Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 241 Advanced Shipbuilding Technology!

Chapter 241 Advanced Shipbuilding Technology! (seeking subscription)
The wooden shipwreck under the sea is still very well preserved, and the wooden structure has hardly suffered much damage.

Those wooden boards are still very strong under the immersion of sea water.

Maybe the sunken ship can be salvaged and repaired so that it can sail again.

This provides high research value to many cultural relics research personnel.

They can use this to study the grand occasion of Zheng He's voyages to the West and the shipbuilding technology of the Ming Dynasty.

These are good research subjects.

Such a well-preserved Daming treasure ship is really rare.

Some old shipbuilding sites of the Ming Dynasty have been salvaged before, but compared with the complete ships salvaged this time, they are completely incomparable.

This shipwreck is a ship of [-] materials, which adopts the structure of "the bottom is wide and the top is wide", with the bow high and the stern high.

This kind of ship shape has a high performance of stable control in rough seas, and at that time, the bilge of the ship was ballasted with earth and rocks, so the stability can be said to be second to none at that time.In order to further improve the stability, the Daming Treasure Ship also used stem water wood and two sides of the water board.This plank facing the side of the ship can further reduce the shaking of the hull to both sides.

Another unique design of the hull structure at that time was that it was equipped with multiple transverse bulkheads, which divided the entire cabin into multiple small cabins according to the function, and divided the interior of the ship into different cabins with wooden boards, and sealed each other.This not only strengthens the structure of the ship, but also has the effect of subdivision, watertight and anti-sinking. The researchers counted, and there are about 25 cabins. This is also because the ship can carry so many items, and it is also very stable. It is also the reason why so many items are still well preserved.

The Erqian material seagoing ship adopts an all-wood structure.

However, the ship crafts of the Ming Dynasty developed to include shovel nails, iron curiums, shovel nails, leech nails, etc., so that complex wooden structures can be easily spliced, hung and reinforced together by various ship nails, so that they will not fall apart.

The basic ship type of the Shang Erqian material Daming Treasure Ship is Fuchuan, with a small square bow and a wide flat stern.

The building form belongs to a building ship. There is a deckhouse in the middle of the main deck to form a midship, with bulwarks, a three-story poop at the stern, and a two-story transparent forecastle at the bow.From the bilge to the deck, it is divided into five floors.

There is a mighty tiger head embossed on the front of the bow, a solemn flying dragon embossed or painted on the front of both sides, a phoenix painted on the rear, and a Dapeng bird that is about to fly on the top of the stern board.

You said the value is not high.

The action of wooden sailboats on the sea mainly relies on the wind power of the sails and the paddling of the sailors. The two important links of the power propulsion system have adopted unique designs.

First of all, unlike the segmented soft sails used by European sailing ships at that time, the Daming Treasure Ship used a hard sail structure with stays on the sail surface.Although this kind of sail is heavy and laborious to raise, it has extremely high wind-receiving efficiency and increases the speed of the ship.In addition, the mast does not have a fixed girder, which can adapt to sudden changes in the sea.Different from oars, the Ming Treasure Ship has long sculls on both sides and stern.This kind of long scull goes deep into the water, swings by many people, and the action of the scull half-rotating underwater is similar to today's propellers, with high propulsion efficiency.It can also maintain a considerable speed when there is no wind, and the wading area of ​​the scull outside the boat is small, which is suitable for sailing in the crowded waters of narrow harbors.

And as everyone salvaged the sunken ship and analyzed the structure of the sunken ship, they finally found the key reason for the sinking of the ship.

It was mainly caused by the crew's own operational errors.

The operation error itself, and the shipwreck hit the rocks when it went out to sea. After all, it was the first time to go out to sea, and it was still in the process of groping for the route. Then it encountered strong winds, which caused the ship to roll over. Before the hull could be repaired in time, the ship sank.

However, although the ship sank, the people on board were all right, and they were all rescued back to other ships.

This is also to learn experience for the fleet, and this situation has never been encountered again.

The researchers quickly salvaged and found a rather special thing in the sunken ship, clam shell glass.

