Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 235 Blowout Breakthrough in Technology

Chapter 235 Blowout Breakthrough in Technology (Subscription required)

Not only this secret research institute, but also other research institutes also have technological breakthroughs.

There appears to be a brief era of technological 'blowout'.

An aero engine research institute.

A group of people looked excitedly at a new engine that had just been tested.

This engine is one of their latest products, and they finally made a breakthrough.

Based on the inspiration found in some foreign engines, the technical problems that have been stuck have been solved.

It was just a matter of finishing touches, but after getting an inspiration, it became a matter of course.

We have been developing self-developed engines for so many years and have accumulated a lot of technology.

However, compared with foreign countries, our technology is still relatively weak.

But this time the luck is really good, not only the F35 engine, but also the F22 engine.

After dismantling and studying these two engines, I got some technical inspiration.

Just at this time, there have been some breakthroughs in materials.

Basically, it's a matter of course.

It didn't take too much time, and the development progress was greatly shortened.

Otherwise, according to the normal R&D speed, it will take us at least three years to achieve a breakthrough.

This has made a greater breakthrough in the research and development of engines with small bypass ratios.

Basically, it is possible to form a two-legged situation with Yingzi.

Not at all worse than their engines.

At least the successful development of this engine can even give us a slight lead.

Since the successful development of the fifth-generation aircraft, we have gradually caught up in the development of fighter jets.

However, in terms of the engine, we are still relatively weak.

After all, we started late, and the accumulation of technology is not as much as others.

At the beginning of the successful development of the fifth-generation aircraft, we still used the improved Taihang engine. The engine of the fourth-generation aircraft used in the fifth-generation aircraft has been criticized for a long time, and it is also a pain in our hearts.

It was said to be useless.

But fortunately, we do not admit defeat easily, and the development speed is very fast.

After continuous catching up, the new generation of self-developed engine turbofan 15 is about to succeed.

It was just a step away.

In fact, it can be enabled now, but the technology is not yet fully mature, there are still some technical bottlenecks that have not been resolved, and the performance cannot be fully utilized.

But if you want to use it, it is also possible, so it is still used experimentally, and a small batch of preliminary replacement is carried out.

But we still hope to have a more mature technological breakthrough and use a more perfect engine to match the new generation of fifth-generation aircraft and become the king of air combat in the future.

Therefore, the improved model is still being developed, and finally a new breakthrough has been obtained now.

This breakthrough is completely subversive.

It was a huge breakthrough.

Let us successfully break through the unavailable situation.

No longer need to be controlled by others, you can develop and produce the most advanced engines by yourself.

And there has also been a breakthrough in material technology.

Double breakthroughs in technology and materials have created this improved engine.

"The maximum thrust of this improved model has reached 20.6 tons!"

"I can't believe it!"

Breaking through the thrust of twenty tons, this is a brand new mileage.

The previously developed turbofan 15 can exert a maximum thrust of 18 tons.

This improved model has greatly increased the thrust and directly exceeded [-] tons, which is an unbelievable statistic.

In addition, its thrust-to-weight ratio is also the most eye-catching existence, reaching 13, already surpassing the F135 engine of Hawkiko, and the thrust-to-weight ratio of Eagleko is only 12.

The thrust-to-weight ratio of the previous turbofan 15 was only 10, but now we have directly raised it to 13, which is due to breakthroughs in materials and technology.

Based on it, we have made a big improvement.

Generally speaking, the higher the thrust-to-weight ratio of an aircraft engine, the higher its maneuverability.

In addition, the aerodynamic layout of our fighter jets is far superior to that of Eagles. If we use this newly developed improved turbofan 15 engine, then in terms of aircraft maneuverability, it is already possible to compare the F35 and F22. To seconds into scum.

Mobility is the embodiment of the capabilities of fighter jets.

It has a greater advantage in air combat.

"The F35 and F22 aircraft really came too timely."

"The next step is to test the life of the engine."

"As long as the service life can exceed [-] hours, it is qualified."

