Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 64 No longer a history novice, looking forward to the sunken ship appearing in the world

Chapter 64 No longer a history novice, looking forward to the sunken ship appearing in the world

Under the Tongyang River, there are still shipwrecks from thousands of years ago?
This time He Zhenmin was fooled.

"where are you now?"

Han Weixiang asked suddenly.

"I... I'm still in Binjiang." He Zhenmin stammered to answer the teacher's question.

"Okay, then you wait in Binjiang, I will come to Binjiang to find you later, and then you will take me to meet the fishing friend who caught those things."

"Good teacher, then I'll send a message to ask him first."


Han Weixiang now also wants to go to Binjiang right away.

If, as he had guessed, there was a shipwreck under the Tongyang River, then... this might be a major discovery.

He didn't even bother to eat breakfast.

After telling my wife that I was going out, I asked someone to drive me to Binjiang.


Fang Hao had just returned home when he received a message from Han Zhenmin on his back.

It was to ask if he was free later, his teacher wanted to see Fang Hao.

Fang Hao was a little surprised why the other party's teacher wanted to see him, so he asked.

Han Zhenmin told Fang Hao about it.

"My gold necklace is from the Southern Song Dynasty?"

"Is there a shipwreck under the Tongyang River?"

After knowing the situation, Fang Hao was also extremely surprised.

At the same time, he also looked at the gold jewelry in his hand. Unexpectedly, after various guesses and arguments, the identity of this thing was finally confirmed, and it was a gold jewelry made in the Southern Song Dynasty.

As for why it is a foreign-style style.

That's because it was the result of frequent exchanges on the Silk Road and trade between the two sides at that time, and it was something customized by foreign customers.

Everything is clear.

Fang Hao's eyes were also darkened from before, and he began to be a little confused.

"Okay, I'm free."

In this case, Fang Hao didn't plan to sleep anymore.

Anyway, I am not sleepy, and I am in good spirits.

Just wait for the other party's teacher to come over.

Put away everything first, including the copper coins and gold jewelry that I caught this time.

Wait until everything is packed.

He just checked the platinum treasure box rewarded by the system when he was 200 million popular.

This is the second platinum treasure chest he has obtained.

With his previous experience, he was looking forward to something good in the platinum treasure chest this time.

【Do you want to open the treasure chest now? 】

The system issues a query.

Without a doubt, Fang Hao chose to open it.

He is alone at home, so he doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an advanced protective helmet. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a hundred-year-old ginseng. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining relevant knowledge about China's 5000-year history. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining the knowledge of treasure appreciation. 】


After opening the treasure chest, the rewards came in an instant.

one by one.

Fang Hao focused on the first reward.

Uh... protective helmet?
It seems that it is not very useful for the time being. Is it possible to wear a helmet when going fishing?To prevent others from hitting the sap?
Doesn't that look silly.

Generally, there is no possibility of being hit by a sap.

Before fishing by myself, I will not tell the water friends where to fish, so most people will not know where it is.

Fang Hao felt that it was not needed for the time being, so he put the rewards in the system space.

And the second reward is century-old ginseng, which is a really good thing.

In this day and age, it is hard to find even 50-year-old ginseng, let alone century-old ginseng.

Most of the ginseng available in the market are under-forest ginseng, grown by others, and wild ginseng is rarely encountered.

This is a treasure that really cannot be bought with money.

nice one.

The next step is the subsequent rewards, which are all about some knowledge.

This... is this trying to make up for historical and cultural knowledge?
But that's not too much.

Starting from China's 5000-year history, it's not... decades, hundreds of years.

How much knowledge does this 5000-year history contain?
I'm afraid I won't be able to finish watching it in three years.

Fang Hao shivered suddenly.

But in the next moment.

A huge amount of information poured into his brain continuously.

Nearly burst his head off.

These are the 5000 years of Chinese history knowledge, treasure appreciation knowledge...etc that the system rewards.

There is such a huge amount of information.

It took Fang Hao a full 5 minutes to absorb the knowledge.

Just at that moment, he almost felt that his head was going to explode.

At this moment, his back was already wet with sweat.

However, after merging these knowledge memories, Fang Hao has become different, no longer a history novice.

He knew what was going on with those antique treasures and some related cultural backgrounds.

No more black eyes.

Especially after learning about the Maritime Silk Road.

"So... there is a real possibility of a shipwreck on the Tongyang River."

"During the period of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was indeed a cargo ship that disappeared. At that time, it was suspected that the ship had sunk."

Fang Hao also understood why He Zhenmin's teacher came to him so excitedly.

Perhaps the fishing spot he fished last night was the location of the wreck.

If this shipwreck site is unearthed, then... another batch of cultural relics will appear in the world.

This is a good thing.

Fang Hao suddenly looked forward to the moment when the sunken ship appeared in the world. He didn't know how many antique treasures would appear in the world.

And the credit for the existence of these treasures is all thanks to the coins and gold jewelry he caught, otherwise I don't know how many years they will be underwater, and they may even never see the light of day.

This mood is even more different.


Didn't think too much about it.

Fang Hao stretched his body for a while, and while he was free, he planned to practice his innate skills first.

The reason why I always feel that my spirit is so good has something to do with this innate skill.

Whether it is or not, let's practice first.

It won't matter anyway.

Just to pass the time.

Practice while waiting.

When practicing innate skills, you can't feel the passage of time outside at all.

I don't know how long it took before Fang Hao opened his eyes again.

Today's training is over.

Sure enough, after he finished practicing the innate skills, he felt that his body was full of strength and could never be exhausted, and his mental state was better.

Now, Fang Hao was a little sure that he would still be in such good spirits after staying up all night, and it had something to do with this innate skill.

Practicing innate skills can make his body better.


He Zhenmin followed the teacher's instructions and waited in Binjiang, but did not go back.

He found a hotel first, booked a room first, and planned to rest for two hours first.

I drove the car all night last night, and I really couldn't bear it.

People in middle age have to soak medlar in a thermos.

He is no longer what he was then, not when he was younger.

If he had been ten years younger, he would have survived.

Before the teacher came, he still had time to rest.

Take this time to take a good rest.

After lying down like this, in a daze, his phone rang and he woke up.

It was his teacher Han Weixiang on the phone.

"I'm almost at Binjiang, where are you now?"

(End of this chapter)

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