Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 21 Another Reward: Golden Treasure Chest!

Chapter 21 Another Reward: Golden Treasure Chest!
Under Lin Wendong's command, a group of his subordinates started to move.

They quickly surrounded several suspicious points.

Then searched one by one.


Under such movement, the murderer was terrified and wanted to escape.

But it was too late at this time, and was arrested by the police who had already been guarding the periphery.

Caught the murderer and collected DNA from him...

Under the circumstances of conclusive evidence, the other party had no way to evade, and also had no way not to admit it, and finally confessed his crime.

He really liked Zhang Cuilan.

His personality is relatively withdrawn and weird, and he has been watching each other silently from behind.

Until one day, he saw Zhang Cuilan suddenly playing the board very well, as if he had encountered something happy, and he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He quietly followed the other party... and followed all the way, unexpectedly, he saw Zhang Cuilan meeting a man.

This made his heart suddenly burn with anger.

Especially seeing the two hugging and sticking together, the other's hands fluttering up and down... He, who was watching from behind, became more and more angry in his heart, and his eyes were scarlet.

A surge of energy rushed to his brain, and when the other party was about to catch a glimpse of the leopard, he made a surprise attack from behind.

Hit the man first with a hammer.

Then, under the woman's terrified gaze, he viciously violated her, and then killed her together...

The other party fully explained the crime process.

That's how the case was solved.

Lin Wendong also dispelled Fang Hao's suspicion, and at the same time, he felt a trace of apology in his heart.

He really helped them a lot this time, but he still doubted him.

However, even if he did it again, he would still be so skeptical.

This is his professionalism.

But he is also very grateful to Fang Hao for his help.

"The case is finally solved." Chen Lin was also very happy.

"This guy didn't expect to help us so much."

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, but thinking about it, after this case is over, it may be difficult for them to have a chance to meet again in the future.

My heart suddenly felt a little empty again.

do not know why.

The original arc of the corner of the mouth... slowly fell down.



Sun Zhaopeng, who has been following up the case, has also been following since they arrested the murderer.

Sun Zhaopeng was also very excited when he saw that the murderer had been caught.

He knew that there was another news today.

The press release he submitted last time satisfied the leader.

I was also praised by the leader during the day today. If there is no accident, I don't have to worry about this month's bonus.

"Huh... this is the first time a case has been solved so quickly, right?"

Sun Zhaopeng was surprised.

As a journalist, he is well aware of the difficulty of solving the case, and he also knows that it will not be so easy to solve the case this time.

But who would have thought... the speed of solving this case far exceeded their imagination.

"Is there something I don't know about?"

Sun Zhaopeng was puzzled.

What he didn't know was that the speed of solving the case would be so fast, and all of this came from one person, Fang Hao!
Without Fang Hao, this case would not have gone so smoothly.

If Fang Hao hadn't gone back to fish later, he wouldn't have caught the second corpse. Without the second corpse, it would be impossible to find out their identity and background relationship, and it would be difficult to infer from their social relationship.

Later, the other party also found the murder weapon.

The discovery of the murder weapon also made them more clear about the direction to solve the case, and this evidence is still very sufficient.

Fang Hao didn't know yet, because of his relationship, the police accidentally cracked the case in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, he is still fishing at Baisha Reservoir.

Live while fishing.

His popularity in the live broadcast room is still rising rapidly.

Before I knew it, it reached more than 8!
This is the first time for such a high popularity.

Some of the people who came in to watch the live broadcast were just to watch the fun, and some came here specifically to see what kind of person the anchor who caught the two corpses was.

"Huh? Is the anchor who caught two dead bodies so handsome?"

"I thought all the fishers were greasy middle-aged men."

"Fishing guy: ???"

"Fishing guy: You are the greasy middle-aged uncle, and your whole family is."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"But to be honest, the anchor went fishing every day, and he didn't get tanned. His skin feels whiter than mine."

"Brother, do you think you can get a tan by basking in the moon?"

Some water friends also became speechless. People go fishing almost at night, how tan they can get.

"It makes sense...hahaha."

"Anchor, it's been half an hour, haven't you fished yet?"

"It seems that after changing to a new fishing rod, you still can't do it."

"Okay, little dog."

Then everyone's attention returned to Fang Hao's fishing rod.

Half an hour has passed since he started fishing, but there is still no movement on his fishing rod.

Not even the fish biting the hook.

This is a bit of a ghost.

Won't be so unlucky again?
Fang Hao's attention was always on the float, just watching it... for any movement.

According to his fishing skills, this should be impossible.

There was no fish for half an hour. If this was not the Baisha Reservoir, he would have doubted whether there were any fish here.

"It's only been half an hour...what's the rush, fishing requires patience."

But Fang Hao still stiffened his mouth.

"The slower you catch the fish, the more likely you are to catch a big one!"

"Hahaha, anchor, you are as stubborn as my big goose."

"The goddess Feifei has already caught a fish! Although it is only a two-jin fish, it can be regarded as a fish."

"If you can't, then you can't, you better accept your fate, anchor."

"Hehe, it seems that the boss must slap you in the face severely."

Fang Hao snorted.

"Anchor, as long as you don't catch the corpse, you can say anything. I'm timid, so I dare not watch it."

"Haha, don't worry, as long as the anchor says there's something big to show us, we won't be able to catch any fish."

"Is it so mysterious?"

"I don't know if it's mysterious or not, but if the anchor says that, it's absolutely impossible to catch fish!"

These water friends knew Fang Hao well and were his old fans.

They popped up at this time to educate the new group of water friends.

Fang Hao also held his breath in his heart, waiting for the moment when he caught the fish.

However, with decades of fishing experience, he knows... the more this is the time, the less anxious he is.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching [-] popularity, and a golden treasure chest as a reward! 】

At this moment, a metallic voice suddenly sounded in Fang Hao's mind.

When his popularity in the live broadcast room reached [-], the system gave him another treasure box.

Only this time the treasure chest is not a silver treasure chest, but a gold treasure chest!

(End of this chapter)

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