Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 75: Finding Dragons, Dividing Gold, and Watching Winding Mountains, Level 1...

Chapter 75: Finding Dragons, Dividing Gold, Watching Winding Mountains, Yizhong...

"You are mistaken, this is obviously the fish I caught."

"It's just that I thought the fish was relatively small, so I chose to release it."

Fang Hao is still stubborn, and he still needs to maintain this forceful style.

The originally dark face also eased a lot.

But in his heart, he has already competed with the fish.

On the bar with this fish.

You have to catch it yourself!

to keep everyone's mouth shut.

After hearing this, a group of water friends called Fang Hao shameless.

"What? You admire me too?"

"Don't be too impressed. It's still too late for you to catch the big fish weighing more than ten kilograms before."

This wave of operations by Fang Hao directly stunned the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Did he watch their barrage?
Damn, he's too thick-skinned, comparable to a city wall.

This kind of words can also be said.

I admire you.

"Brother Hao...you just now?"

Chubby Chen Sheng is also belatedly aware.

"It's okay, it's just a small fish, let it go."

Fang Hao waved his hand calmly, telling the other party to continue fishing seriously, don't worry.

"oh oh."

Chubby Chen Sheng didn't doubt Fang Hao's words.

This made a group of water friends in the live broadcast room fight for him.

"Brother Abs, don't be fooled by him. The anchor didn't catch any fish at all. It jumped on this fish by itself."

"The anchor is too shameless to deceive the young heart of Brother Abdominal."

"It can only be said that Brother Abs is too simple, he feels sold and is still helping the anchor to count the money."


Fang Hao continued to focus back on fishing.

After being ridiculed by the fish, he was now holding a sigh of relief.

Fishing today is really annoying.

The first fish, cut his line and ran away.

Nothing hurts more than this.

Then the second fish, a more exciting one, jumps directly out of the water and throws himself into the net.

This is totally contemptuous of yourself.

You said how Fang Hao could bear this breath.

Must be caught.

Throw the hook down again.

But the position was not accurate, the angle was a bit off, and the force was a little stronger, so it was thrown directly into a pile of water plants.

So he was going to lift the fishing rod and move it a little to the left.

That position will be a little better than his current position.

Just when he was about to lift the fishing rod.

It seems that the hook is caught by these aquatic plants.

Damn, isn't it, so unlucky?

Can this hang?
It's fine if you don't catch a fish, and now the hook is hooked again.

Fang Hao himself was speechless.

There is no way, he can only get it back if the fishhook is caught.

Otherwise, how to fish later.

He only brought one fishing rod today, and if he didn't get rid of the hook, he wouldn't be able to catch any fish.


Anything can hang here.

Fang Hao pulled a little harder, and it seemed a little loose.

He increased his strength again, pulling a little bit.

Don't pull it all at once, for fear of breaking the fishing line.

As his strength increased, it could be seen that the group of aquatic plants underneath was also pulled back by him.

These aquatic plants grow very lush.

No wonder it gets hooked.

It can only be said that this luck is really too ordinary.

Throw a hook, and it will be thrown there.

After Fang Hao pulled back little by little, it didn't take long for the fishhook and the water plants to be pulled back.

Fang Hao's fishhook just caught on the main vine, so it took so much effort to pull the aquatic plants back.

And the fishing line is also entangled with these aquatic plants.

When Fang Hao was about to untie the hook and line from the aquatic plants, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something.

It is a clay pot.

This pottery pot is lying in the water plants, if you don't look carefully, it's really not easy to find.

The size of this clay pot is about the size of a bowl, not too big, and this is why it is not difficult to find out.

At the same time, there are several nicks and cracks on the top, and it is not complete.


this thing.

After Fang Hao saw the clay pot, he was going to put it aside, but suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the blurred patterns and words on it, and stopped immediately.

This character is Xiaozhuan script.

Generally relatively rare.

But after Fang Hao acquired the knowledge of China's 5000-year history, he could already understand these things.

It's... probably not ordinary stuff.

Fang Hao had a premonition in his heart.

I always feel that this clay pot may be related to something.

"Why is there such a thing here?"

Fang Hao was puzzled.

"Huh? Brother Hao, you also picked up this thing?"

At this moment, the words of the chubby Chen Sheng sounded not far away again.

"What? Have you seen it?" Fang Hao was a little surprised.

"I've seen it. We have a lot here. I have picked up several in the fish pond. By the way, there are two more in the room next to me. I'll show you."

Chubby Chen Sheng then got up, and trotted along with him, all the flesh in his body dangling.

A group of people in the live broadcast room were also attracted by this sudden situation.

"what's going on?"

"What did the anchor catch again?"

"Is it a clay pot?"

They all feel very surprised.

Obviously this is a fish pond, but you can still catch strange things here?

This luck is really special.

Everyone was paying attention, wanting to see what the clay pot had to say.

Soon, chubby Chen Sheng took out two jars from the room next to the fish pond.

One is much larger than the one in Fang Hao's hand, and the other is about the same size.

On the two jars, there may also be small seal characters and special patterns.

Although it has been destroyed by the years, the traces on it can still be seen.

Obviously, these things all go together.

They are all the same style, with the same text and patterns.

These things are all together, which naturally shows that there is a problem here.

Otherwise, these things cannot appear together.

For ordinary people, they may not care about these clay pots.

Because except for these unclear patterns and small seal characters, the other shapes are no different from ordinary pottery pots.

Just ordinary stuff.

When most people see these things, they don't treat them as good things.

However, if these things are in the hands of some special people, their value will be different.

Fang Hao had a vague guess in his heart.

Perhaps, there may be a large tomb near here.

Fang Hao looked around, but he didn't understand Fengshui Kanyu, so he watched loneliness for a long time.

He could only turn his head and ask Chen Sheng, "Chen Sheng, you said that many of you also picked this up?"

"Yes, there are many, but no one wants them."

"Where did you pick them up?"

"They are all picked up near here, but there are more fish ponds in mine, and mine are usually picked in fish ponds." Chen Sheng's words immediately made Fang Hao realize something.

His eyes were fixed on the fish pond.


A group of water friends in the live broadcast room, some people began to speculate.

"These pots are not funerary objects, are they?"

"Could it be that there is a large tomb under this fish pond?"

"Looking for the dragon and dividing the gold to look at the mountain, one level of entanglement is one level..."

(End of this chapter)

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