i'm really only human

Chapter 372 The World of Magic Gemstones

Chapter 372 The World of Magic Gemstones

"Isn't this the world of "Witch Rider"?"

Xia Chuan landed at the bay port wearing a shuttle belt, and simple copy information flooded into his mind.

Not a world copy.

To be precise, it is not the orthodox world of "Witch Rider", but the special time and space inside the magic gem, the place where the 13 knights' time and space weirdos end, the "magic gem world".

The so-called magic gems are the collective name for special gems with magical powers in the world of "Witch Rider".

The magician's ring used as the main magic prop for transformation or combat in "Witch Rider" is made of magic gems. Each magic gem has a unique ability, the most special of which is the legendary Philosopher's Stone.

The current magic gem seems to be of the space type, with the souls of all the weirdos who died in each knight world sealed inside, and similar to the Ultra Cemetery, it has become a time and space node connecting multiple knight worlds.

"Anyway, let's find Haruto first."

Xia Chuan raised his hands to check his status.

I don’t know whether it was because he came in using a magic ring or because he was just a clone, but he did not obtain the indigenous identity of this world.

This is good, at least the strength will not be limited.

Except for not being able to use multiple knight card special moves, there is not much difference between the clone and the main body in other aspects. The level is still lv7.5, which should be enough in this world.


As soon as I took one step forward, I saw the scene suddenly jump from the harbor to the mountainous area, and the time also changed from day to night.

"Is time and space chaotic?"

Xia Chuan looked up at the magic gem moon and walked towards the rural town not far away.

It is said to be the world, but it seems to be just a pieced together sutured body.

During the day just now, the outline of the Earth could still be seen in the sky.

Where can I find someone like this?

Xia Chuan looked at the magician ring in his left hand again.

The magic circle teleported him here. It couldn't possibly be a mistake, right?


At the entrance of the town, an old man dressed as a villager shouted and stopped Xia Chuan.

"Strangers are not welcome here, leave immediately! Otherwise, disaster will happen!"

"A disaster is coming?"

"Hurry! Before those guys come over..."

"We're already here!"

A thick arm held the old man's shoulders and pushed him aside, and several patrols with dull expressions came from behind.

"This guy is from the outside world... In order to protect our world, we cannot let this guy leave alive!"

"and many more!"

The old man anxiously stopped the inspection.

"It is against the rules to attack someone who has not yet transformed..."

"Stay out of the way!"

The leader's face was distorted, and he transformed into a Grunge monster with the heat.

"The rules don't apply to people in the outside world, and besides, this guy can't transform at all!"

"Yes, kill him!"

The inspectors shouted and surrounded Xia Chuan.

Not only the first patrolman, but also the rest of them were transformed into monsters, including the Toothless Ghost, Aoife Enoch and even a strange demon god.

All weirdos.


Xia Chuan didn't hesitate. He raised his hand to activate his telekinesis and flew away the monsters around him. At the same time, the Sora Knight card condensed in his hand, and he automatically rotated and threw it into the camera driver at his waist.




The strange man who suddenly burst out from behind flew out again before he could see the situation clearly.

When Kuuga's all-powerful suit covered Natsukawa's body, Gurungi's legs and feet shook violently.

"kuuga! He's kuuga!"

"What's going on? Aren't all the knight rings in the hands of Master Armadham?"

"What amadamu?"

Xia Chuan raised his foot to step on Ofei Enoch, who was kicked away. Hot white smoke rose from the soles of his feet, and the seal mark appeared, directly burning Ofei Enoch to ashes.

Armadham sounds like a ruler boss or something like that, who can help find people.

"Where is Amadam?"

"Asshole, I won't let you go!"

Gurungi trembled as he watched Xia Chuan approach, yelled from left to right, and continued to charge and attack.

It seemed like it was just a simple stab with the horns of his head, but when he rushed closer, Gurungi grinned sinisterly, and his right arm suddenly thrust out the blood-red diamond claws.



Xia Chuan waved his hand, blocked the sneak attack of the strange demon god, then turned around and kicked sideways, just before the claws fell, his energy exploded and instantly penetrated Gurungi's body.

The strong acid liquid attached to the claws spilled, and Grunge stared and threw it into the air. Before it fell, it exploded with the spread of seal energy.


Xia Chuan slowly lowered his legs and feet, and his whole body was shrouded in residual smoke. When he turned around, the remaining two weirdos had fled, and they looked like they were going to bring in reinforcements.

