i'm really only human

Chapter 399 Battlefield Zeya City

Chapter 399 Battlefield Zeya City

"It doesn't matter what race it is, it's always stupid."

The white alien Luo Xiu'ao cast his gaze at the melee area casually. While he was puzzled by the existence of evil weapons, he became increasingly intolerable to the knights of this world who broke the peace of the forest.

"Sure enough, they are just guys destined for destruction after all."

"Your Majesty," Radiai reminded with a half-kneeling salute, "It's almost time, right? The ceremony has been prepared, and the next step is up to you."


Luo Xiu'ao swept the entire scene with his peripheral vision, raised his arm in a deep voice, and a blue beam tore through the space, carrying the sarcophagus into the World Tree Tower ceremony site.

"I don't want to prolong the pain any longer, so let's speed up the time. Compared with the resurrection of my lover, everything else is nothing."


At the same time, the blue light spread from the soles of the knights of this world who were fighting. Before they could realize what was going on, they fell into Zeya City with the sudden formation of space cracks.

"Human weapons?" Luo Xiu'ao activated his induction and saw all the deployments of various countries, but did not take it to heart. His tone remained calm, "You only need to concentrate on completing the mission."

Also inside the Tower of the World Tree, 01 Mie observed the current situation of Zeya City through the rebuilt monitoring system. When he heard the footsteps of Radiai coming from behind, his brows jumped slightly.

"My subordinates will start the ceremony now."

"You don't have to worry about it. You can only trust me now."

"And one more thing."

"You are really right. Since that guy left the Forest of Helm, I also..."

"what's the situation?"

Panting slightly, Danqi blasted away the alien soldiers in front of him. He looked at the surrounding city streets in confusion. He was shocked when he noticed the ruins in the distance. He almost thought that the world was destroyed.

"Humanity doesn't seem to have given up on this city yet. I'm afraid there will be a second wave of destructive attacks."

After discovering that no information could be found, Radiai walked out of the monitoring room with a cold voice.

Radiai said respectfully.

"Exited the copy?"

The body shape of Mie paused slightly.

Radiai bent down and backed away, his eyes flashing.


"This is still a copy world..."

"Then let's go with your plan first. I just need to get the golden fruit. As for how to use it in the end, it's up to you."

"It's really strange," Radiai asked tentatively, "You foreigners are fighting to get the golden fruit, but the end result is not to get the power of the golden fruit? I really can't understand."

"Hmph, I hope so."

Rossio ignored the frightened knights, gently brushed his fingers over the sarcophagus and asked, "Is this okay?"

"That's not possible now," Radia approached with her halberd, "I don't know where you got your confidence, but if you think Rossio is that simple, you are too underestimated that we, Fimsim, still have the golden fruit. The power, besides, he can go back anytime he wants."

He really has no way out now.

"By the way, you should be able to get a glimpse of Rossio's strength soon." Radiai paused at the door and said, "Take a good look at the true power of the golden fruit."

01 Mie looked away from the monitor and silently watched Radiai close the door and leave, as if he were looking at a dead person.

No matter what the final result is, the other party will only die.

He would not allow information to leak, even the possibility of leaking.


"Humans all over the world, I am Radiai, the general of Fimsim, and I am the new master of you monkeys..."

"We will turn the earth into the new Helheim within a year. Resistance is futile. Surrender, haha. In this way, I will also guarantee your future, the future of you as a plaything..."

Xia Chuan walked through the space passage and set foot on the streets of Zeya City again. The vegetation coverage in Helheim was even worse than before.

A broken advertising screen repeatedly played the war declaration of the green alien Radiai. His words were arrogant and full of contempt.

According to him, the overlord aliens who originally kept a distance from humans officially entered Zeya City, not for resources or to avenge their tribesmen, but just because they were bored and wanted to turn humans into toys.


Xia Chuan looked at the devastated city, his eyes turned calmly to the broken Tower of the World Tree, and a knight card in his hand turned into a stream of light and dissipated.

He seems to have found out a terrible plan.

That Radiai's real goal was the golden fruit, and his declaration of war on humanity was just to plot against Rossio.

"It seems to be different here!"

A military transport truck struggled through the street. After stopping at the intersection, Ge Yehongtai and others stepped off one after another.

"Is it because there are more plants?"

"No, you see, the World Tree equipment seems to be running again."

"Could it be Yuya?" Kuzuya Hongtae moved the obstacles excitedly, and even the pain on his body was relieved a lot. "Yuya said he had something to do before, and it seems he went there."

"Brother Hongtai, are you really going to do this?" Wu Daoguang's expression changed, and he couldn't help but persuade him again, "The Tower of the World Tree has long been occupied by aliens. Now, aren't you surrendering yourself to the trap?"

Of all the people, he was the one who least wanted to see "Yuya".

Just thinking about it made my hands and feet start to tremble uncontrollably.

And if everyone knew the truth, he would lose his foothold completely.

He doesn't want to reveal his identity yet.

At least I can't let Sister Wu know.

"Ashi, why are you still talking about this?" Kuzuye Hongtae said helplessly, "We alone can't save Wu at all."

"Are you afraid?"

Next to him, Qi Wen Jie Dou stared at Wu Daoguang Mi with bright eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Could it be that there is some secret that Kakui Yuya discovered?"

"How, how is it possible?" Wu Daoguang was really annoyed, "I'm just worried. I should hurry up and rescue Sister Wu now..."

"You can't even defeat me, what can I do to save you?" Qi Wen Jiedou laughed sarcastically, his gaze becoming increasingly dangerous.

Ge Ye Hongtai, a good person, is so good that he is a little bit seriously ill.

He could completely imagine that even if he said it, Kuzuye would most likely not believe him at all and not believe that Kureshima Mitsumi would betray him.

It is estimated that even if he knew Wu Daoguang's true face, he would choose to forgive, and even take the initiative to find reasons for the other party.

"Of course I have my own way!" Wu Daoguang Mi felt the hostility in Qi Wen Jiedou's eyes and felt dark in his heart.

He didn't want these guys to save Wu Jie at all.

Luo Xiu'ao is different from other overlords in foreign lands. He is a king who values ​​honor very much and will not kill innocent people.

The overlord aliens have always been instructed by Luo Xiu'ao not to have contact with humans.

In contrast, it is really dangerous for Sister Wu to stay with these guys.

If possible, it would be best if all the knights died.

The only person in this world that he can recognize is Sister Wu, and it doesn't matter what others are like.

"hurry up!"

The street barriers were quickly removed, and when everyone returned, Kumon Jiedou and Kureshima Mitsumi looked at each other with deep meaning, and continued to the Tower of the World Tree in the car as if nothing had happened.

No one noticed that where they just stayed, the exotic fruits shone with strange light.


Xia Chuan walked out of the corner, thought for a while, pulled out the luminous fruit and followed the convoy.

(End of this chapter)

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