Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 97 A criminal gang was accidentally involved!

Chapter 97 A criminal gang was accidentally involved! (seeking first order)

"Master, we have already checked with the owner and found nothing new."

After the subordinates came back, they reported the situation to Lin Wendong.

Nothing new was discovered.

It's still the same answer as when I went to investigate before.

Basically, when I found out that the car was lost, parked somewhere, and when I came back, I found that the car was gone, the lock was picked off, and I didn't see the person who stole the car.

As for the traces left at the scene, there are not many.


The emergence of a turning point made Lin Wendong immediately turn his head to look at him, his eyes fixed on him.

The little policeman who was stared at by him felt sweaty in his palms, panicked immediately, and hurriedly informed the situation.

"However, we visited the people around and learned that eight months ago, a strange man wearing black clothes and carrying a black backpack appeared nearby."

"Is this called nothing new?"

Lin Wendong reprimanded him.

This information is too important.

It seemed to be just a casual remark, but it confirmed Lin Wendong's previous guess.

This motorcycle theft case can be combined with the 4 robbery and shooting case.

This is the same suspect.

"Next time, pick the key point."

"Yes, Master."

The policeman squeezed his sweat and shrank his neck.

It's so dangerous, I almost pissed off Master.

They were also thankful that they visited the surrounding area later and asked about some situations. Fortunately, they got this detail.

Although they don't know if this information is useful, but seeing Lin Wendong's performance, this news is very important.

But it seems that this information is not very useful.

I knew that a strange man in black clothes and carrying a black backpack had appeared nearby, but I didn't know anything else.

He thought for a while but couldn't think of any clues, so he shook his head and stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Let's wait for Master to answer later.

Now Lin Wendong can boldly connect all these things.

The key to the connection is the man in black with a black backpack, he is the link.

Because near the motorcycle was caught, a black backpack was also caught.

Black backpack is characteristic.

Then the contents of the black backpack are linked to the robbery and shooting.

All this is reasonably explained.

Lin Wendong returned to the place where the motorcycle was stored.

This motorcycle is now scrapped and can no longer be used, but there should be some traces of information left on it.

Lin Wendong also wanted to come here to see if there were any traces left by the other party.

It's just that the car has been soaked in the water for more than half a year, even if there are traces, it has already been soaked.

After careful inspection, there was still no new discovery.

The colleagues in the trace inspection department did not find any more useful information.

Then Lin Wendong's goal was still on the pistol and the robbery and shooting.

More clues to solve the case lie in this gun.

"It would be even better if we could find out the origin of this gun."

Lin Wendong said silently.

But he knew that it was too difficult to find the origin of this gun, without any clues, without any clues.

It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

But no matter how difficult it is, they still have to go.

"Little Li."

Lin Wendong shouted.


"You go to a few informants to ask about the situation of the gun, and see if there is any news or clues." He still planned to find out the situation first, and then send people out.

He felt that the pistol and the motorcycle had been found now, and if the murderer had paid attention to the news on the Internet, he might have noticed it at this moment.

Once he noticed the news, maybe there would be some actions, and then his feet would be revealed.

This is Lin Wendong's idea.


Lin Wendong then continued to find the files of the 4 case, intending to sort out the situation again.



Pistols are not available everywhere.

It must go through special and secret channels.

Fang Hao judged that the location of the underground black market transaction had something to do with the gun.

Otherwise, why would the system give such a clue?

But after getting this clue, Fang Hao was not too excited.

Instead, he became calmer.

Among the things I caught this time, besides guns, were axes and motorcycles.

The latter two things are common and can be bought anywhere.

That is, only pistols.

Fang Hao was really surprised to catch a pistol in fishing this time.

This thing can be caught.

Before this, he had never dared to think that he could hook a gun.

This time I caught a gun, so next time I will catch a gun?
Not realistic.

How can it be so magical.

But he was hooked.

He felt that what he was fishing was getting more and more outrageous, and he could catch all kinds of ghosts.

However, this seems reasonable.

The things he fished were very common and could be found in reality, not non-existent things.

Whoever told those people to throw something into the water, no one would find it.

I didn't expect to meet such a special person as Fang Hao, who caught the things they lost while fishing.

