i'm really only human

Chapter 83 The Clown

Chapter 83 The Clown

Xia Chuan tightened his grip on the antler saw blade, but he didn't flinch.

He didn't expect to face Callis so early, after all, it was the ace of hearts, even if he won, it wouldn't feel good.

You can wait until the scuffle to pick up the cheap.

However, there is nothing to be afraid of if you really want to fight.

If you can't fight, you can still run.

It's just a good time to try Calis' level, and roughly judge the strength level of these high-strength undead creatures.


Calis noticed the antler saw blade in Xia Chuan's hand, and finally got a little serious, stepped forward and threw a heavy punch.

Bitter and strong wind blows in the face.

Xia Chuan did not confront directly.

The footsteps were misplaced, and the moment Calis smashed the cliff boulder with a punch, he simultaneously chopped out the saw blade in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the sparks splashed, Xia Chuan immediately stepped back to open the distance, just in time to avoid Callis' quick counter kick, and the fight was completed in an instant.

The strengths and weaknesses of both him and Callis are very obvious at this moment.

He is definitely not comparable in defense, but his strength can barely compete, and his speed completely surpasses Calis.

Although he has the power to transform, Calis is not a knight after all, he can only rely on his basic physical ability to fight, and he has no special skills.

It's no wonder that Carliss and the Vulture of the Jack of Spades are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other.

That vulture also focused on speed, and could even fly.



Xia Chuan continued to flick the antler saw blade to block the attack.

At the same time that a green blood line was drawn in the gap of Kalis's armor, the antler saw blade in his left hand was crushed by Kalis' fist in response.


Xia Chuan looked slightly startled, and hastily slid back to open the distance again.

In the end, it was just a weapon for low-level undead creatures, not strong at all.



Kalis hugged his right arm with green blood constantly slipping, stepped back in pain, took a deep look at Xia Chuan, turned around and jumped off the cliff to leave.

"Is this gone?"

Xia Chuan took a look at the broken antler saw blade with a little regret, and did not choose to pursue it.

In the early stage of melee, if you don't have invincible strength, it's better to be more stable, otherwise there is no reason to be taken advantage of by the old 6.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't meet Calis later.

Anyway, it is also category A, and it is not so easy to fall down.


After a battle, the edge of the cliff returned to calm again, only the sound of the wind remained.

Xia Chuan looked around, but found no other undead creatures.

I don't know if I avoided it deliberately,

Taking the only remaining antler saw knife, Xia Chuan continued to search for high places.

Hope it can't all be placed on the side of the orchid undead creature, he also wants to find the clown as soon as possible.

The first is to gain more vision.

After a while, a huge stone platform located on the mountainside came into Xia Chuan's eyes, and at the same time, there was a lizard undead creature blocking the way.

Come again?

Is it completely unavoidable?
He doesn't really want to fight right now.

The corners of Xia Chuan's eyes twitched slightly to observe the lizard undead creature.

The left hand has an ax blade and the right hand has a sharp sword, and the tail is also a sharp long knife. It looks like a weapon monster. Even the armor on its body has a lot of stabs, which looks particularly fierce.


Seemingly not expecting other undead creatures to come, the lizard was stunned for a moment, and charged at Xia Chuan viciously.

Such a weak undead creature has no defense at all, with thin arms and legs, and only a saw blade weapon.

It is simply the prey that is delivered to the door.


Xia Chuan blocked the lizard undead creature casually, sideways avoided the roaring ax blade, and suddenly picked up the antler saw blade before the opponent's tail-flicking attack came, and the huge burst of force split the tail in two ahead of time.


The tip of the tail with the long knife was thrown down in the rush of green blood, and the remaining tissues were still writhing.


The lizard hadn't fully reacted to the severe pain, and it wasn't until Xia Chuan pulled out the long knife at the tail with a little disgust that he became furious.



Xia Chuan turned around and slashed out.

Just as the lizard was about to fight back, its whole body flew upside down. While crying in pain, the core of the belt opened, completely losing its ability to fight.

"2 of spades..."