There was no pursuit, Xia Chuan stepped over the ashes dispersed by the wind and walked into the town.

He didn't really care about these weirdos, no matter how many there were, it was useless.

At lv7.5, he can easily control all the knight systems on him, including the dark kiva, which has the power to destroy the world. As early as lv6, he had the power to destroy cities.

These weirdos can be crushed by the almighty Sora, and I can't even warm him up.

But that "Amadamu"...


"It's Kamen Rider!"

"Lord Amadam has issued an order. This guy wants to destroy our world and must be killed immediately!"

As soon as Xia Chuan entered the town, a bunch of passers-by came over. There was a bustling crowd. Even the vendors setting up stalls in the streets and alleys were surrounded by towels. They all had hostile faces. Only the children were curious and retreated into the distance.

In this world, Kamen Rider seems to have become a villain.

"I have no interest in destroying the world," Xia Chuan said with a headache as everyone in front of him transformed into a monster form, "I just want to meet the Amadam you mentioned..."

"How could Master Amadam see you?"

"kill him!"

After turning into a weirdo, the townspeople seemed to have lost their hearts at the same time. Like the previous patrols, they were completely unable to communicate normally.

How could Haruto be assimilated into this kind of world?


Xia Chuan once again raised his hand to deploy his telekinesis barrier. After blocking several time-evolving insects, he flipped the card in his hand to switch to Kabuto.


"clock up!"

Transform directly into the second stage of the battle, and the time-up transformation will be turned on instantly. The disappearing bugs will reappear, and all other monsters will also enter the slow-motion state.

"Bang bang bang!"

"clock over!"

In an instant, all the townsfolk and weirdos screamed and were thrown up and down, while Natsukawa Kabuto's figure only swayed slightly when the time-rising process ended, as if he had stayed in place without moving.


"What's going on with this guy?"

The weirdo landed like a dumpling, looking at Xia Chuan and the explosive flames set off by the insects around Xia Chuan in horror.


"It was clearly kuuga just now!"

"Can you take me to see Amadam now?"

Xia Chuan looked at the normal children in the distance. After dealing with the more threatening zerg, he did not continue killing and took the lead in releasing the transformation in front of the wailing monsters.

"I just want to find someone..."


Before Xia Chuan could get closer, the surrounding scene changed again. The small town that was originally dark at night turned into a forest and grassland in an instant, and all the strange townspeople disappeared.

"What's going on in this world?"

Xia Chuan frowned and looked around the mountainous area shrouded in mist in the early morning, and the afterimage of the earth appeared again on the horizon. This is no longer the normal chaos of time and space.

There might be something secretly the work of that Amadam, otherwise there would be no reason why only he would be teleported out in the town.

Trouble, if I had known earlier I should have kept a lower profile.

If those weirdos hadn't killed each other when they met, he might have met Amadam.

Xia Chuan withdrew his gaze and tried to use telekinesis.

Since the townspeople obey Amadam so much, they should be able to find Amadam as long as they find the most special aura.

"No, time and space are too confusing."

Xia Chuan had to stop sensing after just exploring for a while.

Except for the current area, as long as the telekinesis expands, it will cause severe consumption. Even he who has reached the fifth level of super power cannot bear it.

The biggest problem now is not finding people, but finding direction.

He actually got lost in this stitched world.

Xia Chuan secretly raised his eyebrows.

Ever since he mastered Ultra Telekinesis, he has never encountered such trouble.

"What should we do now?"

After walking around and being transferred to a wooden bridge over a mountain stream, Xia Chuan stopped silently.

He couldn't just leave empty-handed, but if he was stuck here forever, Haruto's side would be completely assimilated sooner or later, and there would be no difference in the outcome.

Give it another try.

While thinking, Xia Chuan's eyes turned to the magic ring in his hand.

Since this is the world of magic gems, the best way is to use magic power, but he has specialization in magic, and he is really not very good at this.

If you are a magician, you should be able to directly find the assimilated Haruto through the connection of this ring.

"Are you looking for Haruto?"

A gentle female voice sounded in Xia Chuan's ears.

"Save Haruto, please..."


Xia Chuan turned around cautiously and found that a girl in a long skirt had appeared on the opposite side of the wooden bridge. Her body was emitting a faint halo, and she looked very unreal.

"Haruto is in the Menkagedo," the girl crossed her fingers on her chest and begged in an anxious voice, "Hurry up, Haruto will..."


The halo dissipated and the girl disappeared, leaving only a faint glow guiding the direction.

