Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 274 The latest technological research results in Area 51! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 274 The latest technological research results in Area 51! (seeking subscription)
A nuclear submarine was caught, and things didn't end there.

On the contrary, the burden behind is not small.

The remaining mushroom eggs must also be scattered in various places on the seabed. It is not easy to catch them, and no one knows where they are.

This difficulty is probably higher than that of nuclear submarines, because there are too many of them, not one or two.

Fortunately, a lot of fish were caught in the front, and there are still about eight fish left.

However, the difficulty of these eight pieces must be higher than the previous ones, and they are also more difficult to find. I don't know where they are distributed.

Fang Hao and the others can only start fishing from the vicinity of the main wreckage of the nuclear submarine, because this is where the main parts of the nuclear submarine are found, so there is a high probability that this is the place where the nuclear submarine accident occurred. Then after the submarine is torn apart, then The things inside are scattered out, and the most likely place to exist is nearby.

Whether it is or not, they can only start from this aspect.

This is the possible useful clue they can find so far.

Everyone can only continue to fish.


Fang Hao was not the only one fishing for mushroom eggs, and a group of coast guards also helped.

Since they were infected with Fang Hao's luck, they also had a certain chance of catching these things.This is the ability that Fang Hao bestowed on everyone, which can be possessed for a short time when fishing with him.

He's not alone.

He also has a group of friends who accompany him in battle.

This also greatly increases the probability of catching those things.

I changed to a new place again and continued to fish for mushroom eggs under the sea.

The danger of fishing for mushroom eggs is still relatively high.

Some people who received the nuclear submarine were shocked when they learned that Fang Hao and his crew were going to fish for mushroom eggs, thinking they had heard it wrong.


"If this explodes... then there will be absolutely no scum left."

Many people swallowed in fright when they thought of this.

In the eyes of these people, what was extremely scary, but to the people on the entire coast guard ship, they were not afraid at all. On the contrary, they became more and more excited and screamed.

They all want to catch a mushroom egg.

Especially if someone has caught it before.

Afraid of explosion?
fear death?

This is a matter of Guangzong Yaozu.

In the future, when you get old and brag about it, it is all capital. Who would be afraid, let alone some people will shrink back.After death, it can even be written on the family tree. Mr. So-and-so once caught mushroom eggs in the sea, that's awesome.

They can't wait to fish 24 hours a day.

Everything else is completely forgotten.

There is only one goal in their hearts, that is to catch mushroom eggs and complete the task.

Everyone's heart is full of strength.

Everyone wants to catch a mushroom egg.

Full of energy.

Everyone wants to be the next to catch a mushroom egg.

Under the atmosphere of so many people, Fang Hao was also infected by this emotion.

Hey, then catch those mushroom eggs early.

Everyone has the same goal.

Captain Han was taken aback when he saw the atmosphere. At first, he wondered if he wanted to say something to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.But now it seems that this does not need his encouragement.

Everyone on board was already full of chicken blood.

They started their new journey.

The coast guards on this ship also had an unforgettable life experience.

During this period of time, apart from fishing, oh no, fishing for mushroom eggs, a group of them practiced martial arts with Fang Hao.


Everyone knows that Fang Hao has great strength, and practicing martial arts with him can make himself stronger, and everyone works hard.

Not to mention, when this group of people practiced martial arts with Fang Hao, their aura was really terrifying.

There is a feeling of Megatron.

After a group of people practiced with Fang Hao for a period of time, they really found that they had some changes, and their skills became more agile.

Amount of God.

Fang Hao admired each of them so much.

That is definitely the most dazzling idol in my mind.

After practicing boxing, everyone continued to fish for mushroom eggs under the sea.

There are still eight mushroom eggs left, and everyone is now working hard.

Strive to solve it in the shortest possible time.

Otherwise, if these mushroom eggs are under the sea, there will be an extra day of risk.

Only by catching those mushroom eggs and letting professionals handle them will there be no danger.

And we can also analyze and study the opponent's mushroom eggs by dismantling those mushroom eggs, so as to find a countermeasure.

Such things are usually rare, almost impossible to obtain.

That is to say, I was lucky this time, and I happened to meet Yingzi to give me warmth.

If it weren't for the accident of this Ohio-class nuclear submarine, I really wouldn't get so many things.

The harvest is so big this time, from nuclear submarines to mushroom eggs, and even torpedoes... are all items for research.

Everyone is now fishing for the remaining mushroom eggs.

But this time the speed of catching mushroom eggs was obviously not that fast.

Everyone has been fishing for a long time, but no new mushroom eggs have been caught.

Including Fang Hao's side, they didn't catch it either.

The whole ship is air force.

Not only did they not catch anything, they didn't even catch a single fish.


This is the first time such a scene has appeared.

what's the situation?
If you don't catch anything, everyone thinks it's normal.

After all, it is not so easy to catch those things.

Even Fang Hao didn't catch it, so it would be more normal if they didn't catch it.

But not even fish...that's a little bit off.

Xiaopang scratched his head, "It seems that today's luck is not very good."

In fact, he also wanted to catch a mushroom egg in his heart, which would be better than hand addiction.

Now he has experienced so many mushroom eggs, and under the support of everyone's atmosphere, he is not afraid at all.

But things like mushroom eggs are not something they can catch easily.

Anyway, it's best if you can catch it. If you can't catch it, there's no need to be too disappointed.

Xiaopang's mentality has always been relatively good.

Didn't pay much attention to those things.

Everyone continued to fish.



a district.

This place is heavily guarded and heavily guarded, with the highest level of secrecy.

In an underground secret base.

A group of scientific researchers are testing a strange-looking flying instrument.

The shape of this flight instrument is not the same as the usual shape, and the aerodynamic layout is completely different, which seems to violate the laws of physics.

