Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 203 Boarding the [-]-ton boat fishing fuselage, the momentum is even stronger!

Chapter 203 Boarding the [-]-ton boat fishing fuselage, the momentum is even stronger! (seeking subscription)

Fang Hao himself felt like a dream.

I thought I would never catch any other parts of the plane, but unexpectedly... this suddenly caught another wing.

This time, both wings were fished up, which also proved from the side that there was something underneath.

Very lively in the live room.

After catching another wing, everyone was excited.

Awow screaming, as if beaten with chicken blood.

"I knew that the anchor would catch parts of the plane, and you didn't believe me before."

"Another wing, just in time for a pair."

"Anchor, you even have a pair of wings, why don't you have one?"

"Anchor: ???"

"Gahahaha, brother, Amomum has a pig's heart."

"Hahahaha, the single brother Hao was hit hard."

"But to be honest, it's hooked up to another wing, and it's probably hooked up to other parts."

"It's still one fuselage short."

"If you can catch the fuselage, it will be awesome."

"That's right, it would be best to catch the engine!"

Everyone is now looking forward to Fang Hao continuing to catch the parts of the plane.

This time when I caught the wings, everyone was not excited about the wings themselves. There is not much difference in the value of one wing and two wings.

What everyone is excited about is what everyone cares about after catching the wings.

Once the wing is caught again, it means that other aircraft parts may be caught later.

The aircraft parts to be caught later are far more important than the wings.

This is what everyone expects.

What everyone wanted was the wreckage of the entire plane.


"The anchor, work harder, keep fishing, and catch the fuselage and other parts of the plane underneath!"

"That's right, I look forward to the anchor catching all the airplane parts underneath."

A group of people were urging Fang Hao to continue fishing, trying to catch all the parts.

This time, after catching another wing, it caused a chain reaction.

"We will send experts over to assist you immediately."

"In addition, additional personnel will be sent to help you continue to catch other parts of the aircraft."

After the higher-ups learned that they had caught the second wing, they immediately sent people over to assist Captain Yu and Fang Hao, and continued fishing for aircraft parts.

If this plane is really F22, then the meaning is very different.

"Is there really a plane down there?"

Xiaotian also became curious here, feeling itchy.

They wanted to sneak in, but... they didn't dare.

Since the aircraft carrier formation came over last time, they were frightened, and they dare not be presumptuous here.

But they were also curious whether what Fang Hao caught this time was an F22 fighter jet, which made them very uncomfortable.

Similarly, Takako has been paying attention to the news.

After seeing Fang Hao hooking up the second wing, they suddenly felt a little uneasy.

They are also wondering whether this wing is their F22, or a new type of aircraft copied from their F22 by Rabbit.

All of this can only be determined by looking at the part of the rear fuselage.

Looking at the wing alone, it is indeed similar to their F22, not much different.

Just to be on the safe side.

Yingzi once again asked people to check the situation of all F22 planes to make sure that every one was there, and also to find out whether the planes that had accidents had all been recovered, and there were no planes that had accidents recently.

They are not at ease, so they have to check their own side.

Soon, the results of the investigation will come back.

All of their planes are still there, none of them are lost, and there is no F22 fighter that crashed recently.

Since their F22 aircraft have been in service, there have been only five recorded accidents.

And these five times are all clearly recorded, and the wreckage has also been recovered.

So it cannot be the five planes that crashed.

Since there is no missing plane, it means...the wing caught by the other party should not be their F22.

So they are more inclined to think that the wreckage of this plane may be a new type of fighter developed by the rabbit imitating their F22, and then fell into the sea due to some accidents.

This possibility is higher.

But they forgot one thing...whether the company that developed this type of aircraft had any accidents during the test flight.


After catching another wing, Fang Hao's eyes gradually changed.

He was also thinking about whether there was still a fuselage underneath, and how difficult it would be to continue fishing for the fuselage.

Judging by the condition of the wing, it might not be so easy to catch the fuselage.

Maybe the fuselage is broken into several sections.

This probability is very high.

Although Fang Hao had also caught a plane before, but at that time... the plane was almost complete and did not fall apart, so it was relatively easy to catch.

The wing that was fished up at that time was also torn by Fang Hao himself, and the other parts were basically intact.

The F22 caught this time was different. It was almost dismembered. One can imagine the tragic situation when the plane crashed.

"I hope I can catch all the fuselages."

Fishing for this plane is much more interesting than fishing for a detector.

After the detector has caught too much, it is now numb, and it feels a bit dull.

It's like no matter how good-looking a wife is, even if she stays together every day, she will get tired of it.

Now that he has a new goal, Fang Hao is more passionate.

