Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 255 The Conning Tower Enclosure on the Nuclear Submarine

Chapter 255 The Conning Tower Enclosure on the Nuclear Submarine (for Subscription)
Xiaopang's words instantly shocked everyone!
What? ? ?
Didn't catch a fish?

what's the situation?When did Xiaopang catch anything that wasn't a fish anymore?

This is the first time this situation has occurred.

Everyone subconsciously thought that Xiaopang had an illusion and made a wrong judgment.

"Could it be a mistake?"

It's not that they don't believe it, but that only Fang Hao has the special ability in this area. Now Xiaopang also said that he caught something that wasn't a fish, so everyone will naturally doubt it.

They wondered if Xiaopang had an illusion.

"No... I'm pretty sure it's not a fish."

Xiaopang was very determined, and he struggled to pull the things underneath.

The weight of this thing underneath is a bit heavy, and Xiaopang also used his strength.

This thing is much more tiring than him catching fish.

Judging from the feel, what I caught this time was definitely not a fish.

Xiaopang is still very confident about this.


"Go and help."

Captain Han also hurriedly called the coast guard next to him to help Xiaopang.

Otherwise, Xiaopang would almost lose his grip on the fishing rod.

However, Fang Hao, who was on the side, had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the fishing rod first.

When holding the fishing rod, Fang Hao also felt that his hand sank, and the weight on his hand was a bit heavy.

Fang Hao weighed it, and it probably weighed about two hundred catties.

This thing is really not light.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to fish.

A little later, Xiaopang almost couldn't hold on just now.

This is also because the physical fitness of fishermen is generally better, especially those who go fishing in the sea. If their health is not good, it is not you who are fishing, but the fish are fishing for you.

It will drag you into the sea in minutes.

When the others saw that Fang Hao had helped, they stopped going to help, so as not to cause trouble to Fang Hao.

Everyone knows that Fang Hao has great strength, and he is enough for him alone. If they go to help, it may be a disservice, and it may affect the other party.

"thanks, thanks."

When Fatty saw that his fishing rod was taken by Fang Hao, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost lost his strength just now.

This thing is too heavy, it must weigh hundreds of catties, maybe even more, anyway, he can't pull it at all.

He felt that if he dragged on for a while longer, his own people would probably be dragged down.

When you let go of your hand, the whole person is empty.

He hurried to the side and watched Fang Hao take the fishing rod easily.

Fatty didn't feel any surprise at all.

He was used to seeing this scene.

People can even catch sunken ships and planes, let alone things weighing hundreds of catties.

There is no need to question Fang Hao's strength.

"What the hell is this? How can it be so heavy?"

Fatty is very strange.

He wondered now what he had caught.

This was the first time he had caught something that wasn't a fish.

Very interested.

At the same time, Fang Hao is also a little strange about Xiaopang today.

Could this guy's luck be the same as his own?
In any case, let's catch the things underneath first.

Follow Fang Hao's hand hard.

Everyone turned their attention to it, wanting to see what it was that caught.

"Could it be something else on a nuclear submarine?"

This idea flashed through the minds of some coast guards, and they really hoped to catch some parts of the submarine.

But as to whether it can be caught, it is still a mystery.

Only when you catch it will you know the answer.

As the electric turbine rotates, the wire is gradually pulled up.

Slowly, the thing underneath was about to be pulled out of the water, leaving only a depth of less than ten meters.

"This is?"

Someone was looking at the sea from the bow, and couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw something that was about to be pulled out of the water.

Everyone else also looked towards the sea and saw what they had caught.

The fished thing wasn't part of a nuclear submarine, it was just a...gasoline can.

Well, that's right, another gasoline can.


As soon as Fang Hao saw the gasoline barrel, Fang Hao had a bad feeling in his heart.

But he didn't speak, he just hoped it wasn't what he imagined.

It is not the first time that the gasoline barrel has been caught, and Fang Hao has caught it once before.

