Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 239 When the technology is really displayed

Chapter 239 When the technology is really displayed (seeking subscription)
At that time, the fleet sailing to the West was composed of ships of various models and sizes.

Large and small, more than sixty ships.

The largest ship, 148 meters long, 60 meters wide, and with a displacement of more than 300 tons, was the largest wooden sailing ship in the world at that time.The ship has four floors, nine masts can hang twelve sails on the ship, and the anchor weighs several thousand catties. It takes two or three hundred people to set sail.

Such a huge fleet was absolutely unique in the world at that time.

It is said that the scale is a hundred times the size of the Columbus fleet!
Moreover, the time of Columbus was later than that of Zheng He and his voyages, eight or ninety years later.

At that time, our shipbuilding technology and technical level were absolutely top in the world.

From this, we can see how powerful the manufacturing capability was at that time, which was absolutely shocking.

The construction and design of these ships, the craftsmanship level is also very high, not an ordinary structure.The design is very avant-garde, with more than ten cabins, the ship will not sink easily.

In order to prevent safety problems caused by water leakage, the treasure ships used bulkheads to divide the cabins at the bottom into compartments at the time of design, and there were at least a dozen similar cabins.In addition, in order to improve the ship's anti-collision ability, the treasure ship still connects the bulkhead with the hull plate with flat iron and hook nails, and the hull plate part is made of three layers of thin plates, which is very strong.Because the cabins are tightly separated by bulkheads, even if one or two cabins are damaged and flooded, the water will not flow to other cabins during ocean voyages.

At that time, the fleet of Zheng He's voyage to the West brought a lot of things and treasures, including gifts from Emperor Yongle to Western countries and items for trading.

If it is a return journey, there are even more tributes and treasures from Western countries to the emperor, as well as items exchanged through trade, etc. in the ship.

Therefore, the Daming fleet at that time was also known as the treasure ship.

The meaning is obvious, it is the ship of treasure.

As for why a great Ming treasure ship sank here, it is temporarily unknown, and I don't know what happened at that time.

In this tens of meters deep seabed.

Fang Hao looked at the sunken ship and carefully sized it up.

The sunken ship is still well preserved, and these wooden structures have not decayed after hundreds of years.

The wood is still strong and durable.

Fang Hao was a little surprised by this.

But there is also such a saying, dry for a thousand years, wet for ten thousand years, half a year for neither dry nor wet.

The wood on the sunken ship has been submerged in seawater all the time, and it is in a water environment, so the preservation time will be longer.

Due to time constraints, Fang Hao did not enter the inside of the sunken ship to check. He is still checking the outside situation.

The size of this sunken ship should have a displacement of about [-] tons.

Belongs to one of the fleet.

Because the fleet is divided according to its purpose, it can be divided into several types of warships such as treasure ships, grain ships, water ships, horse ships, and passenger ships.

Now this ship is a treasure ship.

A treasure ship means that there are many things in it.

Items like silk, porcelain and so on.

These were all brought by Zheng He during his voyages to the West.

If it is not bad, the things inside the sunken ship should be those things like porcelain and silk.

After checking the situation outside the hull, Fang Hao also prepared to go back.

After all, his breath holding time is still limited, it is impossible to stay in the water forever without getting up.

He has practiced qigong, and now the longest qigong time is less than one hour.And because it is now in a place where the water is tens of meters deep, the breath-holding time is shorter, probably more than half an hour.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Fang Hao also prepared to go upstream.


"It's over... It's been so long, Brother Hao doesn't know what's going on now."

This is not wearing any diving equipment, and after so long, something must have happened.

Normal people can hold their breath underwater for three to five minutes, that's pretty awesome.

Even if Fang Hao is different from ordinary people and can hold his breath underwater for 10 minutes, that would be a long time.

I'm afraid it took more than 20 minutes to prepare.

After such a long time, there is still no movement. Obviously...the probability of this accident is very high.

"I'm afraid... more bad luck than good luck." The captain's face was also a little dignified.

Judging from his experience, Fang Hao basically may have had an accident.

He had never seen a person stay underwater for so long.

And without any equipment on his body, he just dived down like this.

No one will think that this can come back safely.

"Anchor, something really happened..."

