Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 261 The Undersea Tombs of King Lu

Chapter 261 The Undersea Tombs of King Lu (Subscribe)
The bronze coffin that Fang Hao and Xiaopang caught by accident led them to discover this tomb group under the sea.

And it was also found that the ships that built the submarine tombs were in the style of the Ming Dynasty.

In other words, the tomb under the sea is from the Ming Dynasty.

Then this king of Lu is also the king of Lu in the Ming Dynasty.

The scope is also reduced a lot.

But in the Ming Dynasty, there were quite a few people who were named King of Lu, and Fang Hao couldn't be sure which King of Lu it was for a while.

This can only be determined unless more things are obtained later, so as to obtain more information.

"Is this the undersea tomb of the princes of the Ming Dynasty?" Captain Han also became interested at this moment.

They observed the situation on the bottom of the sea through instruments and equipment. Although they didn't see it very clearly, they still had a general understanding of the situation on the bottom of the sea.

The scale of this undersea tomb is relatively large. It was built with five ships. After the construction was completed, these large ships sailed here and then sank to form this large tomb.

Has a large scale.

The discovery of the large undersea tomb this time was also because the torpedo exploded, destroying one of the ships and blowing out the bronze coffin, which allowed Fang Hao and Xiaopang to catch it.

These are also related to each other.

"should be."

Fang Hao nodded.

Judging from these, this undersea tomb should be the tomb of King Lu of the Ming Dynasty.

As for which King Lu is, the follow-up has to be judged based on other information.

"I didn't expect to catch a fish this time and also catch an underwater tomb. We are also lucky." Xiaopang was very excited.

It is much more interesting to catch a large tomb under the sea than to catch some torpedoes, so there is no need to worry about it.

This time he was able to discover the large tomb under the sea, and he was also responsible for it.

His mood is naturally more different.

It is indeed good luck.

The tomb of a prince is not comparable to ordinary tombs, and its value is huge.

What's more, this is still a submarine tomb.

This way of construction is also worthy of many archaeological experts to study.

Not to mention those things inside.

"Brother Hao, is it possible that this is the tomb of Emperor Jianwen?"

Xiaopang suddenly thought of a possibility.

Because it is said that Emperor Jianwen fled after the city was destroyed, and then disappeared. There are rumors that he has gone overseas.

That's why Zheng He's voyages to the Western Seas later were to find the traces of Emperor Jianwen.


Fang Hao knew that this was the tomb of King Lu, and it had nothing to do with Emperor Jianwen, so it couldn't be Emperor Jianwen's.

As for the legend of Emperor Jianwen, Fang Hao must have heard a thing or two, but no one knows whether it is true or not.

"This is just a prince's tomb, not an emperor's tomb."

Emperor Jianwen was an emperor anyway, and if it were his tomb, the scale would only be larger.

Xiaopang nodded, but understood a little.

"Then the tomb under the sea is difficult to dig."

Then he also thought of a question.

Excavating an underwater tomb in underwater archaeology must be very difficult.

It is more difficult than salvaging a sunken ship.

Archaeology is different from salvaging sunken ships. There are many details in it, and many details need to be considered.

Even the structure of these ships is something they researched, and they will be somewhat different from normal ships when they are built.

Fortunately, with the development of science and technology, it should not be a problem in terms of technical difficulty to salvage such a submarine tomb today.

"It's difficult, but if you really want to conduct archaeological excavations, it's still possible." Fang Hao said.

This time he analyzed and judged from a professional perspective.

While they were discussing this, Captain Han also reported the situation here again.

In any case, it is obviously not a trivial matter to discover an underwater tomb, and it is also the tomb of a prince.

"What? Fished a bronze coffin, and found a princely tomb under the sea?"

The people above were also in a daze after hearing the news of the report.

This... What are you fishing for?

Why is there another bronze coffin this time?

This forefoot has just reported about the mushroom eggs, and now they are talking about this...undersea tomb.

What a bunch of things.


"Now the bronze coffin is on our ship." Captain Han replied.

"Do you know exactly whose tomb it is?"

"It's not clear yet."