At that time, the gasoline tank contained corpses.

But now... what's in this gas barrel?
With such doubts, Fang Hao still caught the gasoline barrel.

"Barrels of gasoline?"

The others were also a little surprised, and even Xiaopang himself was taken aback.

It never occurred to me that what I caught would be a gasoline can.

No one thought about this before.

Seeing that what was caught was a gasoline can, not the imagined nuclear submarine parts, everyone felt a lot lost.

If only it were part of a nuclear submarine, that's what they need.

In terms of gasoline cans, this is not a good thing.

"Don't be a corpse..."

Fang Hao prayed in his heart.

Maybe it was because his prayers worked.

The gasoline tank caught this time was really gasoline, and it hadn't been opened in any way.

It wasn't until they checked that it was determined that it was gasoline.

This time, Fang Hao was relieved.

Huh...he was really sweating just now, he was really afraid that he would find a dead body inside after catching it, and he would be really numb.

Xiaopang was also sweating for himself here. He was also worried about whether there was a corpse inside at the moment he went to look at it.

He frightenedly reproduced the scene of Fang Hao catching the corpse at that time.

Fortunately he didn't experience it.

Everything is so safe and lucky to get through.

Although what he caught wasn't a nuclear submarine part as he had imagined, it wasn't too bad.

At least a decent gasoline can, not a dead body.

Judging by the posture of the gasoline can, it should have fallen by accident.

But this time it was caught by Xiaopang, which also made everyone look at Xiaopang with admiration.

It seems that staying with Fang Hao for a long time has changed his luck.

Started catching things that weren't fish.

Regardless of whether he caught it by accident or not, being able to catch it this time shows that his luck is extraordinary.

After catching this gasoline can, Xiaopang also took a photo of himself and the gasoline can,

This is his first time, so it must be remembered well.

Even if it's just a gas can, it's the first step on his way to catching something else.

Do you think such a thing is worth remembering?

After all, not everyone is Fang Hao.


It was just a petrol can, so Fang Hao didn't care about it.

He then returned to his fishing rod and took out the fishing rod he had just fixed.

And when he got the fishing rod in his hand, he was also shocked.

It feels completely different in the hand.

Something caught!

This time it was finally his turn to catch something.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

At first, when everyone was still regretting that what Xiaopang caught was just a gasoline can, they were soon attracted by the movement of Fang Hao.


"Fang Hao also caught something."

"Then what will it be this time?"

The first thought of a group of coast guards was that what Fang Hao caught was not a fish, but something.

"Could it be a component on a nuclear submarine?"

This is what everyone cares about.

Nothing is more concerning than this.

This time their task is to catch nuclear submarines, so naturally they hope to complete the task earlier.

Fang Hao then pulled it hard, and found that the weight of the thing was heavier than expected.

It is also heavier than the gasoline can that Xiaopang caught just now.

And it's much heavier.

This also got him interested.

What did you catch this time.

Soon, the eyes of everyone on board were attracted by Fang Hao, including Captain Han's side, wanting to see what he would catch this time.

Most of the people were looking forward to Fang Hao catching nuclear submarine parts.

Fang Hao reckoned that what he caught this time probably weighed one or two tons.

This weight is not light.

It's hard to guess what it is.

Only when you actually catch it will you know what it is.

"Probably not part of a nuclear submarine."

Fang Hao was not sure for a while.

He was still reeling in, pulling up the things underneath.

Let's catch it first.

Time passed by every minute and every second, everyone's attention was on the thing caught, and they all wanted to see what was caught.

A group of people were watching Fang Hao.

Those who were busy with their work also stopped their hands and watched.

Until the fished thing was about to surface and some floating shadows could be seen, everyone was guessing what it would be.

"what is this?"

After seeing the black shadow of that thing, it was difficult for everyone to judge for a while.

You still have to actually see something before you can determine what it is.

