Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 247 Miniature Unmanned Submarine Vehicle

Chapter 247 Miniature Unmanned Submarine Vehicle (for Subscription)
An awkward atmosphere permeated the air.

Now Fang Hao hasn't caught any fish on the boat yet.

I rely on.

You can't be so unlucky, can you?
Fang Hao muttered in his heart.

Even the pure novice Hashimi beside him has caught fish, but he hasn't caught anything yet.

It shouldn't be.

"Hahaha, anchor, look at her beauties, a novice has caught fish, but you haven't caught anything yet."

"You can't even compare to a little girl."

"No, no, there are still people who can't even catch fish."

The group of little blacks in the live broadcast room once again teased Fang Hao in a strange way.

Seeing the ridicule of this group of people, Fang Hao was also very helpless.

How can this be done?
He doesn't want to either.

He really couldn't understand why the fish didn't bite his hook.


Obviously his own hook is no different from other people's, and the bait is also the same.

Even in terms of position, everyone is on the same boat and the positions are similar. It is impossible that there will be no fish in his position.

It shouldn't, it must be something wrong.

Fang Hao stabilized his mind and couldn't be affected by such a situation.

It's just started now, and there's still a long way to go.

Maybe if you get lucky later, you may not be able to catch fish one after another.

Calm down, no matter how many fish others catch.

Fang Hao continued fishing here, keeping his ears to the outside world, no matter how many fish others caught, he would not be moved.

Fang Hao's fishing rod still remained silent.

Halfway through the catch, everyone was getting hungry one after another and began to eat to replenish their energy.

There is food provided by the organizer on board, so everyone does not have to worry about being hungry.

"Mr. Fang, you are hungry too, why don't you have something to eat." Qiaomei handed Fang Hao something to eat.

This was specially given to Fang Hao by her.

In such an environment, this kind of getting along is the easiest way to develop feelings.

Qiaomei is also trying her best to use these opportunities to shorten the relationship between the two of them as much as possible, then when the time comes... everything will be a matter of course.

Of course, if the goal is really not achieved, there are other means to be used.

Three days and two nights is still a long time.

Qiaomei is not in a hurry to resort to methods immediately, she plans to take her time.

"Thank you."

Fang Hao put his things aside for the time being, he was not very hungry yet.

"Mr. Fang, is this not to your taste?" Seeing that Fang Hao hadn't eaten, Qiaomei couldn't help asking, she was afraid that these things might not suit Fang Hao's taste.

"No, it's just that I'm not too hungry for the time being, so I won't eat it for now." Fang Hao smiled slightly, saying that it's not that it's not to his taste, but that he doesn't want to eat it yet.

In this case, it will not be so easy to hurt the other party.

"Oh, then when you are hungry, eat it. I will bring you a new one then." Qiaomei nodded.

As long as it doesn't suit the other party's taste.

Otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Others continued to fish after eating.

Everyone dare not relax, for fear of missing the opportunity.

For most people, as long as they win the championship, they can get a bonus of 500 million.

Bonuses are the most important thing to them.

Don't talk about getting rich overnight, at least you can afford what you want to buy, and you don't need to calculate it again.

Soon, Xiaopang next to him also caught a fish again. This fish was relatively big, weighing about twenty catties.

The fish caught this time was bigger, which naturally attracted many people to watch.

The people on the same boat looked at Fatty enviously.

"I'll go...Brother Abdomyo is lucky today."

"If the anchor is here..."

That's a stark contrast.

Fatty is also because of this big fish he just caught, and his harvest should be one of the best among the crowd.

"If this continues, the anchor will cry."

Some water friends laughed, just waiting to see the joke.

"I don't think it's okay to cry."

"I just don't know if the anchor has been brewing for so long, and will catch something more exciting later."

"Yes, I always have a hunch that the anchor will catch something exciting this time."

Everyone still believes in Fang Hao's ability.

I always feel that what he catches is not that simple.

And that feeling got stronger as time went on.

This aroused everyone's curiosity even more, wanting to see if they would catch any good things this time.