But for some reason, the shape and lines of this special-shaped flying instrument feel like a whole, as if it is the best design layout, which is natural.

It doesn't look like Blue Star Technology, but it looks a bit like alien technology.

It has to be said that this is the confidence of the Takako family.

Bluestar Technology is the first.

Even though we have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, there is still a big gap with Takako. This is not a gap in one field, but a gap in all aspects.

However, in some aspects, we have caught up and even surpassed, but most of the fields are still lagging behind.

In this secret base that is [-] meters deep underground, the technology researched inside, no matter which one is taken out, is the top technology of Blue Star.

Let’s just talk about the strange-looking aircraft before, this is a future interstellar fighter researched by Yingzi, and this is a fighter based on the future space.

It's just that this technology is still far ahead. Even they have not fully understood it. They are still in the groping stage and are just a concept machine.

So on this basis, with their own current technology, they also produced a simplified version, or a preliminary version, so that... it can be used as a sixth-generation fighter.

This is their sixth-generation machine model.

At present, they also vaguely feel the pressure from the outside world.

The pressure grew over time.

For their opponents on the other side of the ocean, they were chased a little breathlessly.

That feeling makes them miserable.

Especially recently, there have been new things coming out there, such as the engine, the other party's 20 Ji has replaced a new engine, the performance is many times better than before, and the original weakness reinforcement.

To be honest, in the past, although the opponent's 20 Ji was also known as a fifth-generation aircraft, the opponent's engine was very weak, and Takako didn't care at all.

There is also a gap between the fifth-generation machine and the fifth-generation machine.

A fifth-generation aircraft without a good engine can only be regarded as a fourth-and-a-half generation at best.

But it's different now. It is said that the performance of the new engine of the opponent's family has been improved in an all-round way. After replacing it with the new one, the combat effectiveness of the 20 Ji is already far stronger than them.

This is why Yingzi urgently needs to launch a new record, so as to stabilize his position as the overlord.

The top spot must never be given to others.

Otherwise, where will it put its face in front of a group of younger brothers in the future?

No, you must not let the other party overtake.

After all, their technology took the lead decades ago, and after decades of development, it is certainly impossible to stand still.

It's just that there has been no news released to the outside world.

If you take it out now, it's just the time.

If you don't come up with something new, new technology, how can you stabilize your dominance.

Their technological level has not remained static over the years, and must have developed.

Others have developed, but they have not developed, is this possible?

Their technology decades ago has reached such a terrifying level, and the technology developed over the years is just stored up and will not be used temporarily.

Now that I feel the challenge and the pressure, I move out the things at the bottom of the box.

The prototype of the sixth-generation machine was directly taken out.

This is something they have studied for a long time, something based on future wars.

When others were still developing the fifth-generation aircraft, they jumped to the sixth-generation aircraft, thus dealing a dimensionality reduction blow.Just like the Iraq war back then, it was a completely crushing existence.

They taught the whole world a lesson that year.

But that's not enough.

Many of their things are decades ago. Even though they are still very advanced now, after being caught up, there is no generation difference.

If there is no generation gap, there will be no crushing.

So this time they also took out the latest model of a bomber, which also looks like alien technology.

This is also the result of their research over the years.

Takako also went all out this time, bringing out a lot of new technology and new things.

It is to continue to maintain its position.

In addition, there is also the moon landing plan, which also needs to be restarted, so that it can maintain its absolute lead in the space field.

Over the years, the other party has either landed on the moon or built a space station, which has put too much pressure on them.

If they don't continue to take action, they may be left behind by the opponent.

They must stay ahead and maintain their own advantages in order to continue to maintain their influence and continue to cut leeks around the world.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Otherwise, how can people pay for it in the future.

If you don't come up with something, others will think they are paper tigers.

Takako can't do anything about it.

And the main point this time is the sixth-generation aircraft in the underground secret base of Area 51.

Let's talk about the sixth generation machine.

To be honest, everyone now has no clear definition of the sixth-generation machine.

Everyone's definition of the sixth-generation aircraft is different, which means that their development directions are different, so the fighters that will come out in the future will also be different.

This doesn't have any reference.

The current ones are definitely the first to develop a sixth-generation machine.

He is also the first person who is about to launch the sixth generation machine.

Yingzi has always had technical reserves, and it is only a matter of time before they can be used. Even though their technological development has been somewhat stagnant over the years, the verification of some technologies has not stopped.

Like Hawkko, the biggest change of their sixth-generation aircraft is the cancellation of the vertical tail.

They are already very mature in this technology. Without the vertical tail, the radar emission area must be greatly reduced, and the air intake is integrated on the top of the wing.

In addition, in terms of engines, Hawkko has an absolute lead in this regard.

To put it bluntly, in terms of engines, Takako still has a lead of 30 to [-] years.

This gap is the largest.

Even though our latest engine is replaced with 20 Ji, which has a strong performance, but the object of comparison is only compared with the products of Takako decades ago.

People's F22 aircraft began to be approved in the [-]s, and then the hunting suit in the [-]s.

This is how many years ago.

But it is this kind of thing that we can barely create and gradually catch up with.

Even if Yingzi hadn't done anything all these years, it was impossible for them to fall behind.

Decades of technology accumulation is scary.

As for the radar, Takako uses the terahertz radar.

The sixth-generation aircraft is essentially a flying data center. The computer processing power of the sixth-generation aircraft will reach a very terrifying level, which is definitely several orders of magnitude of today's aircraft.

In this way, combat missions can be completed among many wingmen controlled by artificial intelligence in the air command.

For example, at that time, it may be a pilot, and then command dozens of drone groups to fight in the sky.

This is Eagle's confidence.

They just want to use this sixth-generation machine to suppress other people.

(End of this chapter)

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