i'm really only human

Chapter 374 Knight’s Ring

Chapter 374 Knight’s Ring


Not long after leaving the Mianying Hall, the space changed again, returning to the grassland that Xia Chuan passed by before.


"Right in front!" Xiao Qingren's face became extremely serious, and she began to move cautiously, "Listen, follow me later, and don't make any noise. You must not be discovered by those guys!"

"it is good."

Xia Chuan continued to follow Xiao Qingren.

He didn't really care, but now this little brat has the final say.

I think it was to avoid causing trouble to Mianyingtang.

"This is a group of ruins," Xiao Qingren explained in a low voice after entering the forest. "It is said that the original secret of this world is hidden. Those guys have been digging in this area, and they seem to be trying to collect 13 knight rings."

Said to be a group of ruins, it is actually just a continuous underground cave.

Xia Chuan's induction spread, and he reached the depths of the cave before being blocked by invisible forces. Finally, he vaguely saw a luminous stone pillar and the familiar deep posture of Toothbat II.

This old guy actually got caught.

"Oops! Coming this way!"

Xiao Qingren suddenly froze, and a team of weirdos from a distant cave walked straight out.

"Hurry, go!"

Different from the weirdos transformed by the townspeople, the weirdo team uniformly wears soldier uniforms, with only their heads being different from humans.

Neither the "Extreme Fox" evil disciple nor the "Exide" Collapse Body...

Maybe it's because he rarely interacts with ordinary weirdos, so he can't recognize the types for a while.

"It seems that Amadam should be here."

Xia Chuan walked in front of Xiao Qingren and took the initiative to greet the mixed soldiers.

"Just leave the rest to me. Can you go back first?"

"How is that possible?" Xiao Qingren said in shock, "I won't let you die here. I am more familiar with this place than they are. It's still too late to escape now..."

"If you run away, won't your journey be in vain?"

Xia Chuan's eyes lit up red, the driver in his waist solidified, and he picked up a Jia Dou card between his fingers.

He wasn't worried about what happened to the weirdo, he was only worried about whether Amadam would escape.

After all, it was hard to find the location.


"Cast off!"

"Change Beetle!"

The beetle transformed and the red knight completed its form. An afterimage suddenly flashed across the mountain forest. When Xiao Qingren reacted, the team of monsters in front had all turned into explosive flames, and no one survived.


"clock over!"

"This is...Kamen Rider?"

Xiao Qingren looked straight at Kabuto's figure revealed in the residual smoke of the electric current. He felt as if he had entered a new world, and strange and familiar battle scenes appeared intermittently in his mind.

Seeing Xia Chuan step over the wreckage and enter the cave, Xiao Qingren hesitated for a while and chose to return the same way.

This is no longer something he can participate in. Excessive curiosity may harm Ah Li and everyone in Mianyingtang.

"Aluluka moves the card! (spell)"

Deep inside the cave guarded by weirdos.

Armadham changed into a priest's attire, dancing around the gem stone pillar while reciting incantations. Ten Kamen Riders summoned by the knight's ring stood around like puppets, and their energy was continuously transferred into the stone pillar through ropes.

The ceremony seemed to last for a long time, and the light of the gems on the top of the stone pillars illuminated the entire cave as if it were daytime.

The energy absorption is complete, but Amadam is still not satisfied.

"Only 10 knight rings were found, and there are still 3 left...huh?"

Sensing the movement outside, Amadam curled his lips in disgust and got angry. "It's really annoying that he actually came here... But it's okay. Both Kuuga and Kabuto are lacking knight rings, so they can temporarily gain power from this guy!"

"It's the master!"

Fangbat II in the magic cage suddenly woke up, and his voice unknowingly increased.

"Here it comes! It's time to clear the level again!"

"What clearance?"

Amaddam sneered and spat.

"No matter how powerful your master is, so what? It's just a Kamen Rider! I am the source of all power. Whether they are monsters or Kamen Riders, they are all garbage controlled by me!"

Ignoring Yabat II's arrogance, Armadham turned around and put on 10 knight rings, laughing even more wildly.

"Show up, Kamen Rider! Knock down that guy outside!"


The knight rings all sparkled under the transmission of magic power. The knights who originally stood like puppets were activated as if they were given life. Under Armadam's order, they rushed towards the entrance of the ruins in unison. Only Dede paused for a moment and looked at Armada thoughtfully. Take a look at Mu.

"Haha, you saw it!" Armadham proudly grabbed Yabat II to watch the battle, "Soon you will understand that I am the master you should really follow! Just a waste from the outside world..."


The first one to rush out was Faiz, who also had the ability to accelerate. However, as soon as he showed up, he flew back at an even faster speed and landed at the feet of Amadam.

"Who are you calling a loser?"

Xia Chuan ignored the knights surrounding him, and with quick movements in his hands, the driver rotated to read the card, and his form instantly changed from a armor to an invincible Exide player. The burning golden flames directly drove back many knights.

It seems to be just a copy.

"Bang bang bang!"

Natsukawa's golden afterimage flickered, easily avoiding W and Oates who were attacking from the front, turning around and hitting Den King hard on the head.

The most ferocious Lightning King flew up like a cannonball before he could take action, and his entire body sank into the cave wall. He narrowly escaped being killed instantly.

The invincible players controlled by lv7.5 have shown their invincible strength even without the game field.

Not to mention that these clone knights are only in regular forms, and their ultimate forms may not pose much of a threat.

Not to mention other things, he has transformed into most of these knights, the ones that transcend the knight's true form.

W, Oz, agito, Denou, Hibiki, Ryuki, Faiz, sword blade, kiva...


Teleporting over a short distance again to break the siege, Natsukawa blasted Hibiki away with one punch. Golden shadows appeared in almost every corner of the passage. Even kiva was stepped on, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong.


After counting the number of knights again, Xia Chuan turned to look at Decade hiding in the corner.

Is there one that is not a clone? !

what's the situation?

Xia Chuan was confused, but his fighting movements were not affected at all. He left an afterimage to dodge the blade's attack, increased his speed, and shot away the dragon knight who was about to summon the unparalleled dragon.


The blade that missed the attack was not spared. He staggered and fell to the ground, and then slid away close to the ground. While pulling out a deep ditch, the agito behind him was also knocked away.

It was only then that W and Oates had just turned back, and were greeted by a bright rainbow light.

In just a short period of time, the nine knights had no attack and were directly wiped out.

The combat is not on the same level at all.

Armadamu didn't even react, and his laughter stopped abruptly: "Is there such a Kamen Rider?"

Decade also fell into silence, but unlike Amadam, his eyes never left the camera driver on Xia Chuan's waist.

Same as his morpher, but changed color to magenta.

Another decade?

"Who are you?!" The light in Decade's eyes trembled, revealing the solemn face of Kado Yashi as the suit disintegrated.

(End of this chapter)

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