This is equivalent to the source of light in the boat, and there is no need to use open flames for lighting. After all, the most feared thing on this wooden structure boat is open flames.Once the fire is used improperly, it will definitely detonate instantly, and it cannot be saved.

It was too late.

Therefore, the fleet has strict regulations on the use of open flames, and it does not mean that they can use them as they want.Unlike now, when you want to smoke, you just hit it with a lighter.

It's like being in a cotton factory, you won't be allowed to use fire easily, and even static electricity must be protected.

Each of these clam shells is cut into a neat rectangle by taking the flattest piece about the palm of your hand. After careful polishing, it is smooth and flat. The thickness of the clam shell is only 0.1 mm, which is very transparent. The texture is still clear, while the other side emits the unique pearl luster on the inner wall of the clam shell.

The craftsmen will place the polished clam slices on the wooden lattice windows of the thin treasure boats with a length and width of 6-7 cm, which not only block the waves and wind, but also ensure the transparency of the house.When glass was not used, the lighting of treasure ships was a pioneering work.

This is a very significant find and something very special, definitely one of the most fascinating items on this ship.

The discovery of this shipwreck also gradually solved some mysteries for everyone.

After all, this treasure ship with more than 2000 materials is not yet the main ship, which means that the main ship will only be bigger.

Therefore, it was inferred that the Zheng He treasure ship of the main ship may have a displacement of [-] tons.

Some scholars once restored the treasure ships according to shipbuilding principles and Chinese-style wooden sailboat construction procedures, and calculated that the largest treasure ship had a full-load displacement of about 22848 tons. Taking the square coefficient of 0.43, it can carry 9824 tons.

The shipwreck this time can definitely provide great research value for Zheng He's voyages to the West and the shipbuilding technology of Ming Dynasty, and can reproduce the leading shipbuilding technology at that time.


One expert looked excited, he had never been happier than he is now.

The well-preserved state of the wreck provided a lot of useful information for his research.

"Although the ship sank, it survived better."

Other unsinkable ships have long since disappeared into the long river of history, and are never to be found again.It may have been burned in the subsequent war, or it may have been dismantled, or it may even have been damaged during the subsequent war.

However, this ship sank due to an accident in the past, and instead became the best preserved one.

After being discovered hundreds of years later, it became the object of research.

"I didn't expect it to be so lucky."

"The things found in the old shipbuilding site that were discovered before are less than one-tenth of this ship."

You said they were excited or not.

And all of this is due to Fang Hao. If he hadn't discovered the sunken ship, it is estimated that... this ship is still alone on the bottom of the sea, and it is difficult to be found.

Maybe it will be discovered eventually, but it may be hundreds of years later.

So Fang Hao's contribution to this is not ordinary.

The salvage of the sunken ship is progressing very smoothly, and the researchers have also scanned and preserved the sunken ship with a 3D scanning structure.

As for the sunken ship, the experts at the scene tried to carry out a repair plan to see if it could be repaired, and then... salvaged the sunken ship and towed it back to the port.

Compared with the weight of the ironclad ship, the weight of this wooden sunken ship must be much lighter.

The repair plan is not complicated, and it is not difficult with the current equipment and instruments.

Fang Hao, as the commander-in-chief of the scene, coordinated and dealt with these matters so that all these matters could be resolved.


On the Internet, a group of people watched the live broadcast of the salvage of the sunken ship.

Everyone watched with gusto.

"Fuck, it turns out our shipbuilding technology was so advanced before!"

After learning about the structure of these great Ming treasure ships, a group of people were amazed.

These shipbuilding crafts were definitely leading the world at that time, and they were absolutely unique.

Looking at Europe and the United States at the same time, those people are still far behind us.

Even if they had started a renaissance at the time.

But before the industrial revolution started, those people were still far inferior to us.

"This is the confidence of our Great Ming Dynasty!"

"Those designs are awesome."

"I can feel how advanced it was back then."

"At that time, ships with a displacement of several thousand tons and ten thousand tons could be built. How terrifying it is!"

"If this is an ocean war, who will be afraid of?"

