Chapter 106
On the first day of June, more than 30 people from the Hong family arrived in Fengyang, the central capital.

At this time, the Jianghuai area is already extremely hot, humid and stuffy, like a steamer.

Zhang Hu and others were all shirtless and only wore shorts.The scientific name of this thing is kun, which can be divided into two types: internal and external.

The triangular ones are called calf-nose jackets, which are worn inside.The ones with the four corners reaching the knees are called knee jackets, which are worn outside.

The brothers of the Zhu family also stepped on wooden clogs and put on shorts, but they were still wearing sleeveless gowns, without showing the two little grandmas, in order to maintain the last trace of royal dignity.

Zhu Zhen was the most comfortable one. He wore a bamboo hat with bare feet, swayed on the back of the Great Sage Pingtian, and could still feel the breeze, which made him not too uncomfortable, and he still had the leisure to look around.

"This Fengyang County is really different from Linhuai." He couldn't help sighing.

The first impression Fengyang gave him was that the bridges were many and the roads were wide.Horse-drawn carts, ox carts, donkey carts, and trolleys flow continuously on the straight and wide official road, as if Zhongdu City has become a big city where merchants gather.

The same cottages on both sides of the avenue are densely populated, connected by rice paddies, and the green farmland stretches as far as the eye can see.From time to time along the way, you can see luxurious garden villas dotted among them. Although most of them are under construction, you can already imagine the atmosphere of the imperial capital with the tops facing each other and the crown like clouds in the future.

"The changes in the capital of China are really changing with each passing day." In the first year of Hongwu, the elder brothers went back to their hometown with their father and eldest brother to worship their ancestors, so they were deeply touched.

"Old five and old six, can you two imagine it? In the first year of Hongwu, everything in front of you, including the Zhongdu City that you are about to see, is just a barren land!" Zhu said proudly:

"At that time, it was full of devastation, ten rooms and nine empties. It can be said that there are no chickens and dogs but crows, no people and no flowers.' Look at the prosperity and prosperity of the present, all relying on the father... the current emperor!"

"That's right. At that time, there were only [-] households and [-] people in the entire Haozhou." Zhu Di's black face turned red with excitement, and his eyes were filled with admiration for his father.

"Later, Haozhou was expanded to include 40 counties in Kyushu, but the population was still less than one hundred thousand. In just a few years, the population has exceeded one million! The entire Fengyang has reclaimed 20 hectares of farmland, and this year's tax and grain must exceed [-] shi, and this is under the condition that the aborigines are exempt from tax!"

Zhu Zhen already knew that the Ming Dynasty divided state capitals by the amount of taxes and grains. The upper mansion was above 20 shi, the middle mansion was more than 20 shi, and the lower mansion was below [-] shi.Only when Fengyang's tax and food exceeds [-] shi can it be considered as officially ranked among the first-tier cities of Ming Dynasty.

The brothers were bragging all the time, but Shen Liuniang, who was hiding in the carriage, finally couldn't listen anymore, poked her head out and said sarcastically:

"No matter how good Fengyang is, it is the property of the emperor. What does it have to do with you?"

"You know what a fart!" The brothers glared at this spoiled bitch together.

"What you know about Fengyang is just hearsay. I am in Fengyang, and I watched Zhongdu City grow from scratch. Tell me, who knows?" After all, Shen Liuniang is young. After this period of recuperation, she has already recovered, recovered

The true nature of sharp teeth.

"The four Hong brothers also said just now that there are less than 1 aborigines in Zhongdu. Today's population of one million is either forced immigrants or conscripted husbands. The blood and tears of these people are the real Fengyang. , not the superficial prosperity of those [-] people living a good life!"

"Hahaha, what this girl said is right." Shi Chenglu, the goatee who came to pick them up, was also attracted by the topics of these young people, and he said in support of Shen Liuniang:
"Although the imperial court paid for the construction of the Central Capital and the Imperial Mausoleum, most of the civil servants were recruited from various places. But all the projects were carried out on the site of Fengyang Mansion, and the labor and repair costs borne by Fengyang Mansion far exceeded what the imperial court exempted. I don't know how many times the tax, and of course it all falls on the common people in the end."

"The common people can't figure out what to do? They can only be beaten to the bone and stripped of their marrow, and their sons and daughters are sold. Except for the aborigines, the Fengyang people have long been overwhelmed and have reached the point where they can't bear it."

"Furthermore, the best land in Fengyang, all the good places, have long been carved up by nobles and tyrants. The remaining ordinary cultivated fields have been taken up by aboriginal households. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were forced to move here To survive, we can only start to deforestation and open up wasteland to grow food in the river embankment and hillside forest land that the locals dislike."

"In addition to the timber used to build the central capital, imperial tombs, and noble gardens, and the consumption of millions of craftsmen to build houses for heating and cooking. In just a few short years, a hundred miles around has been turned into a barren mountain. .” He pointed to the bare low hills in the distance and said:
"I think Fengyang will soon be like Guanzhong in the past. The land is exhausted, vitality is declining, and natural disasters are prevalent. If Zhu Hongwu really moves the capital here, hehe..."

The reason why he didn't go any further was because he noticed that the brothers of the Zhu family had a bad look on their faces, and that big man with a square face seemed to want to beat him up.

Shi Chenglu secretly complained that he had made a mistake.He thought that this brother would naturally hate Zhu Yuanzhang because of his father's crime.Unexpectedly, they were still fans of Zhu Chongba.

It seems that they can only change them subtly, and slowly turn them black towards Zhu Chongba.At the very least, fans have to turn around...

Next, the goatee picked up what the brothers liked to hear.At least the big man with the square face was very easy to coax, and he was coaxed into a smile in no time.

While speaking, Zhongducheng appeared.The majestic and tall blue city wall spread from the official road in front of it to the east and west, and both ends could not be seen at a glance.

The brothers couldn't help being excited again, wishing they could go into Zhongdu City to take a good look.

Their destination was Wuli Temple outside the city.

The explanation given by Shi Chenglu is also very reasonable. "The city of Zhongdu is now a big construction site. There is clanging and dust flying everywhere. It's not as comfortable as living outside the city."

He also told his brothers that their performances will also be outside the city.

It doesn't matter how many brothers there are, anyway, as long as the money is enough, it's okay to go to the grave to play disco.

When I arrived at Wuli Temple, I saw that there was no temple here, but a huge manor.I don't know if the original temple was demolished, or it's just called this name just like there is no wife in the wife cake.

But whatever, live comfortably.

And as soon as the Hong family's class settled down, Goatee brought a cart of rice, flour, grain and oil, a large cart of meat, eggs, and vegetables, and dozens of large watermelons for them to cool off in the well.Supplies are very good.

This made the brothers a little embarrassed, and asked when the show would start?
Goatee said that he was not in a hurry. The owner meant to promote it for a few days before talking about it, so that more people would come to see it.

Now that the master has said so, everyone in Hong's class will stay at ease, rehearse well, and be worthy of this preferential treatment!

ps.Chapter 3, apology for the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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