i'm really only human

Chapter 345 Dragon Warrior, Red Lotus Gurafat

Chapter 345 Dragon Warrior, Red Lotus Gurafat
Central Hospital.

Hiroko Asami and her party led the team into the temporarily designated gaming disease treatment area.

Within a day, there was a sudden surge in infected patients, and not only the viruses from the Game God, but the primary and intermediate Bengyuan body viruses in the previous game copies also showed a resurgence.

"It seems to be the Bengyuan body virus in "Quest of Discovery"."

Kazumi Takahashi walked up to a translucent little boy.

Perhaps because he was once a hostage in the game "Quest", he could clearly see the phantom of the Bengyuan body spilling out.

"Why is this happening? Isn't it entering the advanced game stage? Why has the previous Bengyuan body virus also entered reality?"

"It wouldn't be surprising if it was man-made."

Asami Hiroko glanced at Tan Masamune, who was active on the TV outside, and turned to Sakurai Keikazu, who was holding his hair and looking numb in the waiting crowd in the corridor.

Why are Kaminaga’s students here?
He looked like he had lost everything.

"I heard that my only sister contracted the gaming disease and disappeared," Takahashi Kazumi whispered, "This is what she looked like after she came to the hospital."

"Team leader!" An alliance investigator hurriedly found Hiroko Asami, "Someone discovered the upper-level game field! It seems to be "Dragon Knight Hunter Z", but the level boss has not been found yet."

"I know, let's seal off the game area first."

Asami Hiroko breathed a sigh of relief, and after making some arrangements, she and Takahashi Kazumi walked towards the confused Sakurai Keikazu.

"Please wake up! If you want to save your sister, take action. Now is not the time to be in a daze!"

Sakurai Keiwa smiled bitterly and came back to his senses: "You have never seen how powerful those Bengyuan bodies are. Their superiors are at least level five knights. Now I have no chance of winning. I even went to find the legendary knight mission, but..."

"Is this how Kaminaga taught you?"

Asami Hiroko picked up Sakurai Kagewa's collar.

"There must be a limit to your willfulness. What's the use of waiting here? If you really care about your sister, it's still too late to find your mentor now!"

"Mentor?" Sakurai Kagewa's eyes were blank, "Why are you looking for a mentor? Mentor Kaminaga is only a fifth-level knight, and the mentor is not a player."

"Your mentor..."

Asami Hiroko opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing, and left the hospital with Takahashi Kazumi worried.

She found many clues about this game incident, and all the evidence pointed to Tan Zhengzong, who sold "Chronicle" cassettes.

However, after the commander received the report, there was no movement.

The league's response has been chilling.

Perhaps Tan Zhengzong's activities were tacitly approved from the beginning.

In this case……

Asami Hiroko bit her lower lip slightly and frowned a little more.

The only one who can resolve this crisis is Kaminaga.

She now only trusts her former teammate.

Even if it's only half, it's still Ultraman.

It's just that at this time, your identity will be exposed accidentally.

As an insider, she knew very well that the alliance had never given up on the pursuit.

The alliance’s most cherished goal must be related to Kamieon.

"Kazumi," Asami Hiroko suddenly stopped, "You go to the scene first, I have something to deal with."



In the afternoon, heavy rain suddenly enveloped Ota District in Tokyo, and streaks of thunder and lightning flashed under the dim weather.

01 Captain transformed into a zombie and entered the abandoned factory with Kamen Rider Bobby beside him.

"Is this here? The location where Gurafat is about to appear..."

"The president has obtained most of the permissions of "Chronicles"," Bobby said while looking around, "Gurafat's game area is indeed this area. Don't you still believe in the president?"


Zombie Huanmeng turned his head and said nothing.

It was said before that zombie players were invincible, but the twin Exides immediately appeared.

He almost thought he was dead when he struck the last blow, and the immortality ability of "Dangerous Zombies" did not bring him the slightest sense of security.I don't know why, but I always feel that Exide can really kill him.

"We should be one step away from awakening the true power of level X," Zombie Dream continued deep into the abandoned factory shrouded in thunderstorms, "Don't interfere in the next battle."

"That's not okay," Poppy followed up and said, "The mission given to me by the president is to eliminate the offending knights."

"Then you go deal with Exide."

Zombie Fantasy's fingers moved slightly.

Although he lacked one fatality data, he now had no desire to obtain it from Exide.

"The last data can only be that you accept the attack, right?" Bobby asked curiously, "Who else can you look for besides Exide? Me?"

"Isn't there a ready-made opponent here?"

The zombie Huanmeng glanced at the faulty second-generation drive on Bobby's waist.

He doesn't want to mess with this guy just yet.

He is both Tan Zhengzong's assistant and Bengyuan Ti, and now he seems to have become one of the three higher-level bosses. I don't know what the situation is.

He didn't think that Tan Zhengzong left no backup plan for his "Dangerous Zombies" cassette.

At least he must fully awaken the X-level power and take this as an opportunity to become a sixth-level knight before he can confidently fight against Tan Zhengzong.

"Gurafat should be at level 50 now, right?"

Zombie Huanmeng raised his hand to summon weapons and props, but then he remembered that the Kamen Rider game cartridge had been knocked down by Exide.

"Since you have replaced Aliga in "Heartbeat Crisis", I will also ban Gurafat and surpass the players to become the new superior boss..."

"Did Tan Zhengzong send this kind of character here?"

Gurafat stepped out from behind the rubbish, letting the small currents tear through his body washed by the rain. His knife-sharp face was covered with blue-green veins, and he showed a weird smile through the rain.

"Zombie player... It's also a dream. You actually made Tan Zhengzong's chess piece, and you want to attack me with this little strength. Are you serious?"


Zombie Huan Meng's eyes were gloomy.

Forget Exide, Gurafat dared to look down on him.

Not every superior boss is Parade!
"Very well, I'll let you witness the true horror of level X!"


Splashes of water suddenly exploded in the rain, and the enraged zombie Huanmeng opened his body and actively attacked. However, before he could get close to Gurafat, he was bounced back from the air and returned to Poppy.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm not lv50."

Gurafat sneered, took out the faulty drive and put it on his wrist strap.

Like Zombie Fantasy, it belongs to the purple generation, but the aura it exudes during the transformation process is completely different.


green Black……

As the data was loaded, a dragon-man Bengyuan figure holding a double-headed dragon fang weapon condensed and took shape. The color jumped directly to red as the flames burned, and the level reached lv99 in one fell swoop.

The combat power is increased by dozens of times.

"Dragon Knight Hunter Z" Dragon Warrior, the superior Collapse Body Red Lotus Gurafat.

"It's actually a level 99 Collapse Body!" Zombie Huan Meng's voice trembled.

Are you kidding me?
lv99 is much more terrifying than Parad and Exide.

The X combat power is only comparable to lv50, and even the Parade version of Exide is far from being able to match lv99.

Is it too late to change opponents now?


Gurafat's figure twisted and shimmered in the rain, as if there was an invisible force field surrounding him.

"Haha, it seems that Tan Zhengzong doesn't know everything! With the power of the game god virus, my level has exceeded the limit!"

(End of this chapter)

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