i'm really only human

Chapter 73 The Second Ranked Knight

Chapter 73 The Second Ranked Knight


The rain is pattering down the streets of Tokyo at night.

Xia Chuan walked under the street lights in the dark kiva form, and the seal barrier under his feet flew out, pinning the last two fleeing rat-shaped vampires, and the electric light explosion instantly tore the rat-shaped vampires to pieces.

The second mouse nest group was wiped out.

Xia Chuan stopped in the rain and took the time to check the information on the panel.

It cannot be said that there is no harvest, but there is no movement at all in lv3.6.

"Hey, Shenyong!" Tooth Bat II suddenly reminded, "Is there someone over there?"

"How many times have I said, don't call me by my name outside."

Xia Chuan looked in the direction and found that there was indeed a figure lying on the rainy ground. His blood-stained clothes were in dilapidated condition, and he could vaguely see the whitish wound. It seemed that he had been attacked by a rat-shaped vampire.


Xia Chuan walked closer, and accidentally discovered that the student who was attacked was the student he had met during the day.

It seems to have been ambushed by the second wave of rat-type vampires.

"It's actually this kid," Tooth Bat II also recognized Du, "What should we do? Put it here to kill yourself?"


Du moved his fingers slightly, and vaguely heard someone talking about him. He wanted to look up, but his vision was blurred. He barely saw the legs and feet of the dark kiva suit, and then his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness again.

In the end, only the sound of rain could be heard getting louder.


"Dark Kiva?!"

The next day.

Du slowly opened his eyes under the sunlight, and after regaining consciousness, he sat up straight in shock, and then gasped because of the severe pain of the wound tearing.

After a while, Du finally regained his strength and looked around the room vigilantly, only to find that it was just the living room of a residential house with a confused look on his face.

He remembered that he seemed to meet Diablo Kiva in the end, how could he appear in such a place?

Have you been rescued?
Enduring the pain and leaving the sofa, Du suddenly heard the sound of water splashing in the kitchen, and a smell of fried eggs wafted out from the gap.

My stomach growled uncontrollably.


"are you awake?"

Xia Chuan opened the kitchen door and saw Du nodded in greeting.

"There are no ingredients, so I can only buy a few eggs nearby, so let's make do with it."

"Teacher Shenyong?"

Du's expression became more and more confused.

"How could it be a mentor..."

"It's also your luck. I just passed by yesterday and saw you lying on the side of the road, and then I brought you here first. This is my former residence."

Xia Chuan tasted the fried egg first.

"How did it happen?"

"Accidentally fell for it."

Du slightly blushed and turned his head away, and soon asked in doubt.

"Didn't the mentor see other people?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Du bowed his head to solve the fried egg in front of him.

Hiss, a little spicy.

"Really nothing?"

Xia Chuan looked at Du a few more times.

"Speaking of your past, it's too strange. The real records are only for the last three years, and the medical examination data has never been entered...and you are the only one who survived the attack of the vampire."

Du's face froze, he opened his mouth, and suddenly collapsed.

His identity does not stand up to investigation.

"Sorry, mentor, I don't want to lie to you."

After hesitating for a while, Du Qing sighed and explained.

"Actually, my father is not from this world. About 20 years ago, my father, who was a vampire, suddenly wandered here from the world of knights. After that, he settled down and lived here until 3 years ago..."

After a pause, Du grabbed his fingers in pain.

"Three years ago, my father left some prophecies and disappeared. He said that other vampires would come to this world in a short time, and asked me to use the kiva system to protect the world at critical moments. No matter how hard you try, the fusion coefficient can't break through 3..."

"20 years ago?"

Xia Chuan was Du's first sentence to attract attention.

There are vampires who came to this world 20 years ago.

The world of knights should have started to show signs of invasion three years ago...

"So, you have already become an official knight?" Xia Chuan asked after thinking about it.


Du lowered his head again.

"I don't want people to know that I'm half blood of a vampire, so..."


