LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 106 Invincible, really lonely

Chapter 106 Invincible, Really Lonely (One more five thousand)
There are five full circles.

The wheels of the bicycle are almost smoking.

Apart from the joy at the beginning, Lu Qi only felt his scalp tingling afterward.

As soon as he entered the yard, without saying a word this time, he just lay on the rocking chair, staring blankly at the dark clouds in the sky like a salted fish.

Lacus and the others also knew that they were afraid that he would be very tired this time, so they didn't come up to bother him.

Turn your attention to the bike.

I was taken by Lu Qi for a stroll outside just now, and I just sat in the back seat to experience it.

The conclusion is naturally good. Compared with riding a horse or riding a carriage, it is two different feelings.

This car, which looks ordinary and knocked out of iron bumps, can explode at such a fast speed.

If they only looked at the drawings at the beginning, they might not understand the meaning of bicycles.

But now, after experiencing it for themselves, they realize that the bicycle is indeed a phenomenal invention.

Even if this bicycle cannot replace carriages and horses, it is at least an invention of the same level as these.

The most important thing is that the capital invested in bicycles is much cheaper than horse-drawn carriages.

If there is no accident, bicycles will definitely be integrated into the streets and alleys of Demacia in the future, and the meaning is naturally extraordinary.

And the inventor is now lying on a rocking chair like a salted fish.

For such an important matter, if it were someone else, he would have been so excited that he wished that the bicycle would let the whole of Demacia know about it tomorrow.

And this guy was a little fresh at the beginning, and he rode out for a couple of laps, but now he doesn't even look at him anymore.

This made the girls not know what to say about him for a while.

Right now, they are quite interested in bicycles.

Being taken out for a walk, and riding out for a walk by yourself are naturally two completely different experiences.

Seeing how easy it was for Lu Qi to ride around, they also wanted to try it.

"Shall I come first?"

Lux was already eager to try it, and raised her hand to ask the opinions of the others.

The three girls took a step back, nodded and decided to let her try first.

At this time, with a "tick", Lu Qi, who was lying on the rocking chair, felt his nose wet, and a drop of rain fell on his nose impartially.

In his field of vision, the sky was covered with dark clouds, a little darker than before, as if it was raining heavily.


This time, more raindrops fell, which also caught the attention of Lux and the others over there.

"It's raining."

"Let's take shelter from the rain first."


It seems that this bicycle can't be tried for a ride, just because of the time of talking, the rain has become heavier.

"What about that guy?"

Lux glanced at the rocking chair, but found that Lu Qi had long since disappeared, and turned her head.

This guy has already moved a small stool, sitting under the eaves in front of the house, yawning and preparing to watch the rainy day.

So they ignored him, and a few of them also trotted towards the mansion.

Halfway through the run, Kasina suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I brought the mahjong that His Highness said!"

As she spoke, she turned around quickly, covered her head with her hands, and ran towards the carriage.

This rain is like dry wood and raging fire, it ignites at one point, and the previous second was calm, but the next second it became a torrential downpour.


The bean-sized rain kept falling, getting bigger and bigger, braving the rain, Kashina found a box from the carriage, and then ran back at a faster pace.

By the time I got there, my body was already drenched, and drops of water were dripping off.

The summer clothes themselves are not thick, and she is still wearing a white skirt. When it hits the water, the skirt sticks to her body, outlining the slender curves.

Urna handed over a towel that had already been prepared.

"Thank you."

Sweetly showing a thankful smile, Kashina first handed the box in her hand to Lu Qi, "Your Highness, you are talking about mahjong."

Lu Qi withdrew his eyes from the heavy rain outside, took the box, and smiled at her: "Let Urna take you to change clothes first."

"Yeah." Kashina nodded and followed Urna away while wiping her hair.

A damp smell that comes with rainy days has begun to spread in the air, which is not unpleasant.

Lu Qi opened the box, and saw row after row of exquisite jade-like mahjong inside.

It was engraved with familiar patterns. He picked up one of them and looked at it carefully. The workmanship is quite exquisite.

It's not light, but it's not particularly heavy either. It's about the length of your thumb and two and a half fingers wide.

This size is just right, and the texture is carved by hand. It is obvious that Navis has put a lot of effort into it.

Lacus, Fiona, and Sona walked over, and also set their sights on Mahjong.

They each picked up one and looked at it curiously.

Lacus picked up Gao Gao in her hand, placed it in a place where the light was brighter and looked up: "What is the gameplay of this mahjong?"

Fiona pinched her eyes and said, "The workmanship looks quite beautiful."

Sona nodded in agreement.

Lu Qi stood up, not going to continue watching the rain scene, and said with great interest: "It's always fun, I'll show you two rounds and you'll know."

Several people moved to the living room, where there was a table just suitable for playing mahjong.

Pour all the mahjong in the box on the table.

At the same time, there were many bound papers that were poured out.

"The rules are all written on it, you should study and study by yourself."

Lu Qi handed these to several people respectively.

This was what he had prepared for Navis in advance. Mahjong had too much to say, and if he dictated it, he might not be able to explain it clearly.

