Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 269 Work hard to create a miracle, joint blockade!

Chapter 269 Work hard to create a miracle, joint blockade! (seeking subscription)
It seems that without using special abilities, it is impossible to fish things underground.

Fang Hao is going to activate the gold BUFF to increase his strength.

Only in this way can the things underneath be caught.

When the others saw this scene, they also stared wide-eyed.

Even if they don't know much about it, they can guess that Fang Hao caught something unusual this time, definitely not an ordinary thing.

"It looks heavy."

"What could it be?"

"Probably not a shark."

Everyone watched curiously, waiting for the result to come out.

Captain Han came out of the control room and came to the deck to wait.

He felt that what Fang Hao caught this time might be what they needed.

He could not miss this most critical moment.

"Hope it's this."

Captain Han was extremely nervous. He told everyone to calm down and not to disturb Fang Hao to catch things.

After activating the gold buff ability, Fang Hao's strength increased a hundredfold.

Originally, his own strength was more than ten tons, but now that it has been increased a hundred times, it is... a thousand tons of strength.

It's just because he didn't show it, so everyone here doesn't know that his power is so terrifying.

Not generally scary.

Now after receiving the blessing of the gold BUFF, his strength is already at the thousand-ton level.

Even if Superman was in front of him, he might not be able to withstand his punch.

If it is in the usual way, under such a strong force, it will definitely cause the power to lose control and damage the surrounding things.

But now, with the blessing of the realm of lifting weights as light as possible, all the power is in his hands.

These strengths are just right.

It won't be because of taking something, and then using hundreds of tons of strength...

Basically everything will be crushed.

That is to say, under the blessing of this realm, Fang Hao's control over power has also reached a subtle level.

As strength increases, so does physical fitness.

It wasn't just about building strength, otherwise his body would have shattered from carrying the weight.

This is not a joke.

This is dozens of tons, or even hundreds of tons in weight.

Such a heavy weight, if it is an ordinary body, how can it bear it.

Physical fitness naturally needs to become stronger.

Therefore, Fang Hao's physical fitness has already exceeded the limit of human beings, and he is even more terrifying than Superman.

Superman does not necessarily have such a strong physical fitness.

After receiving the blessing of BUFF, Fang Hao used his own strength.


The thing underneath was finally pulled.

After Fang Hao used more than 100 tons of strength, he was finally able to pull the things underneath.

It seems that this thing is really not light, it is much heavier than the plane caught before.

And it is very possible that the thing underneath... is not complete, but only a part of it.

After all, the displacement of this Ohio-class nuclear submarine is not lower than their [-]-ton coast guard ship.

The water displacement of the Ohio nuclear submarine has already reached more than 6000 tons, so one can imagine how heavy it is.

This is also understandable after thinking about it. After all, this is a nuclear submarine equipped with 24 submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Definitely not light weight.

Otherwise, how to launch those mushroom eggs.

With Fang Hao exerting so much strength, the coast guard ship was not as stable as it was at the beginning, and began to shake a little.

After all, this is something weighing more than 100 tons, not a few tons.

Even a ship of this size would be affected.

In particular, this thing is not lying flat on the boat, but Fang Hao is standing somewhere on the boat.

The weight is not evenly distributed on the hull, but only acts on one of the positions, so naturally... the impact is different.

Just like a balance beam, if you just stand on a certain position, the force on it will naturally be different, and it will be affected.

Same thing.

The position where Fang Hao is standing on the ship is only one point, and it is not distributed along the hull, so the force he receives is also different.

Therefore, even this [-]-ton coast guard ship will be affected.

However, the standard for the construction of this hull is the standard for warships, so the impact will not be great, but only slightly affected.

The problem is not big.

Fang Hao didn't care about this, he just wanted to catch things under the sea.

While the others were worried, they looked at Fang Hao curiously.

But worry is nothing but worry, but everyone here didn't really show fear or anything.

They were not afraid that something would happen to them, but they were worried about Fang Hao's side.

I am afraid that something will happen to him.

After all, Fang Hao's importance is different now. If something happens, it will be a big problem.

They would rather have an accident by themselves than Fang Hao.

But for now, it looks like there should be no problem.

Everyone was very curious when they saw that the stability of the boat was slightly affected by what Fang Hao caught... What would they catch this time?
Is it really a nuclear submarine?
It seems that only nuclear submarines can have such a heavy weight.

It's just that everyone's attention is on the thing they've caught right now, so they didn't notice Fang Hao's condition, let alone what kind of strength Fang Hao had reached when he caught such a heavy thing. degree of horror.

It's just that everyone's attention is not here now, so they ignore this thing.

Now everyone's attention is on what Fang Hao caught, and they all want to know what he caught.

What will it be?
It doesn't look easy.

Definitely nothing ordinary.

Faced with such a heavy thing, Fang Hao's fishing rod and fishing line are still fine.

This is a strengthened fishing rod and fishing line, so naturally there will be no problems.

The thing was caught up slowly, and the depth from the sea surface was getting closer and closer.

Soon, everyone will be able to see what this is.

As things emerged on the surface of the sea, everyone's eyes turned to the surface of the sea.


"It can't really be a wrecked part of a nuclear submarine?"

Looking at the shadow, it looks more and more like it.

There was a little surprise on everyone's face.

Really caught it.

Before, they all thought that it would not be so easy to catch a nuclear submarine.

Now finally caught it again.

Although only one of the components, it is not a complete wreck.

It's normal to think about it. This nuclear submarine has an accident under the deep seabed. If it is torn apart, it is normal for the nuclear submarine to break into several sections due to the high water pressure under the seabed.

And... no one knows what the specific accident was.

