i'm really only human

Chapter 293 2 Heavy Empty I’m the Boss

Chapter 293 The second level is empty and I am the boss

The ruins of Mount Kuro in Nagano Prefecture.

The knight students gathered outside the blockade, and the police responsible for maintaining order watched closely at the white mist that enveloped the ruins.

As the fog rolled, Murai Ryo Daikoku Souga's figure gradually appeared in front of everyone. The remaining fighting aura was particularly strong, and the air seemed to be burning.

A group of bounty knights watching the excitement all retreated in horror.

"The boss has escaped!"

"No, this is...a level 5 knight?"

"What a terrible power!"

"Are there any level 5 knights participating this time?"


Before everyone could think too much, Heikongga fell to the ground and broke away from the transformation after stepping out of the ruins.

"It's Murai!"

"Hurry up and save people!"

"Is it a success or a failure?"

Practitioners swarmed forward and cooperated with the police to carry Murai Ryodai onto a stretcher.

What appeared in the ruins this time was the time and space copy of "Kuaga", and several teams had already failed in the challenge.

The cadet team also participated in the operation.

Although only 5 people can enter at the same time, Gurungi is a weirdo from long ago after all, and they should be able to pass the level easily as they are already level 4 knights.

It went really well at first, and even without them taking action, Grunge was killing each other.

But no one expected to encounter a perverted boss massacre midway, and finally had to exit early. Only Ryohi Murai stayed in the copy.

"Being able to force Murai's Kurokuga form out, this copy is more dangerous than we see."

Sakurai Jing and Shen Sheng took a look at the ancient ruins that had returned to calm.

Murai Ryodai's state reminded him of his past training on the Hokkaido front line.

The dungeon boss may have reached a level comparable to a level 6 knight.

"I am fine."

Murai Ryodai smiled at his companions. He looked embarrassed on the surface, but his injuries were not serious. He was just in a weak state after the outbreak.

"At least this time I can finally face that guy."

Before entering the dungeon, he had thought about whether he would meet Da Cuba.

From the beginning, his goal was not to clear the level, but to get rid of the inner demons that were unable to transform in front of Daguaba.

Rather than clearing customs, having the courage to face Cuba is more important.

Although he almost died at the hands of Daguaba, he was promoted to a level 5 knight.

In the current turbulent new era of knights, level 5 knights are already at their peak combat power.

Because it is almost impossible to cross the last step by relying solely on resources. Except for the early batch of people who advanced on their own, those who subsequently became level 5 knights all found opportunities in the dungeon world.


"Ryo Murai is level 5?"

Knight school.

Isamu Kondo, who was dining in the restaurant, wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully when he suddenly heard the noisy shouts of the students next door. He was suddenly confused and his mind went blank.

what's the situation?
Are today's young people so unreasonable?
"It's true, the Skynet lists have been updated, and the new lists directly display names!"

The discussion among the students reached the ears of Isamu Kondo, and then someone mentioned the new space-time copy of Kurodake.

"Now there are many people who are ready to challenge, especially the knights who are stuck at level 5..."

After coming back to his senses, Isamu Kondo gradually became unable to sit still and looked at the Skynet page on his phone without changing his expression.

Natsukawa (?), Kaminaga Shinji (W), Minami Kotaro (RX), Murai Ryodai (Black Sora Ga), Fei (01), Michio Gatsuma (Ba Niu), Konan (Arista Larc)

The new knight list is now ranked by shapeshifters, which is much clearer and more concise than before.


Where have all the knights gone?

Who is Xia Chuan?

Kondo Isamu repeatedly checked the information and confirmed that there was no problem, but his mind was filled with question marks.

There can't be so many knights with the same shapeshifter, right?

"how is this possible?"

Shaking his head speechlessly, Kondo Isamu stared at No. 2 "Kaminaga Shinji" with an ugly expression.

"That guy Kaminaga actually surpassed Mr. Kotaro. W...when did the new copy appear?"

The memory issue was a big deal, but Consortium X did not disclose the W copy information and did not invite other knights from beginning to end.

Isamu Kondo didn’t think much about it, he was just confused about the ranking order.

Maybe it's because it's not ranked according to strength?
Ryo Murai can be ranked in the middle, and the ranking criterion is definitely not strength.

"How do you think this list is arranged?" The students also had doubts.

"Fei should be the captain of Team 01, right? Although his character is not that good, his strength is still very strong, and he will be surpassed by Murai Ryodai."

