Chapter 46
Most of the people in the live broadcast room didn't care about catching a copy of martial arts cheats, and they all took it as a joke.

Who is serious about practicing martial arts these days?

Now it's all about making money, making money, making money.

Money is the uncle.

What level can you reach after practicing for ten or twenty years?
Many people who have practiced traditional martial arts for more than ten years cannot beat boxers who have practiced Sanda for a year in the ring.

In the minds of many people, traditional martial arts is just a show, just practicing routines.

It's no different than dancing and radio gymnastics.

Plus there are so many 'masters' popping up online, which has tarnished the reputation of traditional martial arts.

Many people don't have a good impression of martial arts.

However, there are still some viewers who are interested in this martial arts cheat book.

They want Fang Hao to try it out and see how it works.

"Isn't the martial arts cheats caught by the fish the same as in the TV series, where after falling down the valley, they learned the long-lost skills?"

"You can try it as an anchor. You won't suffer anyway. If you really develop a peerless master, it will be amazing."

"Anchor, you should practice first, and the brothers in our live broadcast room will worship you as a teacher after the practice is effective." Some viewers joked in a joking tone.

"Hey, this works."

"It's just that the anchor needs to see clearly on the first page before practicing whether there is a reminder from the palace if he wants to practice this skill. If there is, it's best to turn to the last page."

"This is an innate skill, not a sword manual for warding off evil."


"we'll see."

Fang Hao waved his hand, but his mind was not on this innate skill.

He put the book back in the box and ignored it for a while.

Just keep fishing.

Fang Hao was in a bad mood, and he was not happy because he caught the martial arts cheats.

This stuff is really useless to him.

What kind of martial arts secret book does he want?

What he wants is fish!
Catching fish is what he wants to do most at the moment.

Look at other children who have caught two fish, but he still has nothing.

Are you not even as good as a child?
Then he must not be ridiculed to death by the group of little blacks in the live broadcast room.

Several other fishing friends also gained a lot, and they all caught fish.

He was left alone with nothing.


Gotta catch some fish today.

Fang Hao readjusted his mentality.

He doesn't believe it anymore.

I really can't catch fish by myself!

Fang Hao adjusted the bait on the hook, changed the direction, and threw the hook down.

The posture is very handsome, but it is up to fate whether you can get Sister Yu to take the bait.

Still hope luck can improve.

Fang Hao doesn't believe that his luck will continue to be so unlucky. After reaching a certain level, there will always be a time when it bottoms out.

Not as good as today, that is tomorrow.

It's just that he wants it to be today.

At least don't embarrass yourself in front of the kids.

Reality is always cruel.

ten minutes later.


"I'm fishing again."


The excited voice of the little boy came from a distance. He seemed to be fishing again, and he was very happy.

As soon as he caught a fish, he immediately called his father, that is, Brother Zhang, a fishing friend beside him, for help.

hear this voice.

Fang Hao's hand shook again.

This voice was in his ear, but it was so harsh and uncomfortable.

"How lucky is this kid?"

"Sure enough, it's a great gift package for beginners. A child can catch three fish for the first time!"

On the side of a group of water friends, the audience is also feeling the third fish caught by the little boy.

"Anchor, look...are you ashamed?"


At this moment, Hao's mentality really couldn't hold back.

Another one was caught, and this was the third one.

Every child in the family caught three and staged a hat-trick.

Fell, this is still a ghost.

Who is still in the mood to fish.

Forget it, call it a day.

I will stop fishing today, who knows if I will be stimulated later.

He had received enough stimulation today, he was afraid that his heart would not be able to bear it.

slip away.

Fang Hao silently put away the fishing rod...

And his actions were also noticed by a group of water friends in the live broadcast room.

Unsurprisingly, his live broadcast room became lively again, and the audience became more and more active.

Such a good opportunity to tease, these little blacks will not miss it.

"Huh? Is the anchor not fishing?"

"Hahaha, what's the point of fishing? The children have already caught the third one, and the anchor still doesn't have one. This must be a slip."

"If you keep fishing, if other children's children explode, but the anchor doesn't have any, it will be even more embarrassing."

"Anchor, you can't do it, you can't even compare to a child."

"Anchor, let's go."

"Since fishing can't work, let's go home and practice martial arts, maybe you have bones."

"Hahaha, anchor, I think you should stay and worship the little boy as your teacher, maybe you will catch a fish."

"Laughing so hard that my whole child hurts."

"Heh, what do you know, I call it a strategic retreat."

Fang Hao said stubbornly, continuing to show his stubborn side.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"No wonder I like to watch the anchor's live broadcast. This shameless spirit is comparable to mine."

"I just like the unruly look of the anchor."

Fang Hao didn't bother to care about the teasing of these water friends, he started to collect things.

Take the fishing rod back first, and after removing the bait, wrap the main line of the fishing line on the spool, then untie the tip of the fishing line, put it in the main line box, and reverse the process next time you fish Just do it again.

Things were packed quickly.

Didn't take much time.

At the same time, I also brought back the wooden box I caught today.

Anyway, he caught it too.

Moreover, the wooden box is still made of gloomy wood, and there are martial arts cheats inside.

Just collect it.

Old Sun, a fishing friend not far away, also noticed Fang Hao, and asked in surprise, "Xiao Fang, are you not fishing yet?"

"Well... I still have something to do at home, so I have to go back in a hurry."

Can Fang Hao say that he didn't catch any fish and didn't want to continue fishing?

He just made up an excuse.

"The things at home are more important, so you should go back and deal with them first."

Fisherman Laosun didn't doubt Fang Hao's words.

"Well, then I'll go first."

After Fang Hao nodded, he walked towards his car.

After seeing Fang Hao, the little boy happily showed Fang Hao the fish he had caught again.

"Uncle, look, I caught a fish."

"I caught three."

He also pulled his fish guard to show Fang Hao the fish caught in it.

Uh... boy, you don't need to tell uncle to know that you caught three.

Uncle, you went back because you caught too many fish.

"Not bad, very powerful."

"Better than uncle."

But it was impossible for Fang Hao to say that, and he still praised the other party a little.

It was just the child's next sentence that made Fang Hao feel very uncomfortable.

"Uncle, how many fish did you catch?"

The innocent eyes blinked.

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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