Xia Chuan looked inside the core of the belt before the sealing slab descended, and found that the engraved pattern of 2 of spades had already appeared inside.

Sure enough, it was a low-level undead creature, and it was still the smallest brand. It gave him the feeling that it was much weaker than the stag undead creature.

With his current strength, he is almost invincible in front of these low-level undead creatures.


Xia Chuan watched as the sealing slab flew over his head. Just like before, the undead lizard was sealed and turned into a card in an instant.

The stone slab in front of him should be just a projection, but it still gave him a terrifying feeling, as if he was going to be sucked in just by looking at it.

I don't even know what this thing is.

Xia Chuan's gaze fluctuated and he stepped forward to pick up the 2 of spades card. He no longer thought about sealing the stone slab, and turned to walk towards the boulder platform where the lizard and undead creature stayed just now.

The view here is really good, and you can see most of the undead creatures below.

The current extreme battle has just begun, and the battle has already intensified.

And all the undead seem to be gathering in the same direction.

It's the lakeside full of unknown plants...

Xia Chuan watched the scattered undead creatures from a distance, and after confirming the final gathering place, his expression was delicate.

Is he lucky or bad luck?

The place where it started to appear turned out to be the final circle.


Xia Chuan suddenly found the orchid undead creature, as if he was being chased by another undead creature.

It's too far away to see clearly, but it seems that the orchid undead creature doesn't seem to panic, but seems to be actively seducing.

"Could it be... a clown?"

Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The orchid undead did have the idea of ​​using him, but it shouldn't be possible to cause trouble now.

Check it out first.


"That guy should find this undead creature, right?"

On the ground, the orchid undead creature was getting closer and closer to the lake. It looked back at the shark undead creature that was chasing after it, and glanced curiously at the green core around the opponent's waist.

From just now, she wondered how an undead creature could have such a belt.

It is completely different from other belts.

Is it...

The orchid undead creature was startled suddenly, and reacted belatedly.

I heard that there is a special undead creature that will destroy the world.

Could it be that the latter is the legendary undead creature, the clown?

But the appearance is obviously a shark...

"It seems that your luck is not bad."

Xia Chuan's figure appeared behind the undead shark that was chasing, blocking the way when the opponent retreated vigilantly. At the same time, he also noticed the clown's belt emitting green light.

Orchid undead creatures are indeed lucky.

The clown seems to be still in its infancy, and has not got too powerful a seal card.

Otherwise, he would have to think of a way to get other undead creatures to join forces to deal with the clown. At that time, there would undoubtedly be more trouble, and he might not be able to get the clown belt smoothly.

"What do you mean?"

The clown looked at the orchid undead creature, then looked at Xia Chuan in a deep voice.

Until now, he still doesn't understand that he has fallen into a trap.

It was all about him from beginning to end.

Just how do you tell?

The ultimate battle had just begun, and he had only revealed the clown's body once, and no other undead creature had seen it at all.

"Is he really the legendary undead creature?!" The orchid undead creature Chao Xiachuan asked doubtfully.

"Is it important?"

Xia Chuan raised his newly acquired long knife.



Although the orchid undead creature was surprised, its hands were unambiguous. Before the clown could react, it blew out bursts of pollen petals, covering the perception and confusion, and several vine tentacles wrapped around the clown's body in a row.

Because it was so sudden, the clown fell into a brief absence before he could exit the mimicry.

good chance!
Xia Chuan swung his knife and moved at a high speed. The long knife and the antler saw knife were simultaneously struck out, completely bursting out all the strength of his body.

He's still not sure about the strength of the clown's body, even if he hasn't developed it now, it can't be so low.


The piercing and slashing were connected, and the clown who recovered from the severe pain screamed and spilled a piece of green blood, and his figure also returned to his original body.

It looks a bit like a green beetle, roaring like a beast.


After violently tearing off the tentacles of the vines, the clown turned around and was about to flee, but Xia Chuan was already prepared, and appeared in front of the clown again with an afterimage, and kicked the clown back again between the saw blades.

(End of this chapter)

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