This is our minimum requirement, that is, we hope to break through [-] hours, then we are qualified, and we can surpass Yingzi without asking for a while.

Just get ahead of yourself first.

The original turbofan 15 has a service life of about [-] hours.

This is subject to the material.

But now there are breakthroughs in materials, and [-] hours is our minimum goal. As for how much we can achieve, we don't know yet.

Just hoping for a higher lifespan.

For example, the service life of Eagle's F135 engine is about [-] hours.

We still kind of hope we can catch up with this.

"Then start the test!"

A new round of testing was carried out again.

And this test is to test the service life of the engine.


In addition to engine breakthroughs, we also have some breakthroughs in some technologies on the fifth-generation aircraft.

What's more, after understanding the technology of F22 and F35, we also found some targeted methods.

For example, how to avoid the detection of the opponent's radar and approach the opponent quietly.

Let the other party not find themselves.

And we can catch them easily.

Like an assassin who exists in the dark.

Stealth materials, radar detection...etc.

When our latest engine is installed now, coupled with these technical improvements, when facing F35 fighter jets or F22 fighter jets in the future, we will be able to face them with a crushing attitude.

In addition, the research on sonar detectors has also reached a new stage.

And all these technological breakthroughs are carried out quietly.

People outside don't know yet.

When these technologies were announced, everyone was shocked!

Yingzi just smelled some wind, but they don't know the specific news, so they can only rely on guesswork.

"Is the rabbit doing something behind my back again?"



Fang Hao and the others changed to a new location again, and the environment here is still very good.

Xiao Pang brought up the finished fish, eating more than one fish.

There are sashimi and other ways.

My stomach is already empty.

After wolfing down a meal, the food was quickly wiped out.

This made a group of water friends in the live broadcast room very greedy.


"The anchor actually ate a big meal behind our backs."

"Woo, I really want to eat seafood, I really want to eat fish."

"Anchor, your fish is not tasty, it feels poisonous, I suggest sending it to the mountain city, let me taste it for you, and try the poison."

"I've heard this abacus in the Western Regions."

"Anchor, you eat so much now, if you catch a corpse later, let's see what you will do!"

This made some water friends silently pray in their hearts that Fang Hao would catch the corpse.

After eating, Fang Hao continued to prepare for fishing.

He also saw the barrage posted by these water friends, and seeing these people praying for him to catch a corpse again, Fang Hao just wanted to roll his eyes.


Think beautifully.

"You are jealous."

"Ah, yes, yes, we are just jealous."

"Anchor, are you embarrassed to eat alone? I suggest you bring me with you next time."

"Anchor, I'm different from them. What I like is fishing. Bring me next time, and I'm sure you can catch fish."


Barrages are flying.

Fang Hao ignored them and continued to catch his own fish.

He didn't believe he'd catch a dead body again.

This time the luck will not be so unlucky.

Even if Goddess of Luck favored him and allowed him to catch fish, he probably wouldn't catch corpses again.

He didn't specialize in fishing for corpses!

Besides, how could there be so many corpses for him to fish in this sea.

He is a fisherman, not a corpse fisherman.


While admiring the scenery of the sea, you can fish leisurely.

The mood is getting better and better.

And then make a pot of tea on the side... what a treat.

These things are all prepared on Fang Hao's yacht.

Coffee and tea, among other things, are on hand.

The whole one is leisurely.

Also drink coffee in the morning.

Now in the afternoon, of course it is bubble tea, while making tea, while fishing.

This kind of life makes many people's eyes turn red.

Fuck, I'm so envious.

This is even more enviable than eating fish before.

"This meow is life! Fall!"

"I'm so envious, one day I can live such a leisurely life."

"The horrible mortgage makes me almost breathless."

"Hey, don't mention the mortgage. Now that I'm married, I still have to prepare a dowry and buy a car... My head will explode."

"Why do you get married? How comfortable it is to be alone. It's so cool to spend the money you earn every month."