Xia Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he was not worried about the sudden appearance of the girl. He was just curious about the relationship between Haruto and the other party.

This student seems to have quite a story.


Shaking his head, Xia Chuan dodged to catch up with Huiguang. After a while, the scene in front of him changed again, and he appeared directly in front of a three-story building.

The signboard at the door happens to be "Mianyingtang" in Chinese characters.

It looked like a jewelry store, but it was built alone on the side of a mountain road with nothing around it.

"who are you?"

A middle school girl with a bit of a sisterly temperament came over on a bicycle. When she saw Xia Chuan, her expression changed drastically.

"Hurry in! You will be discovered if you stand here!"

Xia Chuan looked at the middle school girl: "It was discovered that..."

"Don't be stupid!"

After the middle school girl nervously observed her surroundings, she ignored her bicycle and pulled Xia Chuan towards the Mianyingtang.

"Hurry up, you are in big trouble. Now Amadam wants you everywhere! What on earth did you do?"


Xia Chuan followed the middle school girl into the small building of Mianyingtang. After repeated confirmation, he found that the other party was not a weirdo.

In his perception, except for children, almost everyone in this world has a weird form, but the middle school girl in front of him has no weird vibe at all.

"Why are you so surprised? Aren't you human?"

The middle school girl breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the chair without any image. Only then did she have time to look at Xia Chuan carefully.

It's easy to tell whether someone has become a weirdo or not. Most weirdos will become indifferent to right from wrong, and you can tell by their eyes.


After meeting Xia Chuan's gaze, the middle school girl was suddenly startled, as if she felt in danger of facing a boss-level weirdo.

"You're not human?!"

"One hundred percent human."

Xia Chuan looked past the middle school girls and looked inside the Shadow Hall, just in time to see a fat old man coming downstairs.

"Rinzi, what's wrong? This person is..."

The fat uncle narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"I don't know who he is, but Amadam is looking for him," Rinko, a middle school girl, shrank back and explained with a subtle expression, "And he doesn't look like a weirdo... nor does he look like a normal human being."

"I am a Kamen Rider."

Xia Chuan also couldn't sense the weird aura of the fat uncle.

There seem to be many normal humans in this world of weirdos.

"Is there anyone else here?" Xia Chuan continued to look inside.

Although I don’t know Haruto’s identity in this world, he is obviously not one of these people.

"Sister Rinko!"

Two children appeared behind the fat uncle, a little boy and a little girl of about the same age.

The girl is dressed the same as the girl who led the way just now, and the little boy...

"Haruto?" Linzi stared at the two of them when she saw them, "You two go up first!"


The little boy looked at Xia Chuan curiously, feeling somewhat close to him inexplicably.

"Is Big Brother really a Kamen Rider? I heard that Kamen Rider will destroy the world..."


Xia Chuan's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be facing a clear person in this world under the induction of telekinesis.

That's right, the little boy is the assimilated Haruto.

How to bring this back?

"Stop it, Haruto, how could there be any Kamen Rider?"

Rinko scolded.

"Kamen Riders don't exist in this world!"

"What if I came from another world?"

Xia Chuan watched the two children go upstairs and faced the fat uncle and Rinzi again.

"Can you tell me about the situation of these two children in this world? You can also tell me where Amadam is."

"What on earth are you talking about? Armadamu will kill you! This world does not allow Kamen Riders to exist. You should understand this, right?"

The fat uncle looked puzzled.

For him, Kamen Rider is definitely a big trouble.

"If I were you, leave quickly," Rinko said vigilantly, "Even Kamen Rider will never be able to survive here!"

"I can't leave just yet."

Xia Chuan randomly found a place to sit down.

"Someone entrusted me to save a child. I will live here temporarily until the agreement is completed."

"L-live here?"

The fat uncle twitched his eyes and looked at Linzi.

Why did you bring such trouble here?

Rinzi: He found it himself!

"Are you talking about Haruto and the others?"

The fat uncle sighed and sat across from Xia Chuan.

"The two of them are helpless. I have been taking care of them. If your target is them, it is better to give up as soon as possible. You can't save them."

"Is there any problem?" Xia Chuan leaned on the back of the chair and crossed his hands.

"In this world, as time passes, people will turn into monsters. There are all kinds of races. What they will become is completely unknown. There are only a handful of people like us who remain human beings."

The fat uncle looked unbearable.

"If there are no accidents, it's almost time for the two children to transform. You don't need to save them to remain human. If they turn into monsters, you can't save them."

(End of this chapter)

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