Chapter 72
After school the next day, as soon as the brothers walked out of the main hall, they saw the eldest brother waiting at the gate of Wenhua.

"Father wants to see you." Zhu Biao straightened Zhu Zhen's collar.

"What's the matter?" Several highnesses were startled, but they hadn't forgotten that the emperor said that the punishment was not enough.

"I don't know." Zhu Biao shook his head and said, "Just let me call you, and don't ask anything."

"Then it looks like nothing good will happen." The fourth child was very knowledgeable.

"Yes, that makes sense." The second child nodded.

"Go and find out." Old San Ang took the first step.

The old five and the sixth followed behind silently, Zhu Zhen touched his butt subconsciously, Nima just happened to be a few days old...

Lao Qi hesitated and asked, "Brother, do I want to go too?"

"Father didn't say anything, you can go if you want." Zhu Biao said gently.

"Then, I'd better not go..." Lao Qi didn't dare to join in the fun anymore. Last time, Chi Yu got hurt and was beaten up by his concubine when he went back. He really didn't want to do it again.

After speaking, he took Lao Ba and fled away.I said in my heart that I don't know anything this time, so I won't be beaten, right?

In the Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang raised his head from the pile of documents, took off his reading glasses, and looked at his sons standing under the steps.

"Okay, in a blink of an eye, I've grown up." Boss Zhu felt proud, and of course the sixth child was not included in this statement.

The boys were out of breath, bowed their heads and listened to the hadith.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't go around in circles, and directly announced that he would send them to Fengyang to practice and live the lives of ordinary people for a year!

After listening, the sons all showed joy.They are all boys in their teens and 20s, who would like to be trapped in the school all day?And it's open all year round...

Who wouldn't be overjoyed if they had the opportunity to go wild now?

"It's not for you to go out to play, but to learn from old farmers in farming!"

"No problem! My son has long wanted to experience for himself the feeling of 'the day of hoeing, sweat dripping into the soil'." The fourth child was overjoyed, as long as he didn't study, he would be happy with whatever he did .

"'The day of hoeing' is not good. It is at least ten times more bitter than what you had in school." Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to remind him kindly, but in fact he was provocative.

Hearing that the prince was extremely depressed, is this his real father?

"You can be a master only if you have to endure hardships and hardships!" Those foolish boys have already lost their heads, and they don't care about swords and fires.

"You can't come back until after the autumn harvest." Zhu Yuanzhang said again.

"Yes, Chinese New Year is fine, no problem."

"There are no guards, no servants, you have to cook your own meals, and you have to wash your clothes..."

"My son is just trying to sharpen himself and prepare for leading troops out of the fortress in the future!" It was not the fourth child who said this, but the third child.

"Okay, good boy." Zhu Yuanzhang patted the third child on the shoulder approvingly, and Zhu Deng glanced proudly at the fourth child.

Dad praised me, not you...

Boss Zhu finally stood in front of Lao Liu, bowed his head and asked, "Lao Liu, your mother thinks you are too young and won't let you go. But let's ask you, do you want to go?"

'What do you think you are too young?Dad, be human. Zhu Biao looked at the caisson on the top of the hall speechlessly.If it wasn't for his father, he would have sprayed directly.

"I'm definitely going." Zhu Zhen said without hesitation: "My brothers were punished because of me. If I don't go, then I will go with Lao Qi
Is it the same? "

"Lao Qi..." Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback for a moment, wondering if Lao Qi is so bad?

But thinking about it again, it seems that he has never been seen, and he is even older than the fifth.

So involuntarily, the father's love is reduced by five.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang withdrew his thoughts and nodded gratifiedly: "That's what makes sense. Our old Zhu's seed should be responsible for this! Well, you go out..."

"Oh." Zhu Zhen was very upset when he heard that, for the content of the next meeting, he was not even qualified to attend the meeting.

But his butt is still itchy, how dare he talk nonsense?Hurry up and go out obediently.

After waiting for the ignorant fart child to go out, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the remaining sons.

Prince 21, King Qin [-], King Jin [-], King Yan [-]...

Oh, I almost forgot, there is also the 15-year-old Wu Wang.

They are all in their prime!
"You are all young men." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the men of the Zhu family expectantly. "It's time to learn to share the worries of the father."

"My son has been waiting for this day!" The third child hurriedly said.

"Father, please order!" The fourth child was not slow.

" too." The second child...

"This time I want you to go back to your hometown. Apart from training, there is another important task for you." Zhu Yuanzhang didn't let it go, and said in a deep voice, "See the people's sentiments for us!"

"Oh..." The enthusiasm of the sons faded a lot.Isn't it just to walk around and have a look and chat?What is this important errand.

"What? Think it's too simple? Why don't you go and capture Wang Baobao?" Zhu Yuanzhang sneered.

"Okay, okay..." The second child was not slow to respond this time.

"What a fool!" Zhu Yuanzhang cursed, copied a book casually, and repeatedly smacked the square head of the second child. "A group of things with high eyesight and low hands, give me some peace of mind! Let's start with the simple ones!"

"Yes, father..." The second child nodded aggrievedly, and the other brothers quickly responded.

"And this task seems simple, but it is actually very important." Zhu Yuanzhang pointed at the case with a serious expression: "Go forward and have a look."

The brothers gathered around, and saw that the copybooks on the imperial case were not various memorials, but clear and white household stickers.

Why do you know this name?Because the cover of each book is written with "Household stickers" and the words "Imperial Decree on November 26, the third year of Hongwu Hubu".

Later, there is "a certain province, a certain county, a certain county, a few volumes"...

When I opened it, each page recorded a family's address, member household registration information, and real estate and housing conditions.

In addition, there are seals, seals, serial numbers, etc. of the handling personnel at all levels, which look very rigorous...

But not surprisingly, the brothers looked at it at a loss.

"This is the booklet of household stickers made by the emperor's father in the third year of Hongwu." The prince pointed to the far right side of each page of household stickers, reminding his younger brothers
"The imperial decree at that time is printed here."

Several highnesses began to read carefully, only to see the original text of the imperial decree:
' Said that the officials of the household department knew that the world is peaceful now, but the household registration is not clear.Teach Zhongshu Province to set up the survey and collection of the household registration of the world, and you will publish the list for each household, and teach those who have officials to put the people under their control into the officials with their names, write the number of people in their families, and write It's true that I have a household post with that common people, and the upper half of the seal is used for inspection, and all of them have been inspected. '

"My army is not going to go out now. They are all taught to go to various states and counties, and go around the field to count households for comparison. Those who are compared are good people. Those who can't be compared are used as an army."In the meantime, if some officials concealed it, they would be beheaded.Every time the people avoided it, they punished them for their crimes according to the law and used them as troops.This is it. '

The imperial decree of Emperor Hongwu is so original and down-to-earth that ordinary people can understand it as soon as they hear it.

Of course the princes could understand better, the third and fourth child showed a thoughtful expression, while the second child looked up at the elder brother with pure eyes like a baby.

"The long-term peace and stability of my Ming Dynasty depends entirely on this thing." The prince had no choice but to explain patiently.

ps.Chapter 9, right?

(End of this chapter)

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