i'm really only human

Chapter 328: The intruding superior boss

Chapter 328: The intruding superior boss
Copy corner.

Team 01 got rid of the Bengyuan body monsters that were refreshed around them and gathered together.

"Captain, have you already exited the dungeon?"

"Yes, canceling the transformation will exit the game map..."

"Impossible, how could that guy give up so easily?"

Captain 01 looked around in a deep voice.

"Other knight systems cannot be used here. This is a good opportunity to deal with him. Let's look for it again!"

"But captain, that boss..."

"Don't worry, without the rare items on the Dragon Rider, those guys can't deal with the boss."

In a blind corner of a mountain stream in the dungeon, Baosheng Yongmeng panted slightly and looked around. When he saw the members of Team 01 pursuing him from above, he quickly retreated close to the rock wall.

"What's going on? What kind of dragon rider? I'm not a dragon rider!"

Until Team 01 left, Baosheng Yongmeng still felt bitter in his heart.

He didn't remember that he had offended these people.

Is it necessary to pursue him so relentlessly?

"No, you have to clear the level quickly, otherwise these guys will find you sooner or later!"

After playing the game for a while, Baosheng Yongmeng took a deep breath, got into the jungle and returned to the vicinity of the magician's castle.

He had just made his grand ambition, and he didn't want to fall into the hands of other players.

The patient's fate is changed by him!

"How can I defeat this boss?"

Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the evil magician who was still standing high in the castle from a distance, feeling increasingly headache.

He saw everything that happened to Team 01.

The huge level difference, coupled with the almost instantaneous magic skills, it is estimated that if it was another person, he would have no choice but to retreat.

"Can I just give up?" Baosheng Yongmeng touched his waist with his fingers.

Although the game has changed, he is not completely without options.

Ex-aid can cancel its transformation and exit the game at any time. Even in combat mode, as long as it exits before suffering a fatal attack, it will not disappear due to game failure.

And unlike other players, he will not contract the virus by joining the game.

Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes turned to the many players who were still fighting in front of the castle.

Although they all have the same character form, their body shape and movements can still be distinguished, but one player is obviously more crazy.

It's Mr. Goto, the frog knight.

In order to save his son, he risked disappearing to join the game.

There are also seniors from the knight school.

Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his fingers and released the cassette: "Players are also patients. If this continues, everyone will disappear..."

"Why not use your gaming talent?"

Natsukawa's figure emerged from the treetops. Even though he was not used to fancy dress, he still did not change Parade's image.

In this way, he faced the eternal dream of Baosheng, but his words and deeds were slightly inconsistent.

"who are you?"

Baosheng Yongmeng stepped back suddenly and looked at Xia Chuan who suddenly appeared in fear.

All players can only enter the game by transforming. It is impossible to appear directly, and other players have been seen before.

"Are you also a Collapsing Source Body?" Baosheng Yongmeng reacted and was even more shocked.

There is actually a human-looking Bengyuan body.

"If you want to save the patient, this level is far from enough." Xia Chuan's face was calm and he did not play the role of Parade. "The other person is also you. There is no need to reject it. What you should consider is how to use it. If you can completely Use it for yourself and you will become the best player you can be.”


Baosheng Yongmeng didn't understand what he heard, and he was confused but couldn't find Xia Chuan.

"Hey, please make it clear! You didn't answer me either...could it be a hidden role?"


Natsukawa digitized and moved to the front battlefield. He saw Sakurai Keikazu who was fighting hard, and his eyes turned to Goto who fell under the magic again and again.

This uncle's face has completely lost his previous calmness.

His performance is not as good as that of his junior Sakurai Keikazu.

If this continues, not only will his son not be saved, Goto himself will disappear.

Players have a knight slot similar to the health bar like ex-aid, but it is blocked by armor.

If the damage reaches a certain level, the game will fail and disappear, making it impossible to renew your life.

Natsukawa stood still and looked across the battlefield at Goto, who was struggling and falling to the ground.

Emotions are a drag on humans most of the time.

After all, not everyone can "explode".But……

Maybe this is what humans are?

Human beings are inherently imperfect and are inferior among intelligent creatures.

Being troubled by feelings is a normal reaction.

"Too weak!" The evil magician raised his staff in boredom, not feeling Goto's persistence at all. "I want to conquer level 20 at this level. How can I not do it?"

"Damn it! Is it really possible to conquer this kind of game?"

Goto clenched his fists again and climbed up, struggling to grab the fallen gun-type weapon.

He was the first to discover the gun mode, but the level gap was too large, and even long-range attacks still had no effect.

"Unless you can use other knight systems, it's impossible to beat this guy..."

"Of course it's impossible!" The evil magician laughed, "In this game, you are not going to attack me, but I will attack you!"

this world.

Tan Zhengzong sat in front of the computer with a sullen face, anger tinged under his eyelids.

He overestimated this group of players.

None of them worked.

The mysterious player who appeared in the previous copy was just a flash in the pan.

The most disappointing thing is Team 01 after the "trial".

Without using the second knight transformation system specially arranged by him, he would have to pursue ex-aid.

The key is still missing.

Is this also considered a fifth-level knight?

"As a commodity, it is worthless."

Tan Zhengzong stood up with a cold snort.

He can't interfere much now, and his authority is limited to sending people into the game.

If it doesn't work, we can only select another group of players.

Anyway, I can sell as many Chronicles as I want.


In the game, the figure of "Parade" suddenly appeared in Tan Zhengzong's field of vision.

"How is that possible? This Collapsing Source Body is..."


On the castle battlefield, Xia Chuan's eyes fluctuated and he raised his arm. The Alhambra, which was about to launch a magic attack, was suddenly ejected, and the accumulated magic circle collapsed instantly.

"who is it?!"

The evil magician crawled out of the ruins in embarrassment. After immediately applying a shield to himself, he looked around in shock and anger. When he saw Xia Chuan outside the battlefield, he subconsciously wanted to counterattack with magic, but his heart was shaken, as if a great terror was coming.

Superior boss.

At least a level 50 completely collapsed body.

"What do you want to do, Parade?" The evil magician clenched his staff cautiously, "This is not your game, is it?"

"I'm just curious about how these players are going to pass the level."

Xia Chuan's eyes swept across the game map, and all the scenes were blurred. Countless lines of light converged on a sword in the stone on the hostage platform.

Hidden props.

It belongs to the Kamen Rider system corresponding to "Exploration Mission".

Theoretically, there are no unsolvable game levels, unless the creator did not intend for players to complete the level in the first place.

But what’s the point of subsequent levels like this?
The seemingly powerful dungeon boss actually has ways to defeat it.

"The key to this dungeon is the 'hostage'," Natsukawa looked at the unconscious Takahashi Kazumi in the vines again, "but these players have never thought of rescuing the hostages first."


Sakurai Keikazu stopped fighting.

"Are you kidding me? You can't even get close to that guy. Why save the hostages first..."


Haruto, who was organizing the frontline players to prepare for the strategy, was suddenly startled, and then he noticed Takahashi Kazumi wrapped in vines.

It was indeed strange to have hostages.

Hidden missions?

After temporarily putting away the magic ring in his hand, Haruto looked at Natsukawa in confusion.

Bengyuan Ti actually reveals the strategy!

 I'm alive, but I still have a bit of a cough. I'm going to have a CT scan tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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