Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 199 Fishing, Fishing, 1 Accidentally Fishing and Something Happened

Chapter 199 Fishing, Fishing, Accidentally Fishing and Something Happened (Subscribe)

"It's...the fifth."

This wave of Fang Hao was like falling into the detector nest, catching one after another.

I caught five in a row at once, and the whole process only took an hour and a half.

This efficiency is really high.

It was back to the way it was when it caught the detector frantically.

The five detectors caught this time are all small detectors placed by Xiaotian.

"The anchor's posture of catching the detector is really handsome."

"At this speed, it seems that it is really possible to catch all the detectors in this sea area."

Suddenly I looked forward to it.

The water friends are now looking at Fang Hao, what kind of record will be created today, and see how many detectors he can catch this day.

If dozens of them can be caught in one day, it probably won't take many days, and this sea area can be wiped out.

That would be awesome.

Seeing Fang Hao fishing out so many detectors in such a short period of time, Captain Yu was also very excited.

At this speed, He Chou couldn't catch all the detectors here.

Not only can you catch everything here, but you can also give those people a shock.

I believe that for a long time to come, those neighbors with evil intentions will not dare to come in and place those detectors rashly.

It can be clean for a while.

"Luck is still a little bit worse."

But when everyone was excited and happy, Fang Hao sighed in his heart.

I really don't know how to describe this luck.

Really average.

Others didn't know that he had already used the luck-increasing card, which increased luck by ten points.

If this is a time of good luck, and these ten points are added, then how can the things caught are always these detectors.

When you are lucky, you might actually be able to catch fish.

Unfortunately, these cards can only be used one at a time, and there is no stacking effect.

If the effects can be superimposed, Fang Hao might try to use a few cards directly every minute, or even go all out. If ten cards are used together, the effect will definitely be quack.

Unfortunately, the effect is unique and cannot be superimposed.

That is, only one card can be used at a time.

Being able to catch five detectors in such a short period of time is also a credit to the card.

Otherwise, maybe only one detector was caught instead of five.

This may also be a result of changes in luck.

When I was hiding in the live broadcast room, seeing Fang Hao catch so many detectors in such a short period of time, I was also terrified.

The speed at which the detectors were caught was beyond their imagination.

If this continues, all the detectors they put down over the years will be caught.

They can only pray in their hearts that Fang Hao can slow down the speed of catching the detector.

But this also more and more reflects the value of Fang Hao.

Let them want to absorb Fang Hao more and more, and work for them.

We can't delay for too long, we must act faster.

Qiaomei's eyes were also stunned, looking at this scene in disbelief.

It was the first time she saw Fang Hao fishing.

It seems a little special.


When Fang Hao caught five detectors, Xiaopang hadn't caught a single fish yet.

But on his side, it doesn't matter whether he catches fish or not. He is just for fun, and he is here to play. Fishing on this boat is equivalent to Fang Hao's assistant.

He also wanted to catch the detector, but it really couldn't be caught by anyone except Fang Hao.

It's not that Fang Hao doesn't teach, but that other people really don't have such luck.

The same posture, the same technique, and the same position cannot catch those things.

This is equivalent to his unique ability.

"Brother Hao, you won't be catching these detectors all the time today, will you?"

Fang Hao shook his head slightly. He just started fishing today. How could he know if he would catch this thing all the time, or if he would catch other things halfway through? He couldn't predict.

It is the 'decommissioned' radio that will broadcast the forecast, not him.

But this time he went to sea, he didn't take the radio with him.

It wasn't that he was driving the boat by himself, but he was on a coast guard boat, and it was inconvenient to bring this thing with him.And the most important thing is that when the radio broadcasts news that predicts the future, there is no pattern, everything is random.

Maybe within a month, there will be no movement.

This is also the reason why Fang Hao didn't bring the radio this time, so he didn't bring it at all.

Xiaopang's words also brought Fang Hao back to his thoughts.

That's right, I won't be catching detectors all the time.

Could it be that ten points of luck were added to the fishing detector?

Fang Hao continued fishing with a skeptical attitude.

You still have to look at what you catch later before you can make a judgment.

This time, it took about [-] minutes for Fang Hao to catch another thing. From the familiar feel, it can be judged that the thing caught this time is another detector.

It's sixth.

Then after 8 minutes, I caught the seventh, eighth, ninth...


Those detectors seemed to be free of money, and Fang Hao caught them one by one.

The position of the coast guard ship has also drifted farther than before.

Changing positions constantly, hooked up these detectors for Fang Hao.

The others were also dumbfounded.

"I'll go... this is already the tenth."

In just a short time, ten detectors have already been hooked.

This is really a bit outrageous.

Fang Hao himself felt that this luck was a bit evil.

Adding ten points of luck, is the effect so drastic?

It's just that this effect is all added to the fishing detector.

Anyway, take a break halfway and catch something else to adjust, so it won't be too abrupt.

Not only Fang Hao couldn't believe it, but other people who watched the live broadcast were also dumbfounded.

If they hadn't seen Fang Hao catching them one by one with their own eyes, they might really have wondered if someone was secretly hanging up the detectors, so they could catch them so quickly.

"Why does it feel like this detector is specifically looking for his hook to bite?"

A coast guard muttered.

I really don't know how to explain it.

Although their mission to go out to sea this time is to catch detectors, but... they have been catching these things all the time, so it is inevitable that everyone will not feel a little weird.

I really don't know how to describe this luck.

"Okay, let's eat first."

"After eating and resting for a while, come back to fish again."

At this time, Captain Yu also came over to call for a stop and let everyone go to eat first.

Fishing detectors are not in a hurry, they have just set out to sea not long ago, and there is still a lot of time to go fishing.

Don't worry at all.

