Chapter 57
"That one just now, was it a wolf?"

Aso Yuli looked back at the forest in the park in doubt.

"It seems weird..."

"That guy was never normal."

Xia Chuan didn't pay much attention to Cilang, and turned his attention to a few students who were talking quietly at the next table.

"What is it?"

"Another person is missing? Still nearby?"

"I heard that a man's clothes and many belongings appeared in the underground passage, as if his body suddenly disappeared. Could it be that he was also eaten by a ghost?"

"Which underground passage are you talking about?" Yuri Aso pushed forward and asked.

"Just, that's the one going straight on the road here," a student girl said nervously, "You better not go there, a lot of people have disappeared out of thin air recently."

"You guy, you know the side effects of ixa, but you still give it to Yuli, what are you thinking?"

ROOK's eyes were excited, and he was not surprised but happy when he saw the wolf behind him, and then revealed his own vampire form.

Either being beaten or running away.

Probably only this guy would kill indiscriminately like this.

"I can listen to you for everything else, but this is not enough. I must defeat that guy. Mom's revenge... I joined the Blue Sky Club just for this!"

Its behavior pattern is very similar to that of Ge-level Gu Langji, and its strength is equally powerful. After transformation, its combat power is far superior to that of ordinary vampires, and it can also display considerable strange power in its human state.

Same as 2 years ago.

Because it is too boring, ROOK will often set a rule time for himself to play the game, and only target those who meet the conditions. If he completes the target, he will reward himself with dessert, and if he fails, he will find a way to punish himself.

He felt more and more that the time and space of "kiva" were strange.

"Just right, let's have a long-awaited wolf hunting game!"

Obviously the monsters have been active, but the society has not been affected, and life is still as usual.

Weird guy.

"Got it, thank you."

Those who deal with vampires are almost all non-governmental organizations. The government basically doesn't do much, and the police don't care at all. Missing people are only reported.

"That vampire is ROOK. If I were you, it's better not to go there and die."

Xia Chuan was not too surprised.

"This is the Vampire, Mr. Kaminaga."

The mother's grudge has become a knot in the heart of Aso's friends. As long as the knot is not solved, it's useless for him to say anything from an outsider.

A police car was parked on the side of the road and seemed to be preparing to clean up the scene, but even if they couldn't get close, they could still see the clothes placed in human figures in the underground passage from the outside.

"That guy is..."

"thanks, thanks!"

"Come on, I probably know what's going on."

The second wolf completely gave up its own speed advantage and attacked like crazy.

Yuri Aso wept with joy, held the gun in his arms as if afraid of breaking it, thanked Xia Chuan, and hurriedly chased in the direction ROOK left.

"Bastard!" Reluctantly glanced at the lion-toothed vampire, Cilang gritted his teeth decisively, turned around and ran away.

At some point, Hong Yin who followed behind also jumped out dumbfounded, looking at Xia Chuan with annoyed eyes.


Because there is a special vampire in the vampire clan that keeps changing its hunting targets—the lion vampire ROOK, one of the cadres of vampire 4.

The difference in strength is so big that it seems like adults are teasing children.

Aso's friend couldn't bear it, but he still watched the victim's family identify the relic.


Aso Yuri looked in the direction of the forest battlefield in doubt, and when he saw the man in the leather jacket turn away from the back, he froze suddenly.


Xia Chuan didn't make a sound.

Humans are more like raised food.

This is not so much the human world as it is the world of vampires.


"Are there any survivors of the wolf clan?"

I don't know if the high-level human beings and the vampires have reached some kind of agreement.

"Can you lend me ixa? Just this time, I promise, I won't pester you in the future!"

However, the Liontooth Vampire didn't even bother to move. After a series of heavy punches, he kicked him away.

Xia Chuan and Aso Youli followed the sound to the park, and when they entered the woods, they saw the second wolf fleeing.


"Are you really not afraid of death?"

However, the second wolf only seemed to be attacking. After being beaten into the air, he still refused to give up. He roared and charged again, and was finally beaten back to his human form and fell to the ground.

