Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 217 Brother, You Are A Dangerous Man!

Chapter 217 Brother, You Are A Dangerous Man! (seeking subscription)

When Fang Hao saw what was caught on the sea, he was stunned for a moment.

This... turned out to be a white dolphin.

Compare it with the illustrated book of marine life in your mind, and you will know what it is at once.

【White dolphin】

[National first-class protected animal, belonging to the dolphin family of cetaceans. It is a close relative of bottlenose dolphins and killer whales. Its body is slender and spindle-shaped, and its beak is protruding and narrow...]

When many people see white dolphins, they think they are fish, but like whales, they are mammals, not fish.

Now his hopes of catching fish were lost again.

Moreover, this thing is still a national first-class protected animal, and it is also known as the 'Mermaid' and the 'Water Giant Panda'.

"Hey, it's not a fish."

Fang Hao sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't put too much hope this time, otherwise, he would be uncomfortable now.

This luck... so good, I almost caught a fish!

Really don't know what to say.

It was a little bit worse.

After finally catching a living creature, it was another marine creature that was not a fish.

The white dolphin is very cute and looks like a fish, but it is not a fish. Like the whales he caught before, they are all mammals.

Fang Hao didn't need to look to know that a group of people in the live broadcast room must be teasing him.

Who made this group of people his little blacks.

The white dolphin is a national first-class protected animal. Fang Hao carefully fished it out of the sea.

"Anchor, you must not kill it, or you will have to go in."

When Fang Hao picked up the white dolphin, the group of water friends were still telling him.

"The anchor is still used? He is here with the police now."


"Uncle policeman, keep an eye on the anchor, don't let the anchor make mistakes."

In fact, it doesn't matter what they say, Fang Hao also knows to be careful, it is impossible to treat the white dolphin roughly, so as not to hurt it.

After all, this is a first-class protected animal, so don't be careless.

Once it's up, carefully remove the hook.

The outer skin of the white dolphin is easy to touch, and it feels quite good in the hand. It feels a little cool when it is first touched, it is very smooth and soft, and the texture is harder, a bit like the feeling of washing dishes.

This stroke is extremely high, and there is no way to stop.

Moreover, this white dolphin looks so cute that people can't put it down.

The dolphin didn't resist either, but let Fang Hao touch it, and even turned over to let him touch it, enjoying it very much.

"Wow, I really want to touch it when I see it."

"Ahhh, damn it!"

"It's so cute. My heart is about to melt. How can I raise such a dolphin?"

"You can go to the aquarium to be a dolphin breeder, and then you can raise them."

"I'm going to apply for a breeder!"

"Me too."

When a group of people watched Fang Hao touch the white dolphin, they all felt itchy. The white dolphin is so attractive.

They were all melted by the cute appearance of the white dolphin.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, after seeing the white dolphin, the hearts of girls are flooded.

Let them forget about teasing Fang Hao and not catching fish.

Everyone on the boat couldn't help but come to see the white dolphin that Fang Hao caught.

Xiaopang's eyes shined even more.

"Brother Hao, can I touch it?"

Fang Hao signaled him to be casual.

Including Captain Yu's side, they really wanted to touch it, but because of their image and face, they didn't do it.

The other coast guards also watched enviously.

After petting the white dolphin for a while, Fang Hao put it back into the sea again and released it safely.

After seeing Fang Hao release the white dolphin, a group of people still reluctant to part.

It's so cute.

Who can bear this.

"It's really cute."

Xiaopang still couldn't forget the touch just now.

The others watched the white dolphin return to the sea with great reluctance.

The white dolphin that returned to the sea did not leave immediately, but swam beside the coast guard ship.

Sometimes rolling on the sea, sometimes jumping up, it is very jubilant.

Although he didn't catch any fish, Fang Hao's mood was not too bad, no matter how depressed he was, he could easily be healed by the dolphins.

It's hard not to be happy.

Besides, he didn't feel that he would definitely be able to catch fish, and he was already mentally prepared, so he didn't feel too much of a gap.

The state of mind is very calm.

If you don't catch a fish, you don't catch it. Anyway, it's not the first time.

Anyway, he was also the one who caught the dolphins.

