is only relative. In terms of destructive power, it is actually very average. In the knight system he owns, it can only be regarded as mid-range.

After all, the near-god is not a god, it is just a carrier tool used to realize Gaia's impact.

There are almost no special offensive abilities. The only troublesome ones are the immortality characteristic and space transfer.

As for the Earth Library, Sonosaki Wakana is indeed higher than him in terms of authority, but it doesn't mean much.

He no longer needs the Earth Library.

"Let's go."

Xia Chuan reached out to take back the patrolling Yabat II, turned around and walked out of the secret base.

We have to get the Consortium X communicator from Shotaro Zuo first.

According to the information he read from the Earth Library, Consortium X was already gone before he entered this copy.

Ga Toushun may be the only member of Consortium X.

The director who appears now is most likely from the Fujiwara Consortium.

If we don't seize the opportunity this time, we don't know when we will be able to find these guys again in the future.



The former site of Fengdu Museum.

The haggard-looking young police officer stood among passers-by in groups of twos and threes. The sky suddenly became darker, and a thundercloud drifted from nowhere.

Different from Xia Chuan's relaxation, the police youth did not feel stable for a few days after entering the dungeon.

Especially with the disintegration of the museum, Gaia memories that were still under control suddenly flowed into the market, including some difficult types.

Unfortunately, he broke into the underground base where a group of museum employees were hiding. He suffered a lot under the pursuit of the other party. He finally found the source, but there was only ruins.

Even collecting information in this copy is troublesome, and even the existence of Kamen Rider is just an urban legend.

It stands to reason that every copy has a plot center, but he was a bit unlucky and only encountered Kamen Rider once.

If this continues, let alone the Fujiwara Consortium, nothing will happen to him until the dungeon plot ends.


A drizzle blew in the cold wind.

After the police youth determined that there was nothing to gain, he followed the passers-by and left in disappointment, only to see a white knight figure appear at the intersection in the rain.

"Kamen Rider?"

The police youth stopped.

"There are no adulterants here..."

"You are what they call Level 5 Knight Bull, right? Let me meet you. I am the Kamen Rider of this world, Eternity."

Dao Keji's laughter accompanied by thunder reached the ears of the police youth, followed by a deadly threat that made the hair stand on end.

The opponent's target is him.


The police youth almost subconsciously mobilized the desire knight system, and the bull armor field resisted the first wave of Yongqi's attacks, but he was not immune to the fatal kick that followed.

"Bang——!" Ba Niu, who had just finished dressing up, crashed through the rain curtain with a roar. Blue flames and fierce electric currents wrapped around the armor, and he was forced to break away from the transformation while still in mid-air.

"Farewell, Kamen Rider from another world!"

Yong Qi gave a thumbs up, stepped to the side of the fallen police youth, and stepped down hard, completely destroying the police youth's vitality.

"It's more boring than I expected. Level 5 knights are only at this level."

"Of course, Captain," the undead team members came up from behind, "How about leaving the rest to us? You haven't moved your hands and feet for a long time, and they are almost rusty."

"Whatever you want."

Yongqi waved his hands and ignored the team members, turning his attention to Sonosaki Wakana who broke in across the street.

"It's really fate. The little princess of the Sonosaki family ran over just as she was about to find you."


Sonosaki Wakana's hair and pajamas were all wet and stuck to her skin. Looking at the corpse of the young police officer with blood flowing in the puddle, her eyes trembled and she hurriedly grabbed her clay doll memory.

Unexpectedly, no matter how hard she pressed, the memory never responded at all, as if it had been manipulated.

"how come?"

"My eternal memory is the king of memory. As long as it is activated once, all the memories before T2 will be invalid," Daidao Katsumi said with an open arms, "But don't worry, you are a vital treasure of the earth, I will not I am willing to kill you..."


After confirming that the memory was really useless, Sonosaki Wakana gritted her teeth and ran away. However, a long-legged female undead was well prepared and blocked the escape route one step in advance.

