Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 205 Where is the advanced fighter?

Chapter 205 Where is the advanced fighter? (seeking subscription)

Others also came over one after another to watch Fang Hao catch the nose.

The pilot's cockpit in the nose is missing, and it must have been ejected when the plane crashed.

But this is not the key.

The presence or absence of the pilot's cockpit will not affect their follow-up research.

On the contrary, for Fang Hao, he was relieved, at least there were no pilots in it, which meant that there was no corpse.

If the pilot's cockpit is still there, it means that the plane did not eject when it crashed, and the body will still be on the nose side.

That meant he had hooked the corpse again.

Although Fang Hao has caught many corpses and is used to it, but if he can avoid catching them, he should avoid catching them.

He didn't want to fish for a corpse again.

Two fighter jet R&D experts were the first to run to Fang Hao's side, watching the nose that had just been caught up close.

Seeing this nose, the two experts were extremely excited.

This is the nose part of the F22 Raptor fighter jet.

The things inside have always been their dream research objects.

After all, as the world's first fifth-generation fighter in service, the F22 has always been the object of research and simulation.

In the past, everyone could only guess and analyze based on some displayed data, and many things were not very accurate.

There is no real object for reference, and many things are based on guesswork.

Although the nose in front of me is seriously damaged, and the fuselage may be broken into several sections, some of the instrumentation equipment and radar inside are of great reference and research value.

It is equipped with a passive phased array radar that can detect enemy aircraft with enemy radar waves without emitting electromagnetic waves, and an AN/APG-77 active phased array radar with an extremely long detection range. It is the key equipment for over-the-horizon operations .

These are things that can be studied, and at the same time can make up for our deficiencies in this area.

Are you excited about these two experts?

These things are really too precious.

The AN/APG-22 radar used by the F-77 uses a phased array technology with more than 2000 transceivers. Each component adopts a microwave integrated circuit with GaAs substrate technology. This substrate has a high electron drift rate. High breakdown voltage.

However, our phased array radar GaAs substrate technology has not been fully developed, and there is about an order of magnitude gap with Yingzi's technology in terms of electron drift rate and breakdown voltage, which leads to the microwave amplification capability of our radar's single transceiver component. , The circuit amplification ability is much smaller than AN/APG-77.

Therefore, in order to achieve the same detection distance, more transceiver components and a larger antenna aperture are required, which bring about two negative consequences of electronic performance.

The first is the increase in radar side lobes, and the second is a sharp increase in power consumption.

There is also passive radar. Passive radar mainly analyzes the signal received by the opponent's radar to warn itself or serve as a basis for electronic interference.

Our gap is more obvious.

It disperses its own radar energy in a wider frequency domain and synthesizes a narrower bandwidth when receiving, so our radar receiver cannot fully accept its radar signal energy, although the final result may or may not be Received and analyzed the radar signal from the F-22, but it took several minutes.

Secondly, there is still a gap in the algorithm and sensitivity of the radar receiver, which makes the processing of weak energy signals insufficient.

There is also the photoelectric system, the precision of the high-precision CCD lens and infrared sensor is far inferior to that of Eagle.

So catching this nose really means a lot to us.

They determined that the caught nose was the nose of the F22.

"With these things for reference, we can further improve our new generation of fighters, improve our aircraft, and create a better targeting strategy."

It's really like crossing the river by touching the eagle.

And you can also carry out some countermeasures and upgrade some countermeasures according to the opponent's fighters, which will give you a higher chance of winning in future air battles.

First there was the F35, and now there is the F22... This time, Takako's cards are almost gone.

"Really amazing."

Captain Han really admired Fang Hao this time.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel such a shock.

It is really possible to catch these things by fishing.

After fishing the nose up, everyone gathered around and looked at the nose curiously.

At this moment, they also completely forgot how much strength it takes to catch a jet.

"Is this the nose of the F22?"

"I just saw pictures online before."

"It's really beautiful."

"But I feel inferior to our Sword 20."

"Of course, this is a product of decades ago after all."

"But this plane still has a lot of things we need to study."

The surrounding coast guards were also discussing in a low voice, and they were all attracted by the fished nose.

"Yeah, it would be even better if you could catch the tail engine."

"Yes, the engine is our weakest point."

"It depends on whether the engine can be caught behind."

Everyone began to look forward to Fang Hao's performance later, depending on whether he could catch the engine part.

After catching one, everyone thinks about the next one.

The pressure was put on Fang Hao again.

Fang Hao once again became the hope of the whole village.

It depends on whether he can still catch the engine of the plane.

As long as the engine is caught, the wreckage of this F22 plane is basically complete.

As for other scattered widgets, they can be ignored.

The main reason is that these important things can be obtained, then it will be incredible.

Radar, avionics systems, and engines... these are the top priorities.

There is also the black box. If you can find it and get the flight data information inside, that will also be of great help.

After Fang Hao hooked the nose, everyone now has great confidence in him.

The coast guard on this ship also looked at Fang Hao as if they were aliens.

There is still a big difference between hearing this and seeing it with your own eyes.

It's really a different feeling to see the other party catch the nose of the machine with one's own eyes.

After catching the machine head, Fang Hao felt much more comfortable, and his confidence rose again.

It seems that I still have hope to fish the rest of the fuselage.

The nose has been hooked, so the chicken butt is left... Well, that is the tail.

The importance of the tail is not so high, because their engines have always been our eyes.

The F22 engine uses two F119-PW-100 afterburning turbofan engines. The afterburning thrust of a single unit can reach 155.7 kN, and the thrust-to-weight ratio can reach 10.Without afterburner, the aircraft can cruise at supersonic speed for about half an hour.

This allows the F22 to have super high maneuverability and the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds.