"Wow, this is another wing."

"With two wings together, the rear should be the nose, fuselage, and tail. Brother Hao, can we assemble a plane here." Pang said excitedly.

"Theoretically so."

"But I don't know if it can actually be caught."

Fang Hao spread his hands, and he didn't dare to be 100% sure that he would be able to catch those on the fuselage.

He didn't even know the extent of the damage to the fuselage, what it was like.

This difficulty is much more difficult than fishing F35 at the beginning.

"Brother Hao, I believe you can do it." Fatty Fang Hao was full of confidence.

"Not only me, but also a group of brothers in our studio believe in you."

"That's right, Brother Abdominal is right, we all believe that you, the anchor, can catch a plane."

The group of water friends in the live broadcast room were also responding to Xiaopang's words, sending out various barrages.

"The F35 didn't catch last time, so we shouldn't be disappointed this time."

The last time the live broadcast was interrupted, no one knew that Fang Hao had actually caught F35.

It's just that these are all confidential, and it is impossible to tell everyone in the live broadcast room.

Xiaopang saw that the group of water friends mentioned the F35 last time, and wanted to tell everyone that the plane had actually been caught.

But when he thought of the confidentiality agreement, he could only swallow these words back in his stomach.

"Anchor, we believe you can do it."

"Anchor, we don't have to believe that you can catch a fish, but we definitely don't doubt that you can catch a plane."

Although it is true, it is very sad.


Fang Hao didn't care about that, he continued fishing.

This time there was a new target, catching the fuselage part of the plane.

With this goal, the passion that had disappeared before came back again.

It's like Banhua telling you that as long as you get within the number of places in this exam, you can go to the grove with you, that's naturally full of passion and blood.

Everyone is looking at him.

Captain Yu and the coast guard on board were also waiting beside him at the moment, as if they wanted to witness how he caught the fuselage with their own eyes.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also paid special attention.

Everyone stayed in the studio, refusing to leave.

In addition, many people flocked into the live broadcast room just to see how Fang Hao caught the plane.

The fact that Fang Hao caught the wing had already been spread on the Internet, and it was also a hot search on the bib.

It is common for him to be on the hot search, so it is not a big surprise.

It's just when everyone is staring at Fang Hao.

He seemed to be turned off again.

In the following time, he continued to catch detectors, or for a long time, he didn't catch anything.

No, another one was caught right now.


The number of detectors caught by Fang Hao also exceeded 22.

If it was changed to before, everyone would have been excited.

But now... I'm not interested at all.

"What's the matter, little brother, why did it suddenly fail?"

"Young man, be persistent, there is still a fuselage and nose, hurry up and get it."

The sky gradually darkened, and soon it was night.

Fang Hao gradually didn't want to fish anymore.

After fishing so many detectors today, he is also a little annoyed, and wants to take a break and fish again tomorrow.

As for the fuselage... Judging by its posture, I'm afraid it won't be able to catch it today.

"Anchor, when you start fishing tomorrow, you must notify us in advance!"

Before the broadcast, this group of water friends told Fang Haodao.

They are afraid of missing such a critical moment.

Don't let Fanghao start fishing quietly, and then catch the fuselage before they notice, then they will cry to death.

When Captain Yu asked them to eat, Fang Hao followed the trend and put away the fishing rod.

Today's fishing live broadcast is here for the time being.

Fang Hao quickly put away the fishing rod, and then went to the restaurant in the cabin to eat.

And this time.

A large ship was approaching them.

This big ship is much bigger than Captain Yu's ship.

When the ship approached, Captain Yu didn't feel the slightest panic, instead, there was a hint of joy on his face.

Because the ship that came was also their coast guard ship, and it was the largest [-]-ton coast guard ship.

A [-]-ton coast guard ship is rare.

This big ship came towards them, to support them, and brought experts in the field of fighter jet research and development.

When Fang Hao and Xiaopang saw the [-]-ton coast guard ship with machine guns approaching, their eyes were full of surprise.

Soon after the ship approached, the personnel on the other ship also boarded their ship.

"Captain Han, hello, welcome to come." Captain Yu saluted the other party.

"Captain Yu, we have been ordered to assist you in catching planes. These two are Li Ming, an expert in our fighter jet research and development..." Captain Han read out the order issued above, and introduced the accompanying experts personnel.

"Hi, thank you for your hard work."

Captain Yu paid tribute to the two experts at the same time, and introduced Fang Hao and Xiaopang to them.

"These two are Fang Hao and Chen Sheng, whom we specially invited to fish."

Captain Yu knew very well that these people came here just for Fang Hao and the wreckage of the plane.

