i'm really only human

Chapter 502: Complete Form and Complete Form

Chapter 502: Complete Form and Complete Form

"what you up to?!"

The Lord of Truth watches the battlefield with a stern voice, shocked by Natsukawa's control over the protagonist, while trying to wake up Stellius who is in self-doubt.

"Don't be fooled by him, Stellius! He just wants to take the spellbook from you! There is no complete script at all!"

"Is that right?"

Stellius, who was on the verge of collapse, turned his head and looked back at Xia Chuan, and the magic book in his hand released enough power to control the entire world.

"What you said before, does it still count? You can't even take care of yourself, how can you let me get out of the story? The Ten Sacred Blades... are not worth mentioning to me."


Yuri took the lead in setting up a barrier with the sword of light. He looked at his fingers that were gradually fading away and felt panic for the first time.

"You now……"

"Shut up!"

Stellius interrupted Yuri fiercely, and the power of magic spread, isolating all swordsmen except the Holy Blade. Even the Lord of Truth could only rage helplessly from the outside.

After doing all this, Stellius turned his nervous face to the holy blade controlled by Xiachuan again.

"Tell me, why do you want to leave the story?! Now I want to get rid of you, without any effort. As long as I want, all the stories will disappear, including the Blade King Sword Ten Sacred Blades!"

"You underestimate the Holy Blade."

Xia Chuan did not show any emotion due to the strong threatening aura from Stellius.

"No matter how the story changes, the hero is destined to defeat the enemy. Don't you realize that you are now bent on arranging a so-called perfect ending?"

"So what?" Stellius held the magic book tightly in his fingers. "Even if the script lets me get this book, at least I can decide the ending of the story! Shenshan Feiyuzhen can't do anything, and neither can you! The last chapter of the story will be the death of the savior!!"

"That's where the fun part comes in. The plot you arranged just gave Holy Blade a chance to win.

"You want all the protagonists to fall into despair, proving that the ending cannot be changed, but you don't know that despair can actually turn into hope."

Xiachuan raised the Blade King Sword with one hand.

He possesses the power of the Dark Sword, but at this time the Dark Sword can no longer see the future.

"There is only one way to escape from the plot. That is, right now, give up your original idea and give up this magic book that gives you the illusion of invincibility."

"What if I give up?"

Stellius looked away in disappointment.

"Even without me, the story will still end. This world, including you and me, will all disappear! Maybe you could have been spared, but now... as the Blade King, you can only end up like me.

"Haha, nothing can be changed after all..."

“Who says it can’t be changed?”

The dark space within the barrier opened up, and Xiachuan Ebolt walked out of it in the form of a black hole, reaching out and grabbing the Blade King Sword in front of Holy Blade.

"Whether in the past or in the future, I have never belonged to this world, and of course I will not be restricted by the story."


Stellius's mind was shaken, and he widened his eyes again, looking at the white armored knight who walked up to the Holy Blade in confusion.

Ebolt's perfect body, black hole form.

After getting the Blade King Sword, his aura was even more terrifying than when he fought with the Phoenix Swordsman, and it seemed as if he was about to break out of the planet and universe.

"How did you do it? It's clearly turned into a Blade King Sword," Stellius' voice trembled, and he checked the magic book in his hand in disbelief, "The content is not in the records, there is no information about you at all!"

"how is this possible?"

The Holy Lord of Truth from the outside world was also shocked and speechless.

"The power of the Blade King Sword has been separated? How did they do that? There's no reason..."


Xia Chuan did not respond, but raised his hand and summoned the magic gem crystal under the golden halo.

Although there were deviations from the original plan and the dungeon could not be completed before the arrival of the Alliance Knights, at least we waited until this moment.

"What is this?" Stellius fell into a daze, his eyes did not look very bright, and he had completely lost the madness that he had before that saw through everything.

The scenes before his eyes have proved to him that Xia Chuan is indeed out of the story.

“Could it be the world outside the story?”

In a trance, Stellius vaguely saw the inside of the magic gem world, where there was no omniscient book, and every picture was a new story. A brand new future that had never been seen before.

"It's actually true."

Stellius choked up and approached the magic gem. He didn't care that the magic book in his hand slipped away. He merged directly into the golden halo as if crying with joy.

"What's going on?" The Holy Sword Swordsmen looked at each other, feeling a little confused.

It's about the script and the future. It sounds so complicated.

Only Yuri and Fujimiya Sage seemed to be thinking about something.

Almost at the same time that Stellius disappeared, similar images appeared in the minds of the two people one after another.

After what was supposed to be a tragic ending arranged by Stellius, the fantastic omnipotent book born from the swordsmen's faith and the future that turned despair into hope were all wiped out.


Not just the future, the entire world seemed like a picture erased by an eraser, and everything began to return to nothingness.


The Lord of Truth broke the barrier in anger and seemed to have made some decision. The Book of Magic that was about to disappear suddenly condensed in his hand again, and the world's nihilism was also interrupted.

Taking over Stellius as the scenario boss also means that he is fully integrated into the world of "Sacred Blade".

Life and death are bound to the world of "Sacred Blade" and there is no turning back.

Once we lose this dungeon battle...

"No, I can't lose!"

The Lord of Truth's face burst with malice, and he flew into the air clutching the magic book.

"Decade! You who interfered with the dungeon have now become the real dungeon boss. Conquering you and restoring the Sacred Blade to its original trajectory is the final condition for clearing the dungeon!"

"In that case, my condition for passing the level is to capture you."

After Xia Chuan looked directly at the Holy Lord of Truth and read the copy information, he turned back to look at Kamiyama Touma who had passively released his transformation.

The protagonist obviously doesn't know what's going on.

"Leave here with the others," Xiachuan waved his hand and sent Feiyuzhen and other swordsmen out of the fantasy world, "Be a good novelist."


Before Fei Yuzhen could even open his mouth, his gaze turned and he was instantly outside the reality barrier. He could only watch the battlefield in the fantasy world through the transparent barrier.

The white armored knight holding the Blade King Sword, and the Lord of Truth who is gradually becoming dehumanized.

"The battle from a thousand years ago has restarted!" Yuri took a deep breath and moved closer to the barrier.

A similar scene, but this time it seems far more terrifying than before.

Thousands of years ago, only one city was affected.

Now it's a matter of world survival.

The headache is that I don’t know which side to support.

The Lord of Truth, who seems to be an enemy, actually aims to protect the world.


A storm gathered in the fantasy world. The Lord of Truth transformed himself in his attire in the huge mirror image of the magic book. Behind him, two pairs of black crow wings with a wingspan of dozens of meters covered the sky.

A brand new magical holy sword then slowly fell from the sky into the hands of the Lord of Truth.


The giant energy sword fell, and half of the city that had been corroded was reduced to ashes and ruins along with the fantasy world.

In the sea of ​​fire, there was only Xia Chuan, whose figure remained intact, and the Holy Lord of Truth, who was high above and holding power like a god.

“It seems like we’re back to square one.”

Xia Chuan looked around slowly, and when he looked up at the sky again, seeing the Lord of Truth no longer having any emotions and seemed to have become a different person, the figures of the knights of this world also appeared in his mind.

Almost like his original body, Ark also completely descended into the Holy Blade through the Exploration Team Knights.

The level also exceeds lv9.
The battle between clones happened thousands of years ago, now it is the turn of the original body.

This is a good opportunity to completely eliminate Yak and cut off one arm of the alliance in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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