After knowing this clue, Fang Hao had to think about how to tell Lin Wendong.

If you tell him directly that you know this place, what will he think?
Some of these underground black market trading locations are not even known to the police.

The other party asks you how you know and how to explain it.

If you tell the other party the location directly, it will be difficult for you to find a reason to explain.

It would be even worse if the target was alarmed and the snake was stunned.

Fang Hao is not so reckless yet.

He must disclose it to the other party through other methods, side tapping.

Fang Hao then looked at the prompt behind this clue.

The clue given by the system this time is not just a location, but also prompt information.

Only now did he have time to check the hints behind this.

When he clicked on the prompt behind the clue, he could see that there was a contact method and related password on the prompt.

It goes without saying.

This contact method is the contact information of the underground black market traders.And the secret code behind is to connect with the other party.

The system is still considerate, this clue is done perfectly, not just a little bit, but a complete clue.

Otherwise, without this password, people will not talk to you at all.

Things seem to be getting easier.

With such clues, wouldn't the case be easier to solve?

It was a surprise.

Fang Hao decided to chat with the other party for a try.

Then I wrote a "Qiangzi introduction" in the remarks information of the friend application.

It didn't take long for this friend to pass the review.


The other party sent a question mark.

"Buy a dog."

Buying a dog is the code word of the other party, which means buying a gun, in order to avoid some limelight.

That way no one else knows what it means.

Only those who know the code word know what it is.

Also, it makes them safer and less likely to be caught.

After all, China is a country that bans guns, and buying and selling guns is a serious crime.

After seeing Fang Hao's message, the other party obviously relaxed his vigilance.

"How many do you want?"


Fang Hao typed a reply.

"Do you want a big dog or a small dog?"


"Ten thousand."

"Get it here at six o'clock tomorrow evening."

The other party sent a location to Fang Hao.

It's just the position of this positioning, not the position given by the system.

Obviously, this location was either deliberately avoided by the other party, or it was deliberately set up for safety reasons.

Fang Hao remained calm, he was just testing now, and he didn't really want to buy, but just tested the other party.

After understanding clearly.

I will find another reason later and tell Lin Wendong about this.

Fang Hao had already thought of the reason.

He said it was the contact information of a black market transaction that he accidentally saw on the Internet, and then added the other party.

There's a lot of stuff like this online.

Then follow the online tutorials and ask these.

As for whether it is true.

With Lin Wendong's character, he must be suspicious.

but it does not matter.

After all, they have no direct evidence to show that they have a relationship with Fang Hao.

Besides, Fang Hao's excuse is that he saw it by accident on the Internet. He can explain later that he forgot where he saw it, but he just added it out of curiosity at the time, and added it unexpectedly.

This explanation also seems to make sense on the surface.

Fang Hao was not in a hurry.

He planned to straighten out his thoughts and then talk to Lin Wendong.

This is a nerve-wracking thing.

Who made himself stand up.

It's okay to ignore this matter, the clues are on him, if he doesn't say anything, the bad guys may get away with it forever, and his conscience will feel bad.


Fang Hao didn't think too much, and then turned his attention back to other rewards.

The diamond chest reward this time is generally not bad.

Not bad.

Fang Hao is also quite satisfied.

He got a new sea fishing rod and a short-term right to use a boat. If he goes fishing in the future, he doesn't need to rent a boat anymore, and he can sail out by himself.

This fishing boat is not big.

It's just... I don't know how to sail a boat yet.

Driving a car and sailing a boat are two different things.

It seems that if I want to go fishing in the sea later, I have to find a driver.

The fishing boat has the right to use it for one month, so Fang Hao must make arrangements to use it later.

Before he started using the boat, the usage permission hadn't been activated yet, and the countdown would not be entered for the time being.

After reading all the rewards, other rewards are not needed for the time being, and they are all stored in the system space.

Fang Hao is also going to take a break, and he will talk about other things after he has a good rest.

Close your eyes and rest.

When I woke up, it was already night.

Out all day.

When he looked at his mobile phone, he found that there were many messages from water friends and fishing friends who usually had a good relationship.

They all asked how he was doing.

