i'm really only human

Chapter 93 Locomotive

Chapter 93 Locomotive
"Teacher Shenyong!"

Xia Chuan just walked out of the training hall, and suddenly found Kenzaki Kazuma who was waiting outside, changed into ordinary casual clothes.

"Can we talk?" Kenzaki Kazuma asked after taking off his helmet.

"Tamura has notified me."

Xia Chuan nodded slightly, and followed Kenzaki Kazuma to the lakeside of the villa.

"I heard that you have finished your studies ahead of schedule and have become an official member of Kamen Rider Glaive's long blade team."

"Captain Shimura said that I'm already an official knight and I don't need to go back to school."

Kenzaki Kazuma looked hesitant.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

Leaving without fulfilling the one-year agreement made him feel guilty of betrayal.

Especially after listening to the conversation between Xia Chuan and Fujiwara Zuiji just now, I deeply felt Xia Chuan's expectations for them.

"It depends on your own judgment, and don't you already have your own choice now?"

Xia Chuan glanced at Kazuma Kenzaki who was hesitant to speak.

"Don't think too much, this is a school, and it's an honor for me, as a mentor, to get a student to become an official team member of the 4th-level knight, and there is also a bonus."

Kenzaki Kazuma secretly smiled bitterly.

Is he just a tool man who gets a bonus?

However, it was a lot more comfortable to say so.

He didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Both his mentor and Captain Shimura are his most important people.

The mentor helped him through the rookie period and laid the foundation, and Captain Shimura was his necessary choice to go further.

"Teacher, why don't you come to our side too."

Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly turned to Xia Chuan to invite him.

"I have seen the strength of the mentor with my own eyes, and I am definitely qualified to become a full-time member. I can recommend it to Captain Shimura..."

"No need," Xia Chuan picked up a stone and threw it into the water, "I like my current life very much, and I don't want to change it without authorization."



Facing the lake wind, Xia Chuan interrupted.

"Everyone has their own pursuit. Compared with fighting on the front line, I hope to train knights here, so that this deformed knight era can be somewhat changed."

"I support the choice of the mentor," Kenzaki Kazuma didn't quite understand, but still gave a thumbs up, "I hope that my mentor and I can realize our ideals in the future!"

Xia Chuan glanced at Kazuma Kenzaki from the corner of his eye: "You seem to hate weirdos more than others? Is it because of your parents?"

"My parents died at the hands of the weirdo!" Kenzaki Kazuma clenched his fist and said, "I want to eliminate all the weirdos and prevent the same grief from happening again. That's why I became a Kamen Rider."

"Then fight, keep fighting, and get stronger."

Xia Chuan patted Kenzaki Kazuma on the shoulder.

When we met before, Asami Hiroko said that Kenzaki Kazu really had a fear, but now it seems that the situation is okay, at least the fighting spirit is still strong.

With this fighting spirit, you will not be swallowed by fear.


After parting from Kenzaki Kazuma, Xia Chuan returned to the villa alone, but just took out the key when he heard strong mosquito noises around him.

As if the communication signal was being disturbed, harsh noises continued to invade.

"Do you think of yourself as a human being, Kalis? Knight mentor? I didn't expect that the strongest undead creature in the legend would degenerate to this point."


Xia Chuan frowned and looked around.

A tall man in a leather jacket with sunglasses came into view in the woods on the opposite side.

"Don't be nervous," the man in the leather jacket snorted and smiled, "Although I always wanted to fight with you, but not this time, the extreme battle has not started, and we don't need to fight, how about working together?"


Xia Chuan turned back and walked towards the woods, the abdominal belt awakener emerged, and pulled out the Kalis seal card with one hand.

He doesn't like others finding his own body, which makes him very insecure.

This kind of guy with too strong perception ability is too much threat to keep.

"There is no cooperation between us, only fighting."



After swiping the card through the belt awakener, Xia Chuan's figure instantly changed into Kalis, and he rushed into the woods with a bow and long blade.


The man in leather suddenly levitated into the air, avoiding the light blade shot by Kalis's bow, and at the same time raised his hand and fired a flame bomb at Xia Chuan.

Xia Chuan was slightly startled.

Both human forms can use superpowers to fight.

Which high-level undead creature?
"Bang bang bang!"

Xia Chuan picked and slashed on the long blade of his bow and arrow, and after breaking through several flame bombs, he stopped and looked at the man in leather who was suspended.

"Can we talk about it?" The man in the leather jacket smiled, "No matter how strong you are, if you are alone, you may still be sealed by the human knight system, especially that Glaive, you can't beat it."

"Not interested in."

Xia Chuan unplugged the awakener component and inserted it into Calis's attack, and continued to brush the 6 of spades.

"Thunder!" Bucks, thunder and lightning bonus.


Sideways avoiding the man in leather jacket's flame bomb, Xia Chuan pulled the trigger of the bow again, aiming at the top amidst the electric light and fiercely shot a thunder blade.

call out!

The flames of the storm exploded in the forest, the surrounding trees tilted, and the branches and leaves fell, even Xia Chuan couldn't help but take a step back.

However, after the blasting air flow ceased, there was no man in the leather jacket left at the scene, only a little green blood spilled.

Did you escape?
Xia Chuan put down his bow and arrow and looked around.

He can almost perfectly display the power of Kalis category A, and with the knight system and card enhancement, there is no pressure to deal with undead creatures other than category K.

But it seemed that the other party was only slightly injured.

Six of Spades is still not enough, and it is not Hearts after all.

I remember that several cards suitable for air combat are all red hearts, and they are also Kalis's nirvana deck.

Still have to hurry up and collect the hearts deck.

The heart deck is the power that really suits Kamen Rider Kalis.


After confirming that the man in leather was far away from the base, Xia Chuan released his transformation and walked out of the woods.

The harassment of these undead creatures is not useless, at least he has been able to sense it in reverse.

The opponent can feel the breath of the sealed card on him, and he can also lock the opponent through the breath, so there is no need to worry about these guys playing tricks.


It stands to reason that he didn't do anything in the dungeon extreme battle, and when he entered the finals, there were only a few top-level undead creatures left.

The legendary, strongest undead creature... Are these titles wrong?
"God forever?"

Asami Hiroko stopped at the intersection with a pickup truck, and hurriedly greeted Xia Chuan after seeing him.

"What happened to the explosion just now? Are you okay?"


Xia Chuan glanced at the pickup truck, and the cargo box behind it was tied tightly with a sheet of tarpaulin, and a locomotive shape could be vaguely seen.

"what is this?"

"The knight motorcycle assigned to you has arrived, come and try it out, have you brought the key?"

Asami Hiroko patted the car body and signaled the staff to untie it and carry it.

After a while, a bright silver streamlined locomotive landed on the ground. It was neither bulky nor too thin, and its key parts were covered with simple armor.

Not a tank, but not an ordinary locomotive either.

Xia Chuan took out the key and embedded it in the car body. With a slight sound of the engine, the locomotive quickly completed binding, and his official information automatically popped up on the electronic screen.

feel good.

Xia Chuan tried to hold the handle, and the picture flashed in his mind for a moment, and two deformed phantoms of the locomotive appeared in front of his eyes one after another.

Kuraga locomotive and Calis phantom tracker locomotive...

"You are lucky. This time, you have developed a new generation of knight motorcycles," Asami Hiroko reminded. "The body is made of special metal, which can change the color and appearance, but the intelligent driving system is castrated on it."

(End of this chapter)

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