Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 250 The nuclear problem is more complicated

Chapter 250 The nuclear problem is more complicated (for subscription)

Fang Hao's fishing rod finally moved!
It has been silent for a long time, and finally there is movement again.

This made him a little excited, and he began to imagine that he could catch a good thing this time.


Will it be fish?

This was the moment he was most looking forward to.

A little nervous.

He really wanted to catch a fish to end the current predicament.

Looking at other people, basically they have already caught fish, even some novices have caught several fish, but he has nothing, this old face is a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, he used to claim to be a technical anchor.

But... all the fishing skills were lost.

Soon... the result let him down.

Because of that damned familiar touch, it shattered his fantasy.

Hope was dashed again.

Obviously, Fang Hao didn't catch any fish again.

The feel from the fishing rod indicated that this time he had caught another thing, not a fish.

He is too familiar with this feeling.

The things caught this time were not very heavy, within a controllable range.

In other words, with his strength alone, he could still catch this from the sea.

What will be caught this time?
"Did the anchor catch something again?"

In an instant, the attention of others was also attracted.

Not long after catching the submarine, everyone was still looking forward to what they caught this time.

Very interested.

"What will you catch this time?"

One by one stretched their heads, trying to see what it was.

But now the fish is still in the sea, and no one can see what it is.

"I think...the thing caught this time should be a good thing."

Before the answer was revealed, everyone's hearts were itchy, and they really wanted to know.

After all, the things Fang Hao catches from the water seem to refresh people's eyes every time, and they are quite special things.

Just like the Yongle Dadian and the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs that were caught before, they are all national treasures. If they are not caught, they will always be in the sea, and there will be no more in the world. They are all out of print.

Not to mention the F22 and F35 planes that were caught.

Those aircraft also brought us a lot of things, let us get inspiration from them, so as to make breakthroughs in some technologies.

We have accumulated a long period of time and accumulated a large number of technical and R&D personnel.

Now, driven by external forces, a bunch of technologies have been directly broken through.

It can be said that now is the time to harvest, and a bunch of technologies have recently made breakthroughs.

This is a gratifying thing.

A period of explosion has been reached.

So Yingzi is also panicking recently, and they seem to have received some wind.

It's just that they don't know what's going on, and they've been trying to find out, but they haven't found anything.

This is what worries them the most.

If they know, that's better, they know how to deal with it.

But without knowing anything, there is a feeling that the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, and I don't know how to deal with it.

Can only respond passively.

But Yingzi didn't know that the reason why we had a breakthrough so quickly was all thanks to the great gift Yingzi sent, and we crossed the river by touching them.

If they knew, they would probably vomit blood with anger.

Of course, even without the things of Takako, we can reach the current level in at most two or three years.

But time is life.

Saving two or three years of time is the greatest good news for us, which can greatly reduce the gap between us and the other party.

If we can shorten the time by two or three years each time, then we will soon be able to catch up with each other.

So it is conceivable how much Fang Hao contributed to this.

Now everyone is concerned about what good things Fang Hao will catch.

Everyone's attention is drawn.

It just so happened that everyone was fine at the moment, and when most of them were resting, they wanted to see what Fang Hao would catch this time.

Every time he catches something, there will be a lot of commotion, and this time is probably no exception.

This is where everyone looks forward to.

Even though everyone hasn't seen what they are catching, they have already made up a lot of things in their minds.

"Will there be a corpse?"

Some netizens couldn't help but said.

This is an unavoidable problem every time.

In terms of Fang Hao's ability and luck, catching corpses is a common occurrence.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the nicknames Immortal Fishing Corpse and Great Emperor Fishing Corpse.

And these nicknames are not only a sensation in China, but also abroad. His popularity on the Internet has also rushed into the top five!

This is on the Internet. It is unbelievable that there can be such a popularity.

Not your average horror.

"It would be interesting to catch the corpse again."

"Hahaha, that's right, the corpse-fishing emperor has boundless mana."

Netizens here are watching the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, anyway, they are not at the scene, so they can't feel the horror of those corpses.

But for those who were there, the mood was different.

A large part of them didn't want Fang Hao to catch the corpse.

If a corpse is caught, those who are close will probably be frightened.

Watching it up close is completely different from watching it through the lens.

While a group of people were guessing, Fang Hao was already reeling in.

Although the weight of the thing underneath is not as heavy as that of the previous submarine, it is not very light.

It is estimated that it weighs several tons.

But these weights are not a problem for Fang Hao.

Let alone a few tons, as long as conditions permit, dozens of tons or hundreds of tons, that's no problem.

The weight of the thing underneath is not high, and it is not difficult for Fang Hao to catch it, so it is easy to do it.

The line is constantly being drawn in, and the things caught below are getting closer and closer to the water surface.

Pull up from the seabed at a depth of 200 meters.

This feeling is really different.

100 meters, 80 meters, 70 meters...

The distance is getting closer.

It won't take long for the caught thing to reveal its 'true body'.

In fact, let alone this group of netizens fans, even Fang Hao himself wants to know what he caught this time,

Maybe there are really good things?

Fang Hao withdrew his mind and continued to take up the line.

Soon the fish was only a little away from the surface of the sea.

Everyone can gradually see clearly that this shoe has been decided by Europe.

Slowly, everyone can already see a little refracted shadow through the sea water.

Light will be refracted on the water surface, and it is difficult for everyone to judge what it is for a while.

After all, this is just a shadow, and I still haven't seen it clearly.


With the turmoil on the surface of the water, everyone's hearts were raised.

about to be revealed.

Just a little bit.

"Huh? Black..."