Xia Chuan shook his head and didn't delve into it.

If it were him, he would also hide his identity.

"By the way, what happened to the dark kiva you just mentioned? It seems that there is some deep hatred." Xia Chuan asked curiously.

Du fell into a brief silence.

"Since my father disappeared 3 years ago, I have been having the same dream repeatedly. In the dream, my father will be killed by the dark kiva."

"Is it just a dream?"

The corners of Xia Chuan's eyes twitched darkly.

The so-called father-killing revenge is actually such a thing, he said he felt inexplicable.


Du stopped eating, endured the pain and left his seat, took a few steps back and bent over cautiously.

"I will drop out after I go back, and I won't make things difficult for my tutor."


Xia Chuan called out to Du who was about to leave.

"Where do you want to go? Even Gu Langji has been taken in by the school, so it won't be too big for a vampire student."

"Take Gulangji in?" Du's face was obviously taken aback.

"You will know when you go back," Xia Chuan said calmly, "and your father is your father, you are you, and your father is a vampire, but you may not be."


While Xia Chuan turned into a dark kiva to eliminate the rat-shaped vampire, there was an uproar in the knight circle.

Because there has been no movement for a long time, there is suddenly another name on the knight rankings.

After Kuuga dominated the list for many days, another knight entered the list.

"Dark Kiva?"

"Which knight is this again? The first batch of senior knights?"

"Throwing up, just like Kuga, it's a bunch of question marks again."

"Anyway, there is still an avatar, which looks much more powerful than Sora."

"No matter what, I am no longer the only one. If this continues, we will be on the list sooner or later!"

"Come on, we'll just perform missions to kill some ordinary weirdos to get points. The real list depends on those level 3 and level 4 knights."

"I don't have any ideas, just mix some fixed points every month."

"No prospect, no wonder the fusion coefficient can't go up!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Somewhere in an old warehouse.

The Frog Knight is equipped with a Magnum buckle, and summons an exclusive gun to arm and kill several rat-shaped vampires with difficulty.

"These guys... are really hard to kill."

After cursing secretly to cancel the transformation, the uncle looked at the points with a smile on his face.

As expected of the Magnum Buckle, even against this kind of enemy that can be revived repeatedly, it can get a lot of benefits.

One step closer to being on the list.


The uncle was in a good mood and glanced at the leaderboard by the way, and his face changed slightly after realizing that Sora was no longer the only name.

There are still people on the list so quickly, how did they do it?
Ordinary weirdos have pitifully low points. Generally speaking, only people who are looking for money will care.

The targets of these contestants are basically monsters above level 2, almost in a state of too many monks and too little food.

Forget about being empty, eating alone and killing countless high-level weirdos, what's going on with this dark kiva?

Even if there is a "rat infestation" now, it is difficult to widen the gap with others in such a short period of time, right?
"By the way, how many points do you need to be on the list?" The uncle frowned in confusion, "Why are there all question marks?"

Ota Ward.

Xia Chuan settled down the injured Du and was about to continue the work of exterminating rats when he suddenly noticed the soaring popularity of the knight forum.

The source of all discussions seems to be related to the listing of Diablo Kiva on the list.

Calculating the time, the update of the list happened to be when he turned into a battle yesterday.

The same authority card can be bound to different knight identities separately?


Xia Chuan did not go out immediately, but checked the forum information with a little confusion.

It’s weird.

Sora is fine, after all, he has killed a lot of high-level Gulangi, and he just started to transform into a dark kiva, and he didn't seem to do anything.

It's just a group of level 2 rat-shaped vampires, how many points are they worth?
Or... the dungeon will also count points?
Xia Chuan's gaze fluctuated slightly.

It seems possible.

The reason for the question mark is that apart from the relationship between him hiding information through the panel, there is another possibility that the points are too high.

If this is the case, there will be one more reason to use the shuttle in the future.

How much does an entire dungeon world cost to collect points?
(End of this chapter)

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