i'm really only human

Chapter 86 Heart K

Chapter 86 Heart K
The situation in the forest battlefield has changed drastically.

Strengthen the combination of power to form a destructive effect superimposed on Xia Chuan's own power, blasting a blade-shaped shock wave like a gourd.

The lightning wrapped around the bow and arrow, and the blade slashed violently and hit the K body of the praying mantis.



The surrounding trees were blown into a ball under the scattered shock waves, and the mantis K in the middle roared and rolled and flew to the ground. After hurriedly getting up, a smoldering wound appeared between the chest and abdomen, and green blood was rushing.

"how is this possible?"

Mantis K's eyes trembled slightly, and his voice trembled when he saw Xiachuan Kalis' figure.

They are also Kaliss, and the gap in combat power between the front and the back is too big.

It is actually able to use the power of other undead creatures.

"Could it be..."

Mantis K suddenly noticed the Calis Awakener on Xia Chuan's waist.

"What happened to that belt? Could it be that you are the legendary clown undead creature?!"


Xia Chuan opened the storage box again, turned around and swiped the 5 of spades towards Calis with a bow.

"Kick!" Locust, enhanced kick.

He didn't know how much his body conversion fusion value would be, but using 3 or 4 seal cards at the same time seemed to be completely stress-free.

It's just that the physical energy consumption is slightly greater.

It's a pity that there are not many cards suitable for battle in hand.

The clown can't use it casually, and I don't know the function yet. The function of the red heart Q is to fuse the power of the superior undead beast, which is somewhat tasteless to him.

The "blade" artificial knight system uses category A as the basis for transformation, because category A can absorb the power of lower-level undead creatures, and category Q must be used as a medium for higher-level undead creatures.

But Callis is different.

Callis uses the power of advanced undead creatures, and it seems that there is no need for additional category Q.

"Damn it, wait for me!" Mantis K suddenly jumped back, "I won't be sealed by you!"


Seeing the target on the opposite side quickly bounce and flee, Xia Chuan didn't care to continue to swipe the card, picked up the Callis bow and quickly chased and rushed out of the forest.

This time the dungeon is very similar to the "Kull Me" dungeon. If there is no accident, the clearance condition should be to be the final winner.

Mantis K happens to belong to Kalis' heart deck, maybe it can be used to strengthen the combat power.

And this guy seems to have guessed the identity of the belt.

Mantis K must not be allowed to escape.


Outside the forest, Mantis K glanced back, clutching his wound and running towards the lake, but his flustered appearance was watched by other superior undead creatures.

A wolf-shaped undead creature stared fiercely at the weak mantis K, and rushed out with sharp claws all over its body.

"Go away!"

Mantis K swung his wrist knife angrily, and after blasting the wolf undead creature away with great force, his escape speed accelerated again.

The threat he faces now is not only Xia Chuan, but also other high-level undead creatures in this area, who will be besieged if they show weakness.

"Asshole, I am the strongest undead creature, how can I be eliminated by these guys?!"

"That guy is..."

The tiger-shaped undead creature happened to witness the front and rear battles, and its eyes fell on Xia Chuan over the Mantis K, and hesitatingly did not choose to intervene.

What she advocates is an upright and decisive battle.

That's the only way to get to the end.

"I will definitely be the final winner!"


There are green bloodstains all over the way, and the weakness of Mantis K can be clearly felt, but there are no other undead creatures to stop him.

Especially after being close to the lake battlefield.

After several low-level undead creatures were knocked into the air by Mantis K, the undead creatures along the way dodged one after another, even in the middle of the battle, they had to stop and give way.

All the lower-level undead creatures watched in horror as Mantis K and Xia Chuan chased after each other. They did not start discussing until the two figures disappeared from sight.

"The mantis undead creature is too scary, it's so powerful even after being injured..."

"Isn't the one in the back Kalis? The praying mantis undead creature was injured by him?"


"What praying mantis undead creature? Don't dare to fight head-on, coward!"

"It seems to be chasing all the way out of the danger zone..."

"Did the other perverts not get involved?"


The undead creatures didn't know each other, but Kalis suddenly became famous among the lower-level undead creatures, and even somehow gained the title of the strongest undead creature.

The eyes of the lake battlefield are different, some are jealous, some are dark, some are dissatisfied, excited...


Xia Chuan ignored the undead creatures along the way, only Mantis K remained in his eyes.

His physical strength is still very sufficient, and it just takes some time to go left and right.


I don't know how long I have been chasing, but I finally waited until Mantis K's speed slowed down.

good chance!
Xia Chuan put his feet together, jumped up high as a knight, turned over and landed in front of Mantis K.

Perhaps realizing that he couldn't escape, Mantis K roared and stopped, grabbed the plants by the lake and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Bastard, don't underestimate me!"


Xia Chuan split the blade-shaped shock wave sideways, faced the furious Mantis K, and swiped several cards into the Kalis bow again.

It doesn't constitute any nirvana, but it can somewhat increase combat effectiveness.


When his fingers touched the clown card, Xia Chuan suddenly paused.

Compared with when the clown was first sealed, the current clown card seems to have some new changes.


Xia Chuan turned around to avoid the close-up collision of Mantis K, and after the bow and arrow blade pushed aside the opponent's wrist knife, he grabbed the gap and drew out the clown card to swipe across the bow and arrow.

Suddenly a burst of green light burst out.

The sealed card that had already enchanted the bow and arrow resurfaced again, and a circle of card energy phantoms revolved around Xia Chuan, and then all of them were integrated into the Kalis armor.


It is possible to activate the card combination of different decks to strengthen the armor.

Although it is different from the final form of Wild Callis, the armor has not changed much, but there is still a lot of energy pouring into the body, enough for him to exert stronger strength.


Xia Chuan held the Kalis bow horizontally, while parrying the attack, his footsteps suddenly exploded, and the force was transmitted from the waist and hips, and he raised his leg and kicked the screaming Mantis K hard.


Before Mantis K landed, Xia Chuan moved at high speed, slashing instantly with the bow and arrow shrouded in lightning, and a slash of light blade swept across Mantis K's back.



Violent explosion flames surged from behind Xia Chuan.

This time Mantis K finally opened his belt, and the red heart K pattern in the middle was twisted into shape, quietly waiting for the arrival of the sealing stone.


Xia Chuan gathered his bow and arrows, released the transformation form while sealing the slate covering Mantis K, paused, turned around and took the Heart K card.

Unknowingly, I have collected all the Q and K of hearts, but the low-level cards only have a 3 of hearts.
But it doesn't seem to make much sense.

There are a total of 13 cards in the heart deck, and it is almost impossible to collect all of them. Let alone other things, the 2 of hearts is a big problem.

This brand that originally belonged to human undead creatures must not be obtained.

"Seems like a lot of time wasted."

Xia Chuan put the K of Hearts into the card box, facing the lake wind and looking far away at the lakeside battlefield on the other side.

Dozens of undead creatures came into view.

The chaos began.

(End of this chapter)

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