i'm really only human

Chapter 68 The King of the World

Chapter 68 The King of the World

"Bang bang bang!"


A series of explosions suddenly exploded in the forest open space, and a large number of dark red energy storms enveloped Xia Chuan in front, as if circles of wind tunnels continued to scour and spread.

Xia Chuan quickly reached out and pulled up the black kiva cloak on his back, turned around and wrapped himself around his body to block all the impacts, and protected Hong Yin and others from behind.

"what is this?"

Hong Yin, who had just completed her transformation, also hurriedly protected Maya and Aso Yuri and withdrew from the battle circle.

Somewhat different from what was said, this version of ixa does not have any side effects, and it can indeed activate the burst mode.


He didn't seem to find a chance to intervene in this battle.

"Bat guy was right."

Hong Yin also switched the holy sword to gun mode, worrying about the battle in the field.

"Even if the king is not as powerful as the dark kiva, does he have the strength to rival the dark kiva?

Too bad, Shenyong will die if this goes on! "

"Yomoya," Aso Yuri stopped, did not take Maya away immediately, gritted his teeth and asked Hongyin, "What's the matter with the dark kiva? It consumes life energy or something..."

"Dark kiva is not something that humans can transform," Maya helped explain, "It's not just a matter of life energy, the human body itself can't bear it,
Even if the transformation is successful, it will only be a later death, and the longer the time, the more dangerous it will be, until it finally turns into ashes. "

"Don't worry too much."

Hong Yin was also silent for a while and laughed.

"Even I can bear it. That guy Shenyong is sure to be fine, and I won't let him have trouble, otherwise the favor will never be repaid."

"Can you stop talking sarcasticly behind? Am I looking like I'm going to die?"

Xia Chuan quickly shook off his cloak.

As the air flow fluttered, a huge fluorescent black bat logo emerged from the ground under his feet, pointing at the opposite Vampire King who had stopped to attack the storm.

"It's my turn."


King glared at Xia Chuan, clenched his claws tightly, and launched another destructive attack while drinking heavily, shooting blood-red light bullets out one after another.

The dark kiva was originally his battle suit, and he knew all the abilities clearly.

Facing Xia Chuan, who can perfectly display the power of Diablo Kiva in a short period of time, he can no longer care about other things, completely let go of his fluke and contempt mentality, and go all out.

The dark kiva must be defeated before the dark kiva attacks, otherwise...


Xia Chuan ignored the destructive light bombs, and moved his feet amidst a series of energy explosions. The luminous mark on the ground instantly shifted to the Vampire King's body, and before he could react, he left the ground and stood up, turning into a seal to bind him.


Thunder and lightning ropes entangled the Vampire King, making it difficult for him to break free, and he had no ability to resist.

Seal enchantment.

The necessary pre-skills used by Diablo Kiva to release the nirvana, it only takes 1 second to make the enemy open up and fix the cross, and turn it into a fish waiting to be slaughtered.And it's nearly impossible to interrupt.

"Wake Up 2!"

Xia Chuan raised his hand and inserted the awakening flute whistle. When the Yabat II blew the second part, his body trembled slightly and lowered his center of gravity. The Demon Emperor's power in his whole body was concentrated on his legs, and then he leaped high into the sky again.

After the first nirvana, he basically adapted to this dark kiva suit.

Warm up is over.


While the high-air current roared, Xia Chuan turned upside down, and suddenly kicked in the air under the reflection of the giant moon above his head.

King's Burst End!


The dark kiva's legs and feet spread out the luminous energy wings, and it kicked down under the terrified gaze of the Vampire King.

It is clearly a dark kiva figure, but in a trance, it is another black knight figure, as if you can see another king warrior standing on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The dungeon time and space cannot use extra power. In theory, the ultimate space-time power does not exist at all. After all, Xia Chuan has not even fused the spirit stone.

But I couldn't bear it. Xia Chuan himself was the winner of the ultra-ancient dungeon killing game, and he defeated Da Cuba head-on again in this world, and his kingly aura was fully revealed under the blessing of the dark kiva demon king.


The king and the king collide with each other, as if two worlds are at war.

Before the attack came, the Vampire King's defense had already been breached on the spiritual level, and the field of will was shattered.

"Human warrior..."


The huge force like a mountain roar and a tsunami broke through the figure of the Vampire King, and a circle of dark kiva signs was compacted, forming a huge gully, and at the same time, the entire ground rumbled and cracked.