"That's right, what do you spend money on for a woman? I don't feel too good about my salary of 1 yuan a month. I go to the club several times a month, and I get 588 once. I can save a lot of money, and I don't have to worry about it." Stop changing girls."

"Uh...brother, stop talking, and I'm going to cry."

"Me too, getting married too early..."

Suddenly, a group of water friends in the live broadcast room were filled with emotion. They were all lamenting the current social pressure and the pressure after marriage... Most of them had a bitter face, and they were almost overwhelmed by life.

Especially those who have a mortgage, a car loan, and then have three sons, that's even more... unimaginable.

There are also a small number of people who have figured it out. They feel that it is okay to get married or not, and life is really cool now.

It's cool to be single for a while, and it's cool to be single all the time.

Not subject to moral constraints.

When you think about it, you can talk about a short relationship for a few hours, or a relationship for half an hour or an hour, and then after breaking up, give the other party a little money as a breakup fee.

Then it's over.

That's great.

You don't have to worry about girls every day, you don't have to be annoyed by girls, and you don't have to think about how to coax them.

If you go to fall in love, you may end up with nothing but money and money, and then you can only become like a goat, just holding hands and nothing else.

"It's nice to be single."

"It's so good."

"If I were to go back ten years ago, I wouldn't be married anymore."

"What kind of marriage do you want to be, and you'll be pissed off by women every day."

"There is no pressure if you don't get married."

The atmosphere in the studio changed suddenly, and most of them were talking about marriage.

They all came up with a marriage, and now the society wants to get married, the pressure is really not ordinary.If you don't have a family background, don't have some savings, and rely on yourself, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

The house, the car, the betrothal gift...all of these are on the boy alone.

Everyone is in their twenties and just graduated. Counting 23 graduates, it will take seven years to reach the age of 30.

The salary for the first year of graduation is calculated at [-], so the annual salary is [-] a year.

Then you have to deduct food, drink, and renting a house. Even if you live frugally for a month, renting a house is [-], and eating and drinking is [-], which is [-], which is very economical. Then the annual expenditure on this aspect is Fourteen thousand four hundred.

Calculated, you can save [-] a year.

After that, the salary will be increased by 6000 every year, so the annual increase will be [-] yuan.

Then after these seven years, you can save 31 two hundred.

This is still a relatively economical person, who dare not get sick during the period, dare not travel, dare not have any leisure activities, and have no extra expenses.

But can most people do this?
Certainly not possible.

After these seven years, being able to save 20 yuan is quite remarkable.

Then 20, a down payment to buy a small house.

Next, there is another three to five thousand mortgages per month.

You said, what else to do?
Where is the money, let alone those gifts.

It’s okay to meet low betrothal gifts, but if you encounter high betrothal gifts, 30 or hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts...

So the pressure in this society is too great now.

So when everyone saw Fang Hao drinking tea and fishing so leisurely...don't mention how envious they were.

This is the life everyone expects.

"If I didn't buy a house now, I should be like the anchor, fishing leisurely while drinking tea by the side."

"is not that right."

"Old buddies, seeing you in such misery, I dare not get married anymore..."

"Why are you still married? It's cool to be single. I'm single now. I just went to Dabaojian last night. It's very comfortable. No one cares about it. I don't have to hand in any salary cards. I use all the salary. Wow. "

"That's right, I'm also single, and I don't have to bother to prepare any gifts every festival, and I don't have to send red envelopes, how cool."

"Wow, it's so cool, then I'll stay single too."

"Fuck meow's dating, I don't chase anymore, that woman hanged me for three months, she always had an ambiguous attitude, shit, now that I think about it, I'm such an idiot, I even gave her breakfast every day and gifts on holidays, I used to be out of my mind It's funny."

"Brother, you are really funny..."

"Let's go, let's go fishing too."

"It's bad for a while, it's good for a while, and it's good for a long time!"

"As long as I lie flat enough, what kind of woman do I want?"

(End of this chapter)

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