Fang Hao also answered them one by one, nothing happened, he was resting at home just now.

This time they caught a pistol, which once again refreshed Fang Hao's impression in their hearts.

The anchor is really awesome.

You can really catch anything.

I don't know what to catch next.

Maybe there will be more sensational things than now.

But think about it, the things caught these few times are actually quite sensational.

Needless to say, the value of the thousand-year-old shipwreck and the ancient tomb of Wu Yinghou.

And the pistol now... This is even more involved in a major case.

Why don't you say it's surprising.

Wait for everyone to reply.

Fang Hao then contacted Lin Wendong.

Tell the other party the 'clues' you know.

When Lin Wendong learned of the clue Fang Hao told him, he was a little surprised, "Are you sure?"

"I don't know either. I saw it by accident while browsing the web, and then, driven by curiosity, I added the other party's friend and chatted."

"I didn't expect it, it's really possible."

"As you know, I just fished a pistol from the lake, so I'm curious about it."

"But I don't know whether the one I bought is real or fake, so I came to you, Officer Lin."

Fang Hao informed Lin Wendong of a 'reason' he fabricated.

Believe it or not, at least Fang Hao's reason for this matter seems to be very good.

Lin Wendong didn't care about this either.

He really doubted what Fang Hao said in his heart.

But whether this is true or false.

No matter how Fang Hao got in touch, at least this clue is very important!

This is also the clue that Lin Wendong has been eager to know.

He has always wanted to know the origin of this gun and where he bought it from.

Perhaps, this is a breakthrough.

This clue came too timely.

This kid is his lucky star.

Surprise yourself every time.

Every time I encounter problems, I will find important clues for myself.

He has to go over now to confirm whether this clue is true.

"I'm coming to find you now."

"You will tell me about it in detail later."

Lin Wendong planned to go directly to Fang Hao, so that the matter could be explained more clearly.

Talking on the phone, some problems may be missed.

Lin Wendong went out in a hurry, which made other police officers curious. What happened to Team Lin in such a hurry?
The policeman, who had just returned from looking for an informant to inquire about the news, watched Lin Wendong drive away before reporting the situation to him.

"Where... is my master going?"

They can only ask other people.

But the reply he got was shaking his head, and the others didn't know.

After all, Fang Hao and Lin Wendong had a one-way connection, and no one knew about it.

no way.

They can only wait for Lin Wendong to come back.


Lin Wendong drove the car and soon arrived at Fang Hao's home.

"Officer Lin."

"Brother Xiaofang, let's not gossip, please describe the matter to me in detail."

Fang Hao nodded, and then told the other party the reason he made up before, and then put the chat records between himself and the other party in front of the other party.

As soon as Lin Wendong saw the code word, he immediately realized that the person opposite might be real.

He has long been familiar with these things after dealing with criminals for a long time.

He looked at the chat records between Fang Hao and the other party, and there was a trace of uncontrollable excitement deep in his eyes.

This clue came too timely.

It is very likely that this clue is related to that case.

If the suspect in the 4 case really bought the pistol from here, then the possibility of solving the case will be even higher.

"Brother Xiaofang, thank you so much."

"This time you did us a big favor again!"

"That...you're welcome, this is what I should do." Fang Hao smiled sheepishly.

"Can you temporarily hand over your contact information to the police? After we catch the other party, we will return it to you."

This is definitely beyond doubt.

Since Fang Hao will inform the other party, he must be prepared for this.

It's useless even if he disagrees, the other party can ask him to cooperate.

He immediately gave Lin Wendong his account password, and they will handle it later.

The task on Fang Hao's side can be regarded as completed.

He has already told Lin Wendong all the clues, and we will see how they solve the case later.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"I'll thank you again when I'm done working this time."

"You're welcome, Officer Lin, this is what we should do." Fang Hao smiled.

After Lin Wendong got the account number and clues, he was also ready to go back, but before going back, he gave Fang Hao a meaningful look in his eyes.

But he didn't break it.

This is the unique tacit understanding between the two.

Fang Hao obviously knew this too.

that's it.

The other party came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

Not a moment's delay.

He hurried back to the police station.


(End of this chapter)

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