i'm really only human

Chapter 46: Amazing Almighty

Chapter 46: Amazing Almighty
The armored knight rolled and stood firm, looking in disbelief at the mighty horned fairy Gu Langji.

"What's going on with this guy? He's stronger than the captain..."

"Is that the extent?"

The unicorn fairy pulled the pendant from his body and transformed it into a long sword weapon, walking towards the two knights with a trace of electricity.

"Use this new power to solve you."

"Hey, stop staring!"

The armored knight took a deep breath and shouted to the frog knight beside him.

"If you don't want to die, you can deal with this guy with me!"

"You don't need to say it!"

The Frog Knight clenched his fists, his shoulders trembling slightly.

It feels like being targeted by a beast, and there is almost no emotional fluctuation from the unicorn fairy Gu Langji.

"They actually regarded us as prey!"


"Bang bang bang!"

When Xia Chuan returned to the scene again, the two knights had been cut through their armor by the Unicorn Immortal, and they flew backwards at the same time with one blow, smashing all the tables and chairs in the restaurant to pieces.

"Cough cough!"

The body of the armored knight kept shaking like an electric leak, and he could barely move.

The Frog Knight's defense was much lower, and his state was even worse, almost losing half of his life.

"What about support? Are there any other knights nearby?"

"It's useless, only a level 4 knight can fight against this guy..."

"It's your honor to be able to die at the hands of me, Ge Gadolu Ba. Praise my strength and enjoy death happily."

The one-horned fairy Gu Langji raised his long sword and continued to walk towards the two knights who were struggling to get up. He only diverted his attention when he saw the frog Gu Langji hiding in the restaurant.

"There is still rubbish alive, didn't Dacuba clean it up?"


Without waiting for everyone in the restaurant to react, Gu Langji, the unicorn fairy, suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning his eyes away from Gu Langji the frog and turned behind him.

Under the reflection of the glass, Xia Chuan has transformed into the black metal Kuuga, second only to the ultimate amazing and omnipotent form.

Not only the color of the body has become black, but also the golden armor on the legs is one more than the sublimation almighty.

On the surface, it seems that there is only a difference in color, but the actual power has undergone an astonishing change. Just standing there makes Gu Langji, the unicorn fairy, stand on his back.


The one-horned immortal Gu Langji turned around slowly, his figure changed again while humming.

The chest and abdomen armor turned golden, and the limbs became stronger and more powerful as the current spread, the metallic luster flowed, and the aura was raised to the peak.


"It actually became stronger again!"

The armored knight looked at the one-horned fairy Gu Langji tremblingly, and then his eyes fell on Xia Chuan who was facing him.

"Is that... empty me?"

"Why black?"

"Empty me?" Gu Langji, the frog in the restaurant, stared in a trance.

Originally, he was still confused about what kind of existence could confront Da Cuban before qualifying for the competition, and even Da Cuba retreated on his own initiative.

Now the answer is out.

Probably only the legendary Kuuga can do it.

The last round of competition did not bring about the ultimate darkness, but it is an undeniable fact that Kuraga survived to the end.


Xia Chuan looked at the asylum tourists who were stuck in the restaurant, and then returned to the one-horned fairy Gu Langji.

Unlike the Unicorn Immortal who has just mastered the electric shock body, his power is very stable and almost never leaked out.

On the surface, it seems that it is not as powerful as the unicorn.

"This is your hidden power, right?"

The Unicorn Immortal looked directly at Xia Chuan's amazed and omnipotent form, and her voice was calm, as if she wasn't surprised at all.

"Others have failed, but I am different, I will never lose."

Without waiting for Xia Chuan to respond, the Unicorn Fairy took the initiative to walk towards the forest outside the playground.

"Come on, there is no Linduo nearby, you should be able to give full play!"

Xia Chuan didn't make a sound, and calmly watched the Unicorn Fairy walk into the woods.

Rather than saying that these guys are fighters, it is better to say that they are a bunch of hard-headed combat lunatics.

There is no concept of cooperation at all, and they don't care about the death of their clansmen at all. At the same time, they are generally conceited and superstitious about their own strength.

"Worship power?"

Xia Chuan probably understood why these guys dared to challenge Da Cuba.

"Notify the police," Xia Chuan reminded the two knights behind, "Evacuate the surrounding tourists and residents as soon as possible. I may not be able to control the power of the explosion."

This playground is not in the city center, but it is not particularly remote.

If there is a big explosion, the impact will be more serious than the previous airport.

It may be an exaggeration to say that it was a nuclear explosion, but the destructive power is indeed extraordinary.

Kurangi's sealed energy is like a key, which can completely release the core energy of Gulangi's belt, and the stronger the Gurangi, the greater the core energy, which has reached a very exaggerated level for the Unicorn Immortal.

Even if the Unicorn Immortal took the initiative to choose a place with few people, he didn't dare to kill casually.


Outside the playground, when Hiroko Asami arrived, the scene had already been cordoned off, and a group of spectators crowded outside, and Hiroko Asami frowned wildly.

"Are these people desperate?"

Asami Hiroko hurriedly found the person in charge of the scene with his documents,
"This won't work! It's still very dangerous here, evacuate immediately! The evacuation area has been expanded to a radius of 3 kilometers!"


"hurry up!"


Playground woods.

The one-horned fairy Gu Langji's kick was intercepted by Xia Chuan, and he quickly collided with heavy fists. Under the dull and loud noise, they shrank their hands and retreated continuously.


The leaves are scattered.

After the brief fighting attacks were easily dispelled by Xia Chuan one after another, the Unicorn Immortal sprinted angrily, jumped high with electric current on both feet, and then spun and kicked towards Xia Chuan at high speed.

Must kill!

"Spin kick?"

Xia Chuan moved back.

It is worthy of being the strongest Ge class, with amazing fighting ability, and the newly developed power can be perfectly used in battle.

Fortunately, he is not a newcomer.

Maybe it's the relationship with Altman, he is also experienced in combat, and his adaptability is not weak at all.

The Ge Group's combat experience that was missing in the dungeon time and space has been fully replenished in a short time.


Xia Chuan didn't make a hard catch at the last moment, he dodged the spinning kick like lightning, and hit the unarmored waist and abdomen of the Unicorn Immortal with a punch.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of trees in the woods fell in the electric explosion, and the ground seemed to be covered with a grid, which continued to sizzle.

What a frenzy.

It must be hard to get kicked.

Xia Chuan glanced back at the outside world, and found that Hiroko Asami had already arranged for evacuation, his red eyes brightened, he turned around and went straight to the one-horned fairy Gu Langji who kicked and hit the ground.

"It's over."


As the golden armor on both legs passed the current, two footprints ignited under Xia Chuan's feet at the same time.



The Unicorn Immortal backed away in the sudden gust of wind, and sprinted again with a deep shout, only to find Xia Chuan was faster and higher after leaping up, and a black shadow instantly enveloped his head.


Following Xiachuan Heijin Kongwo's violent kick, Gu Langji, the one-horned fairy, had no ability to resist, and fell backwards, and the two seal marks on his chest reacted violently.



The amusement park suddenly exploded and shook, and a terrifying pillar of fire rose into the sky, burning the entire forest in an instant, and the ground outside also shook in waves.

The people who hadn't had time to leave the refuge area turned their heads in horror, and they could clearly feel the shock tens of kilometers away, and the pillar-like flames were seen by people in the entire city.

It was a more terrifying explosion than in the past. Fortunately, most of the shock waves vented upwards.

"Under control?" Hiroko Asami looked up at the fading fire.

(End of this chapter)

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