"That's nothing. Those on the list should all be level 5 knights, right? Why is there no mentor Kondo?"

"Yes, there really is no mentor Kondo!"


Isamu Kondo's cheeks twitched.

Even if Xiao Nan was on the list for no apparent reason, why is he the only one not on the list?

He is also a level 5 knight and has experienced more dungeons than anyone else.


Comprehensive training hall.

Xia Chuan also heard the students' discussions along the way, and it wasn't until Rose Girl came over that he learned the detailed information about the copy of Jiulangyue.

From the information revealed by the challenger, it seems to be a copy of the super ancient timeline of "Kūga".

As for whether it has anything to do with the super-ancient copy he cleared, it's still unclear.

"I seem to be able to replace Baruba in the dungeon," Rose Girl still looked cold, "Do you want me to help you pass the level?"

"Need not……"

"Mr. Kotaro is out!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation in the training hall, and the students all looked at the big Skynet screen in the middle.

"RX should be able to clear the dungeon, right?"

"It's hard to say. This dungeon is very strange. Everyone who entered was inexplicably massacred by the dungeon boss on the way. Even the Gulungi dungeons were no exception. Although it was a Gulungi dungeon, the strength of the boss was too exaggerated and there were obvious gaps. .”

"Yes, it is said that the boss is a level 6 knight."

"There is a difference even if it is a level 6 knight, right? According to the alliance, the true level 1000 is when the limit is broken by 6. Mr. Kotaro can be said to be the strongest knight in the world! This is no exception in the dungeon!"

"I heard that RX has developed many new abilities by Mr. Kotaro, and it almost has the strength of a replica god..."

"Didn't it say that the dungeon spirit should be at least level 7?"

"Level does not completely represent strength. Breaking the limit of 1000 is equivalent to 10 level 5 knights!"

"I admit that 1000 breaking the limit is great, but how did you calculate the 10 level 5 knights? The only one with the breaking limit now is Mr. Kotaro..."

"Stop arguing, a group of level 2 and level 3 knights. No matter how powerful Mr. Kotaro is, it has nothing to do with you. Let's advance to level 4 first!"

The voice coming from somewhere suddenly poured cold water on the students.

"Now you are much happier. As long as you have enough resources, you can become a level 4 knight. If you can't reach level 4, just go back to the countryside and raise pigs!"

Several level 3 magician knights looked ashamed: "What level are you?"

"Level 1."

"Wow!" Circles of energy halo spread out from the ruins on the screen, and the next moment RX's tall figure appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Skynet displays specific data in real time.

"Sure enough, I cleared the level!"

"The synchronization rate is 90%... As expected of Mr. Kotaro!"

Amid the envy and admiration of everyone, the reporters at Mount Kuro were the first to surround Kotaro Minami who had released his transformation.

Even though he became a middle-aged uncle due to special reasons, Minami Kotaro's handsomeness has not diminished much, but has become more reassuringly mature and steady.

So far, Minami Kotaro is still the only knight who has experienced a "ghost incident" and returned to reality safely.

Rely on your own ability to break the limit and upgrade the knight system from black to RX.

The first level 6 knight.

The undoubted No. 1 in Skynet, he can win no matter what knight system he changes to. He has taught countless pros and cons and is regarded as a spiritual mentor by almost all knights.

The only thing lacking is probably the dungeon clearance score.

"Let me tell you, even the black dungeon can clear the level, how can the empty dungeon stop Mr. Kotaro?"

"I heard that Mr. Kotaro happened to be on his 18th birthday when he was involved in the black dungeon. He spent more than 20 years in the dungeon and finally came out at the age of 40..."

"It's amazing. It's not easy to think about it. The most important thing is Mr. Kotaro's persistence."

"Yes, as long as I think of Mr. Kotaro, what are the difficulties we have experienced?"

"Come on," the level 1 knight glanced and said, "Mr. Kotaro started out as a level 5 knight. What are you talking about?"


Behind the crowd, Xia Chuan was also paying attention to the Skynet screen.

Even he had to admit that Minami Kotaro was indeed very powerful.

The breaking limit reached 1000 around the time he cleared the Agito copy. I still remember that the breaking limit of RX seemed to be only 300 at that time, and he could only be killed instantly in front of the pseudo-black god.

To reach 1000 in such a short period of time, I don’t know what Minami Kotaro has experienced in the exclusive RX copy, and how much RX strength he can exert.