"That's right, he should be the murderer of the institute incident two years ago."

As if he didn't expect to run into Xia Chuan, Ci Lang stopped in a muffled voice, wanting to say something, but turned his head to look behind, and finally continued running with a sullen face.

The passers-by around stopped for a while and then walked away quickly, all with a hint of surprise on their faces, no one was watching like a lively crowd, and no one was surprised at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

"I didn't think about it, she couldn't change."

Among the cadres of Vampire 4, the first is the king of Vampire, the second is the queen, the third seems to be the bishop who manages the clan's affairs, and ROOK is mainly external, equivalent to a thug-like existence.

Xia Chuan did not respond immediately.

"He is not something you can deal with now, go back and leave it to me."

Xia Chuan called to Yuri Aso who was still about to chase after him.

"Look at it first."

A shrill wolf howl spread through the woods, and passers-by fled one after another, leaving only the second wolf who had transformed into a werewolf to confront the man in leather.

"Sorry, Mr. Kaminaga."

There is also no trace of the monster in the media.

Yuri Aso bowed his head silently.

It's this guy again.

Before the identity of the victim was confirmed, a mother and daughter ran into the scene crying, and several policemen couldn't stop them.

"President, you go and explain," Xia Chuan took out the ixa punch and threw it to Youli Aso, "Only for today."

"The color of the clothes is not pink," Aso Youli breathed out softly, "it should not be the vampire we are looking for."

"Aren't you going to follow the past?" Xia Chuan reminded, "Compared to transforming, it is more dangerous for Aso friends not to transform."

"Yuri puts too much pressure on herself, and puts all her hopes on ixa. Transformation is a huge test for her. If she can't beat ROOK after transformation, she will have no place to pin her hopes on. Do you think she will transform? "

In "kiva", Yuri Aso in this period seems to be unable to transform due to psychological barriers.

Yuri Aso looked anxious.


If you say this guy is a scumbag, he looks quite infatuated, and he is even willing to sacrifice everything for Aso Youli, almost risking his life to protect Aso Youli, but then he got together with the queen of the tooth blood ghost clan.

"Mr. Shenyong?" Yuli Aso looked at ROOK who had completely disappeared in the woods, and was extremely anxious but could only look at Xia Chuan eagerly.

If he hadn't come into contact with the vampire incident personally, it would appear to be just a normal, ordinary world on the surface.

It seems that this kind of incident is a matter of course.

The change of target did not mean that the two vampires were hunting.

Xia Chuan made a simple analysis based on the plot of "Kiva", and took a few glances at Hongyin by the way.

Xia Chuan looked away.

It has a colorful lion head wrapped in white hair, two white human faces blowing trumpets on its shoulders, and its body is covered with colorful armor like a castle chariot. Other than that, it has no extra weapons, but its sense of oppression is obviously higher than that of ordinary vampires.


On the other side, the park.

It is also a way to make Aso Yuri completely give up.

"Mr. Shenyong."

Yuli Aso frowned after getting the answer, and looked at Xia Chuan with some concern.

Following the guidance of the student girl, Xia Chuan easily found the location of the incident.

"Mr. Shenyong, vampires rarely change their hunting targets. Will there be other vampires?"

"These guys are the natural enemies of mankind..."

Whether it was the elimination of the werewolves or the massacre of the research institute where Aso Yuri's mother worked, it was all done by ROOK.

If you don't care, this woman will die in the hands of ROOK sooner or later, right?
"Even the ixa system is not necessarily the opponent of ROOK. That guy is different from ordinary vampires." Xia Chuan continued.

If he guessed correctly, the vampire that appeared this time should be this ROOK.

Xia Chuan looked thoughtful.

Human society in this world is obviously not normal.

"Isn't it all because of you? This is a big trouble!"

Hongyin also curled her lips, and after walking a few steps, she turned her head and said helplessly.

"Regardless of whether Youli can untie the knot, I owe you a favor...Of course, I will never give it to you, Youli."

"In that case, please do me a favor in the future," Xia Chuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Youli."

(End of this chapter)

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