"I calculated the time. It has been 28 minutes and 43 seconds since the anchor jumped into the sea. Such a long time has passed. I guess... the anchor is over."

Some water friends even specially timed it, counting the time when Fang Hao jumped into the sea.

It's been almost half an hour now.

Half an hour underwater, without any oxygen equipment... How can a normal person hold their breath for such a long time?
Impossible to think about.

"It's over, it's over, there will be no anchor's live broadcast to watch in the future."

"The anchor will not be eaten by a shark."

"Everyone remember today's time."

"Woo, anchor...don't make trouble, don't be joking."

"Come back soon, the anchor, please come back soon."

At this moment, many water friends in the live broadcast room began to panic.

They were worried about Fang Hao's safety, and they suddenly became anxious. They were really afraid to hear the news of Fang Hao's accident.

"Why can't the anchor think about it..."

"Is it because we teased too hard before, the anchor's head didn't turn around for a while."

"Woo, come back, anchor, we won't tease you so hard in the future."

"Yes, we will make fun of you less in the future."


Most of the water friends really want Fang Hao to come back and appear on the sea at this moment.

And such a scene also worried the staff of Huya platform to death.Fang Hao can be said to be their God of Wealth, the mainstay, and the rise of their platform is largely due to Fang Hao.If something happens to Fang Hao...the consequences will be disastrous.

It is very likely that they will lose the identity of this brother, and then be overthrown by the shark.

As Fang Hao's friend, Su Baige is also very worried about his safety. He is very nervous and his eyes are full of worry.

And only a very small number of people who hoped that something would happen to Fang Hao were secretly happy now.

"Hey, it seems that this person probably won't be able to come back. God has helped us. Finally, we don't have to envy the rabbit for having such a talent."

"Otherwise, watching that person catch all kinds of good things, I'm really jealous."

"Since we can't own it, let's destroy it!"

This is the thinking of those lurking in Fang Hao's live broadcast room.

They know that they can't have Fang Hao, so they expect Fang Hao to have an accident, so that everyone will not have it, and there will be no psychological imbalance and no jealousy.



Just when everyone thought that Fang Hao had an accident and would not be able to return, suddenly a splash of water appeared, and then a figure emerged from the water.

The crowd looked intently.

Hey, this person is not Fang Hao, who else can he use.

After a short period of absent-mindedness, a sudden burst of surprise came to my heart.

"It's the host!"

"Hahaha, the host is back."

"The host is fine!!!"

"Woooo, I was really scared to death just now. I thought the anchor really couldn't come back. If the anchor can't come back, who will watch the live broadcast in the future?"

After everyone saw Fang Hao emerging from the water, the stone that was pressing in their hearts could finally be let go.

Take a deep breath.

Everyone who was worried at first can be relieved now.

Finally don't worry.

And those who were expecting something to happen to Fang Hao, their faces froze at this moment, looking at them in disbelief.

Such a scene was beyond their imagination.

"Is it true that someone can hold their breath underwater for half an hour?"

"This is too scary!!!"

How good is this water.

It simply surpassed the limits of human beings.


In the sea, Fatty and the captain also stared blankly at Fang Hao who had just emerged from the water.

If they didn't see clearly that it was Fang Hao, they would have thought it was a water monster.

"Brother Ho."

Xiaopang yelled in surprise.

At this time, Fang Hao, who had just emerged from the water, also noticed Xiaopang on the water.

Fatty was holding a lifebuoy on his body.

"You... why are you also in the water?"

Fang Hao was a little puzzled.

He didn't know that after he jumped into the sea, the two of them came down together to save him, so he felt very strange.

Now Xiaopang briefly described what happened to Fang Hao.

"So you came down to save me?"

Fang Hao's face was a bit weird, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

He... didn't expect that he just jumped into the sea to calm down and relax, but he didn't expect to be misunderstood by them as suicide...

Uh, although the fish broke his own fishing rod and then ran away, he would be very angry.

But... not yet to the point of committing suicide by jumping into the sea.

His state of mind is not that bad.

One's own life can still be distinguished from a fish.

Fang Hao is not that stupid, he committed suicide for a fish.

"But thank you for your concern."

Fang Hao thanked the two for coming down to save him without hesitation.

