i'm really only human

Chapter 95 Peacock Undead Creature

Chapter 95 Peacock Undead Creature

The night rain became heavier and heavier, and two sharp cold lights pierced through the rain curtain illuminated by the lightning, passing Xia Chuan's original standing position one after another.

The jaguar undead creature swung its steel claw with its left arm, much faster than the other undead creature, growled viciously and looked at Xia Chuan who had shifted his body.

Xia Chuan waved his hand and threw away the man in leather who had activated the super power tornado, and the surrounding street lamps burst into pieces, and the heart A card in his hand slid across the belt awakener.



Calis' armored figure emerged.

Xia Chuan instantly clenched the blade of his bow and arrow, turned back and critically hit the jaguar that was moving at supersonic speed, and at the same time kicked away the heavy armored trilobite that was rushing to take advantage of the situation.


Before the two undead creatures continued to attack, Xia Chuan quickly removed the belt awakener component and inserted it into the bow, and swiped the two spades cards in his hand continuously.

"Slash!" Lizard, slash and strengthen.

"Thunder!" Bucks, thunder and lightning bonus.


The lightning burst out violently in the rain that continued to wash over Kalis's armor, and the two undead creatures that rushed to the front again escaped the control of the man in leather for a short time, but there was no room for dodge at all.



Xia Chuan couldn't help but raise the Kalis bow, turned around and slashed heavily. The rotating knife cut through the water droplets and exploded on the two undead creatures.

Whether it was the metal-strengthened shield-shaped armor of the trilobite, or the steel claw on the left arm of the jaguar undead creature, all of them were shattered into pieces in the thunderstorm.

The two undead creatures flew upside down and slid out without any resistance, and opened their belt cores one after another in the water to stop their activities.

At this time, the man in the leather jacket just rubbed his neck and got up, his sunglasses flew to nowhere, his pair of dark eyes were full of astonishment, and he looked straight at the figure of Kalis who turned around in the rain.

"Cough, you..."

Xia Chuan turned his gaze to the man in leather, and held a knight card between his fingers. The dark kiva knight crest glowed blood-red in the night rain, and a huge blood moon appeared in the originally gray night sky.


"do not want!"

Huzi Cave.

A group of young men and women dressed as tourists fled in fear, and ran into a side road that seemed to be a dead end in a panic.

"What should I do? It's coming!"

"Help! Who will save us!"

"It's useless, the police will take at least ten minutes to arrive, and there are no knights patrolling nearby..."

"It's over!"


Among the crowd, Taro Tsugami was breathing heavily, looking closely at the shadow of the monster reflected on the rock wall of the cave, and syllables of unknown meaning came along with the sound of footsteps.

The other party seemed to be playing with prey, there was no extra attack, and anyone who was bumped into would be infected with unknown venom, high fever and unconscious.

Many people have fallen on the road.

"Yoko! Hold on, Yoko!"

Another poisoned young woman fell to the ground, and the surroundings fell into panic again.

"No, we must rush out! Everyone..."

"Hey, can the people inside hear you?" A loudspeaker shouted from outside the cave, "I am Hiroko Asami, the investigator of the knight support team, and a knight will come to rescue everyone soon! Don't give up!"

After shouting twice in a row, Hiroko Asami looked serious and turned to Kazumi Takahashi behind her.

"Has Shenyong not come yet? How long will it take for the ant soldiers to arrive?"

Originally, I just came to investigate on the safe side, but I didn't expect such a big accident. It is said that many tourists were trapped inside.

"Senior Shenyong seems to have stopped because of something," Takahashi Kazumi said with a serious expression, "The ant soldiers are cooperating with the police force to hunt down the vampires and can't get away for the time being, but they said they will arrange another knight to come over."

"Can't get in touch with Kaminaga?"

Asami Hiroko pursed her lips eagerly, and tightened the silver suitcase she was carrying.

What the hell is going on?


The rain on the Yeyu battlefield has been suspended.

Xia Chuan threw out two blank cards to recover and seal the undead creatures of the trilobite and the jaguar.

7 of Spades and 9 of Spades, one function is to strengthen offense and defense, and the other is to move at supersonic speed.

Another spade series...

Xia Chuan put away his cards and turned to the man in leather.

Can't waste any more time.

"what's the situation?"

The man in leather looked at the gigantic crimson moon shaking in the night sky, and was about to say something when his gaze shrank suddenly, and he looked directly at the dark kiva walking out of the sparse rain.

The sense of horror and depression far exceeds that of all the undead creatures he has seen, whether it is the Kalis on the opposite side or the terrifying category K, they are completely incomparable.

"Human knight? How is it possible?"


The man in leather subconsciously revealed the form of a peacock undead creature, roaring in extreme fear and firing fire bombs again and again.

It's just that the dark kiva on the opposite side didn't even have the idea of ​​dodging. He let the flame bomb explode on his body, as if scratching an itch, leaving nothing but the rising smoke.

"No, nothing?! Are you kidding me, I don't believe it!"


The peacock undead creature unbelieved again to unleash the rain of feather bullets, and a series of sparks exploded on the dark kiva breastplate.

Still had no effect.

The dark kiva didn't sway, and at the moment when the peacock was about to launch a tornado to continue attacking, he suddenly raised his arm, and the mark of the bat appeared on the ground, and instantly shifted to the peacock's feet.


The undead peacock creature that felt something was wrong wanted to fly away, but the bat mark under its feet suddenly left the ground, and lightning ropes firmly fixed its body, hanging it in a large shape like a execution.


The peacock undead creature struggled in pain, looked at the black kiva who had stopped moving, roared, and turned to Xia Chuan who was walking on the other side with a Kalis bow and arrow.

"Callis, you are actually cooperating with human knights! Ah——!"


Xia Chuan swiped in several spades cards under the electric light, and the energy cards floated into the air one by one, and Kalis bow and arrow were blessed with power again.

He recognized the undead creature.

The superior undead creature cube J, in "blade", controls the undead creatures and humans through the mind to create the "strongest" knight system.

There is no chance now.


Peacock endured the pain and stared at Xia Chuan who swung his bow and arrow, with strong resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, and finally burst into a cursed laugh.

"You will definitely be sealed! Haha, no matter if it is the legendary clown or human knight, you will definitely be sealed..."


Xia Chuan Kalis slashed down with his bow and arrow, and the thunderstorm light completely engulfed the peacock's figure.

"Fool, I'm not an undead creature."

After throwing out a blank seal card again to recover the peacock undead creature, Xia Chuan turned and walked towards the locomotive, and the dark kiva automatically turned back into a card and returned.

It is said to be an undead creature, but it is actually just a puppet, which may be sealed at any time.


Xia Chuan released his transformation and put on his helmet back. After contacting Hiroko Asami, he drove into the main road quickly.

After learning about the situation in Huzi Cave, he didn't say much.

If it is a centipede undead creature, those victims will not be in danger for the time being, as long as they get the antibody from the centipede undead creature in time and send it to the hospital, there will be no big problem.

"wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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