After several people greeted each other.

The two experts couldn't bear it any longer, and they wanted to check the fished wings extremely urgently.

"Where are the two wings you caught?"


Captain Yu hurriedly took them to check the two wings on the deck.

The two experts wished they could immediately reach the wing in three steps and two steps.

When they saw the wings, the eyes of both of them changed, they became excited and hot, and they looked at the two wings differently.

They didn't say anything, just looking at their shaking hands, you can tell how excited they are at this moment.

The two carefully inspected the coating on the surface.

The lights of the ship shone on it and could be seen clearly.

As for the sea creatures above, Captain Yu had already had someone clean them up, so there was no need to clean them up at this time.

"No... that's right, that's it."

"That's right."

The two experts unified their views, and the excitement in their hearts could not be concealed.

"This is the wing of an F22 Raptor fighter jet."


"It turned out to be F22..."

After Captain Yu heard this, he was so surprised that he couldn't believe it.

He just thought that this wing might be very special, not like the wing of an ordinary plane, but he didn't expect...it turned out to be the wing of an F22 fighter jet.

This is F22, which is famous and famous all over the world.

Almost no one has not heard of it.

But such a plane actually crashed in its own sea area.

This...was a huge surprise.

No wonder the two experts are so excited.

Including Captain Han, who was on the side, was also a little surprised when he heard this.

Fatty opened his mouth even more, his eyes were frozen.

Among this group of people, Fang Hao is the only one who is calm and relaxed.

Only he knew early on that this was the wing of the F22 fighter jet, but no one asked, so Fang Hao didn't say anything.

After knowing that this is the wing of an F22 fighter jet, the nature is different.

"It's strange, I haven't heard that there is an F22 plane dropped by Takako's house."

Everyone felt strange.

This is not at all rumored.

No matter how confidential the mission is, if something goes wrong, there will still be a little trouble.

But the one they caught now seems to be a plane that appeared out of thin air.

"No matter what, we must get this plane."

This is the most urgent task at present.

If it is salvaged, it may be difficult to salvage in such a vast sea.Because you don't know the exact crash site, how do you salvage it?

Maybe a lot of money invested, a lot of manpower and material resources will be in vain in the end.

It's better to pin your hopes on Fang Hao.

The probability of catching those on the fuselage with his ability is even higher.

After confirming that the plane was an F22 fighter jet, they immediately reported the situation to their superiors.

The superior quickly made a new arrangement, intending to let Fang Hao go to the [-]-ton coast guard ship to continue fishing for those parts of the plane's fuselage.

This means that Fang Hao and the others have to change boats to fish.


"Lao Gao didn't come this time, he will definitely regret it to death."

Now it's Fang Hao and Xiaopang's turn to be stunned. Unexpectedly...the joke they made before has now come true.

They actually went fishing on a [-]-ton coast guard ship.

At that time, they still had Lao Gao, and they were just bragging about their awesomeness, but now... this awesomeness has come true, just like a dream.

"Brother Hao... Am I dreaming? Why don't you pinch me... Hiss."

Before Xiaopang finished speaking, Fang Hao had already made the move.

The pinched chubby screamed in pain.

"It hurts."

This is not a dream, it is really going to go fishing on this [-]-ton coast guard ship.

They are going to change boats to fish.

From a coast guard ship of more than 2000 tons to a coast guard ship of more than [-] tons to fish.

All of a sudden the shotgun was replaced by a cannon.

This kind of treatment is probably unprecedented.

"We're really going to go fishing for planes on that boat."

"I go……"

After bidding farewell to Captain Yu, Fang Hao and the others followed Captain Han to board this [-]-ton ship.

At the same time, the two wings were also transported to that ship.

As for the detector, it is still on Captain Yu's ship.

Now this [-]-ton coast guard ship is used as a fishing boat, and Captain Yu's [-]-ton coast guard ship is a patrol ship, performing some patrol tasks.

Prevent someone from interfering with Fang Hao and the others fishing for those parts of the fuselage of the F22.

After boarding this [-]-ton coast guard ship, Fang Hao was slightly shocked.

This [-]-ton-class giant ship has a different feeling, it's even and stable.

Moreover, there are 76mm rapid-fire naval guns on board that other coast guard ships do not have, as well as 2 secondary guns and 2 anti-aircraft machine guns.

Look at this posture, this momentum...

Who else dares to touch them?
Unless you meet a regular navy, you don't have to be afraid.

Moreover, the few neighbors in general, their naval equipment may not be as good as this coast guard ship.

Basically, Fang Hao and the others can walk sideways on this [-]-ton coast guard ship.

(End of this chapter)

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