Chapter 1343 The End
The Ming army soldiers continued to narrow the encirclement and eventually trapped tens of thousands of Wala soldiers in an area less than one mile in radius.

As the space was too small and they could not move freely on horseback, all the Oirat soldiers dismounted, formed a circular defense line with their shields, and continued to stubbornly shoot arrows at the Ming army.

"Pass the order down, suspend the attack." Zhu Zhen ordered in a deep voice. He knew that a trapped beast would fight to the bitter end. He wanted to let the Wala people take a breath and calm their overheated brains so that they could recognize the current situation.

The messenger immediately went down to pass on the order, and the drumbeats stopped abruptly.

As soon as the drums stopped, the Ming soldiers who were exchanging fire with the Oirat soldiers immediately stopped shooting and retreated out of the Oirat soldiers' shooting range to be on guard.

Zhu Zhen looked at Nahachu who was standing aside and ordered, "General, see if you can persuade them to surrender."

"Don't even think about it." Nahachu said decisively: "This is the holy mountain of us Mongolians. Genghis Khan is watching from heaven. Who dares to surrender here?"

"It doesn't matter whether you surrender or not. You have to go through the necessary procedures." Zhu Zhen said calmly.

"I understand." Nahachu nodded in horror and quickly rode his horse down the mountain.

With a messenger holding a command flag leading the way, Nahachu soon arrived in front of the Oirat army.

"I am Nahachu, the former Yuan Dynasty Grand Commandant. I am ordered by the King of Chuhaidian of the Ming Dynasty to tell you to lay down your weapons and surrender immediately, and you will be spared." Nahachu said loudly in Mongolian.

"..." After a moment of silence, Yesudier had someone respond loudly: "I don't know where you came from, you bastard, but I want to ask you, you are willing to be a running dog of the Han people under the holy mountain of Genghis Khan, aren't you afraid of being punished by God?!"

Nahachu blushed and defended himself with a plausible argument: "The will of heaven is cyclical, the Central Plains is prosperous, and now it is the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty who rules the world. The Yuan Dynasty has perished, and we are submitting to the Ming Dynasty in accordance with the will of heaven. Why should heaven punish us?"

After a pause, he said, "It is you barbarians who are disloyal and unrighteous and who go against the will of Heaven. You are the ones who will be punished by Heaven!"

"..."How could the barbarians among the Mongols, the Oirat people, talk nonsense with a cultured person like Nahachu? They were refuted by him with just a few words.

He stopped talking nonsense and shouted, "If you want to fight, then fight. The Wala people would rather die than surrender!"

Nahachu looked back at Zhu Zhen, and seeing him nod slightly, he turned and left the battlefield.

"Send these warriors on their way." Zhu Zhen waved his hand lightly, and the Ming army launched another attack.

This time, the Ming army did not use bows and arrows. Instead, they used camels and horses to transport the artillery that had been placed halfway up the mountain down the mountain, placed it in front of the position, and fired directly at close range!

Amid the roar of the artillery, tongues of fire shot out, shooting all kinds of shotgun shells and solid bullets at the Wala army. The leather and wooden shields of the Wala soldiers could not stop the Ming army's artillery shells at all, and were all blasted into pieces. The soldiers holding shields were naturally doomed, and fell in large numbers under the muzzles of the Ming army like wheat under a sickle.

The Oirat soldiers fought back tenaciously with bows and arrows, but the range of bows and arrows was much shorter than that of artillery, and they could not hurt the Ming army's gunners at all.

When their formation was completely destroyed by the artillery, the Ming cavalry took advantage of the situation and launched an attack. They whistled and circled with their lances, cutting down the Wala soldiers one by one like peeling an apple.

Seeing the soldiers in front of them with their heads and bodies torn apart, their intestines and stomachs ripped apart, and blood, limbs and broken internal organs flying everywhere before their eyes, the Wala soldiers behind them finally collapsed.

They no longer obeyed the leader's command, and knelt down in large numbers to surrender. They were indeed brave warriors who were not afraid of sacrifice, but it was hard to obey the order to let them die in vain when the defeat was already certain...

At dusk, the shouting and killing in the valley finally died down. The last 20,000 Wala soldiers no longer resisted and were all taken prisoner. Ironically, among them were Yesudier and Mahamu.

"Oh, why bother?" Nahachu sighed, "It's unfortunate for the Oirat people to have such a leader."

Zhu Zhen glanced at him and said calmly: "Now you know that your persuasion to surrender is meaningful, right?" "Yes." Nahachu said in admiration: "Your Majesty is kind-hearted. This will save a lot of lives."

"Hehe..." Zhu Zhen smiled noncommittally and said, "Go down, I have some housework to do."

Nahachu also saw several princes coming this way, so he quickly and tactfully took his leave.

Just like a child who got into trouble and didn't dare to go home, Zhu Di was actually very afraid to meet Lao Liu. So he kept delaying until the end of the war and didn't dare to show up.

"Your Highness, go quickly." Zhang Yu and others advised, "You can avoid the first day, but you can't avoid the fifteenth. Go to see the Sixth Prince as soon as possible, be nicer, and help us get leniency."

"Fuck, don't you worry about me at all?" Zhu Di said speechlessly.

"The Sixth Prince has the best relationship with you, so why should we worry?" Zhang Yu and others said, "He must be scolding you, but he is actually helping you."

"You guys can see clearly." Zhu Di smiled bitterly and said, "I also know that Lao Liu will definitely help me, but it is precisely because of this that I am too embarrassed to see him."

"Go, go. The ugly daughter-in-law has to meet her parents-in-law." The generals coaxed and persuaded her.

"Oh, okay." Zhu Di responded helplessly, then he untied his tattered armor and tore off his bright red military uniform that had long been torn into pieces, revealing his skinny torso.

Just when he was about to have someone tie him up, he saw the second and third brothers coming together from a distance.

"Oh, what's going on here?" The third brother laughed at his appearance and said, "Are you asking for forgiveness or a self-torture trick?"

Zhu Di wanted to retort, but he didn't have the nerve to do so, so he pretended not to hear and asked the second brother, "Why is the second brother here too?"

"Support Daning. I heard Lao Liu say he was coming to rescue you, so I followed him." Lao Er smiled innocently, gave him a thumbs up and said, "I admire you..."

"No, no." Zhu Di said modestly.

"Okay, let's go." King Jin said, "I knew you didn't dare to go see the Sixth Brother by yourself, so the brothers are here to take you there."

"What am I afraid of?" Zhu Di straightened his neck and asked guiltily, "Is my case serious?"

"What do you think?" Zhu Gang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Look at our situation. Don't you realize how much trouble you have caused?"

"Is Sixth Brother very angry with me?" Zhu Di's heart tightened and he asked again.

"I don't know." Zhu Gang curled his lips and said, "Anyway, he caught me and scolded me for a whole hour."

"Ah?" Zhu Di was even more nervous now, his face was paler than ever before, and he asked, "One last question, what is your plan for me, father?"

"I don't know." Zhu Gang shook his head and said, "It's not that the emperor doesn't know, but we don't know. Anyway, there must be an order, but the sixth brother is determined not to show it to us."

"Ah..." Zhu Di felt a chill in his heart. What kind of punishment would make the Sixth Old Man so secretive?

(End of this chapter)

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