Don't know what happened at that time.

So... I don't know the specific situation of nuclear submarines.

It is even more difficult to judge the problem of breaking into several sections.

Now that one of the components has been caught, then... Through research and analysis, it may be possible to reverse analyze the situation at that time.

Anyway, finally caught one of the parts again.

This greatly reduces the time it takes them to complete the task.

Or it won't take long, and they will be able to complete the task quickly.

Now everyone's mentality is different from the beginning. They are more aggressive and energetic at the moment.

They believe that this task will definitely be completed.

Absolutely no problems.

They believed in Fang Hao's ability.

Especially after they themselves participated in fishing this time, they could feel Fang Hao's terrifying fishing ability even more.

The part of the nuclear submarine caught this time was not the nuclear reactor, but the launch cabin.

There are also several launchers and mushroom eggs inside.

This also greatly reduces the difficulty for them to catch mushroom eggs later.

At least these mushroom eggs are not all scattered, there are still ten mushroom eggs inside.

This is good news, killing two birds with one stone.

Originally, fishing for mushroom eggs was also one of their tasks.

All of a sudden, he caught the launch chamber of the nuclear submarine, and there were ten mushroom eggs inside, which made Captain Han's expression much more serious.

If so many mushroom eggs explode, I'm afraid... Let alone them, they will be affected within a radius of several hundred kilometers, and the coastal cities will definitely be affected.

This is not one, but ten.

Fortunately, this is not the first time they have caught mushroom eggs.

It is also easy to handle, and then wait for specialized personnel to handle and transport these mushroom eggs away.

Everyone looked at Fang Hao more and more differently.

This is the real savage.

Only the things he catches can make people feel shocked every time.

You see, ten mushroom eggs were brought up at once this time.

With just these ten mushroom eggs, most of the world can be wiped out.

To be honest, as long as Fang Hao carried these mushroom eggs out, people outside would not dare to speak loudly to him.

And the submarine launch chamber is also a place worth studying.

We also need to study their layout.

See how the other party loaded this nuclear submarine with as many as 24 mushroom eggs.

A normal strategic-class nuclear submarine can usually carry more than a dozen mushroom eggs, but this Ohio-class nuclear submarine can carry as many as 24 eggs, which is not ordinary.

It is the largest strategic nuclear submarine in the world.

Even after decades, it is still an existence that makes everyone look up to it.

Not generally scary.

They were even more shocked when they received a report that they had caught ten mushroom eggs.

"What, ten pieces!!!"

They all took a deep breath.

That's not your average lot.

Fortunately, these things were all caught. If they were still lost outside, the risk would be greatly reduced.

This is not affecting the sea, this thing is in our sea area, but even the cities by the sea will be affected.

There may even be a terrible tsunami, and the damage caused by that time will be immeasurable.

The higher authorities also seem to realize the seriousness of the problem, which is even more serious than they thought at first.

Soon, the above also began to convene a joint meeting of various departments. This meeting was not just about catching nuclear submarines.

It's about dealing with the follow-up mushroom eggs and Ohio-class nuclear submarines.

"I'm afraid that people outside will stare at me."

"This must be avoided."

"We have to come up with a plan."

Now that they have made such a big commotion, they don't believe that the outside world will not notice.

But now the Ohio-class nuclear submarine is still very important to us, and it must not fall into the hands of other people, let alone let other people come to interfere and influence us.

"So... we need a joint operation over there."

"Organize people outside the organization to investigate."

Keep those people away, cordon off that area.

In this way, even if those people have doubts, they can't get close to investigate.

It is even less likely to affect the follow-up.

You have to make sure nothing goes wrong.

So many parts have been fished, and so many mushroom eggs.

Basically, all the Ohio-class nuclear submarines were caught, and that was a sure thing.

"I agree."

"I agree."

A special joint operation is launched.

The sea fleet in the east was dispatched, including Liaoyu 16, which was also dispatched, guarding the most critical position, which was stuck in Xiaori's position.

So many neighbors, those small days are not stable.

At the same time, there are people like Yingzi, who also need to focus on marking.

And our joint operation started so quickly, which was also unexpected by Xiaotian.

They originally planned to sneak in quietly to find out the news, but now that they were blocked by the Liaoyu, they dared not approach at all.

"Why is there a joint operation all of a sudden?"

"And even the Liaoyu ship moved."

"Not right."

Xiaotian also noticed that something was wrong, but they just couldn't figure out what was going on.

They can't get close now, and it's impossible to come over to investigate, so they don't know what happened at all.

As soon as we blocked this area, no one knew what happened.

Even on Yingzi's side, they are using satellites to detect, but it is actually impossible to see everything clearly.

In particular, we also do some hiding and don't let them explore at all.

The information obtained by the shadow is actually not much.

This made them panic even more.

Not sure what's going on?
But one thing we can know is... this matter may not be simple.

Those ten mushroom eggs were taken away, and there were special personnel to deal with them.

This requires a dedicated person to deal with.

As for the launch capsules, they will also be sent to secret research institutes to analyze their structures.

The rest of the components are up to Fang Hao and the others.

Captain Han and the others also searched the bottom of the sea for a while, but found nothing else. There is nothing in this area.

Just change the place again.

It's just that this time they changed places, and their confidence was even stronger.

I believe more and more that I can quickly catch the remaining submarine parts.

Fang Hao and the others don't know yet, because their sea area has been blocked for the ten mushroom eggs he caught.

It's not just that outsiders can't get close, even other ordinary people can't get close.

Except for Fang Hao and the others.

In other words, in this sea area, only Fang Hao and the others can move freely.

(End of this chapter)

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