So, just write everything down on paper and see it all at a glance.

The first page is about the basic rules of mahjong, and the other pages are all types of mahjong.

He also made a picture on it to prevent a certain golden retriever from being confused.

Fortunately, there is a printing machine. Except for the first copy, which took a little trouble, the subsequent copies are basically unlimited copies.

At this moment, the three girls who had received the instructions had no time to talk to Lu Qi.

Focus on the manual.

After giving them a little time to understand the basic rules, Lu Qi said after turning the page, "You can watch and play at the same time. The fastest way to learn is to actually fight two games."

Mahjong, if you just watch it, you may not be able to understand the rules even if you explain the rules clearly.

But as long as you get started for two laps, you will understand everything you need to know.

Hearing this, the three of them put down the manual and prepared to play a few games.

So, the sound of washing mahjong "cracking" started with the sound of heavy rain pouring down outside.

After two laps, they easily figured out the rules.

The rules are really not difficult, you just need to memorize dozens of cards, and then draw and play the cards. The rest is to make one powerful card type after another.

Kashina, who had changed her clothes, also moved a chair and watched from the side.

"Have you figured it all out?"

Lu Qi looked at several people.

Including Lacus, several girls nodded their heads, their eyes gleaming with eagerness.

Lu Qi said: "Then one cent and one silver, win or lose depends on the number."

"No problem!" Lux nodded immediately, her luck was pretty good in the first two laps, and she played a few games in a row.

From the moment she started playing mahjong, she knew that this game was born for her.

At this time, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Look at me killing three families!"

This familiar self-confidence gave Lu Qi a feeling of deja vu.

However, considering that Mahjong does have a novice buff, he didn't make a mockery.

Facing the arrogant tone of the little golden retriever, Fiona and Sona both laughed it off.

Soon, the real mahjong will begin.

As the number of games played increased, several people became clear about the rules, various card types and numbers.

Not one of them here has a bad memory.

The speed of drawing and playing cards has also unknowingly increased. At the beginning, you need to read the instructions and card types, but you don't need to read them later.

As time goes by, they also understand more and more the fun of mahjong.

This kind of game is not single, and it is not rigid. The number of players is four. Because there are 144 cards and random drawing of cards, the cards in each game are very different, and finally there are various types of cards. and different numbers.

The combination is a very playable game.

Especially the feeling when the card you want is in your hand, it is simply wonderful.

After a few laps it was Lucci winning the most.

Of course, this is because he is very good at playing, and his luck is also good.

That's why we won a lot.

He can't cover the sky with one hand in mahjong, and sometimes he is unlucky, and he has nothing to do if he can't get the cards.

At present, it can be regarded as a take-all.

"Six barrels."


"Thirty thousand."

As Kashina reported the cards played for Sona, it was Miss Crownguard's turn to draw the cards.

She took a deep breath, stretched out her hand to fetch a card, then looked it up, and was immediately discouraged, revealing the disappointment visible to the naked eye.

The expression on this guy's face is that he is listening to the card, and now he obviously didn't get what he wanted.

She is the one who knows best when she is present, whether the cards she draws is good or bad is written on her face.

Sometimes when you make a big deck, you have already written your pride on your face before touching it yourself.

Lux glanced at the cards in her hand, she had already seen many cards outside, so she played them with confidence.


"Three barrels."

"Twenty thousand."

"fifty thousand."

At this time, Lux touched a piece of chicken, and her brows were immediately squeezed together. She looked at the pile of cards she had played, but she hadn't seen any of them.

Then she secretly observed the expressions of the three of them. Fiona, Sona, and Lu Qi all had very flat expressions, quietly waiting for her to play cards.

It seems that no one is doing big names.

"Should be safe."

With a low murmur, Lux played the cards in her hand, "Yaoji."


As soon as the cards landed on the table, Fiona, who was sitting on her left, directly pushed the cards down, and said with a faint smile, "A chicken with three colors and three straights, Ba Fan."

Lacus was stunned for a moment, but she was slightly relieved when she heard that it was only a few words.

"Wait a moment!"

However, in the next second, Kashina raised her hand and said happily, "We seem to be fooled too. The one-color four-section high is 32, and the door is cleared twice, a total of 34!"

This made Lux feel uncomfortable all of a sudden, one silver coin is one coin, and this shot directly hits three gold and four silver coins.

This action can be said to make her already one of the few small coffers even worse!
The amputated Fiona sighed.

It was the first time for Sona, who made the 32-fan pattern, to be happy when she heard a sneer from the side.

When Lux heard the sneer, a bad premonition also emerged in her heart.

She turned her head and looked to the right, and saw Lu Qi with a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth, pushing down the cards one by one.

"I'm sorry, the national scholar is unparalleled, but the chick is missing!"

Lux's small face turned pale in an instant, looking at the cards that Lu Qi pushed down, her face was full of bewilderment.

The two Sona sisters who were cut off also gave Lu Qi a dissatisfied look.

After finally becoming a big name, he was cut off by this nasty guy.

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt more balanced in her heart, and couldn't help but glance at Miss Crown Guard sympathetically.