After confirming that Fang Hao was fine, Fatty and the captain also prepared to return to the yacht.

It's just that when the two were about to go back... they found that they were in a hurry to get down and forgot to throw the hanging ladder.

Now the ship was smooth all around, and they couldn't get in at all.

Only now did the two of them realize the problem, and they were stunned for a moment.

Ah, this...

If they couldn't go back to the yacht, wouldn't they...would have been floating on this sea forever.

And with the time in the sea for a long time, the body temperature will inevitably drop, and there will be physical exertion and so on.

It will definitely not be able to support it later.

This is bad.

Fatty and the master captain looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the problem.

"I... was in a hurry and forgot to put down the hanging ladder."

At that time, the captain and master had to take care of Xiaopang's safety and rescue Fang Hao at the same time, so he couldn't care less about letting go of these things.

At that time, life was urgent, and he didn't think so much.

Otherwise, when going out to sea, someone will stay on board in case of emergencies.

"How can I go back now?"

Xiaopang's face was crowded together, and now there was only worry left.

"What happen to you guys?"

Fang Hao also noticed that the situation of the two of them seemed wrong, so he asked immediately.

"Brother Hao... We forgot to put down the hanging ladder before, and now we can't go back to the yacht."

Xiaopang told Fang Hao about the situation.

It turned out to be this.

Fang Hao didn't care.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid I would be worried.

But for Fang Hao, these are trivial matters.

It's just a hanging ladder, even if Fang Hao doesn't use this hanging ladder, he can go back.

After he goes back, just put down the hanging ladder.

Fang Hao used to have system-rewarded agility.

You can step on the water directly.

Moreover, the water surface is not high from the hull, that is, less than two meters high.

Ordinary people have no place to borrow, and they can't get on a yacht.

But Fang Hao won't.

He can directly step on the water and jump onto the yacht.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

"Look at me."

Fang Hao told them not to worry.

Under the suspicious gazes of the two and the water friends in the live broadcast room, Fang Hao showed them what technology is.

This is the benefit of light exercise.

Fang Hao charged up for a while, and then jumped up from the water, the water under his feet formed a reverse thrust.

Then Fang Hao's feet seemed to be loaded with springs, and he jumped up suddenly, his body was as light as a swallow, and he flew high.

This jump directly jumped to a height of nearly three meters.


This scene directly caught everyone's attention.

Everyone watched this scene in disbelief.

"This... is this light work?"

"Oh my God!!!"

"Who dares to say that we don't have light work? If it weren't for light work, I would have eaten the keyboard."

"This is definitely floating on the water with lightness kungfu, borrowing the power of the water, and then jumping up. If you don't know lightness kung fu, who can do it?"

There are also Xiaopang and the captain, who also watched Fang Hao jump onto the yacht with dull faces.

This scene also refreshed their cognition.

"This... just jumped on it?"

When they thought it was over, Fang Hao did it so easily.

It's really incredible.

"I think...Brother Hao can apply for the Guinness Book of World Records now." Fatty muttered to himself.

"Is this still a human?" The captain's master also looked shocked, which also refreshed their cognition.

Under their surprised and shocked eyes, Fang Hao threw the hanging ladder down.

Then the two also climbed back to the yacht from the hanging ladder.

After Xiaopang returned to the yacht, he breathed heavily.

It feels like the rest of my life after a catastrophe, and the whole person is a little exhausted.

He has been on the water for so long.It has already consumed most of his physical strength.

There is nothing wrong with the master captain, but his clothes are all wet, and he is going to change.

As for the live broadcast room, it was full of barrage.

It exploded directly.

And Fang Hao's popularity also broke through 7000 million.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 7000 million popularity in the live broadcast room, and reward a black gold treasure box. 】

Adding the previous treasure chests, Fang Hao now has two black gold treasure chests in his hand.

"The anchor is too awesome."

"Is that human being?"

"This physical fitness is too good!!!"

"Did you see the anchor's body just now? The muscle lines are so perfect."

There are also some water friends who have noticed what others have not noticed, that is Fang Hao's muscles.

That muscular body is simply perfect.

It's the kind of feeling that you look thin when you wear clothes, and you have flesh when you take off your clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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