Fang Hao did not turn off the live broadcast, but pointed the camera at the sea to show everyone the scenery; then he put away the fishing rod and put it aside.

Only then did everyone go to the restaurant in the cabin to eat together.

When the meal was over, he came back right away without wasting any time.

His physical fitness is much better than others, and he doesn't need to rest at all. He returns to continue fishing after eating.

After all, besides fishing, he didn't know what to do on the boat.

It would be better than fishing.

Maybe there will be a sudden change of luck, luck will come, and then the fish will be caught.

He had used a card that increased his luck value, and his luck had increased by ten points.

That is to say, there is at least a minimum guarantee for his luck.

As long as his basic luck improves, his overall luck will naturally also improve.

Once luck turns, it's time for him to catch a fish.

This is Fang Hao's idea.

It is precisely because he has always held this idea that he will not feel bored because he keeps catching detectors.

On Xiaopang's side, he couldn't bear it any longer. He was already so tired that he was weak and weak. If he had any energy, he must have a rest, so Fang Hao was left alone on the deck to fish.

The other coast guards have their own affairs and perform their own duties. Unless Fang Hao needs them, they will immediately go to help, and at other times they will not disturb Fang Hao, so as not to affect Fang Hao. he.

After returning, Fang Hao readjusted the fishing rod, put on the bait, and threw it back into the sea.

By the way, I adjusted the live camera.

"Anchor, will you break the record of the fishing detector today?"

As soon as they saw Fang Hao, everyone became energetic in an instant and asked various questions in the live broadcast room.

"The anchor is still too good, I think he will break [-]!"

"Thirty? Not enough, I think maybe fifty detectors can be caught."


The more you think about it, the more outrageous everyone feels.

"Anchor, you won't be catching detectors all the time today, right?"

Before catching ten detectors in a row without stopping, everyone naturally wondered if they could only catch detectors today and not other things.

"I don't think so. I believe in the strength of the anchor, and I will definitely catch other things."

"Let's not catch another corpse."


have to.

Fang Hao felt very helpless when he saw the group of little blacks mocking him for catching a corpse.

These were already in his expectation, and he didn't feel too surprised.

He had expected it since he caught the corpse.

Anyway, things related to the corpse, and some nicknames, he couldn't get rid of it.

I stopped watching the live broadcast room and focused back on fishing.

As these water friends said.

At this time, Fang Hao was also thinking about a question in his mind, that is, would he keep catching the detector, or would he catch some other things.

Just as he was thinking about these questions, the fishing rod in his hand moved again, and there was a strange movement.

Fang Hao cheered up immediately.


This time, the feeling seems to be a little different.

It's not the same as fishing a detector.

It is obvious that the thing caught this time is not a detector.

As for what it is, he still doesn't know.

Just judging from the weight... The thing caught this time is much heavier than the detector.

Fang Hao struggled to pull it up.

During this period of time, his strength has skyrocketed to another level, and he has almost reached the strength of two thousand catties.

But it is still difficult to pull the thing underneath.

This made Fang Hao curious about what this thing could be.

Shipwreck should not be.

Although he was pulling very hard, at least he could pull a little bit.

This shows that the weight of the thing underneath may be around two or three tons.

Something of this weight... what could it be?
Simply judging like this, it seems difficult to judge anything.

You still have to catch what's underneath.

"Huh? It seems that what the anchor caught this time is not a detector."

Everyone seemed to have noticed Fang Hao's strangeness.

This is definitely not how it behaves when hooking a probe.

If the thing he caught was a detector, he would have already pulled it up, why would it take so long.

And judging by the degree of bending of the fishing rod, it means that the thing underneath is heavier than the detector.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were immediately excited, and they all guessed what they would catch this time.

"Could it be some kind of treasure chest?"

"Or another container?"

"I think it's more like a car."

"Stupid. How could there be cars in this deep sea?"

"You're so stupid. It's strange that the car fell into the sea during transportation. An airplane can fall into the sea, but this car can't?"


When everyone was guessing, Fang Hao had already used the Infinity Card.

If you want to catch this thing, you still need to use the infinite strength card.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for him to catch this thing.

After using the card, the feeling of being full of power came back.

Here, Hao Hao can easily catch what he caught this time.

After a lot of tossing, Fang Hao finally caught the thing and surfaced.

When Fang Hao and everyone saw this thing clearly, there was a look of astonishment on their faces.

Because what was caught this time was a wing.

This time, everyone saw this scene clearly.

But this time when the wing was caught, Fang Hao's live broadcast room did not catch the plane like last time. He also fished the wing first, but... the treatment was completely different.

When the plane was caught last time, Fang Hao only caught one wing because the hook was hooked by the wing and the fuselage was damaged.But at that time, the live broadcast was forcibly shut down by the website before it even came out of the water, and the live broadcast was temporarily banned because the content of the live broadcast involved sensitive issues.

But this time, the wings were completely out of the water, and there was nothing wrong with him in the live broadcast room, and he was still broadcasting live.

This seems to be a bit of a double standard.

But Fang Hao didn't pay attention to the situation in the live broadcast room now.

His mind was now on the wing he had just caught.

Fishing the wings this time is a bit different from the last time.

It can be said that it was a complete F35 aircraft that was caught last time, but the fuselage was torn apart during the fishing process.

But this time what was caught was a wing, that is, a wing. It is not known whether there are any other parts of the plane underneath.

So what is the wing on the plane this time?
This is the key.

Look at this wing... It seems to be different from the F35 wing caught last time.

There seems to be no place to mount ammunition and missiles under this wing.

That means the wing is not F35.

Could it be our plane?

As Fang Hao fished the wing, he also saw the information on the wing.

【F22 Raptor right wing】


(End of this chapter)

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