"The shape looks like a cylinder?"

"What could it be?"

"Is it also a gasoline can?"

"Just a big oil drum?"

Everyone couldn't judge for a while, they still had to watch Fang Hao pull the thing out of the water.

As the thing floated up, it gradually revealed its true face, and everyone gradually saw the shape of the thing clearly.

"This is... a part of a submarine?"

Everyone feels a bit like it.

"It feels like the conning tower enclosure on a submarine."

"So... this is the part on the submarine?"

After some speculation, everyone finally determined what this thing was, it was a conning tower on the submarine.

This is why everyone always felt like a cylinder when they saw the shadow before.

Because this thing is indeed similar to a cylinder, but flattened a bit.

After knowing that this thing is a part of the submarine, everyone is more concerned about whether this thing is on the same nuclear submarine as the tail propeller part of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine that was caught before.

"I guess so."

Some coast guards think this is what is on the same nuclear submarine.

Otherwise, it will not be caught.

Although many submarines were buried under the sea, they also noticed that the enclosure of the command tower caught this time was still very new, and it seemed that it had just happened not long ago.

Judging from the time, this is almost the same time as the tail propeller parts they caught before.

Captain Han immediately became excited, ignoring other things, and immediately walked towards Fang Hao quickly.

The other coast guards around quickly followed suit.

This is a big deal.

If we talk about the gasoline barrel that Xiaopang caught before, it was just an appetizer.

So the enclosure of the command tower caught by Fang Hao now is a big dish.

This is a part of the nuclear submarine, and it is what they need.

Catching this thing means that they are one step closer to completing the task.

Regardless of whether it is a component on the Ohio-class nuclear submarine, at least this thing is also on the submarine.

This is also where Captain Han is excited.

He needs to make sure that this thing is a part of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

When they walked towards Fang Hao, Fang Hao was also trying to fish this thing out of the sea.

Such a heavy thing is definitely unimaginable for ordinary people.

It’s just that for Fang Hao, it’s a trivial matter, and his fishing rod has no problems at all. This is a reinforced Edman alloy fishing rod.

It is conceivable how strong the toughness is.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly exerted force with his hands, and he pulled the thing out of the water.

This strength is really not covered.

But now everyone's attention is attracted by this submarine part, so no one cares that Fang Hao fished such a heavy thing with bare hands.

After waiting for a while, Fang Hao put the submarine parts he had just caught on the bow deck.

And looking at this thing at such a close distance, Fang Hao's eyes also showed the information of this thing.

The mechanical eye saw the origin of this command tower component.

[Nuclear Submarine Control Tower Enclosure]

[Ohio-class nuclear submarine components, including communications, sensors, periscopes and control equipment, etc...]

This time, he was really sure what he had caught.

It is really a component on a nuclear submarine, not on other submarines.

After reading the information, Fang Hao himself was stunned.

This luck is really coming.

When I didn't come before, there might be no movement for several hours.

At this moment, they caught things one after another, but the other coast guards on the boat were too busy.

At this moment, it is said that the gasoline barrel was caught over there, and the other side said that it was the parts on the nuclear submarine caught by itself.

When Captain Han saw that the thing was caught, he immediately surrounded the part, trying to find some leftover clues.

Soon, after some careful inspection, he also determined that this thing was a part of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

This is also Fang Hao's reminder to him, otherwise he is really not sure.

Perhaps it was because the nuclear submarine had an accident at that time, something happened, and then an accident occurred, which led to the disintegration of the nuclear submarine.

It's all possible.

But now only two parts have been caught, which are still relatively small parts, and it is impossible for them to find out which aspect has the problem for a while.

Perhaps everyone is not very familiar with this control tower, but it is actually the small vertical control tower on the nuclear submarine. When it surfaced, this thing was the first to surface. Things are also best to sink one by one.

"Unexpectedly... it is really a part of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine."

(End of this chapter)

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