"Fan 88, this is my first Hu Guoshi Wushuang, thank you Miss Mianwei for your kindness."

Lu Qi looked at the dull Lacus with a smile on his face.

I was also amazed in my heart.

This shot hits three players, and also points out a national warrior Wushuang. Looking at the entire mahjong circle, it is quite rare.

As expected of Miss Crownguard.

Reluctantly, Lux took out eight gold and eight silver from her wallet.

Looking at Lu Qi resentfully, he handed it over.

Seeing the smirk on this guy's face made him even angrier.

This guy has no idea how much money he took from her little coffers!
Lu Qi said endlessly at the moment: "Oh, I can't let go of this money."

As soon as this wave of ridicule fell, Fiona and Sona immediately turned their eyes on Lu Qi, and the smell of gunpowder faintly appeared in the two pairs of beautiful eyes.

Of course, the little money they lost was not a lot to them.

But when I think about being won by Lu Qi, and I have to listen to this guy, I feel quite upset!

At this moment, they also silently shuffled the cards and began to shuffle them.

If they don't believe it, they can't win!
I felt that the eyes of the three girls on the table gradually became dangerous.

Lu Qi also sensed something was wrong, put the money he won in his pocket, stood up and made an excuse to escape: "It's getting late, it's almost time to prepare lunch."

As soon as he stood up, a small hand stretched out ruthlessly, grabbing him.

Looking back, I saw a dangerous sneer on Lux's face: "Don't worry, we're not hungry yet."

And looking at Fiona and Sona, they were also sitting on the chairs shuffling the cards unhurriedly, with indifferent expressions.

This was also the first time they were able to remain unmoved in front of lunch.

Obviously, Lu Qi has completely ignited the anger in their hearts!
If you want to run away after winning the money like the last time fighting the landlord, the girls are naturally not allowed.

In desperation, Lu Qi was forced to beat him a few more times.

And won a lot more.
Lacus was so angry that she almost flipped the table.

Even Fiona and Sona couldn't keep their composure now, a flame ignited in their hearts, which couldn't be extinguished no matter how they were poured.

"Hey, I said I don't want to play anymore, so I insisted on pulling it. Is it okay now? Can you still get money out of your body?"

Lu Qi stood up, and sighed helplessly, with the word arrogance almost written on his face.

The pockets of his clothes were full of coins, all of which were won from the small coffers on their bodies.

What a cute halo, it's useless in the face of absolute strength!

Maybe that's the power.

Invincible is really lonely.

Although he didn't say it out loud, the girls present could already feel what he was thinking.

All of them were angry and unhappy, and stared at him with beautiful eyes, wishing they could swallow him up on the spot.

But right now, there was nothing he could do with this guy.

The only ones here are Kashina and Sona, who still have some money.

But there is not much left. Although their family is rich, it is not possible to bring so much cash when going out.

Not to mention, they didn't expect that one day they would encounter such a need for money at Lu Qi's house.

After playing mahjong for so many rounds, don't look at it as equal to one silver. In fact, if you draw a hand with a high number of numbers, you can win a lot of money with one hand.

For example, if it wasn't for Ms. Guanwei who single-clicked the Guoshi Wushuang and Lu Qi touched it, it would be 8.8 gold for a family.

Lu Qi's cards are very strong, and he can easily draw himself.

In this way, the money on them is naturally unbearable.

"Stop playing, I'm going to prepare lunch."

Lu Qi smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the kitchen, his mood can be said to be happy.

Of course, this amount of money was nothing to him.

But when I think about who I won it from, it's very refreshing.

Seeing him leave, the girls couldn't stop him anymore and sighed one by one.

Today is considered to be numb by this guy.

"Let's make a free call."

Kashina suggested at this time.

After watching so many laps, her hands were already itchy, and she wanted to play two sets in person.

The other three women naturally had no objection, and wanted to hone their poker skills, so they played mahjong for free.

And Lu Qi leisurely started preparing lunch in the kitchen.

He raised his head and looked out the window. It had been raining outside for several hours, but it had already subsided. The drops of water falling from the eaves might be stronger than the current rain.

It seems that in a short while, the rain will stop.

At this moment, a little sunshine can be seen outside, which is very soft, and the refreshing after the rain also makes the atmosphere very good.

Lu Qi liked this feeling very much, humming a song while preparing lunch.

When the meal was ready, he yelled at the living room.


After listening to dinner.

The girls who had already smelled the fragrance dropped the mahjong in their hands, and came to the kitchen to sit down.

Today's lunch is very rich. There are new dishes every day. There are several dishes that I have never seen before. The steaming aroma is delicious.

A few girls were in a bad mood after losing mahjong all morning, but when they saw this table of delicious food, they became better.

Looking at Lu Qi at this time, he also felt quite pleasing to the eye.

All the money was won by this guy, and now he has to pay back his money.

Thinking of this, several people let go of their stomachs and enjoyed the food to their heart's content.

Sona thinks about losing weight every time before eating.

As I ate and ate, I changed my mind.

It doesn't matter if you don't lose weight!
(End of this chapter)

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