After several hours in a row, Fang Hao remained calm here, completely motionless, and there was no movement at all.

This made everyone very curious.

The more there is no movement like this, the more people feel strange.

Because it's so abnormal.

Even the novice girl beside her, Qiao Mei, caught two fish, and a veteran like Fang Hao didn't catch a single one.

That's why everyone is sure that after brewing for so long this time, there will definitely be something good.

at last.

"Brother Hao, there is movement on your side."

With Xiaopang's reminder, Fang Hao also immediately withdrew his attention.

He was just watching someone else catch a big fish weighing more than 50 kilograms, and he was so stunned for a moment that he didn't notice that his fishing rod had moved.

After Fang Hao reacted, he immediately grasped the fishing rod firmly.

This time, don't let the fish escape.

If you catch a big fish.

This time Fang Hao is still very confident in his fishing rod, and will never let the fishing rod break so easily.

The toughness of his Edman alloy fishing rod is very strong in itself, let alone reinforced.

Not to mention catching something that weighs tens of catties or more, even if it is ten times heavier, or something that weighs more than ten tons, there is no problem at all.

With Xiaopang's reminder, Fang Hao also reacted immediately.

On the other end of the fishing rod, the fish caught seemed a bit heavy.

Fang Hao also felt that one end of the fishing rod sank slightly after holding the fishing rod tightly, and a heavy weight came from the fishing rod, and then bent into an arc.

This is?

Fang Hao quickly judged that what he caught this time must not be a fish.

If it's fish, it doesn't feel like this.

What would it be?
This made Fang Hao a little curious.

He hasn't used his strength yet, and he still doesn't know what he caught

As for how heavy it is, he still doesn't know.

He hasn't pulled things up yet.

The thing was still at the bottom.

It's just that when the fishhook was hanging on the thing, it was slightly pulled.

But just this weight, it feels a bit heavy.

The thing underneath may not be a simple thing.

Maybe it could be something big.

No matter what it is, Fang Hao will catch it and have a look.

Unless it is really impossible to catch, there is no way.

Fang Hao tried to pull it hard, but it didn't move.

The things underneath are a bit heavy.

With Fang Hao's strength just now, he didn't pull at all.

And Fang Hao's performance also caught the attention of a group of people.

"Huh? Did the host catch something?"

"It looks like it's heavy."

"What could it be?"

Everyone watched curiously, and suddenly became interested.

No one knows what it will be after finally catching something.

Possibly something good?

Or maybe something else that doesn't work.

Or...it's the bottom line.

These are all possible scenarios.

Fang Hao didn't know for a while, he continued to exert force, and then tried to pull... the strength in his hand continued to increase.

His current strength, without any ability or external force, has reached a strength of [-] jin.

But under such a great strength, the things underneath still didn't pull.

Fang Hao was slightly surprised.

Is it that heavy?

Could it be another shipwreck?
In Fang Hao's cognition, things that can reach such a weight are generally sunken.

"What shipwreck will it be this time?"

"Is it an ancient ship? Or our modern one?"

Everyone became curious.

Different ships have different values ​​for the things they carry.

For example, the shipwreck Daming Treasure Ship that was caught last time was obviously of high value.

And some sunken ships caught before, and the value is not so high.

If it is the Dingyuan ship, regardless of its own historical value, then there is not much valuable stuff in it.

Because the value of this Dingyuan ship itself is its historical value.

Because of their history of naval warfare.

But when it comes to the treasures on the ship, there are no more.

After all, this is not a cargo ship, but a battleship. The meaning is different. It is impossible to carry antique treasures on board, and some are just shells.

Everyone was curious about what Fang Hao caught this time.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was watching Fang Hao fishing for this thing.

At the scene, everyone on the boat also noticed what Fang Hao had caught.

As a person who has never caught a fish, everyone pays close attention to Fang Hao.

What was caught suddenly this time, everyone wanted to see what it would be.

If it's a good thing, it's awesome.

No one else could see that Fang Hao was already pulling the thing he had just caught very hard at this time.They couldn't see how heavy the thing was with their eyes.

