Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 85 I don't hold grudges...

Chapter 85 I don't hold grudges...

Longhu covers a large area, with an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers.

Known as a piece of emerald in the desert oasis on the Tropic of Cancer.

It got its name because it looks like a dragon flying in the sky.

Surrounded by mountains and water, the green hills are secluded and the clear water is clear.

The local county is also starting to build the brand of Longhu, intending to turn it into a place for water sports, leisure vacations and business meetings.

Develop some leisure projects here.

Among them, fishing is a popular activity here.

The environment here is very good, fishing here is very good, and if you have a picnic here, it is simply a pleasure to have a barbecue.

The mountains are good and the water is good.

Great setting.

Fang Hao and the others are going to be here this time to fish and have a barbecue at the same time.


"Brother Ho."

Fang Hao also met with his water friends.

A group of people are also very excited.

"Finally we can meet the anchor."

"I didn't expect the anchor to be more handsome than what I saw in the video!"

"Finally seeing the style of the anchor."

"I'm someone cool."

"I'm milky red powder."

"I'm a fish and I kiss abalone."

"I'm Baicha Qinghuan."


Everyone briefly introduced themselves, first introducing their ID screen name, and then their real name.

After some introduction, everyone will match the real person with the online ID and screen name, and know who is who.

They are all relatively active netizens in the live broadcast room, and they are relatively young people, so everyone is familiar with them.

What's more, chubby Chen Sheng also established Fang Hao's fan group, and everyone usually chats more in the group.

I am familiar with it online.

"Damn it, so you're Brother Fanzi."

"You have to call me next time you go to soak your feet, you can't go there by yourself."

Offline fishing gatherings are actually offline meet-and-greets.

After everyone introduced themselves, they gradually became acquainted.

Especially in front of a familiar person like Xiaopang Chen Sheng, it was easier to bring the atmosphere up.

They first took a photo with Fang Hao, and then posted it to the fan group.

Fang Hao only found out today that he still has a fan base.

And it looks like there are quite a few people.

Xiaopang Chen Sheng built three fan groups, each group has nearly 2000 people.

Aside from some trumpets and repetitive ones, it is estimated that about 5000 people in the three groups are real fans.

This popularity is really not covered.

It's just that Fang Hao is not in the group yet.

When the photo of these people and Fang Hao was posted in the group, it immediately attracted the envy of a group of people.

"Ah, I really want to go too."

"Why am I not in Binhai."

"I'm so envious."

"Is there still time for me to buy a ticket to Binhai?"


The group became lively in an instant.

A group of divers were also bubbling, and everyone was very excited.

The chat message that was sent disappeared within a few minutes, and was quickly deleted by the subsequent messages.

After everyone met, they began to move things from the car.

In addition to bringing your own fishing gear, you also need to barbecue materials.

There is a place to rent barbecue grills beside Longhu Lake. Fang Hao used to rent a grill grill, and then rented a pot.

It is certainly impossible for them to fish for a while.

There must be something to eat later.

Before he came, he also bought everything to eat.

Definitely enough for them to eat.

Everything is put away and placed in the barbecue area by the lake.

That way they can fish and grill those later.

This life is leisurely, no wonder the fans in the group are so excited.

After putting away all the food, they took their own fishing gear to find their own fishing spots.

"My position is good, hey, I should be able to fish today."

"It's just right, if you catch fish today, you can also cook some fish to eat, and make a whole fish feast for yourself!"

"Grilled fish, I want to eat grilled fish!"

The fishing has not yet started, and everyone has already started to think about how to get food after catching fish.

Including fish recipes.

Only one water friend said with a strange expression, "What if we can't catch any fish..."

"Don't worry, we are not anchors."

"Hey, it's hard to say about the anchor, but so many of us will definitely catch fish."

After talking about the problem of not being able to catch fish, everyone laughed.

By the way, I made fun of Fang Hao's character design that he couldn't catch fish.

This made Fang Hao a little speechless. Can he be blamed for not being able to catch fish?


What do you mean, I haven't even started fishing yet, so I'm going to start fishing?

Depend on!
This group of little blacks, I have caught it.

Normally, these people must be leading the rhythm in the live broadcast room.


Fang Hao's eyes turned, planning to get them some 'dark food' later, and treat them well.

He doesn't hold grudges, but he usually avenges grudges on the spot.

Seeing the sudden smile on Fang Hao's face, everyone felt a chill in the back of their heads... It seemed that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

"Don't worry, I must have caught more fish than you guys today!"

"Huh? Is the anchor so confident?" Liang was a little surprised.

But more people laughed more happily.

"Look, it seems to be stable again today."

"The anchor is so confident, usually he can't catch fish."

"Hey, speaking of it, the anchor didn't catch any fish when he went fishing in the fish pond last time. Do you think you can catch any fish today?"

Everyone talked about Fang Hao's most heart-wrenching moment.

"Actually, the host also caught the fish last time, but the fish ran away." Chubby Chen Sheng said something for Fang Hao.

But as Chen Sheng spoke, everyone's attention was on him.

"Hey, Brother Abdominal, how is the tomb of Wu who was found in the fish pond of Ni's family?"

Everyone present became curious.

Although I had expected it on the Internet before, after all, on the Internet, many words are exaggerated or nonsense, and it is impossible to say all of them.

"Brother Abdominal, has your fish pond been confiscated?"

Everyone's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

They all want to know the situation of this tomb and the situation of the other party's family.

The most gossip, I still want to see how much money I can lose.

This is a private fish pond. If you want to dig the ancient tomb later, you must requisition it.

Moreover, depending on the excavation plan, an ancient tomb site will definitely be built here in the future. As a relic, it is impossible to continue to raise fish.

The price of compensation will only be higher.

"I'm not sure. My parents are in charge of these things. It should be several million."

Fatty Chen Sheng really didn't care too much. His family is engaged in farming. Apart from this fish pond, there is also a breeding farm at home. The annual income is also over one million, so there is no shortage of money.

But this money is a lot of money for other people.

(End of this chapter)

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