Chapter 16 The Corpse Can Talk

"Xiao Li, has the autopsy report come out?"

As soon as Lin Wendong woke up, he immediately asked his subordinates about the autopsy.

He was really thinking about this case and didn't have much time to rest.

Just now, when I had nothing to do, I lay on the table for more than an hour to catch up on sleep.

"Team Lin, the autopsy report on the second body of the Zhang Forensic Institute just came out."

Originally, the people under his command wanted him to sleep for a while, but who knew that the other party woke up too quickly as if he had set up an alarm clock.

They are also a little helpless.

Team Lin is good at everything, but he works too hard.

From yesterday to now, almost just slept for more than an hour.

This rests on them, who can bear it?
And it's not once or twice, but Team Lin's routine.

The real desperate Saburo.

So in the whole sub-bureau, many people admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Okay, then I'll go to forensic doctor Zhang first."

Lin Wendong couldn't take care of other things either, he was only focused on the case now.

For this case, he was eager to find clues.

The information obtained from the autopsy of the first corpse is not too much.

He now needs a more complete autopsy report on the second body.

"Captain Lin, why don't you have a meal first, or you will have a stomach problem later..."

He has been eating irregularly for a long time, and the people under him know that he has serious stomach problems, so they want him to eat something first.

"It's okay, I can hold on for now, let's eat later when I come back."

But Lin Wendong is still eager to solve the case, and he can't care about eating for the time being.

He hurried to the dissecting room.

A few minutes later, he rushed to forensic doctor Zhang.

"Forensic doctor Zhang, what's the result of the autopsy?"

"The result is out."

"The second body, female, 34 years old, died at about the same time as the first body, more than two months ago."

"Similarly, the cause of death of this victim was also the result of a blunt instrument hitting the brain. From the perspective of blunt instrument percussion, it should be the same kind of blunt instrument."

Lin Wendong instantly understood Zhang Forensic Doctor's words.

This case was a serial murder case, and the two corpses could be combined into one case.

In this way, the direction of their main attack can be more clearly defined.

The probability of solving the crime is also higher.

Now that this case is so lively, two corpses have been fished out, it is estimated that the murderer will be a little worried now, and it is likely that some lies will be revealed.

This may be the opportunity.

"We found traces of being violated from the second body. It should have been violated before death. There are some bruises on some of the skin on her body. It can be seen that she had a fierce struggle during her lifetime."

"After careful examination, we finally extracted dna from the ... dead body that did not belong to her. One was from the first corpse, and the other is unknown. It is very likely that this is left by the murderer."

It really is good news.

The information obtained from the second body is simply too much.

There was a hint of joy in Lin Wendong's eyes.

With so much useful information, he doesn't have to worry about... not being able to solve the case.

There is another good news, that is, the facial features of the second corpse are relatively complete, and he can also find the identity information of the deceased through comparison.

"Thank you, Forensic Doctor Zhang."

"You're welcome."

After saying goodbye to forensic doctor Zhang, Lin Wendong hurried to find out the identity of the second corpse.

The second body was a breach.

"By the way, where is Xiao Chen?"

"Xiao Chen just went to the file room."

"Okay, let her come to me when she comes back."

After Lin Wendong finished explaining, he went to work on other things.

He first found someone to check the identity of the second body.

With clear facial features, it is not difficult to find the identity of the body.

Unlike the first corpse, it was basically invisible. There was no good flesh on the face, only bones and a few pieces of rotting flesh.

How to identify this?

Many people feel sick at first glance.

A newcomer like Chen Lin vomited non-stop after seeing her at the time, and it took a long time to catch her breath.

It didn't take long for the identity information of the second body to be found.

"Team Lin, the identity of the second body has been found."

"Who is it?"

"Her name is Zhang Cuilan, from Xiasha Village. There are no children at home, only a 66-year-old mother-in-law."

"Her husband died in a car accident a few years ago, and the other party paid 20 in compensation."

After finding this information, Lin Wendong suddenly had thoughts in his mind.

It won't be like before, with black eyes.

The more information you have, the easier it is to solve the case.

"Team Lin. Are you looking for me?" Chen Lin also just came back from the file room at this time, and came over immediately when she heard that Lin Wendong was looking for her.

"Give me the information about the fishing anchor you collected yesterday."

"Then follow me to Xiasha Village later."

By the way, Lin Wendong also arranged for other people to do other things, such as some people to check Zhang Cuilan's social relationship, who he usually contacts, and so on.

After one by one is arranged, all dispatched together.

Everyone got work in their hands and started to move.

This case is imminent!


"Anchor, if you win the grand prize, you must send us a bonus."

After Fang Hao said that he had bought a lottery ticket, the water friends all booed from the bottom. ,

If Fang Hao really wins the lottery, then his luck is really against the sky.

"Okay, if you really win the grand prize, then give a bonus to the brothers here."

Fang Hao's mood also improved a lot.

Sweep away the depressed mood of not catching fish before.

"Anchor atmosphere."

"Wait for the host to win the prize."

"For our welfare, pray that the anchor wins the lottery."

"Then I will borrow the auspicious words of my brothers."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very good, and many passers-by who came in to watch the excitement seemed to be overwhelmed by the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, and then stayed to watch.

His popularity is still skyrocketing.

At this moment, the popularity has grown from 1 to 2.

Very popular.

At this time, someone from the guild also contacted Fang Hao, hoping to sign a contract with him.

As long as they sign the contract, they can help him become more popular and become a super anchor.

But Fang Hao is not interested at all.

His live broadcast is incidental.

The main focus is still on fishing.

As for whether he will become a super anchor, it has nothing to do with him.

Can becoming a big anchor let him catch big fish?

"Anchor, do you still want to go fishing today?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room asked, they were really curious, and they all wanted to know whether Fang Hao chose to rest today or continue fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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