i'm really only human

Chapter 99 Dragonfly

Chapter 99 Dragonfly

In the early morning, the park began to gain popularity one after another. A well-built woman in sportswear was jogging along the river. When she stopped to drink water, a spider the size of a marble suddenly dropped from her head.


Several days passed.

Reports about undead creatures never made the news again, but the topic of spiders gradually spread on the Internet.

In the past two days, people have seen spiders everywhere, and it is said that there is also a golden spider that has never been seen before.

"Plum Blossom Category A, that guy has appeared."

In the school villa, Dao Sheng, a hooded man, followed the wind and closed his eyes to feel for a while, then turned his head and asked Xia Chuan.

"Are you going to seal it?"

"I don't have time now, it seems that other undead creatures are eyeing me."

Xia Chuan happened to finish talking with Asami Hiroko on the phone, and upon hearing that, handed over a work certificate to Shimao Sheng.

"I'll leave it to you for the rookie knights, as long as you supervise their training, it shouldn't be a problem for you."


Shimao looked at the work card in his hand.

"You actually want me to help train the knights, this guy's idea is really elusive... Anyway, it's like paying the rent."

"Come out, category K!" Suddenly a roar sounded in Dao Sheng's induction, "Come out and fight me!"

"Category A... still can't escape the battle?"

Dao Sheng's eyes darkened slightly.

Category A is also a spider undead creature, which was sealed by him in the last extreme battle.

Now I've found it again.

Even if he doesn't want to fight, the fight will still come to him. Even if there is no ultimate battle now, those guys will still be driven by instinct.

Such is the fate of the undead.


Shimao looked out the window.

"All battles are futile. What's the point of another extreme battle?"


Villa garage.

Xia Chuan opened the shutter door, and the front of the locomotive automatically lit up.

Without the key, Golem took the initiative to control the locomotive to approach Xia Chuan.

It still looks like the original locomotive from the outside, but the inside has undergone tremendous changes.

For ease of use, he did not separate Golem.

"Let's go."

Xia Chuan got on the motorcycle, and the electronic screen immediately switched to the navigation map.

According to the information provided by Asami Hiroko, many dragonflies suddenly attacked passers-by during the mission, and it was suspected that someone saw a dragonfly undead creature.

Undead creatures with the ability to fly seem to be a little troublesome.

It's just that turning into a polar fox won't solve the problem.

Change your identity in the past...


After driving out of the base, Xia Chuan noticed a black car parked by the side of the road following him from the corner of his eye.

Urban area.

The overwhelming dragonflies flew over the heads of the tourists in the square, and a group of knights from "Fox" stopped at the intersection, but their effect was not as good as that of the ant soldiers.


A large number of dragonflies gathered together, and suddenly merged into a dragonfly undead creature, grabbed a knight in front, and flew high to the top of the building.



Xia Chuan stopped his motorcycle at the intersection, looked up at the dragonfly undead creature holding the knight hostage by the roof of a tall building.

The dragonflies running rampant in the streets only caused chaos, but the real danger was this dragonfly undead creature.

As long as this guy is dealt with, the subordinate dragonflies will naturally disperse.

"God forever!"

Hiroko Asami held her head and bent down to avoid the dragonflies scurrying around. After passing through the police car blocking the road behind, she finally came to Xia Chuan.

"There are still several hostages up there, and I don't know what that guy wants to do. You should stay out of this matter. I have already notified the Long Blade team."

The long blade team is the Glaive team where Kenzaki Kazuma is, similar to Fujiwara's No. [-] Koto team, led by Shimura Junichi, who wears Kamen Rider Glaive.

Xia Chuan withdrew his gaze from the roof, and from the corner of his eye glanced at the black car behind a hidden corner.

Still following.


This dragonfly undead creature may be a red heart deck, and it is impossible for him to be handed over to the long blade team for sealing.

"I'll give it a try first."

Xia Chuan got out of the car and took the silver suitcase in Hiroko Asami's hand, and turned his gaze to Goto, the uncle's face who just arrived at the scene on the other side.

"Can you lend me the Magnum? We share the points equally."


Goto subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he saw it was Xia Chuan, he immediately put on a smiling face.

"You also know about that undead creature?"

"I don't understand, but there is no problem in saving people." Xia Chuan looked at the roof of the building again, "Think about it, there will be no chance later."

Goto's brows were knit together, and he still took out the Magnum buckle in distress while his complexion changed, and handed it to Xiachuan hesitantly.

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

His intuition has always been quite accurate, and Xia Chuan is definitely the most suitable teammate.

Even if the start was a bit slow, the former Ultraman human body was worth his gamble.

"Remember to return it to me." Goto gritted his teeth and said.

Xia Chuan secretly laughed.

If he wanted a Magnum buckle, he would have traded it for something else.

"It'll be fine right now."


The dragonfly undead creature on the roof seemed to sense something. The originally chaotic dragonflies suddenly rushed towards Xiachuan in unison, and the terrifying scene that covered the sky and the sun caused screams again.

Shadows shrouded the earth, coupled with the sound of the flapping wings of an unknown number of dragonflies, it seemed as if the end had come for a while.

"That's too much!" Goto's tongue was tied, "It feels better to retreat first..."

"Don't worry, it's not really the end of the world, just go a little further."

Xia Chuan looked up, motioned for the people around him to step back, buckled the desire driver around his waist and inserted it into the Magnum kit.



A series of dragonflies swooped down with a howling air current, swallowing Xia Chuan's figure in an instant like a sea tide.

However, the dazzling light from Kamen Rider Jihu's transformation was not suppressed at all.

It can still be seen from the outside that the light and shadow are assembled and formed, but the dragonfly formation is completely disrupted.


"Bang bang bang!"

Red fox eyes, white armor covering the upper body, arms extended and short guns turned over, like machine guns constantly spewing flames, obviously there was only one person, but all of a sudden suppressed the massive dragonflies controlled by the undead creatures above.

Especially the Mailin shooter short gun that was assembled in the hand at the end. During the rainstorm, tens of thousands of energy bullets fired in a terrifying burst, directly tearing the dragonfly formation apart.

"This guy……"

Goto looked directly at the reappeared figure of Xia Chuan.

The attack efficiency is much higher than him, as if it is completely integrated with the gun.

And after loading the Magnum armor, there is no trace of violation, no matter how you look at it, it looks like one.

"No way? The Magnum buckle actually belongs to him?" Goto's face was ugly.


A loud noise spread suddenly, but it was Xia Chuan who deployed the maglin shooter and entered the long-barreled rifle mode, aiming at tall buildings with long-distance precision shooting.

Immediately after the rushing dragonfly undead creature burst a huge green blood flower in its chest, screaming and falling naturally for a short time, struggling to escape the scene to the other side.

 I don't know if it's otitis media, I'm a bit out of shape

(End of this chapter)

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