i'm really only human

Chapter 63 Father's Comrades

Chapter 63 Father's Comrades

Shopping Street Clairvoyance Divination House.

A strange man stopped at the door carrying an old suitcase.

A cowboy hat with a large brim, a printed scarf around his neck, and a knitted mixed-color shawl and cape, he looks like a Mongolian herder man. He has a mix of jeans and leather shoes, and he has a bit of western cowboy style, exuding a dangerous atmosphere all over his body.

The decoration inside the hall is magical. After removing the disguise, a bald fortune-teller in the middle licked his fingers and counted the money with a smile.

"Haha, I made a lot of money again. It's really unbearable. No matter how much you earn, you can't be enough. People will betray, and money will never..."

"Is that you? A man who can see through the future?"

The cowboy opened the door curtain and looked coldly at the bald head who was frantically wearing a wig and beard.

"Of course!" The bald fortune teller straightened his face and said mysteriously, "I am a man who can often see the foreground! Hahaha..."

"That's it...then you disappear."

The color of glass appeared on the cowboy's face, and a pair of luminous long teeth flew out of thin air and stabbed the bald fortune teller's neck fiercely.

The laughter in the museum stopped abruptly, and banknotes were scattered everywhere.

"Wrong, this guy is not king either."

"I heard that you are looking for the king everywhere, it is true."

The four-cadre bishop wearing a black robe appeared at the door, wearing round eyes, tall and thin, and looked like a sick man, but the danger in his eyes was not weaker than that of the cowboy man, with a faint sinister and vicious glint.

"What is your purpose?"

"It is rumored that this time the king has been exiled in human society," the cowboy boy said flatly, "Since it is a King, even the human form must have special abilities."

"You want to defeat the king?"

"That's right, I will become the new king to dominate the world."

The bishop glanced at the bald fortune-teller who disappeared from the transparency, and glanced sideways at the cowboy boy who spoke loudly: "Ah Zhong, you are indeed very strong, even your ambition is too strong, that's why you failed to become one of the four chess cadres. "

"Strength is everything."

The cowboy snorted coldly, and walked out of the divination hall away from the bishop.


Shopping Street Plaza.

Xia Chuan first went to Hongyinye's house, which is where Hongdu lives now, but he was unlucky and ran into Hongdu outside after returning.

The guy in the photo in the coffee shop looks a little timid and not good at dealing with people.

"You are Hongdu, right?" Xia Chuan asked proactively.

If you want to go to the 1986 timeline, you must rely on the vampire Delanon Castle, and it seems that you can only rely on Hongdu to enter the Delanon Castle.

The current Delanlong Castle should belong to Kiva like the second wolf.

"you are?"

Hongdu looked blank.

He was sure he didn't know the handsome uncle in front of him.

At this time, exclamations suddenly sounded in the children's playground in the square, and a middle-aged gangster who was tightly packed ran out with a backpack, knocking down several passers-by along the way.

"Go away!"


"My bag..."

"Get out of here!"

The gangster waved his arms and pushed Hongdu away viciously, but Hongdu who reacted hugged him from behind.


"You bastard!"

When the gangster found that he couldn't break free, he let go of his backpack angrily, turned around and beat him crazily.

"Stinky boy..."


Xia Chuan frowned slightly.

I don't know if it's because he's not good at fighting with human bodies, but Hongdu was beaten to the ground after a few punches, seemingly powerless to fight back.

He was kicked several times until his stomach turned blue.

It's too weak for a kiva.


Seeing that the gangster was about to attack him harshly, Xia Chuan stepped forward and grabbed the gangster's arm.

"Bastard! Who are you?" The gangster turned back and roared, and suddenly took out a dagger from his arms, "Are you courting death?!"


Xia Chuan lightning grabbed the dagger, frowned, raised his leg suddenly, and kicked the gangster into the sand more than ten meters away, and passed out.

Although his position is to protect human beings, it has to be said that no matter which world it is, scum always emerges in endlessly.

Such people do not deserve protection.

"Are you okay?"

Xia Chuan walked towards Hongdu who got up in pain under the frightened eyes of the passers-by around him.

"No, it's okay, thank you," Hong Du sat down on the stone pier next to him clutching his stomach, "By the way, who are you, uncle?"

"According to the calculation, it should be regarded as your father's comrade-in-arms." Xia Chuan said after a slight pause.

Hongyin also transformed into ixa, saying that there is nothing wrong with her comrades.


Hongdu stared at Xia Chuan for a while, then suddenly exclaimed softly.

"Could it be that you are...Mr. Shenyong Shinji?!"

"Hey, A'Du!"

A golden flying object the size of a palm broke in suddenly, and hurriedly shouted at Hongdu.

"What are you doing? Another vampire has appeared, hurry up and move!"

"Tooth bat?"

Xia Chuan looked curiously at the mechanical life form flapping its wings above his head.

This thing is the main body of the kiva belt, Tooth Bat III.

The biscuit-like body is mostly occupied by a pair of red eyes. Below is a mouth and a pair of small claws. The wings are spread out on both sides. On the top of the head are puppy-like ears. The demon emperor stone between the brows hides terrifying power.

The voice is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it in some animation.

"Hurry up, A'Du!" Tooth Bat III didn't notice any abnormalities in Hongdu's body, so he continued to urge urgently.

Seeing this, Xia Chuan pressed Hongdu's shoulders, who stood up reluctantly, and said, "I'll do it."

"You are?" Tooth Bat III noticed Xia Chuan now, looking down with big red eyes in surprise.

"lead the way."

Xia Chuan took out the ixa punch and said.

The appearance of the boxing gun is the same as it was 22 years ago, but the interior must have undergone tremendous changes, and the biggest feeling is obviously a lot heavier.

Just right, you can get used to this version of ixa first.

According to Shimao, the current ixa is in the second stage, which is an explosive mode that can operate at 2% power, and basically has no side effects, but the load is heavy when it is running at 100%.


On the chaotic street, passers-by were fleeing here and there, and a man in a leather jacket in the middle ran against the crowd, and when he bumped into a passer-by who was in a hurry and didn't choose his way, he grabbed the other person's arm.

"Hey, is there nothing interesting? Just disappear without you!"


Xia Chuan saw ROOK at a glance.

But this time it wasn't ROOK that caused the chaos, but a warthog-toothed vampire who seemed to be chasing its prey.


"Fi-st On!"


Xia Chuan held down the ixa punch, buckled it into the belt with one hand, and overlapped with the luminous ixa battle suit armor unfolded by the half cross as he walked.

The face armor unfolds simultaneously at the moment of dressing, revealing a pair of red compound eyes in the strong blast.


This is the ixa burst mode.

The strength is indeed far more than the preservation, and there are no bad side effects, and it is very comfortable to wear.

As for the load...

There is nothing wrong with his body, but the battle suit and built-in computer are a bit reluctant.

It seems that this mode cannot be used continuously for more than 30 minutes, and the energy consumption increases sharply, and the battle suit cannot be repeatedly summoned within a short time after use.

"It's not a big problem."

Xia Chuan locked his eyes on ROOK and the warthog vampire on the opposite side.

30 minutes is enough.


"Is that the guy?"

Nago Keisuke appeared in the middle of the fleeing crowd, staring fixedly at Xia Chuan's transformation.

"My ixa..."

(End of this chapter)

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