Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 56 Start the pot and burn the oil

Chapter 56 Start the pot and burn the oil

He could clearly feel the struggle of living creatures from the other end of the fishing rod.

Can't go wrong.

The target is moving.

What is caught is not dead.

The strength of the struggle was not too great. Judging from the strength, this fish probably weighed about half a catty to one catty.

This is a breakthrough from zero to one.

The meaning is different.

Fang Hao suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Be careful, finally catch a fish, but don't let it run away.

"It was definitely a fish this time, I could feel it moving."

Fang Hao absolutely believed in his own judgment.


"The anchor is about to fish."

"Is it fake? Could it be that the host made a wrong judgment?"

"Probably not, maybe this time I really caught a fish."

Everyone cares more than anyone else.

The moment the fish was caught, a group of water friends also saw Fang Hao's movement of holding the pole and the expression on his face, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

This is a different feeling than the past few times when I caught something.

"Could it be that the fish is not caught?" Some water friends still don't believe it.

"If it's not a fish, the anchor will definitely not have this expression, nor will he say that the caught thing is moving."

"Okay, brother Hao's fishing finale is over, everyone should leave."

"If you catch a fish, you don't have to watch the fishing live broadcast in the future."

"Ah, I don't believe it."

"According to the script, it is impossible for the anchor to catch fish."

"No, no, if the anchor catches a fish, the fun of the live broadcast will be much less."

"Diver under the water, did you hang something wrong?"

"Could it have caught a diver (squinting smile)."

The attention of a group of people was also attracted by Fang Hao.

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at him, watching him catch things in the water.

In this tense moment.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has decreased a lot, and many people dare not show their anger. Some of them are more nervous than Fang Hao, and they are all waiting to witness this historic moment.

Did Fang Hao really catch a fish?

That's the most important thing.

One second, two seconds...

The hearts of most water friends are affected.

Until seeing the live broadcast footage, Fang Hao advanced the fishing rod and fished a long thing from the water surface. Its crooked shape resembled very much...


"It's kind of like it, but it doesn't seem like it..."

After pulling the thing closer, everyone saw the true face of this thing.

"Fuck, it's a snake!"

"What kind of snake?"

"Anchor be careful, don't get bitten by a snake."

"Looking at the lines on his body, it looks like a water snake?"


"This fishing level is too high, even the snake was caught."

After confirming that the water snake was caught, the whole live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Haha, the performance of the anchor is as stable as ever."

"It scared me to death. I just thought the anchor was really going to catch a fish."

"Huh, it's fine if you don't catch any fish."

"Finally, I can watch the anchor's live video with peace of mind again."

"Suck, this snake looks a little fat..."

"Heat the oil in the pan and fry the water snake directly. It's crunchy and crunchy."

"Hey, I knew that the anchor would definitely not be able to catch fish."

"It's a pity, it's not a white snake."

"Good guy, do you still want to wear an umbrella suit with Xu Xian next to you, don't you?"


The live broadcast room was very lively, and the bullet chatting started again.

Instantly filled the entire screen.

When a group of people saw that what Fang Hao caught was a water snake, they all fell down laughing.

So much fun.

This level of fishing is really strange, it really is a fish that has not been caught.

This time is still the case.

The characters who can't catch fish are really stable.


Only Fang Hao was there. After seeing a water snake caught from the water, he became numb.

There is nothing wrong with catching something.

It's true that things are alive.

He was not wrong about this.

But this thing is not a fish at all, but a water snake.

The excited expression froze on his face.


He had waited for so long and basically thought it was a fish, but in the end it gave him a blow to the head.

It knocked him dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe that it was a snake that he caught this time.

This is playing with snakes.

How did you catch a snake?
Why, I'm not Xu Xian.

It's useless for you to catch a snake for me, and I can't play.

The snake that was caught was still hanging in the air and twisting its body. Its winding body was twisting, as if trying to break free from the hook.

But the hook was already tightly hanging on its mouth, how could it break free.

Seeing the fished water snake, Fang Hao's eyes turned red.

Why is it happening like that.

Why did you catch a snake.

He was really in a hurry.

He clearly felt that he had the best chance of catching a fish this time, but in the end he caught a snake.

Why not catch him a fish?

There are so many people who catch fish, and he is the only one missing?

He just wanted to catch a fish, not a big one.

I was ignorant before, and wanted to buy a bulk of twenty or thirty catties.

But it's different now, he just wants to catch a fish, even if it's just a small white stripe, and let him break the zero record.

But even such a small wish didn't satisfy him.

Still didn't catch any fish.

This time, it was another strange thing that caught him, and gave him a snake.

It seems to be a problem with the fishing rod.

It is useless to change the fishing rod specifically.

Maybe it's really a matter of my luck, I have to find a time to worship Buddha and get rid of my bad luck.

Really too bad luck.

It stands to reason that with his skills, it is impossible for him not to catch a single fish.

Every child in the family caught four fish.

Could it be that the fishing skills of other children are better than his?
This is definitely impossible.

It is the first time for children to fish, so they don't know how to fish, they just play with the mentality of having fun.

After Fang Hao caught the snake, he pressed the snake's head with a stick, and then grabbed its head with a gloved hand, allowing the snake to open its mouth.

Water snakes are non-venomous, but the bite can be a bit painful.

So he is not afraid of being bitten by a water snake.

I don't know why this thing would bite his bait.

Then he used a pair of tweezers to find the hook that the snake was biting, and slowly pulled the hook out.

After getting rid of the hook, Fang Hao threw the water snake back into the river.

Far away.

Never let it bite its own hook next time.

Make yourself happy for nothing.

Why is life so hard.

Can't you make me happy too?

Fang Hao's heart began to feel depressed again.

After finally being happy for a few minutes, my mentality exploded again.

But now he has only stayed for less than half an hour, and Fang Hao will not go back so early.

keep fishing.

The more this happened, the less Fang Hao wanted to admit defeat.

If you don't believe it, you will never be able to catch fish.

If you think about it from another angle.

At least the thing caught this time is still alive, and it is better than before.

(End of this chapter)

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