i'm really only human

Chapter 505 Party

Chapter 505 Party
This world.

School villa.

Fujiwara Saiji and his companions returned dejectedly. They were not in a good mood after the routine questioning by the alliance. Only at Natsukawa's invitation did they temporarily forget their unhappiness and hold a small party.

Natsuki Kirishima, who was traveling with us, took the initiative to take over the task of being the chef, saying that she wanted to prepare a sumptuous meal.

The performance returned to its original state.

"what happened?"

While drinking water, Natsukawa passed by the kitchen and took a look at the busy Kirishima Natsuki.

There's nothing unusual.

He doesn't seem to be the same person as in the copy.

Either his disguise ability is too strong, or he is possessed.

Xia Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He could not sense anything unusual, which meant that the other party's life level was likely higher than his.

The strange thing is that there is no sense of being prying around at all times.

Even when facing Natsuki Kirishima, there was no threatening reaction.

He didn't think the other party could completely avoid his vigilance.

Maybe his current level is not high enough, but he still has the foundation of Ultraman, plus with the blessing of the master of the fusion copy world, his spiritual aspect is not necessarily lower than these aliens.

As long as there is prying, he will definitely be able to feel it.

Is it because he doesn't dare to peek, or is it that he has misunderstood?
Actually not exposed?

Xia Chuan's thoughts turned back.

Kirishima Natsuki did not mention "Kannaga Shinji", but only called him "Lippia".

The separation of Lipias from the god Yongxin II was a well-known fact in the world, and it was generally believed that Lipias had been sacrificed.

Otherwise, he would not have gone through five years of hardship and become a forgotten and outdated hero.

In this case, his clone and original body strategy may have successfully led the alliance astray.

"Senior Kanonaga?"

Kirishima Natsuki poked her head out in confusion.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"I'm here to find some drinks. What would you like to drink?" Xia Chuan turned around, collected his thoughts, and gave up the idea of ​​probing.

Exposed or not, he was ready.

The Magic Gem World can be used as a retreat when necessary.

"Are there any other drinks?" Natsuki Kirishima asked in surprise, "I looked in the refrigerator and there was only strawberry milk."

"Uh, I think I made a mistake. I'll go check out the cafeteria later."

Natsukawa left Kirishima Natsuki and returned to the living room, just in time to see Fujiwara Saiji carrying a box of beer alone.

"Teacher, I've taken them to the training hall for a sparring match. They may be back in a while." Fujiwara Saiji said dejectedly.

The only thing he couldn't let go of was the copy.

The more I think about it, the more I care.

He was actually controlled by Yak and was almost swallowed to death silently.

This is a far cry from his former ambitions.

In the outside world, he is a rare level 5 knight. He formed his own team like his brother did before. He is gifted and has an outstanding record. Because he has won dungeon quotas several times, even some level 4 knights are vying to join his team.

But only he himself knows what is actually happening.

It’s better not to mention these copy experiences.

The previous exploration teams could at least participate in the plot battles, but here they are just spectators, just going through the motions.

"Teacher, am I a failure?"

Fujiwara Saiji took a big gulp of beer.

"My teammates thought I could get rich resources from the dungeon, but in fact, there was nothing. I am a little afraid to face them now."

"What is there to be afraid of?" Xia Chuan sat down casually, "Just tell the truth. You are the captain, and the team is your help, not a burden."

Fujiwara Saiji was silent for a moment.

"I promised them that I would help everyone accumulate resources for promotion, become the strongest team, and rebuild the Fujiwara Group together in the future." Xiachuan looked at Fujiwara Saiji who had been drinking continuously again, and felt that this earliest student seemed to be showing signs of going astray.

Why does it sound like they've formed a blood-sucking team?

Sucking the captain's blood.

Not reliable at all.

"If you really want to rebuild the Fujiwara Group, you don't need to go through a team," Xia Chuan shook his head secretly, "I can help you."

“I want to rely on my own strength.”

Fujiwara Saiji opened his mouth and lowered his head.

"I still dream about my brother occasionally. I tell myself that I must surpass him in terms of strength and other aspects. This is my motivation to keep going."

“Don’t forget your original intention.”

Xia Chuan didn't say much.

People will always change as they experience more.

The current Fujiwara Saiji is no longer that simple middle school boy.

"How nice it would be if I could stay in the past forever," Fujiwara Saiji's throat was dry, and his eyes were filled with pain and nostalgia. "I knew nothing and was so weak back then, but now I think it was the happiest time."

After guzzling several dozen beers, Fujiwara Saiji turned to Natsukawa drunkenly and asked, "Teacher, how can I quickly advance to level 5? I can't wait. There are many level 5 knights in the headquarters, and they haven't even entered the dungeon..."

"Those people may not be true level 5 knights."

Xia Chuan's voice was calm.

Compared with the island country, the alliance headquarters mainly relies on external forces to improve its level.

Almost all the level 5 knights that Fujiwara Saiji had seen cheated through Ark, but Ark has now been erased with the completion of "Sacred Blade".

It is still unknown what the situation of those knights is.

But before Yak is restarted, the knights from the island country will have a huge advantage, and it is the best time to catch up and improve.

Some promotion resources will not be occupied by outsiders in the short term...

"And Decade," Fujiwara Saiji said in pain and incomprehension, "Did we offend him? Why do we have to close the dungeon every time? Do you want to eliminate all competitive threats?"

At the end, Fujiwara Saiji could hardly contain the anger and hatred in his heart, and he almost spoke with gritted teeth.

Xia Chuan could only remain silent.

He did not deny that he had influenced the improvement of the knights of this world. If it weren't for him, there would be a lot more level 5 knights on the island country, and they would not be suppressed by the knights of Country A like they are now.

Compared to those cyborg knights who have recently frequently gone to the island country to compete for resources, he seems to be more hateful?

But this time and next time he will still close the copy.

This was his struggle with the alliance. There was no need to consider the thoughts of the island knights, even if some of his students were among them.

No matter how much the alliance promotes Decade as a demon, it can't affect him.

So what if he's really a devil?

After the party, Xiachuan went to the door to see a few people off, and his eyes lingered on Kirishima Natsuki for a moment.

He originally wanted to check on Natsuki Kirishima's condition, but found nothing.

Continuing to test the waters could easily alert the enemy.

Fortunately, I am sure that I have not been exposed yet and there is still enough time to prepare.

According to his plan, it would take at least a year.

"I wonder if the Alliance has made any progress on the next Zi-O instance."

Xia Chuan withdrew his gaze and returned to the study.

Previously in "Foundry", he had obtained a "Zi-O" watch dial, and now is the time to use it.


Xia Chuan raised his hand and took out the luminous dial, and clearly felt the breath of time and space far beyond the past. However, after a pause, he decided to go to "Creation Rider" first.

It is still not safe to enter "Zi-O" directly, as there are Time Robbers who can stop time at will, and Oma Zi-O who gathers the power of all the knights is also a huge threat.

It is best to find Kiryu Battle Rabbit first to obtain the enhanced accessories.

By the way, it’s about time to release Kondo Isami.

(End of this chapter)

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