i'm really only human

Chapter 305 Rescue

Chapter 305 Rescue

The sound of howling in the mirror world spread sharply, and a red dragon roared in the reflective mirror on the street, intermittently, as if observing the outside world through the window.

"Mirror Knight? Are you..."

Seeing the red dragon circling and flying to the side of the knight's black shadow, Captain 01's pupils suddenly expanded, and he summoned the belt to activate the program sublimation key like a conditioned reflex.

The fingers trembled uncontrollably under invisible pressure, and the usual simple transformation unexpectedly became difficult. Even reading the sublimation key seemed troublesome, and I couldn't insert it smoothly for a long time.

However, the knight's black shadow seemed to be waiting for him to transform. It was not until the fluorescent green 01 armor was completely covered and his aura reached its peak that the hovering red dragon rushed out of the mirror world with golden flames.


"team leader?"

The faces of the 01 team members who were chatting and laughing outside the dungeon passage and were about to find a place to relax suddenly changed. When they turned around, they saw 01 leaping high into the air and being swallowed by a dragon of flames.



At the street intersection, when the 01 team members hurriedly arrived, they only saw the captain falling as if a damaged robot, rolling and bouncing on the ground, and then fell into the green belt of the roadside.

The flames burned a long trail, and even the 01 armor turned black, lying motionless in the ruins.

"team leader!"

"What was that attack just now? How could the captain be attacked?"


01, surrounded by sporadic flames, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the intersection.

The red dragon and the knight shadow have disappeared.

In a daze, he seemed to be back in the Den King copy again.

"Isamu Kondo..."

Without thinking too much, Captain 01's vision went dark and he completely passed out amidst the noisy shouts of the team members.

"team leader!"

"Hurry up and save people!"

In the mirror world, Xia Chuan glanced at the panicked members of Team 01, put away the solid 01 card and rode on the exclusive Mirror Knight motorcycle.

12 main knight cards.

The number of decks is no longer a limit, the only thing left is to clear the dungeon and shuttle level.

Since the number of clearances is related to the strength of the deck that the shuttle can mobilize at the same time, subsequent upgrades should not be a problem.


As the knight's motorcycle passed by, the "ooo" core coin suddenly began to glow again, and the surrounding space barriers were disturbed.

Xia Chuan quickly took out the coin and felt that it was being pulled to a distant copy of time and space.

It seemed that he could go directly, but he was blocked by some force and the connection was quickly lost again.

Kamen Rider OOO Oz, has the copy of "OOO" been opened?
What Consortium X says is really unreliable.

It seems that the so-called copy quota is not the exploration period.

Are you planning to open it to him after clearing the customs?

Suddenly a calling voice sounded in Xia Chuan's mind.

"Resurrect quickly, Anku!"


Xia Chuan stopped the motorcycle in the mirror world space channel, grabbed the core coin and looked around.

It's the voice from a copy of "OOO".

Amid the flaming wreckage, there lay a young man covered in blood. His undulating breath was getting weaker and weaker, and his distracted eyes seemed to be searching for something through infinite space.

"This is my last wish..."


The next day.

Union Building.

Natsukawa, Taizuma Daozhang, and Xiaonan walked into the reception room under the leadership of Asami Hiroko, and saw the frowning commander walking back and forth.

"Isn't 01 here?" the conductor asked doubtfully. Dissatisfied, he placed an ordinary coin of "OOO" in time and space in front of everyone.

Unlike the core coin which is all silver, as an energy unit it does not have special reactions like the core coin.
"Time is running out, so I'll keep it short," the commander said with a heavy face, "This is a key item from the new copy. Because it has great research value, Consortium The shuttle system associated with sir was suddenly disconnected.”

"New copy?"

My Taoist wife snorted subconsciously.

After the copy of W came out, Consortium

Although he was determined to conduct special training for a period of time and was not ready to explore new dungeons for the time being, the feeling of being slighted was really unpleasant.

"So RX is trapped in the dungeon now?" My wife raised her head and asked.

"We don't know the specific situation yet," the commander sighed, "That's why I asked you level 5 knights to come here. I hope you can form a rescue team. In addition to the points reward, the alliance will also open the item library to you as a reward."

My wife, the Taoist priest, frowned even more.

The recent dungeon experiences have put great pressure on him. Level 5 knights are simply not good enough in the dungeon world.

At least his current strength is far from enough.

If possible, he really didn't want to advance to the dungeon so quickly, but RX did need rescue.

The alliance and even the entire world cannot lose RX.

"God forever..."

Asami Hiroko tightened her fingers and poked Natsukawa's back quietly.

"There seems to be a problem within the alliance. It's better for you to leave this matter alone."

"Don't worry, Commander, of course we can't ignore Mr. Kotaro's trouble."

Xiao Nan next to him responded quickly and then glanced at everyone present.

"However, they say they are summoning level 5 knights, but why isn't Ayong here?"

"Mr. Kondo said he still needs to recover from his injuries."

"he is injured?"

"Now I can only rely on you. If you make a decision, act as soon as possible."

The conductor continued to place the silver coins in a deep voice.

"These coins are the entrance tickets to the dungeon. If you cooperate with the knight system, you can enter the new dungeon."

There were three coins in total. Taoist priest Taoist wife and Xiaonan took two coins, and the remaining one fell into Xia Chuan's hand.

Asami Hiroko was secretly upset.

If he had known earlier, he should have told Xia Chuan not to come.


Xia Chuan's mind was calm, but the figure of the young man in the sea of ​​fire flashed in his mind.

In this copy, will the protagonist die at the beginning?
Could it be that Consortium X chose reverse customs clearance?

There is indeed such a way to clear the dungeon after the camp is opened, but it should be limited to group confrontation dungeons, and the difficulty will inevitably increase in disguise.

"If there is no problem with the three of you, start preparations now."

The Alliance Underground Research Institute is the same place where I entered the W copy last time.

A giant machine was placed in the center of the room, and the white light emitted from the copy passage filled the entire space.

"This is a space-time device used to connect and stabilize the dungeon channel. It was originally owned by the Fujiwara Consortium." The commander explained after gesturing to the surrounding staff.


As a circle of energy waves unfolded, the silver coins in the hands of Xia Chuan and others simultaneously buzzed and entered the excited state.

Unlike the serious-looking Taoist priest, Xiaonan seemed to be particularly relaxed and took the initiative to walk ahead and enter the dungeon passage.

But before anyone else could catch up, Xiao Nan, who entered first, suddenly flew out without any warning.



Before I could react, my wife, Taoist priest, was hit head-on. The two of them rolled and slid down the space-time device together, and the electric energy spread out in all directions.

Natsukawa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he pulled away from Asami Hiroko, who was also about to be affected.

The copy has been cleared!
(End of this chapter)

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