The shock wave fanned forward, and the forest trees were quickly annihilated and turned into ashes.

The vampire residents hiding in the Bewildered Forest fled in fright.

Halfway through the run, the bishop of the four cadres turned his head subconsciously, his pupils suddenly turned white, and his whole body was instantly shattered like glass swallowed by the blood-red impact.


Xia Chuan's footsteps landed on the ground.

When everything calmed down, the attack range in front of him had turned into a scene of hell, the ground cracked, lava flowed across, and half of the forest was turned into scorched land.

An open gully channel in the middle can even see the coastal cliffs with undulating sea water at the end.

Kind of scary.

Xia Chuan, who was the instigator, couldn't help but have his eyes fluctuate.

At the last moment, Tooth Bat II seemed completely unable to suppress the power of the battle suit, not only the Demon King Power in his body, but also the amazing Demon King Power contained inside the battle suit was detonated.

As a result, he with a level 3 physique was a little unbearable, his body was torn and painful, and his recovery speed was also much slower.


What happened to the collision of wills just now?

A clash of two worlds?


Xia Chuan released the dark kiva transformation in the roiling heat wave, his battle suit was restrained, and the tooth bat II shook off the buckle belt.

"Tooth Bat, what the hell did you do?" Zhenye didn't blink for a long time, looking at Tooth Bat II incomprehensibly, "This time the wearer is only human!"

Just now, the power of the dark kiva even surpassed that when King was dressed.

You know, except for King, it is difficult for other vampires to fully exert the power of dark kiva, let alone human beings.

In addition to its own power, the dark kiva battle suit has a greater role to stimulate the power of the vampire to the maximum.

What power does man have to inspire?

"I don't know," Tooth Bat II hadn't recovered from the impact, and fluttered around like drunk, "I don't know what's going on either."

"Will that person die?" Maye continued to look at Xia Chuan, "Ordinary vampires can't handle it."

"He...he doesn't seem to be a big deal?"

"Kaminaga, you bastard..."

Hong Yin, who had been standing behind for a long time, was also awakened by the voices of Maya and Yabat II, and the corners of her mouth twitched after she untransformed.

"Is it really all right? Who is the monster?"

"It has nothing to do with me, it's the power of the dark kiva."

Xia Chuan withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the awakened Castle Dragon.

The 2nd stage must kill is so powerful, how strong is the 3rd stage that is said to be able to destroy the world?
As far as the surface level is concerned, kiva is indeed powerful enough.

It's a pity that the current Diablo kiva seems to be unable to use Wake Up 3. In "kiva", it is said that it is a skill that flips the table and dies together. I don't know if it is true or not.

If it is true, it can be used as one of the trump cards in the game against the high-level people in this world.

No, fake ones are fine, the key is to convince others...


Suddenly, a strong sense of exhaustion flooded Xia Chuan's heart.

It has nothing to do with the body, but it's time again.

Xia Chuan looked down at his hands.

Sure enough, the fingertips had begun to become transparent.

"Mr. Shenyong?!" Aso Yuri shouted first, "You are..."

"Yes, same as last time."

Xia Chuan calmly faced everyone.

I didn't feel bad, but rather relaxed.

Although they are all out of the dungeon time and space, but this time the shuttle has feedback.

Same positive feedback as the empty self copy.

He has passed the test and obtained the Dark Kiva system, and now he just exits the "game" after clearing the level.

"Don't worry, I just want to return to my own world."

Xia Chuan glanced at Hong Yin and the others landed on Aso Youli.

To him, it was just a copy, but these people, this world really existed.

"Live well, Yuli, maybe one day we can meet again."

"Mr. Shenyong..."

Aso Yuli didn't care about the dirt on his hands. After wiping the corners of his eyes, he tried to smile happily, and the knot in his heart quietly dissolved.

"Take care of yourself."


Hong Yin also realized that she wanted to catch Xia Chuan but was in vain, leaving only a glowing afterimage in front of her.

"It's too much, Shenyong, returning to my own world... Is it the future or what does it mean? How can I return your favor?!"

"Didn't I say that? You have already paid back the favor."

Xia Chuan's abdominal shuttle belt emerged, completely turning into light spots and disappearing in the sound of the wind.


"have they gone?"

Hong Yin also waited for a while, opened her mouth in a sense of loss, and looked down at the ixa punch in her hand from the future timeline.

"What about this thing?"


"kiva" 2008 timeline.

Shimamoru sat at the counter and took a sip of coffee.

"So, when will that guy Kaminaga come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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