i'm really only human

Chapter 55 Hostility

Chapter 55 Hostility
"Really okay?"

The rugged man who had been leaning against the bar raised his eyebrows again, squinting at Xia Chuan with suspicion on his face.

"It's not a fake, is it?"

The man's name is Second Wolf, and he is the last survivor of the werewolves who were wiped out by the Vampire in human form. After joining the Blue Sky Club a few days ago, he was originally a candidate for the ixa system's attire, but Xia Chuan suddenly joined him.

He had known about the side effects of the Ixa system a long time ago. He thought that he was the only one who could afford it and could always get it back, but Xia Chuan didn't seem to have any problems at all.

He didn't think the ixa system made by humans was so great, but he was a little annoyed that the things he ordered were taken away.

Moreover, the ixa system is still the weight he uses to obtain Aso's friends. Only with ixa in hand can he control the woman he has chosen.

Cilang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Yuli Aso who was staring at Xia Chuan.

It doesn't feel right anymore.

If it goes on like this, it will be snatched away, right?
"Is ixa life-threatening?" Aso Yuri asked Shimamoru, "Mr. Shimamoru, what's going on?"

"It's literally."

The island guard said in a low voice.

"The current ixa system still has major flaws. Although the transformation will be forcibly released at the last moment according to the wearer's body, every use is undoubtedly tantamount to suicide, ranging from injury to paralysis, or even..."

"How come?" Aso Yuli stared at Xia Chuan in a daze.

The price of Ixa is so huge.

Totally invisible.

As the wolf said, have you been holding on all the time?

"The current ixa still needs to be continuously improved. I don't want you to use ixa because of this. You who have been falling into the hatred of your mother can easily overuse ixa."

Shimamoru sighed and looked at Yuli Aso who was silent, then turned to Xia Chuan and said.

"It's the same for you, Shenyong, don't be too pushy. It's normal to get injured. As ixa's first battle, the performance has been perfect. We have collected a lot of data. It's best to go to the hospital for an examination later..."

"No, my own body knows it by itself."

Xia Chuan glanced at the second wolf from the corner of his eye, feeling a sense of hostility.

He is just not familiar with the details of the plot, the main content is not unfamiliar, and he has already recognized this old man with a wild aura at first sight.

The last werewolf who lived for an unknown number of years had devoured the souls of many human females before becoming active as a soldier of the Blue Sky Society.

The main purpose of joining the Blue Sky Society seems to be to use the power of human beings to avenge the vampires, and later it became a weapon of Kiva.

"Ixa? It sounds like a powerful one."

A young man carrying a violin case broke into the coffee shop with a smile, wearing a light blue casual suit, and his demeanor looked a little flirtatious.

"I don't know if I have a chance..."

"You, an outsider, don't join in the fun." Cilang pinched the visitor's chin and pushed away, with a faint disgust in his eyes.

"What is an outsider?"

The young man propped himself up on hands and feet, and looked at Aso Yuri while fighting.

"Anyway, I have cooperated a few times, and now I have actually joined the club!"

"It's just that you are being sentimental on your own, get out!"

"What? Are you afraid of me?"

Xia Chuan turned his head to observe the young man amidst the noise.

Hong Yinya, who is not a member of the Blue Sky Club but is entangled with Yuli Aso, is the second ixa wearer.

He is also the human father of Hong Du, the protagonist of "Kiva".



Xia Chuan took to the streets of Tokyo alone, and didn't know where to go for a while.

In Japan in 1986, there was not even a mobile phone, and it became more and more uncomfortable.

Although he can experience the sense of age, but now he can't really arouse much interest.

This dungeon is much more complicated than Kong me, and there are a lot of troublesome people around me, and there are probably a lot of troubles.

And it's not so easy to deal with vampires.

These guys are usually hidden in human society, and only appear when they "eat", and the number is not just hundreds or thousands.

Such a huge group of King's Landing Demon Clan, who knows how many individuals there are, maybe any passerby may be a vampire.

Of course, he never thought of destroying all the vampires like he did with Gu Langji.

It's just a copy of time and space, and his fundamental purpose is to bring the knight system back to this world.

"God forever!"

Yuli Aso followed Xia Chuan hesitantly.

"Sorry, I don't know at all, your body..."

"It's really okay."

Xia Chuan turned to face Yuli Aso with a complicated expression.

"You don't need to apologize, using ixa is my own choice."

"If there's anything I can do to help, just say it," Aso Youli pursed his lips and continued, "I-I'll help you in the future."

"If you don't follow me, help me."

Xia Chuan noticed Hong Yin who was following far behind.

He's not here for any love triangle drama.

"I know you are still thinking about ixa, but as Mr. Shimamoru said, the current ixa is not suitable for you at all..."

"Of course I understand, but without ixa, I can't do anything, and my mother can't rest in peace."

Aso Yuri clenched his fingers and lowered his head in pain.

"I will never forget that day. In the end, I didn't even catch my mother's hand. The person whose life energy was taken away by the vampire disappeared like that, leaving only clothes..."

"Let's go back."

Xia Chuan shook his head and interrupted.

"If you really want it, you can wait for the improved version in the future. I only want this version of ixa."

"Really?" Aso Yuli raised his head in astonishment, "But your body..."

Xia Chuan waved his hand and ignored Aso Yuri.

Neither Shenyong Shinji nor he is good at dealing with other people, they are both afraid of trouble.

This kind of dungeon time and space will not cause trouble for himself.

"Thank you." Aso's expression became more complicated.

"Speaking of which, Yuli," Hong Yin also came from behind, looking at Xia Chuan's back and asked tentatively, "Where did this guy jump out? It's really annoying, it feels like it's completely ignoring us..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just ignore you."

Aso Yuri glanced at Hong Yinya.

"He was my mom's colleague and now he can say he sacrificed himself for the ixa test."

"Is it really?"


Under the streetlights, Xia Chuan followed the address and found his apartment downstairs in this world.

He didn't pay too much attention to the matter of Aso's friends, but instead thought about Hongyin, who is not very brilliant now.

Hongdu's human father is Hong Yinye, and his mother is the current queen of the vampire clan.

Not to mention Hong Yin's ability to poach the wall, this guy is indeed destined to be the queen of the blood ghost, and because of this, he later got the opportunity to transform into a dark kiva.

Dark kiva and future kiva, both knight systems are related to the queen.

He might be able to get it through Hongyin.

For a copy of "kiva", it is the best choice to get a kiva system, otherwise the ixa system will have to wait until 22 years later.

"It's a little slow."

Entrance to apartment building.

Cilang walked out with a cold face, squinting at Xia Chuan with a scrutinizing expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, that woman has an important mission to reproduce for me. Just in case, it's better to get rid of you first. Compared with Hongyin, you are too dangerous."

"He actually took the initiative to find the door."

Xia Chuan quietly watched the second wolf transform into a blue werewolf monster.

If it was placed in this world, he would deal with this kind of character immediately. Here he didn't move much, and the opponent ran out by himself.


"Fi-st On!"

Xia Chuan took out the ixa punch and pressed it against the palm of his hand, quickly loaded the belt as the werewolf sprinted and approached, and took a step forward to dress up as soon as the outline of the armor was condensed.

(End of this chapter)

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