Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 66 Tension, underwater detection

Chapter 66 Tension, underwater detection

After arriving at the riverside.

Fang Hao took them to the previous fishing spot.

The conversation with Fang Hao along the way also made Han Weixiang look at him with admiration.

Even He Zhenmin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head to look at Fang Hao in surprise.

He really didn't expect Fang Hao to be so knowledgeable.

Sometimes the other party can tell some obscure history that even he doesn't know.

This young man is amazing.

Han Weixiang looked at Fang Hao highly.

When they arrived at their destination, everyone turned their attention to the river.

The calm surface of the river is unobstructed.

There are also some people who fish in the nearby river.

Many more people come fishing during the day than at night.

Along the way, they saw almost a dozen fishing people.

Everyone looked at the river and analyzed in their hearts.

"Brother Fang, if there is a shipwreck in the river, where do you think the shipwreck would be?"

Han Weixiang suddenly turned his head and asked Fang Haodao.

"This way."

"The terrain here seems to be very wide, but there is an undercurrent at the bottom of the water. If the ship sails here, if it encounters some unexpected situations, it is easy to get stuck here."

Fang Hao pointed to a place and expressed his judgment.

And this judgment was also approved by Han Weixiang.

"Well, I think we can look for it."

"Zhenmin, call Binjiang Cultural Relics Bureau and the relevant person in charge, and inform them of the situation here."

"is teacher."

He Zhenmin then called the local bureau of cultural relics and other relevant persons in charge.

Now that they have all judged that there may be a shipwreck here, the next step is to confirm this conjecture.

First place detection equipment and personnel to dive into the water to check.

After the phone call, everyone was waiting here.

In less than half an hour, a group of people rushed over.

"Old Han."

"Old Han."


After everyone came here, they all greeted Han Weixiang respectfully.

"Mr. Han, why didn't you inform us earlier when you came."

"Mr. Han, we Binjiang didn't greet well."

"Okay, I won't say more polite words." Han Weixiang didn't want these people to say such nonsense.

He was more concerned about the sunken ship at the bottom of the water.

The Tongyang River is so big, if a shipwreck from thousands of years ago is really found here, it will definitely be a sensation.

Han Weixiang briefly talked about the underwater shipwreck and asked them to deploy underwater detection equipment and personnel.

"Old Han, is what you said true?"

At this time, another old man came to the scene.

This old man is called Zhang Tianhe, and his identity is similar to that of Han Weixiang, and he has a high reputation in the Binjiang cultural relics circle.

"If you think it's fake, would I come so far?"

"Mr. Zhang, we also judged by some things we caught."

He Zhenmin knew his teacher's temper, and explained it to the old man who came behind with a smile.


Zhang Tianhe became interested when he heard that he had caught something.

"Caught it?"

"What is it?"

"Jianyan Tongbao, some porcelain fragments, and an exotic gold jewelry." He Zhenmin informed the situation.

"No wonder old Han Ni came running over, it turned out he smelled it."

Zhang Tianhe started cursing, complaining about Han Weixiang's meaninglessness, and didn't tell him.

If the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known about it.

At this time, Zhang Tianhe also noticed a young man beside Han Weixiang.

"Who is this?"

He asked He Zhenmin.

"Mr. Zhang, this is my friend who caught something."

"Oh? It turned out that you caught it. This is really lucky. You can catch so many treasures with just one fish." Zhang Tianhe was a little surprised.

"Elder Zhang."

The other party is also one of the bigwigs in the cultural relics industry, and Fang Hao greeted him politely.

But none of them understood Fang Hao's suffering. He wanted to catch fish.

To him, catching fish was more important than catching those things.

"My friend not only caught these things, he also judged that the location of the sunken ship might be over there."


Zhang Tianhe looked at the question He Zhenmin was pointing at, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The way he looked at Fang Hao was different from before.

"You can actually tell where it is."

Zhang Tianhe's attitude towards Fang Hao began to change.

It can be judged that the location of the sunken ship over there is definitely a little level.

He also developed a strong interest in this young man at this time.

"Just a guess."

Fang Hao replied modestly.

This modest attitude made Zhang Tianhe's impression on Fang Hao even deeper.

"Old Zhang, why are you talking nonsense, hurry up and arrange detection equipment to go down and have a look."

With Han Weixiang's urging words, his heart was already impatient.

"What's the rush, the equipment and detection personnel are already on their way."

After the voice fell, I saw another car coming.

At the same time, there were also ships arriving on the river.

This is where the equipment and personnel they arranged came.

Suddenly so many people came by the river, which naturally attracted the attention of some passers-by and fishermen.

"what's going on?"

"Is there any big discovery?"

These people all watched curiously.

All want to see what's going on.


After the detection equipment and personnel arrived, everyone on the riverside was excited, nervous, and worried at the same time.

They are afraid that there will be nothing if they go down this time.

That would be a waste of time.

Soon after the detection equipment was ready, the operators on the ship placed the equipment underwater.

At the same time, the personnel on the shore can also connect to the computer to see the picture under the water.

In addition, there are diving personnel who are also on standby at any time, ready to go into the water.

With the detection equipment entering the water, everyone can clearly see the situation under the water.

The detection equipment dives slowly.

one meter.

two meters.


After going down to a depth of seven or eight meters, it reached the bottom.

One can imagine how deep the bottom of the river is.

This is why the Tongyang River was an important waterway for ancient trade.

This is why they previously speculated that there would be a sunken ship at the bottom.

After the detection equipment was launched, everyone could see the bottom of the water.

At first, what everyone saw were silt, branches and some deposited garbage, but no sunken ship has been found yet.

Everyone was very nervous.

Including Fang Hao, who was also looking at the computer screen.

He also wanted to see if there was really a sunken ship at the bottom of the river.

"Look...does this look like the side of a ship?"

Vaguely, someone saw something that looked like the side of a ship not far from the screen.

"Huh? It really looks like it."

"Quick, let the equipment pass by."

Everyone watched the detection equipment approaching, and slowly... a giant sinking under the water gradually lifted its veil.

(End of this chapter)

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