"Give up, little princess, don't ask for trouble."

The female undead lifted up her long legs and pulled out the mounted pistol.

"The captain only said I won't kill you, but it's okay to shed some blood."


The next day.

The outskirts of Fengdu.

Xia Chuan, who got the communicator, officially met the woman in white of Consortium X, who was called the director by Ga Touzhun.

His clothes are very recognizable, and he has the same paralyzed face as Ga Toujun, and his emotions are even colder, without a trace of smile.

Like the robot, even after seeing Xia Chuan, he kept checking the timer and restarted it every few minutes.

"I'm causing you trouble, Mr. Kaminaga."

The woman in white turned around and led the way.

"Please don't mind. I already know what Jiatou did. They were all personal actions. Our consortium didn't know about it in advance."

Hearing this, Xia Chuan glanced at the woman one more time.

"I don't care if the consortium knows about it. The most important thing is the Fujiwara consortium. I don't want my trip to be in vain."

"Don't worry about that," the woman in white turned around and smiled, "those bugs won't have another chance."

Xia Chuan paused and looked past the woman in white at the observatory station that appeared in his field of vision.

"here is?"

"People from the Fujiwara Consortium have entered Fengdu. For safety reasons, we have set up a temporary base here."

The woman in white led Xia Chuan into the observatory.

The interior underground has obviously been laid out for a long time, and it is itself a Gaia memory factory.

"The Immortal was once one of our sponsored projects. After being eliminated, it defected to the Fujiwara Consortium. The T2 memory developed by Gaia Memory was hijacked by that group of people."

Xia Chuan looked at the woman in white in front of him and frowned secretly.

Is there really Consortium X?

Did the missing part of the information cause him to miss any key clues?

"There is someone you should know, Mr. Kaminaga." The woman in white led Xia Chuan directly into the medical room. "From the information we obtained, he entered this world with you."

"Police youth?"

Xia Chuan saw the "corpse" on the hospital bed with a faint breath.

The bully desire driver is still worn on the waist and abdomen, barely maintaining the last life.

"That's what happened when we found him. It seems that we met Katsuki Yongqi Dao." The woman in white held the timer and explained before consciously bowing her head and exiting the medical room and closing the door.

"Huhu...is it Kaminaga? It's about time you remember my name, right?"

The young police officer turned his head with difficulty, and after confirming that it was Xia Chuan, he tried his best to take out the ace memory with trembling fingers, and his body gradually began to disappear.

"I'm really unwilling. I actually fell in front of you... We must find a way to leave this dungeon. That guy... has surpassed the level 6 knight... Be careful with Consortium X, we are just bait..."


The young police officer's arms drooped, and his whole body was like a collapsed sand dune. It instantly turned into countless light spots and scattered. Only the fallen ace memory was caught by Xia Chuan.

The small memory is surprisingly heavy.

I don’t know what this guy went through, but the memory shell is actually covered with scratches.

Xia Chuan sighed lightly and temporarily put the ace memory in his arms.

Although he is not easy to deal with, he cannot be said to be annoying.

As a policeman and a Kamen Rider, the young police officer was much more qualified than him.

"I will avenge you."

Xia Chuan walked out of the medical room calmly.

How to deal with Yongqi is indeed a problem.

That guy not only has the ability to disable other memories, he can also control the fusion of 26 T2 memories.

There are many special abilities such as time, space, and natural elements.

If he really showed up, he would be a terrible guy.

Not to mention that there is still the Fujiwara Consortium to deal with behind the scenes.


The woman in white pressed the timer, and the secretary followed Xia Chuan.

"To deal with Yongqi, we can only start from the side. Our group has a complete set of information on the undead. In order to maintain the body's activity, the undead must often replenish cell-stabilizing enzymes, otherwise they will collapse themselves. Cell-decomposing enzymes are the best way to deal with them. arms,
The problem is that the undead themselves possess extremely high combat capabilities. "

(End of this chapter)

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