Chapter 32 Two-Level Reversal
[Today, the Yanjing police arrested the actor Yi Moumou (male, 34 years old) during the investigation of a criminal case. 】

At first, everyone didn't pay much attention to such an announcement.

After all, no one will pay attention to the announcements issued by the official media every day.

However, as more people paid attention.

Someone gradually realized that something was wrong.

Who is this Yi XX?
And the other party is an actor, and his age is also 34 years old... This can't be such a coincidence, can it?

Someone soon discovered the coincidence.

In addition to these two days, Yi Jianqiu has been on the hot searches all the time, all about them.

This has to be reminiscent of over there.

The key is that Yi Jianqiu is also an actor, and his age is also 34 years old... This makes people wonder whether the person who was arrested is him.

"Is this arrested person Yi Jianqiu?"

Immediately someone went to ask for proof.

Such an important matter cannot go wrong.

Don't go out and say it's Yi Jianqiu now, it would be embarrassing if there is also an actor named Yi XX.

So before confirming, they dare not make a big announcement.

At the same time, some members of the media went to the authorities to seek confirmation.

Soon, the confirmation message came.

"Yi Jianqiu was really arrested."

"The person who was arrested by the Yanjing police is Yi Jianqiu!"


When the news was confirmed, a group of people were shocked.

It really is!
It was really Yi Jianqiu who was arrested.

It was like a blockbuster that exploded suddenly.

Everyone was stunned.

The main reason is that before, everyone believed that Yi Jianqiu was not such a person, that he had a good character and behaved well.

But now they suddenly discovered that the idol they had always had a glorious image in their hearts just collapsed.

The house collapsed.

The whole person's belief suddenly collapsed.

It's as if you have always believed in it, and the person who has always been firm suddenly stabbed you in the back, which is almost the feeling.

"how so……"

"Is this fake news?"

"Impossible, how could our Brother Jianqiu go to find Miss?"

"Ah, don't, I've loved brother Jianqiu for so many years, why did my house collapse."

"My husband……"

"This is official news, how could it be fake."

"It's really Yi Jianqiu who was arrested!"

A group of people on the Internet suddenly wailed.

They have always believed that Yi Jianqiu is a perfect person with very good conduct and a very good reputation on the Internet.

Everyone thinks he is a perfect man, a man of high moral character.

But at this moment, after the official announcement, all this collapsed.

This is a breakdown of faith.

And the person who had been insisting on the Internet that he was a good person and would not do such a thing was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

Everyone is stupid.

Like being struck by lightning.

Completely dumbfounded.

The whole person looked at a loss.

They suddenly realized that the idol they had been helping to maintain had just stabbed them so hard.

This knife stabbed hard in the heart.

The situation reversed.

"So we misunderstood that fishing anchor..."

It turned out that a group of people who were angry with Fang Hao now understood.

Before that, almost the whole Internet was spraying Fang Hao.

"What the fishing anchor said is true."

"He didn't spread rumors!"

"That's not a script either."

"He really knew about it."

"Hahaha, I finally relieved my anger. Damn, I was really aggrieved when I saw my brother Hao get sprayed on."

"Wuwu, yes, I stood up and said something for Brother Hao, and I was abused by a bunch of people in private messages backstage. I just want to ask, where are the people who scolded me before, how are they doing now?"

"Come out, the people who scolded us before, come out now?"

Some of Fang Hao's loyal water friends can finally bubble up on the Internet now.

They complained for Fang Hao.

"Those who scolded Huan before, come out and apologize to Brother Hao now."

True two-level inversion.

Now the word-of-mouth on the Internet has suddenly reversed again.

All the people who sprayed Fang Hao disappeared at once.

Instead, Yi Jianqiu went on an overwhelming crusade.

The people who were angry at Yi Jianqiu included his fans, and those fans couldn't accept the result, so they cursed angrily.

There were also their opponents, who took the opportunity to make trouble and wanted to kill him, especially in the current environment where tainted stars would be restricted, so they wanted to completely ban this opponent.

What's more... the people on Fang Hao's side can finally feel proud.

After being aggrieved for the past two days, I can finally raise my head and be a man.

They just want to yell, "Curse, scold again, didn't you have a lot of fun scolding before."

So relieved!

This is official revenge for them.

official position.

Who are you afraid of?

You say I'm lying?

Now this is the official news, isn't this a rumor?

This is a stone hammer.

And he killed the opponent with one blow.

The one-shot kind.

"Ah, my brother Jianqiu, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Even if our brother Jianqiu goes to PC, he is still the best brother in our hearts."

"Guard the best geigei in our hearts."

"He will always be the best person in our hearts."

"Men can p, so what if our brother goes looking for it, we don't dislike it, I just hate that it's not me who fucked my brother."

However, there are also some brainless fans who are still struggling in the final struggle. They speak up for Yi Jianqiu on the Internet, saying that no matter what, they will always support him.


"It's over."

When manager Li Shu received the news that Yi Jianqiu had been arrested, he also slumped on a chair.

Look blank.

She knew in her heart that from then on, Yi Jianqiu's future was over.

At least in the entertainment circle, it is impossible for the other party to go on the road.

She was completely out of strength.

Brain is blank.

She maintained it for so long, but she never expected... the thing she was most worried about happened.

I just didn't expect this day to come so early.

Overwhelmed her.


"So Brother Hao didn't spread rumors."

"Really don't worry about the other party's lawyer's letter."

"Hahaha, I actually want to see those people in Yi Jianqiu's studio now, saying that they will be held accountable by law. Why are your own people going in first now?"

"I think our brother Hao is very unlucky. We have suffered such a thing, and we have suffered a disaster for no reason."

"It's really unlucky for the host... I feel that he was accidentally injured. I also watched the live broadcast at that time. It really looks like a radio caught by accident. It's not intentionally fake, it's not like a script. .”

"Anyway, I don't think that an unlucky anchor who can catch two corpses will fake it. I really believe that his luck is so unlucky."


(End of this chapter)

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