Don't know what the hell this is.

Fang Hao felt that he was about to use all his strength, but he still didn't pull this thing.


Even Fang Hao himself was a little surprised.

What exactly did you catch this time?

How could it be so heavy.

"Isn't it a shipwreck?"

Fang Hao also suspected in his heart that what he caught this time was not a sunken ship.

He has used ten thousand catties of strength, but he still can't pull it.

Fortunately, the boat he took this time is relatively large, so he will not be affected by what Fang Hao caught in fishing for the time being.

Fang Hao decided to try to use the gold BUFF to improve his strength.

When he used it, his strength suddenly increased.

All of a sudden, the strength doubled.

With a normal strength of [-] jin, you can usually catch anything.

However, the opponent here is still motionless.

"What the hell is this?"

Fang Hao couldn't guess either.

Thirty thousand catties!
Fang Hao continued to increase his strength.

His current strength is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The ever-increasing power also made Fang Hao helpless against the things underneath.

He didn't even know how heavy the thing underneath was, and he couldn't pull it out even though he was about to use up [-] catties of it.

Then we can only continue everyone.

Soon I reached a strength of [-] jin...

Still didn't pull anything underneath.

Hey, this is interesting.

This is the first time to catch such a heavy thing.

"The anchor took a little long this time."

"Could it be possible to catch something good?"

One by one stretched their heads, wanting to know the answer earlier.

The more time it takes, the more curious people are, and the more they want to know what it is.

They are deeply aware of this truth.

The longer you drag, the better the catch.

Maybe this thing underneath is something good.

Since the strength of 20 catties is still not enough to pull it, then [-] catties, or ten tons of strength.

Until... Fang Hao increased his strength to fifty tons!

After using nearly [-] tons of strength, the thing underneath hadn't been pulled up yet, and the boat they were standing on shook.

It seems that the things underneath are too heavy to support.

Otherwise, it is very likely that their ship will be overwhelmed and overturned into the water.

Fang Hao could only temporarily stop what he was doing.

If Fang Hao wanted to find out what was underneath, he could only go down and check it himself.

Or... Fang Hao also has a miniature unmanned submersible in his hand, which can go into the water instead of him.

In this way, you don't have to go down to the bottom of the sea to know what's underneath like before.

With the help of this unmanned submersible, it can be seen more clearly.

Don't tire yourself out either.

Qiaomei and others looked at Fang Hao in surprise.

Watching Fang Hao catch other things at such a close distance, the experience is simply different.

What you see in the video and what you see on the spot are two completely different experiences.

It's like listening to a concert, listening to it live and listening to it online are completely different feelings.

Fang Hao took the opportunity to rest, but in fact he went to get the unmanned submersible.

"This is?"

After seeing Fang Hao take out something, everyone looked curiously.

They all thought that this was a toy prepared by Fang Hao, but on second thought, it was wrong. The anchor, he has nothing to buy.

Obviously, this is an instrument.

"This is an unmanned submersible."

Fang Hao also introduced it appropriately.

"With this thing, we don't need to go to the sea ourselves. They can dive to the depths of the sea instead of us."

"And my submersible is more advanced. It can go to a deeper seabed. Basically, it can go down to a thousand-meter-deep seabed. There is nothing wrong with it."

After Fang Hao showed his things to everyone, many people exclaimed.

"I'll go, is it so hanging?"

"How much is the host's submersible? Where can I buy it?"

"How about I go to Pinxixi to buy one?"

"Pin Xixi can buy one, of course, but you don't have to expect the effect."

"Pin Xixi bought it. If you can dive down to a depth of several meters, it's already pretty good."

A group of water friends were talking about the unmanned submersible that Fang Hao took out.

I have to say that the performance of this submersible kills a lot of things in seconds.

"The anchor, get in the little yellow car."

"Yeah, if it's only a few thousand yuan, I think I can buy one to play with."

Everyone is interested in this thing in Fang Hao's hand, and they all want to buy one to play with.

(End of this chapter)

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