"Okay, let's organize experts to evaluate it immediately." The above also needs to evaluate this underwater tomb before deciding what to do next.

Whether to carry out an archaeological excavation, or let this underwater tomb be left alone.

But no matter what it is, the next thing has little to do with them.

Regardless of whether or not, experts will be sent to the scene later.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the above to reply to them that they would immediately send archaeological experts to the scene for a second evaluation.

Captain Han and their itinerary still need to be delayed for a while.

However, the matter of catching nuclear submarines and mushroom eggs was not something that could be done at once, and they were not too anxious.

Instead, simply take advantage of this time to take a good rest.

As for Fang Hao, he kind of wants to go down to the sea to see it himself. If he observes it closely, he may be more clear.

It was also because of this tomb that he aroused some curiosity, so he wanted to go down and find out.

"Brother Hao... there's no need for us to take this risk."

After Xiaopang knew Fang Hao's thoughts, he was also taken aback, and felt that there was no need to take this risk.

The risk is simply too great.

Once something happens on the bottom of the sea, the problem will be serious.

The importance of Fang Hao is self-evident now, if something happens to him, it will be very involved.

And the most important thing is that Captain Han will definitely not agree with his approach.

Don't dare let him take such a big risk.

"I have it in my mind."

But Fang Hao still wants to find out what kind of tomb this is.

"Don't worry, I'll go down and have a look, I won't venture in."

Fang Hao didn't want to go into the tomb to check, he just went down to take a look, and by the way... went to the place where the torpedo bombed before.

After all, there is still a big difference between what he used to observe with the miniature submersible and what he went to investigate in person.

Fatty can't be persuaded here at all, so he can only move Captain Han.

But when Captain Han came back, Fang Hao had just entered the sea.

After learning that Fang Hao had gone to sea, Captain Han's expression also changed.

Immediately, people were arranged to go under the water to support and accompany Fang Hao, and if there was any danger, they would immediately bring him back.

"Why is this so reckless?"

Captain Han had a headache.

Faced with Fang Hao's sudden entry into the water, it gave him a headache.

But there is no way, now he can only try his best to ensure the safety of the other party, and absolutely cannot let him have an accident.

Once something happened to him, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Including him also has to bear a great responsibility.

Of course, the most important thing is the follow-up tasks. If something happens to Fang Hao, no one can complete the follow-up tasks.

Only Fang Hao has the ability to catch nuclear submarines and mushroom eggs.

Although Xiaopang has caught oil barrels and bronze coffin covers in the sea this time, it is obviously far from enough in terms of ability.

He even felt that if something happened to Fang Hao, Xiaopang's weak ability would cease to exist.

There is no other way. Captain Han has no choice but to command on board.

He must always know the situation under the sea and ensure Fang Hao's safety at all times.

"So far so good."

Those who accompanied them into the sea also reported the situation in the sea.

This can be regarded as making Captain Han's heart a little more stable.

After entering the water, Fang Hao headed towards the underwater tomb.

Soon he discovered this submarine burial complex.

When I didn't come down, I didn't feel much.

I just saw the situation under the seabed through instruments and equipment, and I didn't have the shocking feeling of seeing it with my own eyes.

You can't experience this until you come down in person.

The huge ships sank on the bottom of the sea, forming a group of tombs.

I don't know how awesome the person who came up with the idea of ​​sea burial in the first place is, and such an awesome idea can be thought of.

Simply a genius idea.

And this is not just a group of tombs formed by sinking ships casually.

These ships are specially designed to be connected together in an ingenious way to make it through.

This is the most awesome place.

Every ship is different.

Simply a genius idea.

When Fang Hao saw such a scale and arrangement under the sea, he was also shocked.

This is too arrogant.

Whose tomb is this? Such a genius idea can be realized.

Fang Hao quickly caught a glimpse of the side of the hull that was blown up before, and he swam over to check.

That side just allows him to observe the existence of this tomb.

The ship that was blown up also had its door wide open, and many things inside were blown up, torn apart, and all kinds of funerary objects were torn apart.

There are not many of these things, and most of them are things of little value.