"Mr. Kotaro," a reporter with long wavy hair rushed to Minami Kotaro, "Can you tell me about your experience in clearing the level? It is said that the dungeon boss is equivalent to a level 6 knight."

"The combat power is indeed about the same, but..."

Minami Kotaro's expression was subtle.

For him now, Daguaba in the ancient copy is a threat, but the threat is not too great, and he has no experience in clearing the level.

Really want to say...

"As long as you quickly pass through the Gurungi battlefield, you should be able to encounter two dungeon bosses fighting among themselves. If you are not strong enough, you can find the right time to intervene. If you are too early, you will face the two bosses, and if you are too late, you will be killed by Daguaba. " Nan Kotaro said unsurely.

"So simple?"

The reporter was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he was greeted with overwhelming complaints.

The students were stimulated one after another.

"How simple is it? Isn't it just that the strength is not enough compared to Mr. Kotaro?"

“The devil knows when the time is right.”

"Anyway, at least there is a possibility of passing the customs..."

"I don't have a copy of the game."

Minami Kotaro shook his head and interrupted the discussion.

"To be precise, it's not the first time I've cleared the level, and I've only cleared part of it. There's a second level for this copy."

"Second level?"

The scene was noisy again.

The second dungeon is no stranger to everyone, it has happened in the armored dungeon before.

"There is still a third boss. This time I am going to form a knight team to explore," Kotaro Minami said facing the camera. "The other four places are mainly used to help knights who need to advance."

The Kuuga dungeon no longer meant anything to him. Apart from getting nothing but points, it was just right to use it to train other knights.

After all, it is also a level 6 copy.


"invite me?"

School training hall.

When Xia Chuan was about to leave, he suddenly received a call from Principal Tamura.

Minami Kotaro didn't do anything because he was suppressed in the rankings. Instead, he was given a dungeon spot.

"You can be considered a veteran level 5 knight," Tamura persuaded sincerely, "Don't miss this opportunity, maybe you can be promoted to level 6..."

"Refuse for me," Xia Chuan looked back at the Skynet screen, "I appreciate Mr. Kotaro's kindness, but I still have other dungeon quotas."

Although it takes time for Consortium X to open the Oz dungeon, he still does not want to join the Minami Kotaro team.

After all, he has already cleared the Kuuga copy once, and the second level is probably the modern timeline, so there is no point in continuing to clear it.

He basically discovered everything that Sora could discover.

Unless the breaking limit can be directly increased like the W copy, it will do more harm than good to him...


During the call, Xia Chuan suddenly paused slightly.

He also obtained the second level dungeon information, but unlike Minami Kotaro, he seemed to be the third boss.

You need to accept the challenge as the master of the world.

Things don't seem to be as simple as Minami Kotaro said.

"What's wrong, Kaminaga?" Tamura asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I might have to take a day off."

Xia Chuan's mind suddenly returned to calm.

It is not that easy to connect to time and space dungeons. The Fujiwara Consortium was able to enter the W world largely because of the power of the decade belt.

The reappearance of the Kuuga copy this time is probably related to the alliance and Consortium X.

There seem to be many types of dungeons, but the main dungeons are still rare. The ones that appear so far are basically cleared by him.

But the Lord of the World...he didn't seem to feel anything special.

The only privilege is probably a certain degree of interference authority before withdrawal, and he cannot be called the master of the world at all.

"Asking for leave?" Tamura looked strange, "You still want to ask for leave? New students must meet at least once..."

"Next time."

Xia Chuan hung up the phone after thinking and continued to check the second copy information.

Regardless of whether there are any benefits to being the Lord of the World, he will definitely not let it go, let alone those aliens.

Apart from anything else, the traces he left in those worlds are actually very easy to find if you really want to check them.

Fortunately, now we only have to face RX.

RX is indeed powerful in terms of settings, but let’s not talk about Minami Kotaro’s performance. With so many knight systems on him, which one is not powerful?


Xia Chuan picked up a blank knight card with the outline of RX between his fingers.

He previously sought the decade belt because it was easier to obtain knight cards.

Compared with clearing the levels one by one, the decade is of course simpler. You can directly change the knight into a card, or you can copy it through the knight deck.

The prototype of the shuttle is a decade belt, and the upgrade seems to follow the decade route, and it also has a knight deck.

Although there is currently only a main rider card, RX happens to be the main rider, and it is still a very powerful one.

He won't consider directly turning RX into a card, but he can try copying it.

This Kuuga copy is the best opportunity for experimentation. If successful, the shuttle can be used as a decade belt.

(End of this chapter)

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