Through the surface of the water, everyone gradually saw the general shape of this thing, but they couldn't figure it out for a while, and they didn't dare to be 100% sure.

At this moment, Fang Hao had completely fished out the thing.

"what is this?"

Because it's almost unrecognizable.

Almost no one has seen this thing before, and it's not that they haven't seen it, but they haven't seen it alone.

So they didn't realize what it was for a while.

"How does it look... a bit like the position of the rear propeller of a submarine." Someone finally said this.

He seemed to be able to see that what Fang Hao was catching now was like the tail of a submarine, where the tail propeller was.

Whether it is a nuclear submarine or a conventional submarine, the power they need is actually transmitted through this propeller.

If you want to have a high-speed maneuverability in the depths of the sea, the effect of the propeller is related to everyone's life.

"Tail propeller?"

"Is this still a submarine?"

When everyone heard that this was still a part of a submarine, their interest immediately dropped a lot.

If this is another submarine, do you think they will still be guarding here?

I had already caught a submarine before, so I didn't seem to be interested in fishing the tail of another submarine.

"It is estimated that the anchor has caught a submarine again."

"I just don't know what submarine was caught this time?"

"It's just that the submarine caught this time must have had a bigger idea."

At present, everyone has not fully seen the tail screw, let alone the others.

"This... this is really the tail device of the submarine."

After some comparisons, someone finally confirmed it.

This is a senior military enthusiast. He usually likes to do some military-related things.

After inspection, it was finally determined that this was the tail of a submarine.

Once the things are confirmed, the follow-up salvage work can also be better coordinated.

When Fang Hao and the others reported the situation here to Captain Han who was not far away, Captain Han was paralyzed and his expression was sluggish.

This... Did I hear correctly?
They're still salvaging the first submarine right now.

It's so good, another one came all of a sudden.

It feels like you don't need money.

Kekeke, it seems that there is no need.

It's too fast.

"Give me the address of the coordinate sea area, then you wait for us and come right away."

When Captain Han and the others were planning to go out on patrol again, so many things suddenly appeared.

Now it's a head two big.

Seeing this huge thing floating on the water is actually a helpless move.

If there is enough space on the boat, such as the size of Liaoyu 16, he can even play football on it.

Something is on the water, and everyone can see what it is.

is the location of the tail propeller of a submarine.

However, although the thing was not caught, it was floating on the water surface, and everyone could see it clearly, so it was not wrong to judge this point.

Now it's certain that it's part of the submarine.

Everyone became even more curious.

How the submarine was damaged, it was broken into two pieces, maybe even more, which means that an extremely serious accident occurred at that time.

Basically, it is impossible for the people inside this submarine to survive.

Everyone wants to know what type of submarine this is. This is the key.

And this submarine is our own?Or someone else's?

That also needs to be figured out.

Judging from the submarines caught these two times, the little black moves these guys made against us behind our backs are really too much.

Everyone must be a little bit unwilling.

I can't wait to suppress all these people who sneaked into our place.

It was also God's blessing that those who insisted on going at that time all stayed behind, either because of accidents or mysterious disappearances.

At this time, Captain Han and the others also arrived at the scene.

"What about things?"

"What submarine?"

Because Fang Hao was not close to the propeller that caught the tail of the submarine, he didn't know what type of tail it was.

Moreover, there is too little information on this aspect, and I can't find it even if I want to check it.

Captain Han approached Fang Hao as soon as he arrived.

They came from the coast guard ship and came to the boat where Fang Hao and the others were.

Then I followed my gaze and saw the tail of the premise on the water.

Captain Han also recognized what it was all at once. This is indeed the position of the stern of the submarine. There is no objection.


Captain Han still felt that something was wrong, and he looked at the submarine part on the water again.

Seeing the position of the stern of the submarine, he still couldn't think of a key point.

He didn't realize it until he was reminded.

"This...can't really be the tail position of the nuclear submarine."

With an extremely surprised tone, he exclaimed.

He does not mean that.

Originally, Captain Han was a little suspicious in his heart.

Although everyone has never seen the tail position of a nuclear submarine before.

But I haven't seen a pig running, so it's possible that I haven't eaten pork yet.

The tail of the nuclear submarine is generally a highly secret among the nuclear submarines of various countries.

The pump-jet propulsion system nuclear submarine relies on the propulsion generated by the high-speed rotation of the tail propeller to navigate.Propeller blades will generate a large number of cavitation bubbles during high-speed rotation, and the sound generated when these cavitation bubbles burst is one of the main noise sources of nuclear submarines.

The propeller noise of each nuclear submarine is different, so the propeller noise becomes the main sign of its voiceprint, and even the model or serial number of the nuclear submarine can be identified only by the propeller noise.

Therefore, after a general nuclear submarine returns to the port, the tail position will be wrapped with something to prevent other people from seeing it, just to prevent mechanical leakage.

Whether the sound of a nuclear submarine can be lowered is a test.

How to reduce noise during sailing, this is what needs to be considered.

Everyone now suspects that the tail part of the submarine that Fang Hao caught at this time is actually on the nuclear submarine, and this feeling is very strong.

Because nuclear submarines and conventional submarines are on it, there is still a big difference.


"It seems...it really is."

Captain Han wants to find Fang Hao now, and the two of them have a good chat and discussion.

Maybe there is an answer.

You must know that Fang Hao is not a simple fisherman.

He has several other identities on him.

After careful observation and comparison, he also went to confirm it.

This is a part of a nuclear submarine, not a simple part.

The issues involved are not so simple.

He urgently needs to get an answer now, and urgently needs to understand what is going on.

How can there be parts of nuclear submarines here?

(End of this chapter)

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