"It's definitely a blow from dimensionality reduction."

"So why are we here now?"

"It's all closed to the outside world. We have been stuck in our own way, so we are slowly falling behind."

"Ahhh, it's all because of that woman. If it wasn't for her, how could we be in such a miserable situation, and we went back 300 years."

"Fortunately, we are now catching up again."

Everyone was very angry, thinking of the bad history of the past, it was not ordinary bad.

Fortunately, these are all over now.

We are now gradually catching up, those advanced ships are no worse than others, and the number is also starting to make dumplings.

History must not be forgotten. These things are very sophisticated. Only by studying history can we better develop the future.

"A lot of good things."

"These porcelains can probably be sold for a lot of money."

At that time, the porcelains produced by these official kilns were all high-quality goods, not to mention that after hundreds of years, those porcelains had already become antiques and were invaluable.

Everyone was deeply moved.

Seeing this treasure ship of the Ming Dynasty, everyone can feel the leading technology and shipbuilding technology at that time.

Really unusual.

After everyone sighed, they also turned their attention to the things on the boat.These are antiques, all of which have high collection value.

This time, so many antique relics have been salvaged, and the museum can be enriched again.

The local museum in Jinghai is dispatched again, hoping to keep some of the things salvaged this time in the museum in Jinghai.

They didn't keep much of the things they salvaged before.

So I hope that more of the things salvaged this time can be kept.

"Brother Fang Hao..." The director of the Jinghai Cultural Relics Bureau rubbed his hands and approached Fang Hao, hoping that he could leave more things in Jinghai.

After discussion, basically everything here will stay in Jinghai.

Jinghai will build a shipwreck museum at that time, which is definitely good news.

This is Zheng He's treasure ship on his voyage to the West, and the things inside are very precious.

And there is a sunken ship here, as long as it is repaired and towed back to Jinghai, then the follow-up matter will be easier.

After all these things were dealt with, Fang Hao was able to rest.

As the commander-in-chief, he has been busy with a lot of things, and he is almost overwhelmed, and now he can take a break.

Before salvaging the sunken ship, he thought it was just like this, but after actually doing it, he realized that there were too many things to coordinate.

The salvage this time is also based on the Jinghai side.

Therefore, Fang Hao has to take on more things.

After finishing all this work, Fang Hao took a rest, and then ate something to replenish his energy.


"This guy……"

A group of people lurking in Fang Hao's live broadcast room were very depressed.

They thought something would happen to Fang Hao, but in the end, not only did nothing happen, but they showed something beyond ordinary people.

It is absolutely incredible that a person can stay underwater for almost half an hour without the protection of any scuba gear.

And it's still in the sea tens of meters deep, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Totally incredible.

Those people thought something happened to Fang Hao, but they didn't expect to be taught a lesson.

Fang Hao let them know what it means to exceed the limits of human beings.

And the last "lightness skill" shocked their dog's eyes even more.

The person is fine, and a sunken ship was discovered under the seabed, and a bunch of treasures were salvaged.

This... Don't be too envious.

Almost envious of them.

"Definitely not ordinary people."


Those people's perception of Fang Hao was refreshed again, and they felt that Fang Hao should be given a different label.

This is definitely a very dangerous character.

"SSS-level key figure."

This is their judgment on Fang Hao.

The importance of this is self-evident.

They need to be re-examined, and Fang Hao needs to be re-studied.

They originally thought that according to Fang Hao's model, forming a fishing team seemed to be effective.

But now it seems... this path seems unfeasible.

They gradually formed fishing squads, which seemed to have no effect at all.

You can only catch fish, not those things like Fang Hao.

Yingzi, who was a little proud before, also thought that he would successfully build such a fishing special operations team.

But in the end, it was found that these were just because of 'fake', and it was not really possible to catch those things.

What's more... the thing caught is purely accidental, it can only be caught once, and it cannot be caught all the time.

That is to say, the fishing squads, the fishing special operations teams, they started to fail.

None were successful.

It's not like Fang Hao can catch everything.

So far, only Fang Hao has such ability.

(End of this chapter)

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