This is also this aircraft, which is still the world's first echelon fighter.

Some people even pointed out that our Jian 20 is still more than ten years behind the F22 in terms of engine level.

Why does our Jian 20 need a canard layout?It is because of the level gap of the engine that we have to adopt the canard layout to allow us to have higher maneuverability.

The canard layout is a genius design that improves lift and maneuverability.

But it also exposed the slightly weaker capabilities of our engines.

But over the years, with our new engines, the situation has improved a lot.

The gap with Takako is also rapidly shortening.

It's just that... the gap still exists.

If we can get Eagle's engine, it will save us a lot of detours.

Of course, the most critical thing that restricts our engine capabilities now is the material.

The most fatal thing is that our materials cannot keep up.

But if we can obtain Eagle's engine, it will also have a great effect on our engine research.

Then fish up the rest of the engine!
Fang Hao encouraged himself in his heart.

Then continue fishing.

Two experts were studying the nose part, and others were watching.


As the time goes.

Netizens waited anxiously.

"Brothers, is there any news that the anchor will start broadcasting?"

"Not yet."

"What time is it? Why hasn't the anchor started broadcasting yet? The sun is already drying your ass, so you haven't woken up yet?"

"The anchor won't secretly go fishing behind our backs, will he?"

Some netizens guessed, don't really say it, this guess is really accurate.

"It shouldn't be possible."

"The anchor has nothing to hide behind our backs. I guess he might just be on his way."

"Every time the anchor is on his way, he doesn't start the live broadcast."

"And everyone knows that the sea is so big, sometimes it takes a long distance to go to the next fishing spot."

"No, the anchor is fishing for the wreckage of the plane, and it is impossible to go that far. He just needs to continue fishing at that spot."

"This is also..."

It makes sense
They were all guessing what Fang Hao was doing, and they didn't start the live broadcast anyway.

"Wait a minute."

No matter how anxious the netizens are, it's useless, and they can't contact Fang Hao.

There is nothing else to do except wait.

As for the fear of something happening to Fang Hao... Forget it, he is on a coast guard ship, so what could happen.

Even if you call the police and ask the marine police to rescue you, they will think you are crazy.

Xiaozi and Yingzi were also full of doubts, not knowing what was going on.

Although Yingzi's satellite has reached the sky above this sea area, it still needs some time to find Fang Hao's ship.


Fatty is not thinking about catching fish, he is just like everyone else, he is very curious about the machine head he caught.

Although the nose was seriously damaged, it can still be seen from the above that the plane is different.

"This is F22."

He had only heard about it from some news or military websites before, and had seen some pictures.And now...he could see the plane with his own eyes.

An aircraft as famous as the F22 was the dream of all boys in the past.

"very handsome."

"I don't know what it will look like when the complete fuselage is fished out."

Fatty also looks forward to Fang Hao continuing to catch other parts.

And under the expectations of everyone.

Fang Hao lived up to his mission and caught another part.

Fuselage ammunition bay, which is an internal bomb bay.

Because of the characteristics of stealth aircraft, in order to reduce the exposure area of ​​the radar, it is generally equipped with a built-in magazine for the ammunition of missiles.

F22 also has such a built-in magazine.

When Fang Hao caught the built-in magazine, he was taken aback.

Because... There are actually four missiles inside, including two AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range missiles and two AIM-120 Amram medium-range missiles.

When they saw these four missiles, the coast guard of the whole ship cheered up and stood ready.

Captain Han also watched with a serious face.

No one dared to be careless.

If this explodes, their ship will definitely be severely damaged.

"This... won't explode, right?" Xiaopang swallowed, a little scared.

"probably not."

These four missiles are all in a usable state.

What is more amazing is that the fighter jets have disintegrated to this extent, and these missiles have not exploded.

It was picked up by us in vain.

These missiles are also valuable for research, but they are not useless.

Captain Han also reported the situation here, and arranged for someone to dismantle the fuzes of these missiles first, so as not to really explode.

These are treasures, and they all have high research value.

After all these things are hooked up, there is really only one tail left, which is the position of the engine.

"If this catches the engine, it can be regarded as completing the task."

This time their mission was to catch this plane.

"Brother Hao, come on!" Xiaopang was cheering on Fang Hao.


Add ghost oil.

Just an engine.

Fang Hao's mood also became tense, and he didn't know how long it would take him to catch the tail.

But no matter what, he will do his best to fish.

Today's luck is much better than yesterday's.

Like yesterday, since the wing was caught, nothing was caught behind it, or the detector was caught.

But today is different. Not only the nose was hooked first, but also the ammunition compartment in the middle of the fuselage was hooked, important parts were caught continuously, and then the tail was left.

Judging from the degree of disintegration of the plane, the plane suffered a violent impact before it crashed into the sea, so it was in such a state.

For the next two hours, Fang Hao's fishing rod was temporarily silent.

Seems to be in a rest phase.

Fang Hao is very patient and not in a hurry, that's where he goes.

Even if he didn't catch the tail of the plane today, he felt normal.

If it is so easy to catch, other people can catch it.

No matter how good your luck is, it cannot be good all the time.

Luck is sometimes like a wavy line, with ups and downs.

There are times of good luck and times of bad luck.

Not set in stone.

When there was no movement for two consecutive hours, Captain Han also arranged for someone to bring snacks to Fang Hao and the others to replenish some energy.

In terms of food, this coast guard ship is better than the previous ship.

Xiaopang was so hungry that he ate voraciously.

Fang Hao's side is okay, his physical fitness itself is not comparable to Xiaopang.

This consumption is not a problem for him.

He ate slowly.

When he was halfway through eating, his fishing rod moved again.

Hey, what a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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