After all, there is a bronze coffin on this ship, which is the coffin of King Lu's son.

This bronze coffin should also be the more important thing on this ship.

Others include some bottles and cans, most of which were shattered in the previous explosion, and almost nothing remained intact, and due to the impact caused by the explosion, some structures inside the ship were also damaged a lot.

But... Fang Hao still found a stone tablet.

This stele records the identity information of the coffin owner.

Perhaps it was because the stele was far away from the explosion point that it was basically preserved.

"Zhu Hongen, the seventh son of King Lu Zhu Yihai..."

As for the information about this King Lu, it was also displayed on it.

When Fang Hao saw this stele, he was startled.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the tomb of King Lu.

Fang Hao knew a little about the life of King Lu.

This can be said to be the last king of Lu in the Ming Dynasty, and even achieved the position of supervising the country.

It can also be regarded as the only existence in the lineage of King Lu who has served as a supervisor.

After the Qing soldiers entered the customs, he narrowly escaped the pursuit, escaped from death, and inherited the hereditary throne of King Lu in the second year.But not long after, Li Zicheng broke through the capital, he could only choose to flee south, and then ran to Jiangsu and Zhejiang.With the development of things, some old generals and ministers of the Ming Dynasty supported him to supervise the country in the south.

It was only later that he fell into civil strife in the Nanming regime, internal power struggles, and the dispute between Tang and Lu... Fighting against Fujian and Vietnam, fighting against the Qing soldiers, until finally dying of illness in Kinmen.

"But isn't he buried in Jinmen?"

Fang Hao felt strange.

There is the tomb of King Lu on the Golden Gate, who died of illness in Golden Gate.

But there is another undersea tomb group of King Lu here.

What the hell is this?
Maybe there is some secret involved in this?
After this trip, Fang Hao found that he really did the right thing.

If he didn't come down, he really wouldn't be able to discover this secret.

Perhaps this tomb is the real tomb of the King Lu, and the one on the other side of the Golden Gate may just be a clothes tomb.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid of revenge in the future and being dug up, so he used such a blindfold.

After continuing to observe for a long time and getting a general understanding of the situation, Fang Hao went back.

He did not continue to explore the tomb.

It's not his business, and it's not necessary.

He went down just to find out the identity of the owner of the tomb, and the rest had little to do with him.

Captain Han, who was waiting on the ship, was also relieved to see Fang Hao and the others returning safely.

Finally, I can rest assured.

As long as Fang Hao is under the sea for 1 minute, his heart is hanging.

All the time is hanging, in fear.

Really too worried.

For him, Fang Hao's safety is the top priority, and there must be no accidents.

If the other party really has an accident on his ship, then his responsibility is very great.

He can't get out of the relationship.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

After seeing them come back, Captain Han also ran over in a hurry and asked about Fang Hao's condition with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Fang Hao shook his head.

He's fine.

It's just a sea, and it's not like I haven't been there.

Besides, he didn't intend to venture into the tomb this time, so it's basically unlikely that something will happen to him.

"It's fine." Captain Han finally didn't have to worry.

The others came back safely and without any problems.

"Next time if something happens, you can tell me in advance, and it can't be too sudden."

This made Captain Han unprepared at all.

Everything is too hasty.

It's not impossible to go into the water, but you must be fully prepared.

Fortunately, nothing happened this time, otherwise the problem would be serious.

"it is good."

Fang Hao agreed, saying that he would communicate with Captain Han before doing anything next time.

He also knew what Captain Han was worried about, and he didn't want to make things difficult for him.

"By the way, what are the benefits of going to sea this time?"

After confirming the safety and nothing happened, Captain Han also asked curiously.

He knew that Fang Hao definitely didn't go down casually, since he would go into the sea, he must want to know something.

"The identity of the owner of the tomb has been confirmed, but there are some doubts that I haven't figured out yet," Fang Hao said.

"Oh, by the way, I observed the place where it was blown up, and I'm sure it was a torpedo. But I didn't find any more traces of torpedoes and wrecked parts of the nuclear submarine nearby."

(End of this chapter)

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