Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 59 This seems to be something from the Song Dynasty

Chapter 59 This seems to be something from the Song Dynasty

Who would have thought that there would be a snake in this bag.

Fang Hao staggered back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

The snake that jumped out suddenly did not attack him, and he dodged it.

Fortunately, when he opened the bag, he reacted quickly.

Otherwise, it is really possible to be bitten by this snake.

"Damn, I was scared to death."

"What the hell is this?"

"Why is there a snake in the bag? Damn, if I catch the bag while fishing in the future, I won't dare to open it."

The water friends in these live broadcast rooms were also taken aback.

The snake that jumped out suddenly scared them too.

It wasn't until a while later that everyone saw clearly where the snake came from.

Another water snake.

"A water snake again?"

"Isn't it the stupid snake that was released earlier?"

"Even if it wasn't, it must have something to do with the water snake that was released just now. It might be a family snake."

After everyone saw what it was, they all guessed the relationship between this snake and the snake released earlier.

"It's not a snake, and it doesn't enter a house."

"What a stupid snake."

Both water snakes were caught by Fang Hao, but one was biting the hook and the other was in the bag.

Fang Hao lifted the snake away with a stick, and was about to throw it back into the river.

But without paying attention to the angle, the snake hit the trunk of a tree by the river with a bang before falling back into the water.


Brother Snake, I said it wasn't intentional, would you believe me?

Fang Hao's careless action almost made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Haha, the anchor did it on purpose just now, I laughed to death."

"The snake is probably confused. If you let it go, let it go. There's no need for me to hit a tree."


"Snake: If you say something like this, it makes it very difficult for me."

"I really didn't mean to."

Fang Hao explained in embarrassment.

Really, who knows, what kind of shit luck it was tonight.

The things caught in a row are all related to snakes.

No ordinary bad luck.

In order to relieve the awkward atmosphere, he turned his attention back to the bag.

Or continue to open the bag to have a look.

Maybe there's something good in there.

However, Fang Hao was more careful this time.

I'm afraid there is more than one snake in it, maybe it might be a snake nest?

These are all normal things.

Fang Hao slowly opened the mouth of the bag with the stick in his hand.

Fortunately, this time, no more snakes jumped out.

There was no trace of any snake in the bag either.

It seems that this water snake may be temporarily using the bag as a habitat, so it will be in the bag.

Opening the bag, you can see what's inside.

There is a lot of mud in the bag.

It's no wonder that when fishing, the weight is not light.

In addition, there are some small stones and... some dead branches, and broken porcelain pieces.

I don't know how long this thing has been deposited in the water.

Fang Hao pulled out all the things,

When he got the mud out, he found that there was another thing in the mud.

Wait, it looks like a string of copper coins?
Although it was covered by mud and only part of it was exposed, Fang Hao still recognized it.

Following Fang Hao's gaze, everyone also saw this thing.

"Huh? Copper coins?"

"It seems to be an antique."

Everyone was also attracted.

Because there is a lot of silt on the thing, it is not clear what it is.

Fang Hao first picked out this string of things from the silt, and then checked if there were other things in the silt.

After searching around, there seemed to be nothing else except this string of copper coins.

From the current point of view, the bag contains mud stones, broken porcelain pieces, and this string of copper coins.

It's a pity that this piece of porcelain is broken. If it wasn't broken, it might be an antique.

Fang Hao didn't study these things, and he didn't know which dynasty it belonged to.

As for copper coins.

Fang Hao fetched some water to wash off the mud on it.

When the silt was cleaned up, he saw the words on it, Jianyan Tongbao.

what is this?

Which dynasty?
It seems that I have never heard of it, and I am not very familiar with it.

Fang Hao didn't know, he didn't have any understanding of these.

These are all dumbfounded.

He had never been in contact with antiques before, nor did he know about them.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, the talent in the live broadcast room gave Fang Hao the answer.

There are more than 200 million people in the live broadcast room, and some people know about it.

There are too many talents in the live broadcast room.

"Jianyan Tongbao? This is from the period of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Jianyan is his reign name."

"Unfortunately, this is an ordinary Xiaoping coin. It was minted in a large amount at that time, so it is not worth much. It is worth 50 yuan a piece."

"If it's someone who betrayed Sichuan, it's worth some money."

"If it is built at a discount of three points, it will be more valuable."

Unexpectedly, these water friends in the live broadcast room can still speak clearly.

This water friend has studied the history of the Song Dynasty and knows what these are.

"But if it is Jianyan Heavy Treasure, it is relatively rare, it is much more precious, and the casting is more exquisite."

"Of course, the rarest thing is the Jianyan Yuanbao. That is the treasure, which is almost rare in the world. It is known as one of the [-] treasures of Huaxia Ancient Spring."

"Fuck, this is a real boss."

After some people heard it, they all worshiped him one after another.

This insight is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

If you haven't dabbled in it, how can ordinary people understand this? There are so many distinctions in a copper coin.

"Boss, are you playing collection?" Someone asked.

"Hey, I dabbled a little bit." The water friend whose ID is [Arrow in the Sleeve] said modestly.

"You're awesome, boss."

"You're not a grave robber, are you?"

"that is not."

"Anchor, can you show me these tiles?" [Arrow in the Sleeve] The most curious thing is these broken tiles.

He felt that those things were more precious.

Although it has been broken and useless, but...these are all left over from the past.

It has certain reference value.

After the other party asked this question, other water friends also became curious, wanting to see what else the other party could tell about these tiles.

This is the first time I have encountered such a high-energy thing in the live broadcast room.

Fang Hao also saw the water friends in these live broadcast rooms, and he also felt that this person was a bit level.

He took the broken porcelain pieces from before and showed them to the camera to see what they could say.



"This is it."

In a room full of antiques.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses suddenly became excited when he looked at the tablet in his hand.

On the screen of the tablet, there is a pile of broken porcelain inside.

"The glaze is heavy and bright, the glaze is as thick as fat, and as warm as jade. The glaze is repeatedly scraped repeatedly, the glaze sinks without being dazzling, and the texture layout is regular..."

"Sure enough, it is a typical Southern Song Dynasty official kiln style."

 Check some information, the update is late, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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