i'm really only human

Chapter 334 Collecting Co-riders

Chapter 334 Collecting Co-riders
"The level 6 cards are really different."

After the dust and smoke settled, Xia Chuan revealed his figure in the dragon knight suit that had dissipated in photon form. He looked thoughtfully at the condensed blade knight card in his hand.

He had noticed it before when he got the RX Knight Card.

His own knight cards are all level 5, because of his physique, he can show power beyond level 5 after transformation.

Even if these copy cards are used alone, they can still exert corresponding level strength.

Even without the touch screen props of the decade, you can directly summon the final form of the knight.

However, he has not yet tested how big the special attack bonus is for the Mirror Knight deck.

Currently, there are no enemies in the knight dungeon that require his full strength.

The young man in white, Dede, appeared in Natsukawa's mind again, and he compared it with Kadoya Shidede in his memory.

In general.

Except that he does not have his own transformation form, he is now not much different from the future knight who roams the space and time, but he has not collected too many knight cards.

Although it does not have a decadent god form, the combat power it can exert is sufficient.

"Teacher Shenyong."

Kenzaki Kazuma endured the pain and walked out of the messy forest of broken trees. When he saw Natsukawa who said nothing, he thought he was disappointed with himself.

The gap is too big.

He had tried his best, but he couldn't even touch his mentor's shadow.

"I lost……"

"Do you have to give up at this point?"

Natsukawa put away his knight card and faced Kazuma Kenzaki.

"Only by believing in yourself can you become stronger. This extreme battle will be left to you."

"Is the mentor leaving?"

"I will let the Queen of Clubs stay to assist you. It depends on you whether you can completely end the extreme battle."

Natsukawa gradually disappeared under the gaze of Kazuma Kenzaki who was hesitant to speak.

I originally came here to check on the situation and get the blade card.

If you stay any longer, the alliance may take advantage of you.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who inspired the power to become a level 6 knight, is already at the top of the world, and may not have no hope of merging with the sealing stone and becoming a god.

Next, he needs to take advantage of the alliance being attracted by the game copy to collect as many knight cards as possible in the remaining knight space.

In the dungeon he cleared, the main knight probably couldn't do anything, but there were still many auxiliary knights that could be copied.

Mosquito legs are meat no matter how small they are.

Even if it is of no use now, it is not a waste to use it to recharge.

Kamen Riders are the representatives of their respective copy space and time, and to some extent they can also be regarded as the power of the world. The more, the better.

There are only 7 years left before the Judgment Day of this world. If he has not completed his evolution by then and gathers the power of all the knights in the world, he should have no problem in protecting himself.


a few days later.

In the villa bedroom, Xia Chuan was quite regretful to withdraw from the knight's space.

He went to all the dungeons he could go to. In the last W space-time, he originally wanted to copy Yongqi, but when he went there, he remembered that Yongqi had been beaten into light by him.

If I had known earlier, I should have saved it, at least the eternal memory.

As a powerful villain in "W", Yongqi is worth mentioning both in terms of setting and performance. He can be said to be the real king of memory.

Not to mention restraining other memories, its own combat power is also at the top level, and it can also mobilize the power of all second-generation memories.

It will only be stronger in his hands.

"I have no choice but to look at the knight copy at the back."

There are still many copies of knights, so it may not be impossible to see another eternal knight.

If it doesn't work, you can go to Consortium X to steal the memory data. Those guys must have backups.

Xia Chuan shook his head and unfolded the deputy rider card in his hand. "Police, Caesar, Delta... and the upgraded version of lxa that I used before, there should be nothing missing."

These cards mainly come from "W", "FAIZ", "Dragon Knight" and the original "Kiva".

He didn't go to "Hibiki" because he always felt that the Sonic Warriors in it were not knights. Besides, except for "Hibiki", he really had no interest in the others and didn't have the time to look for them one by one.

What he wants is a second-in-command, not a second-hand rider.

It should be more or less three or even two riders.

Xia Chuan put all the co-rider cards into the panel space, looked at the time, and turned on his phone to check external news.

"Rampage Motorcycle" has ended. Players who have gained experience and gradually increased their levels have not encountered much trouble. Only a few players have accidentally died in the confrontation with the boss.

After passing this level, players understand the importance of props better.

It's just a lv2 ex-aid, but it still performs well in the game because it holds armed items.

Even the final clearance was completed by ex-aid working with another Kamen Rider who got the hidden props.

The knight born this time is the "Hurry" of "Rampage Motorcycle", and lv2 will turn into a motorcycle.

With the addition of the "shooter" in the hands of Team 01, all four player knight systems have appeared. Even Captain 4 didn't know where he got the "Extraordinary Action Fantasy".

Needless to say, it must be the support provided by Tan Zhengzong.

"An agent?"

Xia Chuan's eyes moved slightly, roughly knowing what Tan Zhengzong was planning.

With the help of Skynet authority, he was able to obtain a lot of information.

Currently, "Kamen Rider Chronicle" is operated automatically, and the administrator's cartridge has not fallen into anyone's hands.

Judging from Tan Zhengzong's actions, it is obvious that he wanted to hold "Chronicle" in his hands.

Although I don’t know much about Tan Zhengzong, I have seen many villains so far.

Tan Zhengzong is a typical careerist.

"In this case, I should also give Baosheng Yongmeng some support."

Xia Chuan closed his eyes slightly and sensed the last primary game scene through the connection with Baosheng Eternal Dream.

The game type of "Motorcycle" is similar to that of "Motorcycle", except that motorcycle racing has become an extreme bicycle sport.

And the boss level has also been raised to lv30.

Kamen Rider players are different from "Chronicle" players. The gap between levels is not absolute, but facing the lv30 boss, it is obviously difficult for Homu Nagamu to resist.

"Haha, a newcomer is a newcomer, after all, that's all."

Huan Meng, transformed into Captain 01, walked forward with a wagging finger, a brand new cassette in his hand reflecting the light under the sunlight.

"I accepted the pass for this level."

"That cassette..."

The surrounding players were attracted by the new cassette, and even the Bengyuan boss, who was traveling back and forth in the scene area, stopped moving.

"It's the game cartridge of "Go Sport"!"

My Taoist wife's eyes suddenly darkened, and the players next to me couldn't understand either.

"How is that possible? Shouldn't it be a hidden prop for this level? When did he get it?"

"Humph, a bunch of naive guys."

Ignoring the noise of the players, Captain 01 returned the belt handle, rotated the game cartridge in his hand, and inserted it into the second card slot of the belt with a cold voice.



Fantasy sports action player lv3.
Even though it's only level 3, there's no big problem in clearing "Power Sports".

On the one hand, he is restrained, and on the other hand, he also has top-level gaming ability.

Not to mention the off-field support.

In a game, how can there be absolute fairness?

(End of this chapter)

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