How many people can be like him?
"For the anchor you caught such a cute dolphin today, we won't make fun of you for not catching a fish."

The atmosphere in the studio was rarely ridiculed.

After putting the dolphin back, Fang Hao continued fishing.

Xiaopang seems to have caught turtles today, and he didn't catch a single fish.

He caught a lot of fish before, but now he didn't catch a single one.

This made Fang Hao feel a little comforted, and he would not pierce his heart.

People are afraid of comparison.

If the other party has been catching fish today, and then explodes the protection, then the mood will be a little uncomfortable.

The pictures of the dolphin fishing were also uploaded on the Internet.

It's just that it wasn't on the hot search this time.

Everyone is just talking about it as a common topic.

It can be regarded as a small episode of this fishing trip.

Counting it, Fang Hao hasn't caught any serious marine life for a long time.

The last time I caught it was a whale.

It was caught when I went out to sea with Lao Gao a long time ago.

Now, he is going fishing with the coast guard to catch satellites.

Naturally it is different.

After Fang Hao's mentality improved a lot, the next fishing process will be much easier.

The atmosphere is not as depressing as before.

Soon, Fang Hao caught another thing, which was a piece of marine garbage, which was useless.

Then continue fishing.

Then hooked up the detector...

Today's luck seems to be good, no matter what the fish is, just judging by the speed at which the fish is caught, it is really good.

It is the satellite that Fang Hao and the others are going to catch, and there has been no movement so far.

I don't know where it will be.

It's no wonder that people in the aerospace department invite themselves to go fishing.

They really couldn't find it.

Even if they knew that this sea area was where the satellite fell, they couldn't find it no matter how small the area was.

Salvaging things under the sea is not to determine the specific location coordinates, it is really difficult to find.

It's no different than finding a needle in a haystack.

The expert in the aerospace department was worried, but he also knew the difficulty of this matter, so he didn't urge Fang Hao.

He also knew, so what if he was urged.

The result is still the same.

Whether he can catch the fish or not, the root of the problem does not lie with Fang Hao.

It's really about luck.

Catching this satellite can only rely on luck.

No one can guarantee.

He can only pin his hopes on Fang Hao, hoping that his luck will be better.

Maybe his prayers worked.

There was another movement from the fishing rod in Fang Hao's hand.


Whether it was everyone on the boat or a group of people in the live broadcast room, they were all looking at Fang Hao.

After seeing the movement of the fishing rod in his hand, they all looked forward to whether there would be any surprises.

Just like the white dolphin before, it was a small surprise.

It's so cute, so cute.

Everyone's hearts were melted.

"What did you catch this time?"

Everyone still doesn't know whether Fang Hao caught a living thing or something.

Everyone is watching, waiting to be caught.

"It doesn't look like it's very heavy."

Everyone judged the situation of catching something by observing Fang Hao's performance.

In fact, the things caught this time were really not heavy.

About a few hundred catties.

For Fang Hao, this weight is easy.

In the past few days, his strength has increased again, and it has reached more than 700 catties.

He can easily catch it without using the golden BFF ability.

From the feel, the things caught this time are not alive anymore.

There is still a clear difference between the feel of living things and the feel of ordinary things.

Fang Hao can judge immediately.

As for what it is, it's hard to say yet.

Fang Hao is not sure, it may be a good thing, or it may not be.

"Could it be a satellite?"

Fang Hao suddenly thought of this possibility.

If it is a satellite, the weight... seems to be very similar.

It also weighs several hundred kilograms.

The expert from the aerospace department had already informed him of the information of the satellite, so Fang Hao knew the detailed information of the satellite.

Judging by the weight, it does look a bit like it.

This is just Fang Hao's guess, not necessarily a satellite.

It wasn't until Fang Hao caught the thing and surfaced that he finally saw what it was.

This is not a satellite.


This thing looks like a liquefied gas tank.

The exterior has been severely corroded, with rust spots on it, and many marine organisms attached to it.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing to see.

But Captain Yu on the ship, he also saw what it was, and his expression changed immediately.

Because this thing is nothing, but a 'deep sea bomb'!
This is an underwater weapon used to attack submarines. It is equipped with a fixed-depth fuze. It sinks to a certain depth after being put into the water, or detonates when it is close to the coordinates to kill the target.

It is usually launched by ships or anti-submarine aircraft, but in the future, its anti-submarine status has been gradually replaced by ship-borne torpedoes.

However, this does not mean that depth bombs are obsolete weapons.

Although it has been replaced by torpedoes in anti-submarine, it is still very economical and effective in offshore anti-submarine.

Because this thing is really cheap compared to torpedoes.

In addition to anti-submarine, deep bombs are also used to break through thunderstorms, open up waterways, and clear landing beaches.

It's just that why are there deep sea bombs here?

Captain Yu didn't want to understand.

Judging by its appearance, this depth bomb is quite old.

"Wait a minute, don't move."

Seeing that Fang Hao was going to catch this thing, Captain Yu immediately stopped.

Fang Hao also stopped what he was doing, and looked at Captain Yu, not knowing that the other party would suddenly call to stop.

He saw Captain Yu's face was extremely serious.

Obviously, this is a recognition of what this thing is.

"Captain Yu, this is..."

"This is a depth charge!" Captain Yu said.

Depth charges!

As soon as the news came out, the pot exploded instantly.

Fang Hao's live broadcast room exploded.

"I'll go, the anchor caught another bomb."

"And it's a depth charge!!!"

"If this bomb explodes, I'm afraid... even this coast guard ship won't be able to handle it."

"Is the anchor going to drag the entire coast guard ship to be buried with him?"

"The anchor's luck...is no one else."

"Yeah, I remember one time the anchor caught a torpedo too, but it didn't scare Brother Abs to pee."

"The anchor is really too dangerous. Try to catch these things. If you catch a nuclear bomb next time, wouldn't it be..."

A group of people were stunned.

They were all taken aback when they heard that depth charges had been caught.

Are they just watching the live broadcast online instead of watching it live?

If this happened at the scene, they would probably be scared to death.

What a 'dangerous man'.

Not long ago, everyone was still rejoicing and happy to catch white dolphins.

Now in the next second, the depth charge made the atmosphere tense again.

The dangerous atmosphere is full.

Fatty who was at the scene was also frightened at this time, and stood there dumbfounded.

The thing in his hand fell to the deck with a loud bang.

Did he hear correctly... What did he catch was a depth charge?

bomb? ? ?

Brother, please tell me this is not true.

But obviously, reality crushed Xiaopang's fantasy.

This is what Captain Yu said personally, so of course he can't fake it.

Seeing Captain Yu's serious face at this moment, he has never treated him so cautiously like now.

He is still not sure about the situation of the deep-sea bomb, and he can't guarantee whether it will explode immediately.

He must ensure the safety of the entire crew.

Don't be careless.

The first thing to determine is how the deep sea bomb is doing.

Fang Hao was also stunned after hearing the deep sea bomb.

Because he hasn't touched the bomb yet and hasn't entered a certain range, the effect of the mechanical eye hasn't been activated yet, so he can't see the bomb for the time being.

Fang Hao wanted to catch the bomb a little bit.

But he saw the posture of Captain Yu and the others, and knew that this idea would not work.

Now he is fishing for this depth charge on the surface of the water, temporarily... in a dilemma.

It is impossible to catch it. After all, there are still so many people on board, and the safety of everyone on board needs to be ensured.

It is also impossible to throw it back, and you must ensure absolute safety in your own sea area.

The only solution is to find a place to detonate the depth charge.

"Find a small lifeboat."

Captain Yu responded quickly. He wanted to put the depth charge on the lifeboat, and then they would approach the ship and finally detonate it.

This is a relatively safe approach.

By the way, Captain Yu reported the situation and his own plan.

This proposal was passed.

The above also agreed to his detonation plan.

Two small lifeboats were released to sea.

There are three coast guards on board the two ships. .

In such a dangerous situation, he really went ahead and did not flinch at all.

The lifeboat was rowed to the depth charge, and Fang Hao cooperated with the other party to get the bomb on the boat and put it on.

Then the coast guard on the ship untied the rope above.

All of this was done very carefully, not daring to make big moves.

Such a long-term depth charge must be very unstable, so we must be careful.

Don't make too much movement, trigger the fuze, and then explode... then it will be really cold.

(End of this chapter)

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